Doyle, Liberalism and World Politics PDF

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Liberalism and World Politics ...


Michael Doyle, Liberalism and World Politics Forward Hannah, Matt, Andrew, Bethany, Prescott, Anty, Henry, nick, Emily, aaron, -reexamination of the traditional liberal claim that govts founded on a respect for individual liberty exercise restraint and peaceful intentions in their foreign policy -focuses on three distinct theories of liberalism -Schumpeter-democratic capitalist who provided explanation of liberal pacifism -Machiavelli- classical republican who influenced imperialism -kant- a liberal republican whose theory of internationalism best accounts for modern society -liberalism does leave a coherent legacy on foreign affairs -liberal states are different, peaceful, but also prone to make war (liberal aggression) Text -common idea that promoting freedom will produce peace -1982 Prez Reagan said that govt founded on respect for individual liberties exercise restraint and peaceful intentions in their foreign policy -he then announced a crusade for freedom -old argument- the aggressive instincts of authoritarian leaders lead to war -idea is when citizens elect their govt, wars become impossible -schumpeter- examiner of liberal pacifism -contradictions of liberal pacifism and liberal imperialism but liberism does leave coherent legacy on foreign affairs -liberal states prone to make war e.x Nicaragua Liberal Pacifism -what we tend to call liberal is a collection of principles (individual freedom, political participation, private property, and equal opportunity) -Schumpeter saw the interaction of capitalism and democracy as the foundation of liberal pacifism -schumy defines imperialism as “an objectless disposition on the part of a state to unlimited forcible expansion” -modern imperialism to schumy resulted from war machines, warlike initiations, and export monopolism -schumy says the army of ancient Egypt took over the state and pursued militaristic imperialism -egypt fought wars for the sake of glory and booty -under modern capitalism, export monopolists (modern imperialism) push for expansion in their closed markets -the absolute monarchies were last clear cut imperialists but now economic imperialism -Schumy believes modern capitalism is non-imperialistic as evidenced by U.S. leaving over half of Mexico unconquered in war of 1846-48 -schumy later in his career admitted sometimes countries are warelike (the Athenian or ventian commonwealth) but mostly still pacifist

-R. J. Rummel proved states that enjoyed political and economic freedom had considerably less conflict at or above the lvl of economic sanctions than non-free states -Schumy assumed 1) economic objectives (glory, prestige or ideological justification DON’T shape policy in his mind 2) the objectives of everyone in the society was the same despite demographics and 3) world politics are homogenized - schy only thought that states were materially monistic and democratically capitalist (everyone else was behind) Liberal Imperialism -Machiavelli however, argues that republics are not pacifistic but also imperial expansionist -believed that establishing republic with imperial expansion is the best way for a state survive. -machy’s republic characterized but social equality, popular liberty, and political participation -consuls were kings, senate was aristocracy managing the state, and the people in assembly were the source of strength (machy’s ideal republic) -liberty results from the competition and necessity for comprised required by the division of powers among` above divisions of govt -liberty results form the popular veto -powerful few threaten the rest with tyranny because they seek to dominate -the mass however demands not to be dominated -machy believed that since the people and the rulers have different social characters, the people need to be managed by the few to avoid recklessness -senate+ consuls= plan expansion, consult oracles, and employ religion to manage the resources -strength results from liberty’s encouragement of population and property -machy says that armies should be for public glory and the common good like rome rather than aristocratic republic like Sparta -political survival calls for expansion according to machy -machy likes rome as model (not Sparta or venice) -Rome and Athens were both imperial republics in machys eyes -u.s. interventions postwar ex of machy argument Liberal Internationalism -when forced to pick sides in war, liberal states all wind up on the same side despite distance/other factors -liberals have established a separate peace among themselves -peaceful restraint only works in liberals relations with other liberals -authoritarian rulers stimulate and respond to intertational political environment in which conflicts of prestige, interest, and fear all lead states towards war( hiterler, Mussolini) -most wars arise out of calculations and miscalculations of interest, and mutual suspicions. - however large number of wars are aggression of liberal states -ex. France/Britain colonial wars and u.s. annexation of indias and war with mexico

-balance of power theory expects flexible arrangements of geostrategic rivalry that include preventive war -Immanuel Kant theory of liberal internationalism- we cant study relations of states in isolation from each other. -kant argues that perpetual peace will be guaranteed by acceptance of three definitive articles of peace. 1)must have republican (political society that has combined moral autonomy, individualism, and social order) civil constitution 2) liberal republics will progressively establish peace among themselves by pacific federation or union (after many unsuccessful attempts) 3)operate in conjunction with cosmopolitan law (shall be limited to conditions of universal hospitality) -hospitality in kants mind doesn’t require extending to foreigners the right to citizenship or the right to settlement unless they would perish if they were expelled -peace is guaranteed in kants mind through fulfilling their ethical duty or by hidden plans -kant argues that social evolution makes moral behavior more likely -kant argues that republics once established lead to peaceful relations because wars would appear as a disaster to people welfare -international law must have a guarantee of respect (different languages and cultures hinder globalization) -no single constitutional, international, or cosmopolitan source is alone sufficient but together they connect the characteristics of liberal polities and economies Conclusion -kant liberal internationalism, machy liberal imperialism, and schumpy liberal pacifism -schmy- humans are rationalized, individualized, homogeneous, and democratized with genuine interests (therefore pacifistic) -machy- diverse goals but fundamentally unequal seeking to rule or fearing being dominated (calls for imperial expansion) -Kant-states are capable of achieving peace among themselves because they exercise democratic caution and are capable of appreciating international rights (his republics remain in a state of war with nonrepublics)...

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