PSY 215 Project One PDF

Title PSY 215 Project One
Author Briana Terrell
Course Abnormal Psychology
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 5
File Size 128.5 KB
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PSY 215 Project One Template Use the following article to support you in writing your blog post: Tips for Writing Popular Blog Posts. Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Part One Use this Project One Template to complete your blog post. You will first review the various psychological disorders that you’ve learned about in the course and select 3 disorders from your textbook’s “DSM-5 Quick Guide.” Using a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences per bullet for each psychological disorder, respond to each of the rubric criteria below to structure your blog post. Support your answers with credible sources when appropriate. Blog post headline: Disorders That Are Affecting Your Friends and Family. You Will Not Believe the Treatments Used, and They Actually Work! Three selected disorders: Major Depressive Disorder Panic Disorder Anxiety Disorder 

In your own words, identify and describe the main diagnostic features of each of the disorders selected. Major Depressive Disorder is characterized by an individual who experiences extreme depression and loss of interest in activities they have formerly enjoyed for a period of 2 weeks and has never experienced any type of manic episode. Panic Disorder is characterized by unprovoked panic attacks that come out of nowhere and have occurred repeatedly for a period longer than 2 months; Individuals also experience constant fear of when and where the next panic attack will occur. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is when an individual experiences disproportionate and uncontrollable anxiety/worry almost every day for at least 6 months towards activities of normal everyday life.

Consider biomedical factors: Describe what it means to characterize the disorders as “diseases of the nervous system and the body.” Major depressive disorder, panic disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder are all psychological disorders that affect different neurotransmitters in the brain. This is why certain medications that target different chemicals in the brain can help treat a client when combined with therapy. Possible biomedical factors of anxiety disorders like panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder are “abnormalities in brain neurochemistry, metabolism, genetics, and receptor physiology” (Wolfe, 2005). Individuals with depression often have lower levels of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. Biomedical factors of psychological disorders are a subject that has not been researched as much as other causal factors because it is hard to pinpoint if the disorder is caused by the biomedical factor or if it causes it.

Consider clinical factors: Describe the similarities between the disorders selected. In what ways might these similarities impact diagnosis and treatment?


Panic disorder and Generalized Anxiety disorder (GAD) are similar because they both involve excessive anxiety or worry, as well as a feeling of losing control. Panic disorder and GAD are often diagnosed as comorbid disorders, meaning an individual will experience both disorders at some point in their lives. Both disorders also include change in normal behavior caused by persistent anxiety. Sheryl Ankrom M.S, LCPC (2020) explains about the commonalities in her article “Differences Between Panic Disorder and GAD” found of She explains how both disorders can cause the same health problems, such as: heart disease, lung disease, and neurological diseases. She also points out that it is “not uncommon for panic disorder and GAD to co-occur with mood disorders like major depressive disorder” (Ankrom, 2020). Major depressive disorder and GAD have common symptoms. Both disorders cause the individual to become irritable and restless. They also cause the person to experience difficulty sleeping and when concentrating. Panic disorder and major depressive disorder both cause extreme behavior changes from what an individual normally acts like. These similarities can impact diagnosis and treatment of an individual if they are diagnosed incorrectly. Each of these disorders have different causal factors, as well as physical and emotional symptoms. There are more detailed criteria listed in the DSM-5 that will help to discover which diagnosis fits an individual. These disorders tend to co-occur with each other. This can impact diagnosis and treatment because an individual would need to be treated for both disorders instead of one. All three disorders have a lot of commonalities with the medications, therapies, and cognitive behavioral therapies involved in treating these disorders. 

Consider historical factors: Describe the ways deinstitutionalization has impacted patient rights, levels of care, and access to treatment of the disorders over time. There have been many positive and negative outcomes from deinstitutionalization. It has affected psychiatric patients with every type of disorder. Deinstitutionalization was started as a way to help psychiatric patients by preventing them from spending their lives in a mental institution and helping them integrate into normal society. The idea itself was a good one but the result was far from what was expected. The lack of mental health clinics and funds has continued to harm to mental health community for decades. Individuals who suffer from chronic mental illness are unable to get treatment and rehabilitation. The low number of mental health care facilities and beds for the mentally ill have caused a lot of would-be patients to not be admitted (Lamb & Bachrach, 2001). This causes many to become homeless or end up in prison and there are increased rates of suicide among individuals with mental disorders (Hooley, et al., 2020). However, mentally ill individuals who are able to get the care they need in their communities have fared extremely better than they would have, had they been in a historical psychiatric hospital. The quality of care inside today’s mental hospitals has greatly improved since deinstitutionalization (Lamb & Bachrach, 2001).

