Diploma of Community Services Chcccs 007- Develop and implement service programs Assignment PDF

Title Diploma of Community Services Chcccs 007- Develop and implement service programs Assignment
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CHCCCS007- Develop and implement service programs
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to engage consumers, analyse service needs of particular groups and develop programs and services to meet those needs.

This unit applies to workers coordinating or managing team...


CHCCCS007 Develop and implement service programs Learner Workbook

CHCCCS007 Learner Workbook V1.1

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Activities Activity 1A Estimated Time Objective

20 Minutes To provide you with an opportunity to develop a plan for consumer participation and engagement in decisions about service provision.

Activity 1. What are the benefits of developing a plan for consumer participation and engagement? ➢ Fosters a better outcome. These include the ability to generate new ideas, developing customised solutions and tailor them to the needs of the consumers. This results in cost savings and allows for better more durable achievement of goals and efficient use of resources.

➢ Provides a Two-Way Flow of Information Consumer involvement produces a clear and more valuable input for decision making as well as obtaining valuable input from consumers. It is also important to expand opportunities to reach and gain feedback from new audience.

Enhances Public Support and Satisfaction

Strong innovative consumer engagement not only improves communication with the public but also makes them become better informed and gain satisfaction as well as confidence in planning activities. Effective communications enhance better relationships through shared information which builds trust and creating spaces where people can interact successfully.

➢ Overcoming Challenges Consumer engagement can be time consuming creates potential conflict, but these challenges may be overcome through development of a comprehensive public engagement plan.

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2. Who could you involve when you are developing your plan? ➢ Management ➢ Staff ➢ Consumers ➢ Community ➢ Funding bodies ➢ Volunteers ➢ Internal and External Stakeholders ➢ 3. In what ways can you help develop engagement? ➢ Conducting Surveys ➢ Requesting for Feedback ➢ Conducting workshops ➢ Training sessions ➢ Interviews and Focus groups

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Activity 1B Estimated Time Objective

20 Minutes To provide you with an opportunity to investigate the needs of individuals as the basis for service provision in line with consumer participation and engagement plan.

Activity 1. What should you consider when investigating the needs of individuals? ➢ Develop the right connections with the individual. ➢ Do an extensive research on the individual’s background. ➢ Identifying the problem before consulting the individual by clearly identifying the problem resources can be directed towards developing and implementing a feasible and applicable solution. ➢ Establish goals and objectives to be achieved.

2. What can influence the needs of individuals? ➢ Demographic factors such as age, family structure ➢ Social and cultural factors ➢ Religious Factors ➢ Economic factors such as employment, status, ➢ Psychological factors- mental wellbeing, status ➢ Geographic factors such as location, climate ➢ Political factors such as political stability

3. When working with different people, what values should you adopt and what legislation should you follow? ➢ Based on a code of conduct it is important to value: ➢ A person background such as their cultural beliefs, family structures ➢ Do not impose your own values do not provide options and services based on what we feel is right but that we work with people in relation to what is right for them.

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➢ We should always remember that it is their life and only they should make decisions about how they should love their life. ➢ Be aware and sensitive respect their own values if we respect them, they will feel valued and enhances confidence.

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Activity 1C Estimated Time Objective

20 Minutes To provide you with an opportunity to recognise processes and communications that may be a barrier to consumer participation and develop mechanisms to overcome these.

Activity 1. What possible barriers are there to consumer participation? ➢ Lack of effective A few factors such as cultural misunderstandings, lack of two-way communication with service providers and not understanding how the systems works can be barrier to get effective results. ➢ Inaccessibility to relevant and useful information and events ➢ Lack of interest in where participation is needed. ➢ Lack of funding and resources for maximum participation ➢ Not have relevant tools for participation ➢ Physical Barriers such as physical wellness and ability ➢ Feeling unsafe or insecurity to participate ➢ Lack of skills and confidence to participate.

2. How do you analyse and overcome a potential barrier? ➢ Using appropriate language ➢ Offer transport options otherwise offer accessible meeting ad consultation processes, times and venues. accessible meeting and consultation processes, times and venues ➢ Ask the person how they would prefer the barriers be addressed. ➢ Ask the person how they would like barriers to be addressed. ➢ Describe the background of the activity that needs participation and explain to the participants, so they know before participating and that they will feel confident. ➢ Sufficient funding should be allocated, and a budget be allocated.

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Activity 1D Estimated Time Objective

20 Minutes To provide you with an opportunity to interact and consult with people accessing the service to monitor changing needs so that they can be addressed.

Activity 1. What is monitoring? ➢ Involves a regular observation and recording of activities taking place in a project. It involves giving feedback about the progress of the project and beneficiaries of the project with all stakeholders. It also involves assessment, implementation and alterations of any information or activities.

