Discovering Marketing DIMA1100 Tri 2 2017 Bentley Curtin College PDF

Title Discovering Marketing DIMA1100 Tri 2 2017 Bentley Curtin College
Course Discovering Marketing
Institution Curtin University
Pages 18
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Download Discovering Marketing DIMA1100 Tri 2 2017 Bentley Curtin College PDF


DIMA1100 - Discovering Marketing

UNIT OUTLINE Trimester 2, 2017

Colleges of Business and Technology WA Pty Ltd T/A Curtin College CRICOS Provider Code 02042G



Unit Title:

Discovering Marketing

Credit Value:

25 credits




Students that are identified as requiring compulsory ALEPc must attend a minimum 80% of ALEPc classes as a co-requisite for DIMA1100.

Additional Requirements:


Unit Status:

Note: if you fail this unit three times then you may be terminated as per Progress and Attendance Policy.

Ancillary Fees and Charges:

All fee information can be obtained through:  the Curtin College website,  Curtin Brochure, or  Level 1 Reception.

Unit Website:

Moodle via the Student Portal is the unit’s website. Students can access the Student Portal via the College’s website at

Tuition Pattern: Study Load:

1 Seminar x 4 hours per week 4 contact hours per week plus preparation

Mobile Devices:

Mobile devices must be switched off when you are in a class, unless specified by the lecturer.


Kristina Georgiou

Email Address:

[email protected]

Lecturer’s Name:

Jennifer Cornwell

Email Address:

[email protected]

Your lecturer will assist you with your learning and any problems or difficulties you may be experiencing while undertaking this unit. They will mark your assessments and provide feedback in relation to your progress in this unit. You will be able to contact your lecturer through the Student Portal. Your lecturer is available for consultation. Please check Moodle for their availability.

UN IT CO OR DI NA TO R / PR OGR AM C OOR DIN ATO R UNIT COOR ORDI DINA NATO TOR PRO GRAM CO ORDIN DINA TOR Every unit also has a person who is responsible for the overall administration of that unit. This person is the Unit Coordinator. If you cannot contact the person who is teaching you (named above) or if you have further queries about this unit, you may wish to contact the Unit Coordinator for this unit or the Program Coordinator for the Course. Their contact details are below: Unit Coordinator’s Name:

Kristina Georgiou

Email Address:

[email protected]

Program Coordinator’s Name:

Pranavi Garg

Email Address:

[email protected]

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AC KNO WLE DG EM ENT OF CO UNT RY ACKNO KNOW LEDG DGEM EME COU NTRY We respectfully acknowledge the Indigenous Elders, custodians, their descendants and kin of this land past and present. The Centre for Aboriginal Studies at Curtin University aspires to contribute to positive social change for Indigenous Australians through higher education and research.

UNIT LLABU BUSS UN IT SSYYLLA BU Understanding the role marketing plays in business and society; the global marketing environment; consumer buyer behaviour; market segmentation, target marketing and positioning; new product development and the product life cycle; marketing strategies (the 4 P's) product and services marketing, price, place and promotion; ethics in marketing.

INTRO RODU DUCT CTIO ION INT RO DU CT IO N Welcome to Discovering Marketing 1100 – an introduction to marketing principles. Every day we come into contact with marketing. Each time you make a purchase, the principles of marketing have been involved. Marketing is about understanding how business can best meet customer needs and wants and in doing so, ensuring that product is priced at the right level, distributed in suitable ways and that communication supports the brand values. We impart these concepts in Discovering Marketing 1100 through lectures, seminars, case studies, presentations and discussions.

LEA RNI NG OU TC OM ES LEARNI RNIN OUTC TCOM OMES All graduates of Curtin College and Curtin University achieve a set of nine graduate attributes during their course of study. These tell an employer that, through your studies, you have acquired discipline knowledge and a range of other skills and attributes which employers say would be useful in a professional setting. Each unit in your course addresses the graduate attributes through a clearly identified set of learning outcomes. They form a vital part in the process referred to as assurance of learning. The learning outcomes tell you what you are expected to know, understand or be able to do in order to be successful in this unit. Each assessment for this unit is carefully designed to test your achievement of one or more of the unit learning outcomes. On successfully completing all of the assessments you will have achieved all of these learning outcomes. LEARNING OUTCOMES

Explain the meaning and relevance of key marketing concepts


Apply key marketing concepts to ‘real world’ situations


Recommend marketing strategies in ‘real world’ situations


Demonstrate sound verbal and written communication skills


Upon successful completion of this unit students will have developed the following graduate attributes:

Thinking Skills

Information Skills

Comm. Skills

Technology Skills

Learning to Learn

International Perspective

Cultural Understanding

Professional Skills





Assessments / learning outcomes

Discipline Knowledge


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LEARNI RNIN ACTIV TIVITI ITIES LEA RNI NG AC TIV ITI ES Discovering Marketing 1100 is an exciting unit, and this is reflected in the variety of learning experiences we offer. Students will attend weekly seminars (4 hours). Students are expected to attend the seminars each week since it offers many varied learning opportunities. The lecture in the seminar highlights the big ideas and core principles for each weekly topic and is NOT a repetition of the text book. The lecture is exciting and filled with audio visual materials and interesting marketing examples. The seminars are based on current cases, articles, presentations and discussion. They provide an inclusive forum for students to ‘have a say’, and to challenge their thinking.

