Discussion Boards - A PDF

Title Discussion Boards - A
Course The Music of the Beatles
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Essay / post / response of MUSIC 109 The Music of the Beatles This course will consider the music of the Beatles by examining how John Lennon, Paul McCartney, and George Harrison developed as songwriters....


Discussion Board #1 Discussion Board Topic: Tim Riley, author of a recent biography of John Lennon, remarked that British rock and rollers of the 1950s, especially the nascent Beatles, identified more with Buddy Holly than Elvis Presley. According to Riley, Holly was the more British of the two rock and rollers. Do you agree with Riley's observation? What made Holly a "British rock and roller?" In your response, comment on the visual and aural impact of these two performances. In particular, compare and contrast how Presley and Holly looked and how they delivered their songs. Be sure to keep in mind that Holly wrote and performed his songs. Samantha - Discussion #1 Performers like Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly were essential to the musical revolution that occured throughout the 1950's. Even though both performers are both historically renound, they both brought such different personalities and styles to the industry. Although I believe that the Beatles were inspired by numerous groups and performers, I do agree with Tim Riley that they had more similarities with Holly as a performer versus Elvis. Presley was iconic for this such as his hip movements and facial expression, and also was known as quite a sex icon in the past. The Beatles were more known for their free bird attitude, their diverse and unique musical stylings, and even though they were a handsome group, their focus was never the fame - it was providing music to their fans that had never been heard. This also works against Presley because he was known for performing covers of other great music. These covers were great in their own ways, but the Beatles often focused on bringing new things to the table. Whenever it comes to similarities between Buddy Holly, the Crickets, and the Beatles, their are numerous examples. First off, Holly and the Crickets were often seen in wearing classic suits. This type of style was carried on by the Beatles and they are often remembered for their black iconic suits that were worn during performances. Also, in the video above, Holly is not focused on jumping around and being theatrical. He plays his guitar with an upbeat and happy smile on his face, along with the rest of his band. The Beatles were also rarely seen performing dance moves on stage and usually were just focused on performing their music and showing the crowd that they were having a great time doing it. Lastly, the band names are very clearly similar. The Crickets as a name has two meanings: the bug and the game of cricket. This name choice opens up to the idea that there can always be a different way of looking at something. Similarly, the Beatles can be referred to as the bug or, with the spelling difference, it imposes the word "beat" which plays on the word that they are the creators of their sound and style.

RE: Samantha - Discussion #1 Samantha, Your comment that the Beatles was more about the music and not the fame was an excellent observation. I agree the Beatles were creating a work of art much like Holly did Elvis was more of a "sex" figure and focused more on the entertainment and not the

artistic quality. -Jolene

RE: Presley vs. Holly and the Impact on the Beatles I completely agree that Elvis was more focused on an energetic performance that focused on himself rather than the music that he was playing. Buddy Holly was quite the opposite, focusing on the music more than having a large stage-presence. The Beatles were largely influenced by the fact that Buddy wrote their own songs, so they started writing their own songs. The Beatles would try to imitate his songs and learn his chords from the Ed Sullivan show. I definitely believe that the Beatles combined the best of these two performers to become the ultimate perfomers and musicians, but Buddy Holly was the larger musical influence. Without Buddy Holly, who knows what the Beatles would have become. RE: Presley vs. Holly Hi Curtis, Your last remark brings about a very interesting thought about actual talent that could be an argument in itself. From the comments in this discussion would the Beatles and Buddy Holly be considered more talented then Elvis? I have heard the comment growing up that if you are a Beatles fan then you do not care for Elvis or if you are an Elvis fan then you do not care for the Beatles. My personal observation was that I did recognize the Beatles as much more talented and I never cared for Elvis. I am not saying that Elvis wasn't talented in his own way but not the artistic and deep thinking type of talent I recognized with the Beatles. -Jolene RE: Holly vs Presley Tim, I completely agree with your observations about the influences that Buddy Holly and Elvis Presely had on the Beatles. Buddy Holly most defiently had more of an impact and influence on the Beatles than Elvis Presley did. The point you made about Holly and Presley and how their performance styles were different. I believe that is the biggest reason why the Beatles were more infleunced by Buddy Holly. Buddy Holly was more of a rock & roll artist, and he focused a lot on the aspects of the guitar, whereas Elvis was more of a performer. RE: Holly vs Presley On 6/4/2015 at 10:54 PM, ALVAREZ, TIMOTHY wrote: I would have to agree with you when you say that Buddy Holly was more influencial on the Beatles musical career than Elvis Presley. After watching both of the videos, the

