DU&A - Chapter 5 - Anabolic Steroids PDF

Title DU&A - Chapter 5 - Anabolic Steroids
Course Drug Use & Abuse
Institution San Antonio College
Pages 3
File Size 72.6 KB
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Roselynn Scribner April 19, 2020 KINE 1346-004 Anabolic Steroids Chapter 5 Steroids are sometimes prescribed by health care professionals to treat a range of conditions and diseases, such as hormonal issues or cancer; however, these drugs are most commonly misused by countless athletes and bodybuilders for the purpose of enhancing performance or achieving a desired physical appearance that is unattainable the “natural way”. Anabolic steroids are synthetic variations of the male sex hormone testosterone. The clinical name for these drugs is anabolic-androgenic steroids, (anabolic refers to its muscle building property, androgenic describes its ability to increase male sex characteristics). Anabolic steroids are also known by street names such as Gear, Juice, Roids, and Stackers. These drugs do not produce the short-term effects that most drugs of abuse bring about. For instance, anabolic steroids do not cause the user to develop a “high”, and the administration of the drug does not trigger a rapid release of the brain chemical dopamine – the feel-good neurotransmitter that promotes pleasure and satisfaction, reinforcing drug-taking behavior. However, anabolic steroid use can lead to a substance use disorder, in which the individual continues drug use regardless of its severe consequences. Misuse of anabolic steroids may cause other negative psychological side effects such as severe paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability and aggression (known as “roid rage”), delusions, impaired judgements, and mania. Other common effects include severe acne and swelling of the hands and feet. These side effects are not only harmful to the individual, but also cause damage

to friend, family, and professional relationships, and therefore should also be taken into consideration. Long-term effects of anabolic steroid misuse involve serious and permanent health complications such as kidney failure, liver damage and tumors, enlarged heart, high blood pressure, increased risk of stroke and heart attack, and increased risk of blood clots. Men misusing the drug experience shrinking of the testicles, decreased sperm count, baldness, development of breasts, and an increased risk of prostate cancer. Women may experience growth of facial hair or excess body hair, decreased breast size, male-patterned baldness, and deepened voice. Teens misusing the drug risk stunting their growth and height. There are three ways in which this drug is typically administered: orally, injected into the muscles, or applied to the skin as a gel or cream. The common methods for misusing steroids include cycling, stacking, pyramiding, and plateauing. Cycling is a method in which the user takes multiple doses for a period of time, ceases, then resumes use. Stacking combines two or more different steroid drugs, as well as mixing oral or injectable types. Pyramiding is the process of slowly increasing the dose or frequency of the drug misuse until reaching a peak amount, then gradually tapering off to reach zero. Alternating, overlapping, or substituting with another steroid to avoid developing a tolerance is referred to as plateauing. Before deciding to travel the path of drug abuse, one should first consider the severe side effects that are detrimental to one’s health and quality of life. An unnaturally large and muscular physical appearance is not worth the consequences in the long run.

Works Cited NIDA. "Anabolic Steroids." National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2018, https://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/drugfacts/anabolic-steroids. Accessed 20 Apr. 2020....

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