Disc 2 7 (kahoot) - ASAM 52 Discussion Notes PDF

Title Disc 2 7 (kahoot) - ASAM 52 Discussion Notes
Course Asian American Communities
Institution University of California Irvine
Pages 2
File Size 34.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 101
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ASAM 52 Discussion Notes...


Chemistry by Weike Wang Summary - Chinese American protagonists, chem graduate trying to get PhD; boyfriend Eric, also chemist, has proposed - Smashes 5 beakers=mental breakdown -

Spirals into depressive state → Eric forces her to see therapist Parents expectations Does not sleep for 5 days, lies to parents saying she will finish PhD Relationship w/ Eric becomes conflicted, asks her to move with him to Ohio but she refuses Continues to tutor students and helps her best friend emotionally with cheating husband 2 years later, finds way back to mental stability and finds love with one of her tutees Looking back, she views both parents and Eric in more positive way, seeing their love for her through their sacrifices

Quote 1: - “Finally, the lab coat comes off. I place is neatly into the drawer. Then, I smash five beakers…” - In Han and Pong’s article, “Mental Health,” the narrator’s mental health issues is statistically common among Asian American community - Acculturation: narrator’s family assimilation from Chinese to American culture - Cultural barriers: narrator’s significant difference in upbrining between her and her boyfriend - Stigma of mental health: parent’s comments about PhD Quote 2: - “Mom, Dad, I’m quitting” not getting PhD - “The Success Frame and Achievement ParadoxL” by Jennifer Lee - “Success frame”- how Chinese and Viet households “frame” academic achievements and success Quote 3: - “In college, I had a roommate who called their parents every weekend” - “In college, I ________” - Displays disparity between Model MInority Myth and actual lives of those whom it is supposed to describe - Pain of feeling like you aren’t enough and not matching up to small window


deemed “successful” Narrator’s only option is to lie to parents

Kahoot 1. “Asian American” is a monolithic term a. False b. It is, but shouldn’t be 2. According to Omi & Winant, “race” is ___. a. Unstable 3. “Racialization” is a. A historically-based ideological process 4. According to Dr. Linda Vo, Viet Americans conform to Asian American immigrant narratives a. False b. Typical immigrant: come to America for opportunities, but Viet were refugees from war and came empty-handed and built community from ground up 5. “Ethnoburbs” are traditional ethnic enclaves a. False 6. “Ethnoburbs” are characterized by ___. a. Socioeconomic stratification 7. “Differential racialization” is a type of racialization grounded on anti-racist principles a. True 8. 9. 10. Disaggregation shows that a. Model minority is a myth 11. “Model minority”___ a. Masks systemic, institutional, and historical racism 12. The Hart-Cellar Act a. Eliminated quotes according to national origins b. Gentlements: limited Japanese immigration c. Tidings McDuffy: declared Philippines independent d. Chinese women (diff from exclusion) 13. Immigration is a free, rational decision about leaving one’s homeland a. False...

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