resembance of the Beatles and Buddy Hollys band on stage was very similar. The British influence that Holly had on the Beatles was very ineresting and is noticed in the way that the Beatles copied many of their styles. Its intersting how the Beatles, who are known for creating many new and different styles to the music world, are so open to expressing to the public who their true inspirations were and where they came from. I have noticed how they admire songs by the Beach Boys and Rolling Stones, who get mentioned on their album covers as a tirbute to their music. The Beatles seemed to have idolized many great musicians and picked up fantastic traits from many artists that made them the legends they are today. Although they were most likely to have admired Elvis, its evident to many that in comparision of these two artists, Holly was a sure winner. RE: Holly & Elvis for the Beatles I think you hit the nail right on the head, Buddy Holly had the biggest impact on the Beatles. Elvis was indeed more of the performer than artist. Holly's music, appearance, band, and writing skills had a far greater impact than Elvis did. RE: Elvis vs. Holly

The Beatles were definietly more influenced by Buddy Holly than by Elvis Presley. Although we cannot discredit Presley's influence entirely, I agree that Holly is much more present in the Beatles' music. As you explained, Elvis has this "sexy" vibe that just doesn't match up with the Beatles look or sound. You also point out that Presley rarely plays guitar and sings at the same time, which I hadn't noticed before. It truly is just another emphasis on the point that the Beatles were much more greatly impacted by Buddy Holly. RE: Elvis vs. Holly I like how you included the bit about the similar usage of the 3 main chords. I never thought about that, but this definitely was a crucial similarity between the two! It gave both of their songs a similar feel and I think that above all is why their music was so very similar. Thank you! RE: Elvis vs Buddy Cassie, I agree with your analysis of the videos in many ways. I like how you focused on their performance and how they conducted themselves on stage. I think that Holly was more of a musician than a performer and it is quite the opposite of Presley. You also mentioned how Holly wrote his own songs and I think that also attribute to his performance because he has a connection with them and I think that is something that inspired the Beatles.

RE: Discussion Board 1. Holly v Elvis Vincent, I completely agree with your post and said very similar things in my own. From the second I started watching the video, I knew it was a clear answer as to who the Beatles resembled more. Everything from band type, to presentation and style, to demeanor of Holly is more similar to that of the Beatles. Elvis was definitely a little more obnoxious, for lack of a better term. Everything from his clothes to haircut and body language is much more attention craving than that of Holly. When I watched Holly's video, I wasnt looking at this clothing or his haircut, I was listening to the music. -Nefertiti RE: Discussion Board #1 Corey Bobak Hey Corey! I completely agree with your observation of Elvis being focused on his sex appeal and addition of energetic moves to attract fans while the Beatles and also the Crickets definitely focused more on the music and art as a whole. I also enjoyed and never noticed the note about John Lennon and Holly's glasses and the similarity of the two. It was very apparent about how both the Beatles and the Crickets wore black suits, which was another factor in them focusing on the music they were performing and not the hype they would cause. Great observations! -Sammie On 6/4/2015 at 7:18 PM, BOBAK, COREY wrote: Elvis Presley's and Buddy Holly's impact on the Beatles and their music is evident in many forms. I do agree with Riley's observation in the fact that Holly was more of a force than Elvis. Holly was a "British rock and roller", because he was a musician who performed his music in a way that was more reflective of other Britain musicians in this era. Holly was not one to use sex appeal to attract fans or add energetic moves to his performances. Holly's appearance was closer to the Beatles image than Elvis, mostly in part that John Lennon wore similar glasses to Holly as well as they used his music to inspire their own work. They even used similar chords when writing songs and Paul McCartney even holds the rights to Buddy Holly's songs as mentioned in the lesson. Holly, like John Lennon and Paul McCartney, wrote and performed his own music which is different when performing because it is yours and it means something to you. I am not saying that Elvis's songs did not mean anything to him, I am saying that there is a connection to a song when it is performed by the writer from a viewing perspective. While Holly did a lot to inspire the Beatles, as did Elvis Presley. Presley was a pioneer for rock and roll and allowed for bands like the Beatles to perform music that was new in a sense that it was not what people in the 50's listened to. This allowed Lennon and McCartney to write songs with more freedom in being accepted and enjoyed. While Presley's performances were loaded with energy and showmanship, the Beatles did not follow suit and were similar to Holly in the way they performed as musicians more than entertainers. Elvis did play the guitar but he was more known on stage for his

