Dino Conti présentation[ 496] PDF

Title Dino Conti présentation[ 496]
Author Yo LA
Course Anglais
Institution Université de Franche-Comté
Pages 2
File Size 52.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Hello, I’m Albert, marketing manager and, with my colleague Manon, we will present you our project to improve Dino Conti’s society. We get 3 million, let us see what we can do.

Dino Conti presentation Intro : Part 1: export to China and Russia ($1.2 million). The goal is to touch as much people as possible. We already get the US but we must increase our number of consumers. 145 million people live in Russia and China represents 1,400 billion maybe future “ice eaters”. Especially, China is consuming more and more ice cream. According to the latest figures found, China consumes 2L of ice per capita per year, but this figure is on the rise as it expects to triple the number of ices consumed in the coming years. To start, we will put the ice creams stands just next to the companies for the workers who just finished their day and are starving (or when they want a good dessert after lunch pause), some others will be placed next to schools for children of course, who, after tasting our ice creams will be ready to kill their parents to get another one. We will implement the last ones in city centers. Part 2: Upgrade its equipment and fleet ($1.2 million). We plan to improve our equipment with the launch of automatic ice cream dispenser, with some tastes discovered in stores. These distributors will be placed in major cities in strategic locations, just like the subway exit, everybody will see our brand and if we are lucky, they will taste it. The prices will be higher than in the stores and the distributors will not propose every different taste because we want people to continue to come and buy in our shops. Regarding to the fleet, we will use a lot of refrigerated cargos: smaller than container ship but faster and specialized in long food transport.

Part 3: Increase its advertising budget ($500 000). Our delicious ice creams must be known all over the globe, that is why we have to be everywhere, on television of course, on social media like YouTube for instance (we can even pay some youtubers to eat our ice creams in front of their subscribers and say that it is delicious). We will also focus on distributing flyers, especially in China, because this is something that is done a lot. Our advertising will be everywhere: on the walls, the buses, in metro station and… maybe on some planes if we still get enough money. Part 4: rest of the money ($100 000).

With the remaining money, the plan is to create loyalty cards to distribute to customers (one card per client), thanks to this card they will be able to enjoy a t-shirt offered as soon as they have bought 20 different ice creams flavors. We will have to work on the design of these T-shirt but the most important is that there is our Dino Conti’s logo somewhere on it. The consumer is happy to get a free T-shirt and he makes some advertising for us; two birds with one stone. We are also going over a period of one month to test new ice creams tastes specific to China and Russia to check what they really like.

Well, you can see we are very optimist regarding to the evolution of the number of our consumers. In the year 2021, about 220 000 000 people who are eating our ice creams. Honestly, we think that it is going to go up very quickly. In only 5 years, we hope to touch about 1 800 000 000 people.

Albert Manon...

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