2. What should you consider when monitoring? ➢ Observe an unusual performance or behaviours. ➢ Ask questions and collect feedback. ➢ Observe any irregularities and note and issues that need to be addressed. ➢ Key issues and questions you need to investigate. ➢ Decide who to involve at different stages of your monitoring framework. ➢ Decide your guiding principles and which programmes you want to monitor. ➢ Clarify your aims, objective and pathway and what information you need to collect. ➢ Decide how to communicate the information. 3. How might you collect or receive client feedback? ➢ Customer feedback and surveys ➢ Email and customer contact forms ➢ Social Media ➢ Instant feedback from website ➢ Reach out directly.

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Activity 1E Estimated Time Objective

20 Minutes To provide you with an opportunity to consult and collaborate with other services and networks to address multi-faced needs of individuals and client groups.

Activity 1. Why might you need to consult and collaborate with other services? ➢ Working collaboratively ensures the best service delivery is based on mutual respect, good communication and a shared understanding of common goals. ➢ All people are valued members of the community and each person had something of value to contribute participation is encouraged. ➢ Consultation and collaboration mean working together to reach a common goal involves teamwork good communication and problem solving. ➢ When other services are consulted feedback, suggestions and reviews are encouraged and acted upon information is shared and decisions are made together. ➢ The aim is to reach a clearly defined goal in the most effective way possible this engagement underlies all collaborative activities.

2. What services and networks might you need to connect with? Group Projects ➢ Supervisory Meetings ➢ Making a referral ➢ Funding bodies ➢ Suppliers ➢ Work colleagues ➢ Support and networking groups 3. When might you need to refer someone? ➢ When you notice an unusual pattern ➢ When you see no change in a circumstance ➢ When you feel a need a second opinion

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➢ Upon request from them

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Activity 1F Estimated Time Objective

20 Minutes To provide you with an opportunity to evaluate broader organisation context and its impact on service delivery.

Activity 1. What things should you consider when you are evaluating service delivery? ➢ Funding sources it is good to understand funding sources and how funding is managed. ➢ Consulting widely all stakeholders and has the board approved of the service delivery. ➢ Is there an evaluation framework, do we have systems to continue service user engagement? ➢ Have we engaged service users in the planning, and do we have the capacity to conduct the evaluation?

2. What potential issues or conflicts might there be? ➢ Non approval from the board ➢ Noninterest from participants ➢ Sometimes minor changes may be made to the way the service is delivered. ➢ Modifications intended to fit within policy and budgetary guidelines. ➢

Language and learning barriers misunderstand and lack of information on The form of service delivery

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Activities 1A to 1F checklist – for assessor This should be used by the trainer/assessor to document the learner’s skills, knowledge and performance as relevant to the unit activity. Indicate in the table below if the learner is deemed satisfactory (S) or not satisfactory (NS) for the activity or if reassessment is required. Learner’s name Assessor’s name Unit of Competence (Code and Title) Date(s) of assessment

CHCCCS007- Develop and implement service programs

Has the activity been answered and performed fully, as required to assess the competency of the learner? Has sufficient evidence and information been provided by the learner for the activity? The learner’s performance was:

Not yet satisfactory


(Please circle)



(Please circle)


If not yet satisfactory, date for reassessment: Feedback to learner:

Learner’s signature Assessor’s signature

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Activity 2A Estimated Time Objective

20 Minutes To provide you with an opportunity to facilitate input to program development from internal and external stakeholders.

Activity 1. What are stakeholders and what is the difference between internal and external stakeholders? Stakeholders ➢ A stakeholder in an organisation is (by definition) any group or individual who can affect or is affected by the achievement of the organization’s objectives” (Freeman, 1984, p. 46).

➢ Internal stakeholders are people whose interest in a company comes through a direct relationship, such as employments, ownership or investment where external stakeholders are those who do not directly work with a company but are affected somehow by the actions and outcomes of the business (Freeman, 1984, p. 46).

2. Identify potential stakeholders and state if they are internal or external. Internal stakeholders ➢ Employees, Managers, Board of Directors, Investors

External stakeholders ➢ Consumers, Regulators, Investors, Suppliers, Competitors

3. Identify methods that you can use to facilitate input from stakeholders. ➢ Small group facilitated workshops -virtual or in person. ➢ Conference call interviews ➢ One on one interviews ➢ Focus groups.

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➢ Surveys and questionnaires

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Activity 2B Estimated Time Objective

20 Minutes To provide you with an opportunity to engage people accessing programs in management processes and develop formal arrangements as required.