showmanship and sex appeal over the chords he was playing and his skill as a musician. Holly and Presley both impacted the Beatles in many ways, this had been evident in their performances, songs, and records. However, Holly's style and performances have inspired to Beatles to be who they were and as a man who was not the most handsome he inspired them to be themselves and just let their music speak for itself. RE: Discussion Board #1 Corey Bobak I agree that Holly was a bigger influence on the Beatles than Presley was. The Beatles shared Holly's look as well as his sound. Holly encouraged the Beatles to stay true to themselves and write their own music, which was unusual at the time. I also apapreicate that you didn't completely leave Presley's influence out of your analyis. You are correct in stating that while Presely didn't have as a direct influence on the Beatles as Holly did, we can not leave him out of the equation entirely. Presley's development of the image of rock and roll would have encouraged the writing and performing of individual and unique songs that would not have been accepted prior. RE: Discussion Board #1 Corey Bobak I agree with your post in many ways. For one, the appearance of the Beatles was very similar to that of Buddy Holly. They reflected Holly. John Lennon even started wearing his glasses because he was inspired by Holly. They wrote and performed their own songs, just as Holly did. Although Elvis Presley did inspire the Beatles, Holly had more of an affect on the Beatles and it is shown in their performances. As you mentioned, Elvis was more known for his stage performance, showmanship, and sex appeal; whereas Buddy Holly, and also the Beatles, were known for their guitar playing and their music. RE: DIscussion Board #1 Olivia Evans I completely agree with what you had to say. Firstly, I also believe that Elvis was much more focused on being "charismatic" and using his sex appeal than Holly was. Also, the evidence you provided on the influence of Holly on members of the Beatles certainly proves the importance and impact of Holly on them. Another interesting fact I found, was that the Beatles name was influenced by Holly and his band as well, "The Crickets". I also agree that the difference is noticable from the videos. As you said, Elvis' music is clearly more upbeat and energetic, while Holly provides a calm and soothing presence. Visually, Elvis tries to stun the crowd and impress them as much as he can, while Holly is more focused on his music. RE: Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley, and the Beatles While reading your observation of the influence of Buddy Holly and Presley, I came across many points that I agree with, as well as points I didn’t even think of! For starters, great job with the discussion post. You have lots of information that is extremely useful and beneficial. For instance, you touched a lot on how the videos differed vocally and visually. I found this very interesting, especially the point you made about Elvis’s stage

presence being more energetic and directed towards the women. I also agree with you when you stated about Presley’s “look” as well as his bands. This was one of the first aspects I noticed that was entirely different. Holly with his specs and regular suits, then there’s Elvis with his slicked-back hair and checkered funky suits. Another point that I find to be very important that you also touched on is the way the music sounds in general. You stated that the Beatles music sounds more like Holly’s, this being because they adopted his instrumental combination, rather than Presley’s. I agree with you completely, as the Beatles music is much more subtle and relaxing, unlike Presley’s fast-beat, energetic songs. Overall, your post was very helpful and interesting!