LEA LEARNI RNI RNIN NG RES RESOU OU OUR RCE CESS COURSE NOTES/MOODLE Course notes, assessment details such as due dates, weighting of assessments and other details relating to course material are accessed via the Moodle tab on your Student Portal which can be accessed via the Curtin College website at This Unit Outline gives you important information about the general aims of Discovering Marketing 1100, texts, and details about the assessment, including allocation of marks, grading criteria and submission dates. You are required to read and understand the expectations outlined in this document. Study it carefully, paying particular attention to method of instruction, assessment instructions and submission dates. Information contained in this Unit Outline specifies the requirements for this unit and explains your rights and responsibilities in relation to Curtin College.

Text Essential Text You need to purchase the following textbook: Lamb, Charles W., Joseph F. Hair Jr and Carl McDaniel 2017 MKTG 10 Principles of Marketing, 10th Edition. Boston USA. Cengage Learning. ISBN - 9781305631823 If you would like some suggestions of additional reading you can do regarding the unit please refer to the Moodle or speak to your Lecturer.

AT TE NDA NC ER EQ UIR EM EN ATTE TENDA NDANC NCE REQ EQU IREM EMEN ENTT Curtin College requires you to attend ALL classes. There is a very close relationship between attendance and academic performance. Students will be marked absent for half the session if they are more than 30 minutes late or do not return after the break. A medical certificate is required if you are absent due to medical reasons. An Explained Absence Form located on the Student Portal under [Forms & Info/ Forms and Documents/ Attendance] must also be completed and submitted to Reception. Students should be aware that provision of a medical certificate does not guarantee approval of the absence in every case.

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AS SE SSM EN TA ILS ASSE SESSM SSMEN ENTT DE DETA TAILS The assessment for this unit consists of the following items: Assessment Number

Assessment Tasks

Assessment 1

Market Segmentation Report

Assessment 2 &

Promotion Presentation/Pitch



Week Due

Due: Week 6

Assessed Learning Outcome(s)

LO1,LO2, LO4


Friday 11th August by 4pm

25% (Group)

Participate in class in week 10 in your class

LO2, LO3, LO4

Submission of 3 individual seminar cases (student decides which of the cases that are assigned that they’d like to submit during the course of the trimester).

LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4

Assessment 3 Participation

Cases throughout trimester 10% (Individual)

10% (Individual)

5% if all 3 are submitted. (zero marks even if you submit only 1 or 2)

During seminar case discussions throughout the trimester, student must serve at least once in each role: Discussant, Scribe, Team Leader. 5% if served in all 3 roles. (0 if serve in 0 or only 1 or 2 roles)

Assessment 4



35% (Individual)

Examination Week

LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4


Unless otherwise indicated, all assessments are to be completed as individual assessments, not as group assessments.

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Pass Requirements Students must achieve a Final Mark of 50 or greater to pass this unit. NOTE: Students must ATTEMPT the exam to pass the unit.

Detailed information on assessment tasks:

Assessment One – Market Segmentation Report Due Date: Week 6 – Friday 11/8/17 by 4pm Weighting: 30% For this assessment you need to demonstrate your theoretical and applied knowledge relating to the target audience of your chosen advertisements. The hardcopy of your report is to be a maximum of 4 A4 pages [+/- 10% which includes the Report (3 pages) and Reference List (1 pages) and is to address the questions below. A hardcopy of your assessment is to be delivered to Curtin College reception by the Due Date and Time. Additionally you need to submit this assessment online to Turnitin through Moodle. Failure to lodge the Marketing Report with Turnitin before the Due Date and Time will result in a delay getting your assignment back. Answer the questions below. You will need to provide support and justification for your answers. You are EXPECTED to refer to the theories you have learnt during the trimester. You will be marked according to your ability to apply theories to the ads you have chosen. Note: Please choose REAL ads and not just product images as they are NOT ads. They will need to have a brand or logo and professional execution to constitute an ad. Ensure you do not use video ads for this report. Questions: 1. Choose FOUR print ads (which you have found on the Internet, in magazines or newspapers) that targets FOUR different target markets (in the country that you are taking this unit so for Bentley students you will need Australian ads). For each of the ads, write a description of what you think are the 3 demographic and 3 psychographic characteristics of the targeted market. Justify your descriptions. (48 marks) 2.1 Define and Explain Market Segmentation. (1 reference must be used minimum) (10 marks) 2.2 Explain three benefits of Market Segmentation to business. (2 reference must be used minimum) (20 marks) Mandatory: 1) You will need to print each ad and attach EACH of the ads to the appendix of your submission. 2) Page limit: 3 pages answering the questions + cover page + reference list (your appendix is not counted). 3) Apply the theories from your marketing textbook and reference your textbook accordingly. 4) If you used references, do not forget to in-text reference the material you have used. Submission: You will need to submit a HARDCOPY to reception. A softcopy MUST be submitted via TURNITIN (lecturer to provide instructions). Deadline: Week 6 exact date and time and location to be provided by local lecturer/tutor. Reference List (1 page – may extend to 2 pages with no penalty) Chicago Author –Date 16th Edition Referencing must be used for both in-text citations and the Reference List page(s). ( The appropriate number of references must be given for sections that require them as well as appropriate references used in other sections.