Consider sociocultural factors: Describe the social and cultural changes that have caused shifts in the public’s perception of the disorders over time. Social and cultural changes over time have caused shifts in the public’s perception of panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder. In the past, society was more religion oriented. Therefore, mental illness was thought to be caused by demonic possession or witches. As psychology and learning became more prominent, sociocultural perceptions of mental illness change drastically. Disorders such as panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder were thought of as a weakness of the mind. Major depressive disorder was thought to be hysteria and only effected women. Steadily, through research and study, mental disorders were discovered to be a mixed of physiological,


biological, and sociocultural causal factors. Present day society still views those with mental disorders as abnormal and to be avoided. Generalized anxiety disorder, however, has become popular in present times. This is especially true with the millennial and gen z generations, whom the majority of have selfdiagnosed themselves with anxiety. Panic disorder is seen as an over exaggeration or a plea for attention. Major depressive disorder has become more known and the majority of society is sympathetic towards anyone who is inflicted with the disorder. Knowledge of mental disorders has become more widespread to the population through movies and T.V. This, however, has adverse side effects. Dramatization of mental illness is portrayed and therefore, society is still adverse towards those suffering. Although, not so much so as societies of history were.

Part Two Respond to the three questions in a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences. Support your answers with credible sources when appropriate and address the rubric criteria. Consider the mind-body connection: Describe whether a discernible bidirectional relationship exists between the disorder and physical illness. If so, explain. I believe that a bidirectional relationship exists between some disorders and physical illness, but not all. For example, and type of physical illness will cause anxiety and depression in an individual. In turn, anxiety and depression can be causal factors for physical illness. That being said, there are many different types of abnormal disorders, as well as physical illnesses. Therefore, I do not not believe there are is any certain type of mental disorder that will cause one type of physical illness and vice-versa. In a generalization sense however, I do believe there could possibly be a bidirectional correlation.

Consider the impact of language and messaging: Describe how the words we use (e.g., in casual conversation, in media communications) when discussing a disorder influence our willingness or ability to manage the disorder. Words like anxiety and depression are used in everyday conversation, regardless of if the person is actually diagnosed with an actual anxiety or depressive disorder. Things are said like: “This movie is giving me anxiety” or “ I am feeling very depressed over this break-up.” This can cause people to assume what they are feeling is actually considered normal and in turn, causes them not to seek treatment. The same concept goes along with describing a person as bi-polar or crazy. This language use causes people to associate a social stigma with diagnosis and seeking treatment. This will also [prevent someone from seeking way to manage the disorder.

Consider the effect of lifestyle choices: Describe the small, but significant, changes in attitude/behavior we can make that could help us to manage the symptoms of the disorder. There are a wide variety of small but significant changes a person can make to their lifestyle choices in order to manage a disorder’s symptoms. One way is to use breathing techniques during times of stress or anxiety. Another way is to input daily meditation into your schedule. Meditation has been proved to 3

enhance a person’s mental and physical well-being. Lastly, journaling everyday will help a person to release negative feelings and thoughts and overall help their mental well-being.


References Hooley J.M., Butcher J., Nock M.K., & Mineka, S.M. (2020). Abnormal Psychology (18th ed.). Boston: Pearson.!/4/[email protected]:50.8 Lamb, H.R., & Bachrach, L.L. (2001, August 1). Some Perspectives on Deinstitutionalization. Psychiatric Services, Psychiatry Online, Wolfe, B. E. (2005). Perspectives on Anxiety Disorders. In Understanding and treating anxiety disorders: An integrative approach to healing the wounded self. American Psychological Association.


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