PSY 215 Project One Template PDF

Title PSY 215 Project One Template
Author Ericka Adams
Course Abnormal Psychology
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 4
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PSY 215 Project One Template Use the following article to support you in writing your blog post: Tips for Writing Popular Blog Posts. Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Part One Use this Project One Template to complete your blog post. You will first review the various psychological disorders that you’ve learned about in the course and select 3 disorders from your textbook’s “DSM-5 Quick Guide.” Using a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences per bullet for each psychological disorder, respond to each of the rubric criteria below to structure your blog post. Support your answers with credible sources when appropriate. Blog post headline: Treatments That Work!! Addressing Everyday Disorders of Mental Health Three selected disorders: Major Depressive Disorder Panic Disorder Anxiety Disorder Panic Disorder Anxiety Disorder Major Depressive Disorder  In your own words, identify and describe the main diagnostic features of each of the disorders selected Panic Disorderwhen a person is suffering from panic attacks they have an sudden period of intense fear or discomfort that is followed by symptoms like increased heart rate, palpitations and pounding in their chest. Panic disorder happens when the person experiences reoccurring panic attacks, with 1 or more attacks followed by at least 1 month of fear of another attack and/or significant maladaptive behavior related to the attack. Anxiety disorderWhen a person suffers from excessive anxiety and worry about a variety of topics, events, or activities. Worry occurs very often, lasts at least six months and is excessive. The worry in both adults and children can easily change from one thing to another. The anxiety and worry are accompanied by at least three of the following physical/cognitive symptoms. Edginess or restlessness, tired easy, more fatigued than usual. Impaired concentration, irritability, etc. Major depressive disorderWhen a person suffer for 2 weeks or longer with a depressed mood most of the day, and most days, when they lose interest or pleasure in all activities, show significant weight loss when not dieting or exercising, and have trouble sleeping. They can also have fatigue, and feelings of worthlessness or unnecessary guilt. People with major depressive disorders may also have recurring thoughts about death and think of and/or attempt to take their own life.


Consider biomedical factors: Describe what it means to characterize the disorders as “diseases of the nervous system and the body.”

Panic disorder, anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder are categorized as psychological disorders. They all affect the brains neurotransmitters. So if a patient is given medicine that targets the chemical imbalances and the person also has therapy, then they can see great improvement in their overall mental health. Many of the people who suffer with these types of disorders produce low levels of serotonin and dopamine in their brain. Other factors related to biomedical issues with these disorders also include genetics, metabolism and receptor physiology. (Wolfe, 2005)

Consider clinical factors: Describe the similarities between the disorders selected. In what ways might these similarities impact diagnosis and treatment? This overlap probably occurs because of universal dimensions of distress or negative affectivity, a shared genetic predisposition, and a common neurobiology shared neurobiology can be investigated directly by the investigation of emotional or cognitive bias either behaviorally or using functional brain imaging. This intermediate phenotype can then provide a substrate for understanding and developing medicines and psychological treatments. (Goodwin, 2015)

Consider historical factors: Describe the ways deinstitutionalization has impacted patient rights, levels of care, and access to treatment of the disorders over time Deinstitutionalization has had a significant impact on the mental health system, including the client, the agency, and the counselor. For clients with serious mental illness, learning to live in a community setting poses challenges that are often difficult to overcome. Community mental health agencies must respond to these specific needs, thus requiring a shift in how services are delivered and how mental health counselors need to be trained. Counselors have been forced to respond to the need to gain new competencies and encourage collaborative relationships with other mental health providers. The biggest challenge remains with the funding of programs to support the continued deinstitutionalization of those with SMI, although from the institution of imprisonment rather than psychiatric hospitalization. Mental health services for those individuals with SMIs who are incarcerated need to be improved, including an aftercare component once released from jail or prison. (Yohanna, 2013)

Consider sociocultural factors: Describe the social and cultural changes that have caused shifts in the public’s perception of the disorders over time. Culture plays a big role in how things are excepted or rejected in a society. When it comes to mental health issues things like stigma, understanding, community support and access to treatment play a big part in the way people who suffer are viewed. To create a shift in mental health issues we have seen celebrities like Michael Phelps and others come forward rto make these subjects relatable and less stigmatized. This is just one positive way that helps to change


societies perception of mental illness. You can help address the mental health of minorities by understanding the role culture plays in mental health and by becoming trained to help those around you. Mental Health First Aid gives people the skills to identify signs of mental health and substance use challenges and action steps to take to help them get treatment.

Part Two For Part Two, choose 1 disorder from the 3 you discussed in Part One. Respond to each of the three questions in a minimum of 3 to 5 sentences. Support your answers with credible sources when appropriate and address the rubric criteria. One selected disorder: Major depressive disorder

Consider the mind-body connection: Describe whether a discernible bidirectional relationship exists between the disorder and physical illness. If so, explain. There is a definite connection between mental illness and physical diseases. Studies have shown that elderly people who suffer from major depressive disorder also had serious cardiovascular issues. Other studies show that many who are diagnosed with terminal illness can experience much higher levels of major depression and thought of suicide. So it is very fair to say that psychological stresses associated with chronic illness or suboptimal health may themselves potentiate, perpetuate and exacerbate psychiatric disease.

Consider the impact of language and messaging: Describe how the words we use (e.g., in casual conversation, in media communications) when discussing a disorder influence our willingness or ability to manage the disorder. I think of two words that I hear often at work that relate to mental health issues. They are: committed and suffering. I think of the word committed in relation to suicide. Suicide isn’t a crime or a sin. But that’s what I would relate to the word committed. It is lass stigmatizing to say a person took their life. With the word suffering it’s the same thing. It’s like someone is being given a life sentence! It’s better to say that a person is “living” with a mental illness. This implies that a person can survive and live life in spite of what they are going through.

Consider the effect of lifestyle choices: Describe the small, but significant, changes in attitude/behavior we can make that could help us to manage the symptoms of the disorder. When we look at issues of depression there are many simple but effect things we can change about our behaviors that can improve our overall health. Things like getting more exercise to reduce our stress levels. Eating a diet that supports good brain health is great. Making sure that we get the proper amount of sleep is also big. As far as our attitude I think its about acceptance and what we tell ourselves. We have to try hard to speak positivity to our life everyday. We need to change our attitude from one of


hopelessness to one of acceptance and realization that we are not the only one suffering and there are many things we can do to get help/

Wolfe, B. E. (2005). Perspectives on Anxiety Disorders. In Understanding and treating anxiety disorders: An integrative approach to healing the wounded self. American Psychological Association. Wolfe, B. E. (2005). Perspectives on Anxiety Disorders. In Understanding and treating anxiety disorders: An integrative approach to healing the wounded self. American Psychological Association. Wolfe, B. E. (2005). Perspectives on Anxiety Disorders. In Understanding and treating anxiety disorders: An integrative approach to healing the wounded self. American Psychological Association. Wolfe, B. E. (2005). Understanding and treating anxiety disorders: An integrative approach to healing the wounded self. American Psychological Association. Goodwin, G. M. (2015, September). The overlap between anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Dialogues in clinical neuroscience. Yohanna, D. (2013, October 1). Deinstitutionalization of people with mental illness: Causes and consequences. Journal of Ethics | American Medical Association.


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