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Assessment 1- Marketing Report Mechanics (12 marks) assessed throughout the assessment. 1. Each page has a page number. 2. Times New Roman (12pt font) is used. 3. 1.5 line spacing. 4. Normal Margin Settings – as defined by MS Word. 5. Report is to be a maximum of 4 A4 pages which includes Report (3 pages) and Reference List (1 pages). 6. Written in business style with 3rd person point of view not 1st person point of view and no contractions or abbreviations. 7. Report uses excellent English expression and grammar. Late HARDCOPY assignments will be penalized at 10% (of the available marks) per day late UNLESS an Assessment Extension application form has been submitted and approved. BEFORE the Due Date and Time (See Late Assessment Guidelines and Requests for Extensions section of this unit outline). This penalty DOES apply to weekends. If you need to submit on a weekend and the School is closed, ONLY in this circumstance can you email your submission to your lecturer who will record the email receipt time as indicative of submission time to stop late penalties from accruing. The student must submit a hard copy to the assignment drop box on level 2 on the next business day after the email submission. Consult your local lecturer regarding the location of the assignment drop box.

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Assessment One Marking Criteria Student Name

____________________________________________ Student ID__________________________________

Seminar Day and Time


Marker _______________________________

Marking Criteria


1.0 Analysis of four chosen advertisements (2 pages-1/2 page per ad).Total of 48 marks 1.1

Advertisement 1: Description of 3 demographic characteristics for the target market of the advertisement and justification. Description of 3 psychographic characteristics for the target market of the advertisement and justification. The advertisement is attached separately. (12 marks)


Advertisement 2: Description of 3 demographic characteristics for the target market of the advertisement and justification. Description of 3 psychographic characteristics for the target market of the advertisement and justification. The advertisement is attached separately. (12 marks)


Advertisement 3: Description of 3 demographic characteristics for the target market of the advertisement and justification. Description of 3 psychographic characteristics for the target market of the advertisement and justification. The advertisement is attached separately. (12 marks)


Advertisement 4: Description of 3 demographic characteristics for the target market of the advertisement and justification. Description of 3 psychographic characteristics for the target market of the advertisement and justification. The advertisement is attached separately. (12 marks)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

2.0 Market Segmentation Theory: (1 page/30 marks) The student provides clear information answering the following: 2.1

Define and explain market segmentation. (10 marks)


Explain three benefits of market segmentation to business. (20 marks)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 MINUMUM of 3 references from academic sources (this does not include websites) 3.0 Reference List (1 page /10 marks) 

Chicago Author-Date Referencing used for in-text citations

Chicago Author-Date Referencing used for Reference List page

References are from academic sources (credible, reliable, scholarly)

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 0 1 2

Report Mechanics (12 marks): 

Each page has a page number

Times New Roman 12 pt. font

1.5 Line spacing

Normal margin settings – as defined by MS word

Adheres to the 4 A4 page limit [+/- 10% which includes the Report (3 pages) and Reference List (1 page)].

Written in business style with 3rd person point of view not 1st person point of view and no contractions or abbreviations.

Uses excellent English expression and grammar

0 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.5

0 0.5 1 1.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



Other comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Page 8 of 18

Assessment Two Participation – Promotion Presentation/Pitch Due Date: In Class Week 10 Weighting: 25% Groups of 4-5 This promotion presentation/pitch encourages students to use their creativity to design a promotion campaign which will suit a specific target market. Students are to use the theory and concepts taught in class to assist them in designing an effective and engaging promotion and then pitch this to the client/lecturer. Students will be provided with a ‘brief’ by either the client or the lecturer in week 3. The brief which will provide details of the requirements of the promotion, including: The target market, specific objectives, message strategy and media to be used. A copy of this brief will be made available on Moodle after Week 3. There are 2 elements of this assessment: 1. Each group will need to create a short video (no more than 1 minute). A digital copy of the promotion needs to be provided to the lecturer on a DVD or USB wh...

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