Project One PDF

Title Project One
Course Writing About The Disciplines--Writing About Social Sciences
Institution East Carolina University
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This is project one for ENGL 2201. The class is the same for each professor, the you choose just varies based on your field of interest. The format for this paper will be universal. Works cited included. Prof. Helen Stead. Received an A-...


Project One Professor Stead English 2201 Section 11 28 October 2018 Medical 3-D Printing Revolutionizing the Engineering Field A very new concept in both the medical and engineering field is that of 3-D printing organs. This technology would nearly cut the need for the United Network for Organ Sharing, (UNOS) and would allow for patients to receive organs specifically designed for them. Printing organs does bring some ethical concerns however, many believe by artificially making biological material, this is “cheating the system of life” and is “playing God” (Lewis, 2017). UNOS data reports that someone is added to the organ transplant list every ten minutes, while an average of twenty individuals die each day while they are waiting for the organs they need. In this paper, three articles are presented with each providing examples of ethos, logos, and pathos. This is designed to show how the authors interact with the intended audience to provide information relevant to the topic. Popular, trade, and scholarly articles all present information in different ways using ethos, logos, and pathos based on their intended audience and how they are trying to get their point across. Although each has its own place, trade articles are the most effective at conveying information and allow the reader to obtain educated and correct information within the engineering field. A popular article written by Tim Lewis called “Could 3D Printing Solve the Organ Transplant Shortage” published by The Guardian. This article effects the pathos or emotional side of readers and begins by telling the backstory of a scientist in the field, and how his interest was sparked by his father’s work. The Guardian, which is a British newspaper is a credible

source for information while is slightly liberal based. This article shows no particular bias however, this is simply because it is reporting on scientific information and how this information came about. The Guardian newspaper is meant for the general public which indicates that you need no prior knowledge of the subject in order to understand the topic being presented. It provides a lot of basic information and discusses how Gatenholm, the included scientist, came about studying the 3-D printing of organs. This article is effective at providing information to someone who might not know extensively about the topic of 3-D printing. Although this newspaper is slightly biased, it wouldn’t play a major role in this situation due to the nature of the information; the material given is purely factual and there is not much leeway in which it can be altered. Contrary to the popular article, scholarly articles go into much more depth and mostly provide specific information about a particular topic in the field. This example, Medical Application for 3D Printing: Current and Projected Uses by C. Lee Ventola discusses how this concept has the potential to revolutionize medicine and provide numerous benefits to the individuals in need of these organs. This article provides a detailed overview of what 3-D printing is and how it’s being implemented into the medical field (Lee, 2014). The main purpose of the article is to provide the information concerning how 3-D printers are being used today, and how scientists expect for them to be used in the future. Unlike the popular article, this example also gives reference to specific information someone without previous background might not be accustomed to. In order for an article such as this to be published, it must be peer-reviewed extensively in order to assure that the information being presented is correct. Therefore, this scholarly article would have correct scientific information in relevance to the 3-D printing of biological material. This would affect the logos aspect of writing due to it being logic based and

using rationality to inform the intended audience of the subject. This article is very effective about providing specific information and due to the scientific nature of the article, the information should be correct due to peer review and the author having previous knowledge on the subject. The third article is a trade article, which is based for those in the engineering field. It gives specific information which is similar to the scholarly article in that it is designed for those that know the topic being presented. It provides background and then directly goes into 3-D printing and how organ engineering is being used in the medical field. It discusses how there is far more people needing transplants than the organs that are actually available. Written by the Yale School of Engineering, it extensively talks about regenerative medicine which is another main factor in the printing of biological material. Along with 3-D printing organs, tissue grafts are a large example of how the engineering field is being revolutionized and used within the medical field. Tissue grafts are primarily used for burn victims who’s skin cells are severely damaged or destroyed (Munoz-Abraham, Armando Salim, et al., 2016). This article is very effective, especially for those in the engineering field. It describes the material in such a way that it is conveying complex information in a much easier to read format, while still maintaining the level of sophistication which is expected in this type of article. In conclusion, all three articles each provide examples of ethos, logos, and pathos used in logical ways. The popular article gives backstory and provides the information in a way which requires no prior knowledge of the subject. The trade article, which is designed for people in the field is factual and much like the scholarly article in that they both present reliable and accurate information. The scholarly article is meant to give peer-reviewed information to readers and is intended for people within the field that have prior knowledge of the subject. In this instance, the

trade article is the most efficient at conveying information due to the writing style and what is being presented. By using ethos, this offers the reader with scientific information along with terms used specifically within the engineering field. According to this, it can be concluded that the trade article is the most effective at conveying information because of its intention towards engineering and terminology used. In this particular field, it is important to present the information correctly and efficiently and this article is the most effective at doing so.

Works Cited Ventola, C. Lee. “Medical Applications for 3D Printing: Current and Projected Uses.” Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports., U.S. National Library of Medicine, Oct. 2014, Lewis, Tim. “Could 3D Printing Solve the Organ Transplant Shortage?” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 30 July 2017, Munoz-Abraham, Armando Salim, et al. “3D Printing of Organs for Transplantation: Where Are We and Where Are We Heading?” Yale School of Engineering, 22 Feb. 2016, %20Transplantation.pdf.

Project One Reflection

During the revision process of the paper, I corrected numerous small aspects from my group peer review, and larger aspects from the ungraded revision. From the group peer review, I was able to fix grammar mistakes and clearing up clarity issues within the paper. I also got suggestions on how to make the points included stronger by using fewer generic terms and providing specific information. They noticed some aspects such as the lack of in-text citations and some formatting issues that could be easily fixed. Each of the suggestions I received allowed me to greatly improve my paper and I found that talking about it in person was very helpful. By doing so, they were able to explain certain things that were unclear if just given their evaluation alone. From the ungraded revision, I was able to focus on the bigger ideas within the paper. I revised my thesis statement and included which source I believed was the most useful in the engineering field. At first, I had stated that each source had a role in informing and they had certain strengths under different circumstances. By correcting it to show that trade articles are the most effective, it achieved the goal of the project. Also, the conclusion was changed based on how I explained the trade article was more effective within the paper. One thing I left out was the in-text citations, these were added in respect to the articles they correlated with. There was also a mistake with one of my citations which was corrected during the revision process....

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