Activity 1. What are the potential benefits of involving people in management processes? ➢ Mutual understanding as everyone is well informed of what needs to be achieved. ➢ Efficiency and increased production as everyone are aware of the goals and that sense of involvement increases participation. ➢ It also enhances personal development internally and reduces misunderstanding. ➢ Improved decision making as decision making is not only centralised. ➢ Improved communication as well as building a stronger community and innovation.

2. How might you involve people in the management processes for your program? ➢ Providing them with relevant tools and resources to achieve a better and effective management process ask for input. ➢ Recognise them for their hard work through awards for example long term service awards. ➢ Encourage Teamwork and offer them support through training also allow them to exercise authority and make decisions on behalf of management. ➢ Clearly define your expectations, be consistent and set a good example.

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Activity 2C Estimated Time Objective

20 Minutes To provide you with an opportunity to incorporate consideration of individual differences, rights, needs and preferences in the planning processes.

Activity 1. What individual rights and other needs or preferences should you consider in the planning process? ➢ The right to make decisions. ➢

Geographical preference or location

Participant’s interests and idea should be respected.

The right to choose and to deny a service offered if one is n ot comfortable.

Respect individual differences backgrounds and cultural beliefs

Make sure participants are well informed and are comfortable to be involved in the process.

2. What is the duty of care based on? ➢ An individual rights and preferences and their needs ➢ According to the Workplace Health and Safety Act 1995 it should be based on if it is in the workplace there is a general duty of care on employers of the workplace to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees and others who come on to the workplace. ➢ ➢ On the other hand, employees have an obligation to take care of others and cooperate with employers in matters of health and safety and be compliant with the relevant OHS /WHS Act ➢ ➢

Consulting with employees to enable them to contribute to the making of decisions affecting their health, safety and welfare at work.

➢ Providing services without harming persons of interest or violating their rights

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➢ Diversified culture approach that not everyone is the same every individual is unique.

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Activity 2D Estimated Time Objective

20 Minutes To provide you with an opportunity to integrate both internal and external services as required.

Activity What are internal and external services? ➢ Internal service -a service delivered between departments or business units in the same organisation that are directly involved in the day to day running of a business for example raising a ticket with IT desk communication between Account Receivables and Payables Departments whereas External Service is a service delivered to external customers that are not directly involved in the day to day to day activities of the business for example delivery of goods to customers ,community, society and governments .

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Activity 2E Estimated Time Objective

20 Minutes To provide you with an opportunity to determine financial, human and physical resource requirements.

Activity 1. What are the benefits of assessing resource requirements? ➢ It helps in efficient allocation of resources and in order make decisions about priorities and helps in determining gaps to achieve desired goals.

Identifying needs and resources before starting a program or initiative means that you know from the beginning what you are dealing with and are less likely to be blindsided later by something you did not expect.

➢ It saves time and money and avoids duplicating efforts when you can determine what is already working and where you can best contribute.

➢ Making the best decisions since one owns the resources.

2. When should you assess resource requirements? ➢ Before ➢ During ➢ After

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Activity 2F Estimated Time Objective

20 Minutes To provide you with an opportunity to develop supporting systems and procedures.

Activity 1. What are the benefits of support systems and procedures? Consistency ➢ Having something that everyone sticks to means that the same task will be done the same way each time and is likely to give consistent results. Clarity ➢ Having a support system and procedures gives everyone a greater degree of clarity about what is expected what they ned to and what is required if everyone is clear on each step then there should be less requirement for supervision.

Focus ➢ Developing a support system makes one focus on what the main purpose of the system is supposed to be. It is only when you are clear on what specific outputs need to be that you can design a system to achieve that.

2. What should be considered in the creation of a support system, policy or procedure? Identify need. ➢ Policies can be developed in anticipation of need for example Indigenous policies should be in place once an organisation starts to work with Indigenous community. The organisation needs to constantly assess its activities, responsibilities to identify the needs. Identify who will take the lead responsibility. ➢ Delegate responsibility to individuals, working group or staff members according to expertise required.

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Gather information. ➢ Whether you need legal advice, research if any other organisation has tackled the same issue and who will guide you. Draft Policy ➢ Ensure that the wording or complexity of the policy are appropriate to those who will be expected to implement it. Consult with appropriate with appropriate stakeholders. ➢ policies are most effective if those affected are consult consulted are supportive and can consider it and discuss the potential implications of the policy depending on weather you are developing policies to govern the internal working of the organisation for example supporters’ volunteers staff management committee and service users. Finalise or approve policy. ➢ Determine who will approve the policy weather management committee or staff overall management committee is responsible for all policies and procedures within the organisation. consider whether procedures are required. ➢ consider whether these in need for clear guidance with regards to how the police will be imp...

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