Dfghjkl - this isnt a real essay ignore PDF

Title Dfghjkl - this isnt a real essay ignore
Author Cwainer 276
Course Physiology
Institution University of Northampton
Pages 2
File Size 60.2 KB
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this isnt a real essay ignore...


Is there life after death?

Is there life after death? Many people think that there is a life after this one, in religion or just a general belief in a life after this one. People believe in heaven and hell, many people also believe in reincarnation, which would be being reborn into this life as another person or animal etc. Alternatively, a lot of people believe its all fake and believe in nothingness after dying. it’s a very controversial topic to do with people’s beliefs in religion or their belief science, a pair that often clashes with each other. Though some people look for a scientific explanation to the afterlife, but there is no current evidence to prove it. The main reason many people believe in it is religion. The biggest religions that believe in life after death being Christianity , Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. The 3 Abrahamic religions believing in a heaven and hell and Hinduism believing in reincarnation. Islamically it is a very big part of their religion, being one of the fundamental beliefs, to believe in the hereafter, it is one of the five pillars of Islam. Muslims believe that everything in this life we do is a big test to determine whether or not we are eligible to go to heaven as reward or to hell as a punishment, this is clearly stated in the Quran and is common knowledge among Muslims. In Christianity It is also believed that there is life after death, this is also a big part of the faith and centred around Jesus being resurrected after being crucified and left in the mountain. Christians believe this is a big part of gods divine plan, that Jesus’ crucifixion was atonement for mankind’s sin and that he was crucified to repair mankind’s relationship with God. In Judaism life after death is a widely debated topic as there isn’t very much detail on it, but many Jews believe that our souls came from god and will return to him, and there are some teachings that ,state when we die that our souls and body are separated and then they are brought back together on the day of judgment, where it’s decided whether someone will go to hell or to heaven, much like in Islam. In Hinduism, most Hindus believe in a cycle called samsara, this is a cycle of life and death where at death, the persons atman (soul in this context) is transferred into another body, based on the persons actions in the life. They believe that a person’s atman is reborn into an animal if they repeatedly fail to learn from the mistakes of their past life. Hindus believe in karma to dictate they’re afterlife, if they do good, they will have a positive reincarnation and alternatively if they do bad, they will have a negative reincarnation.

On the other hand, there are people who don’t believe in anything after death, generally atheists. There is no scientific evidence of life after death, which is a good reason to not believe in it. Science is there to understand things and prove theories, if the theory of life after death has not been proven then that is enough evidence for someone to not want to believe in it. People may also not believe in it because there is no explanation for a life after death such as if they do not believe in a god etc. Meaning they don’t have a religious purpose of life for themselves like believing this world is a test to enter the hereafter like some faiths. The only “evidence” those who believe in a hereafter, but not because of religion, have is the experience of people who have had a near death experience and seen things such as a “light at the end of a tunnel”, the end of the tunnel being a hereafter or life after death. But as no one has come back from the dead to confirm if there is one, there is no proof of it....

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