RE: Buddy Holly, Elvis Presley, and the Beatles Your post is spot on! I completely agree that Holly was "more British" than Presley. I also beleive that Holly was a bigger influence on the Beatles than any of the other artists mentioned in the chapter. From Lennon's glasses, to McCartney and Lennon wanting to master writing their own songs and performing, Holly's influence on the Beatles is undeniable. I personally think that Elvis was more of a performer than an overall artist. He had to 'sell' himself to the audience because he didn't have raw talent that Holly did. He still remains one of the icons of American music and his memory will be around for a while. On the other hand, Holly was confident in himself because he wrote and composed his own songs. This led to him being more carefree about his stage presence, solely maybe because he knew that he had what the audience wanted- good music. RE: Buddy Holly's inspiration-Jolene Bell I agree with what you said about Elvis and how it wasnt all focused on his much but the fact that he was more of an idol for people and the girls who loved him. Buddy was focused on the actual music and the content of it all, he did not care about his apperance like Elvis did, he was okay with looking more "average" like you said and I think that is a good thing. It showd to the wolr you don't need to be all fancy and sexy to be a good singer and perform. RE: Buddy Holly's inspiration-Jolene Bell I thought your observations contrasting Elvis Presley and Buddy Holly's performances were very interesting. I did not notice that the camera often did focus on Presley while performing. When Holly performed, however, the camera panned to the band behind him many times, going along with your "...there is a group here not just a singer and music in the background" thought. I also found it interesting that you inferred that the Beatles wanted to " create master pieces" elike Holyl did because he wrote his own music. I never took into account the meaning behind a song written solely by the person or group performing it. Now I have an understanding as to the Beatle's mentality when performing and how that was learned from Holly. RE: Buddy Holly vs. Elvis Presley

I totally agree with you. The Beatles seem to have taken lessons from Elvis on stage presence and his showmanship. Also I like how you stated that even though Elvis had an impression on the Beatles, Holly was the man they inspired to be. From his glasses and three cords to, most importantly, writing his own music, Buddy Holly mostly influenced them. RE: Beatles Influenced by Buddy Holly These are all pretty good points - I'd add that they were influenced by his band makeup as well, including the two guitarists/drums/bass setup. I agree that the Beatles were more influenced ultimately by Buddy Holly than Elvis, even though Lennon was particularly influenced by Elvis in his early years and really modeled himself after Heartbreak Hotel. You're right on the nose with the Beatles wanting to write their own music as well as not just be performers but also play/sing at the same time. Great points and I agree with you. Presley vs. Holly and the Impact on the Beatles While it can’t be denied that Elvis Presley had some impact on the Beatles, I agree with Riley’s observation that Holly is much more of a “British rock and roller” than Presley, and a much larger impact on the Beatles because of it. First and foremost, the music of the Beatles sounds similar to the music of Holly. This observation is supported by McCartney in the clip from The Real Buddy Holly Story when he states that he and John Lennon would try to imitate Holly in both look and sound. Also, Keith Richards pointed out the “self contained” nature of Holly, which also reflects a lot of the Beatles music: they didn’t have to depend on anyone else to write the lyrics or the music for them. McCartney also states that “we used to try and write songs like Buddy … you can see echoes of Buddy Holly in the Beatles. ” Richards also explains that Presley had hardly ever wrote a song for himself, another stark contrast between Presley and Holly. Furthermore, the differences reflect in the stage presence of the two artists. Presley relies heavily on his looks and sex appeal (appropriately nicknamed Elvis the Pelvis). While Holly is more laid back in his looks, even venturing to perform in horn rimmed glasses, a noticeable stand out compared to fashionable norms at that time. The glasses adorned by Holly even encouraged John Lennon to wear his spectacles on stage as well, another imprint of Holly on the Beatles. On stage, Holly has a much more stiff and rehearsed presence while Presley is seen bouncing around stage in an energetic manner. Elvis had a much more impactful stage presence than Holly, but I would also go onto point out that Elvis was performing a cover of an already popular song, while Holly was performing his own music. Presley vs. Holly In my opinion, Riley was dead on in his observation. Elvis Presley gives a completely different image and vibe in his performances. From his action to his outfit, he is making

more of an effort to get the crowd riled up and acting a little more wildly than artists such as Holly and the Beatles. Meanwhile, Holly is dressed in a very classy presentable manner, which is much less distracting. During his performance, you are focusing more on his music and vocals than his appearance. While Elvis seems to be more aesthetically pleasing and exciting during his time on the Ed Sullivan show, I am more interested in Holly's performance and actual talent. Marissa Caneiro- Discussion Board 1 After watching these two videos and working through ...

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