Each One Teach One Teacher PDF

Title Each One Teach One Teacher
Course Human Computer Interaction
Institution Trent University
Pages 7
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Assignment 2...




Nana Aba Ackah 0629227 COIS 3560 – Assignment 2

This experiment is a very interesting way to assess how people interact and understand the use of a computer as a powerful tool. I decided to experiment using a female, Jane Doe, who is 62 years old and has little to no knowledge about the basics of the computer therefore, I believe this will be a good candidate. I decided to give a mini tutorial on how Microsoft excel works and what it can be used for especially for mathematical tasks. I have previously taught her how to use some tools with Microsoft excel but it just included data input and a few shortcuts.

The student had given me some information that was to be input into their laptop to be printed and since it involved some additions and other mathematical operations, I let them know that this can be done very simply in Excel. This technology is a very useful spreadsheet as it has a wide range of mathematical operations which can be used especially when operating with large sums of data. It was noticeable that the student found the interface a bit difficult as they are still trying to get used to how everything works, and it was also hard to remember was had been taught which could be because of their age. Therefore, I explained what exactly is going to be done with the Excel application and how it can increase the efficiency much more. I also made an observation that even finding keys on the keyboard was very tasking, but this was unsurprising as she has little to no knowledge in the use of the tool. This was quite interesting to watch as these are very simple tasks and usually comes naturally whenever I use a laptop, however, for the student it was a very difficult ask. The student started off by data entry in the various fields where it was explained what a cell was and how to name a specific cell; A1/B3 etc. I managed to teach the student how to use the sum and


Nana Aba Ackah 0629227 COIS 3560 – Assignment 2

multiplication and the merge operation and with this I was able to explain how the system automatically updates the summaries when data is changed. The human-computer interaction is a very interesting study as I seeks to prove how powerful and effective our daily interactions with a computer are. From observations made during the experiment, even the simplest tasks such as selecting with a mouse, which may seem very simple to some is a very daunting task for most people. Usability is a very important factor when it comes to human-computer interaction because it is important that each time a user attempts to have some form of communication with a device, they are eventually successful. Therefore, it is important for developers to make sure that the system created is usable by all types of users, from beginners to expert. Additionally, the student did not realize how powerful the technology that was being taught is and the wide range of tools that can be used to make working much more efficient. As the data was being input, the student started to calculate totals and other numerical figures mentally not realizing that the task can be done automatically with excel. It was therefore explained that the tool can be used as a calculator especially for large sum of data as it can be tasking and error-prone using mental mathematics. The data available included price per unit and quantities therefore the sum and quotient formulas were used to calculate these. It is important to note that as the student tried to make the calculations mentally, she kept on making errors and had to restart a couple of times and this technology eradicated this problem. This is a necessary aspect of the use of computers in everyday lives because it helps to work more effectively as it helps to correct certain human errors. This also contributes to the [2]

Nana Aba Ackah 0629227 COIS 3560 – Assignment 2

usability of the computer as this helps making it more effective and efficient for use. The study helps to further point out the importance of usability in implementing a computer system as the user requires a successful outcome whenever having an interaction. From this experiment, it is very intriguing understanding how people interact differently with computers and how different we all are as individuals. While observing the student, it was a bit shocking that it was difficult to do simple tasks such as moving to the next cell using the right arrow on the keyboard. It was noticeable, however, that she was able to pick up on the use of shortcuts and was able to remember them quite easily which is an important part of ensuring that usability is good. This means that the systems is easier to understand and use as the user can successfully remember some of the necessary steps that increases efficiency. Since the student has previously had some help trying to learn the use of this technology some things such as the data input and the shortcuts came much more easily, thus it will be biased to use just this one-time experience to determine success. However, it is important to note that the student made some progress and has been making progress from previous sessions. This means that it will not be remembered immediately since most people are not able to retain information that quickly especially at an older age. Furthermore, this is similar to Magritte’s The Human Condition as it shows the difference in understanding levels and everyone’s capabilities. Everyone sees things differently and it is very important for the developer(s) of systems to implement this in creating the functioning aspects of a systems. Acting as the listener helps to understand more of what happens with the interaction between computers and humans . This is


Nana Aba Ackah 0629227 COIS 3560 – Assignment 2

because the listener can now implement the ideas that the user would like to be handled by the computer. This is an interesting way to understand how communication works because each user as they have different experiences with the interface and will therefore have different levels of expertise making their use of a computer is different. Comparing these levels of understanding is similar to language learning which varies due to many factors including age, literacy level and others. When a child is taught a language as they are growing up, they tend to grasp the ideas of the language make quicker and easier. This is because of how their brains are sponge-like meaning that they are able to unconsciously absorb information unlike with adults (Agency, 2018). This is similar to people born into the era of digital language of computers, video games etc. as they are referred to as native speakers of the digital languages (Prensky, 2001). Digital natives are more prone to understanding and learning new technological advances and therefore find it easier to understand the basics in computer interfaces. On the other, digital immigrants have been in a way forced to adapt to the new normal and just like any immigrant, the longer you have stayed in your home country, the harder it is to get used to your new environment. Similarly, when learning new technology, it is much harder for older people who are just beginning their journey in learning how to use computers than it is for users that already have some knowledge with computers. This is why they tend to resist new methods and technologies that could help make life easier as they are content with their old methods which have worked so far for them (Prensky, 2001).


Nana Aba Ackah 0629227 COIS 3560 – Assignment 2

Therefore, understanding the importance of usability in human-computer interaction helps make the session more useful for every user. It is important, when developing computer systems, to assess through different perspectives as there each individual understands thing in different ways thus their experiences will be different. In order for the user to have a successful interaction with the computer it will depend on how easy it is to understand or learn, the ease of use, and the how easy it is to remember what has been learnt. This, therefore, requires a lot of patience from the especially from the teacher because what might seem easy and rudimentary to them is, in most cases, is quite difficult for others (Smith, 2021).


Nana Aba Ackah 0629227 COIS 3560 – Assignment 2

References Agency, E. S. (2018, May 15). Benefits of learning a second language as a child | Ertheo Education & Sport. Retrieved from ertheo: https://www.ertheo.com/blog/en/learning-a-secondlanguage/#:~:text=Learning%20a%20second%20language%20is,brain%20designed%20for%20la nguage%20learning. Introduction to HCI. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~rxb/Teaching/HCI%20II/intro.html#:~:text=HCI%20(human%2Dco mputer%20interaction),the%20ways%20they%20work%20together. Prensky, M. (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. 2-4. Smith, N. (2021, May 4). The C side of HCI. Human-Computer Interaction.


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