Dollar Diplomacy, Panama Canal, Roosevelt Corollary PDF

Title Dollar Diplomacy, Panama Canal, Roosevelt Corollary
Author katie Dietrich
Course U.S.-Latin American Relations
Institution University of San Diego
Pages 5
File Size 91.5 KB
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complete Lecture and reading notes for the above topics for Professor Edmonds-Poli...


The Drago Doctrine -

BG: legally binding promise renouncing the right to intervene - Washington took the pledge in 1933 but Hull still insisted on adding a reservation

Convention on Rights and Duties of the State -

A1: defines what a state is; population, defined territory, government, can enter into IR A2: state constitutes a sole person in IR A3: state doesn’t need international recognition to organize itself and do as it seems fit A4: states are juridically equal, have the same rights and capacity to exercise. Not power dependent A5: can’t affect fundamental rights A6: recognition means that it accepts the personality/ rights of another state A7: recognition can be express or tacit A8: no state has right to intervene A9:jurisdiction applies to all within the territory A10: primary interest is conservation of peace A11: territory of the state is inviolable and other states cant impose or have military occupation

Reservations Made at Signature -

There may be different interpretations and definitions of these fundamental terms Bc it’s not codified; US will conduct affairs w the doctrine it has pursued since March which the law of nations recognizes

Managing Nicaragua - 1912 Diaz Background -

Uprising in Nicaragua in 1909 (US supported) led to change of gov to Diaz Diaz threatened by uprising in 1911 and Taft deployed 2.5k Marines US took control of Nicaragua’s finances to ensure debt repayment

Speeches -

Diaz -


Knox -

The republic has been exhausted because there has been a duel that never ends; republic without republican methods. No one is happy Need US strength; will accept w/o fear US is great bc of famous note (Knox’s letter condemning Zelaya’s gov) and Treaty (something that would’ve finalized financial arrangements) US is not unduly intervening, just there bc of request for aid in regeneration US is interested in the prosperity of all the people of Nicaragua


US responsibilities is increasing bc the opening of the waterway that will change trade routes; see order and prosperity

An Argentine Denunciation of Pan-Americanism; Ingenieros 1922 BG -

US was withholding diplomatic recognition w Mexico Wanted to form an alliance/ Union w LA countries to protect against US imperialism

Speech -



Can’t be pan-Americanism - MD is US right to intervene, US world financial hegemony - Exploitation of the labor of a population already enslaved US imperialist policy - Took Puerto Rico, Platt Amendment, took the Isthmus of Panama, Nicaragua intervention for a trade route, threatened Mexico, occupied Haiti - Wants Mexico to sign a treaty that favors foreign capitalism - Assure US financial control and imply intervention Issue started w the progressive mortgaging of national independence that’s detrimental to the sovereignty of beneficiaries LA: issue is national defense; US is taking and LA has only an illusion of political independence; US is always a threat

UULAR Panama Canal and Roosevelt Corollary -

PC and RC were a power projection: state’s ability to extend it’s influence via modern weaponry and tactical support from distant theaters - Needed PC for power projection to link oceans

Panama Canal -


Appeal: commercial (good for trade) and strategic (cut navy time; and if foreigners got it they could attack) History: 1901 Roosevelt bought it from the French but Columbia rejected it - Panamanian separatists were angry, US supported them for independence, then quickly declared them a free state, then signed treaty - Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty: complete canal and provide protectorate over Panama, guaranteed that thee canal would be neutral and opened to all Explanation: driven by realist, geostrategic factors: enhance power projection capabilities

Roosevelt Corollary -

Goals: keep Europe out of West, designed expressly to project US power, extend influence, and protect canal







Needed to keep out strong foreign powers to protect the canal which meant that the Western states had to pay their debts timely to keep Europe from territory occupation Effect: Assumed an international police power and create a lot of formal and informal protectorates The Corollary: - MD stated that states had a responsibility to exercise sovereignty effectively and safeguard their own liberty; this meant maintaining order, keeping finances in order, and paying debts. - If LA can’t do this, the US would do it for them Reasoning: showed realist concerns and a concern for failed states - Strong regional powers have to fill the void to fix failing states in the absence of an overarching “policing” institution DR: Dominican Republic owed money, so US took over their customs house to administer collections and repay debt - Economic: restored the country’s financial solvency - Political: cost DR sovereignty by making it a protectorate and invited US into internal affairs which led to intervention and military rule Dollar Diplomacy: est. by DR, adopted by Taft. strategic purpose was financial and political stability around canal - Have investors loan to Central American states, and in turn US would oversee financials and guarantee timely repayment - Est. in Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, Panama, and DR - Effect: US influence expanded and became the most important trade partner and foreign capital started pouring into LA. If they borrowed money they were forced into Customs House Treaties - Left economies and governments increasingly dependent Served short term goal of protecting Panama Canal and keeping Europe out, and long term goal of making LA an exclusive US zone of influence Political consequences: provided states security from Europe intervention and from a security dilemma against other states but subjected them to US intervention - Only had nominal influence - Debilitating effects on political maturation bc became reliant on US solving their issues - Loss of human rights bc US trained a policing force that was taken up by dictators and used to repress opposing parties

Conclusion: caused serious tensions and a strong hatred toward US bc of the ongoing policy of intervention

Class Lecture Dollar Diplomacy 1. Political Context (Early 1900s) a. US has emerged as a military power w global reach b. Influence of European empires/ emergence of Japan i. Need to have power esp naval c. Domestic debate about US imperialism (Teller Amendment, Carnegie) i. How imperialism undermines US identity as a republic ii. Carnegie: US should focus on internal power, need to stay racially pure d. Latin American States have only recently consolidated i. Had competing factions w no plan about power/ plays 2. US Consolidates its power in WH a. Election of TR and the creation of Panama Canal i. Had commercial and military strategic benefits ii. Took over French contract, aided in the independence of Panama from Columbia to secure the deal, signed the Hay- Bunau-Varilla treaty b. Roosevelt Corollary: i. built on MD that states Europe should keep out of WH even if there are debts ii. US has duty to intervene in extreme cases/ last resort c. Dollar Diplomacy i. US banks buy LA debt to pay off creditors, then use Customs house treaties to take over their financials 1. Decided how much of earnings would be used to service debt to the US ii. US has enormous amount of economic and political control; could use force whenever d. Woodrow Wilson i. Remembered for good intentions, a more liberal, cooperative approach that employed international law and multilateral institutions ii. His approach to LA was different- wanted to implement many ideas and build cooperation, but his actions undermined this because they kept DD (interventionist). Personal attitudes were social darwinism 3. LA: Consequences and Reactions a. Appeal to international law and multilateral institutions (Calvo and Drago) b. Effect on LA autonomy, political development, and economic development c. Welcome US presence (Diaz) d. Condemn US presence (Ingenieros) e. Resentment and hemispheric fragmentation...

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