Exam one quizlet - exam one PDF

Title Exam one quizlet - exam one
Course Concepts Of Maternal-Child Nursing And Families
Institution Nova Southeastern University
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The mother of a 3-month-old boy asks the nurse about starting solid foods. What is the most appropriate response by the nurse?, "The tongue extrusion reflex disappears at age 4 to 6 months, making it a good time to start solid foods." The father of a 2-month-old girl is expressing concern that his infant may be getting spoiled. The nurse's best response is, "Consistently meeting the infant's needs helps promote a sense of trust." Parents of an 8-month-old girl express concern that she cries when left with the babysitter. How does the nurse best explain this behavior?, Separation anxiety is normal at this age; the infant recognizes parents as separate beings. The nurse is providing anticipatory guidance to the mother of a 6-month-old infant. What is the best instruction by the nurse in relation to the infant's oral health?, "Clean your baby's gums, then new teeth, with a washcloth." A 9-month-old infant's mother is questioning why cow's milk is not recommended in the first year of life as it is much cheaper than formula. What rationale does the nurse include in her response?, Cow's milk is iron poor and does not provide the proper balance of nutrients for the infant. Sonograms demonstrate thumb sucking as early as in utero., True A nurse is preparing discharge teaching for a client being discharged with her newborn baby. What is the highest priority item that must be included in the teaching plan?, Restrain the baby in a car seat. Anticipatory guidance for an infant for the 4th month should include the fact that she probably will, be able to turn over onto the back. (enlarging the area of the house that needs to be childproofed.) A new mother asks for advice from the nurse about bathing her infant. Which of the following should the nurse tell her?, Be sure to wash the infant's face, hands, and diaper area daily Which developmental milestone would the nurse expect an 11-month-old infant to have achieved?, Sitting independently

The nurse is assessing the oral cavity of a 4-month-old infant. Which finding is consistent with a child of this age?, No teeth

The caregiver of an infant tells the nurse that her dentist told her not to let the child go to bed with a bottle of milk. The caregiver states she doesn't understand the reason for this since her baby seems to enjoy the bottle. The most appropriate response to this caregiver would be:, "Bottles given at bedtime can cause erosion of the enamel on the teeth." What is the correct amount of urine diapers a mature infant should have each day?, An infant should have 6 to 8 wet diapers/day. The best way for an infant's father to help his child complete the developmental task of the first year is to, respond to her consistently. Nurse Betty is documenting her postpartum mother and baby. She must document the relationship between the mother and infant. Which observation would demonstrate attachment?," The mom is talking to the infant while breast-feeding the infant." Which of the following would you include when teaching the parents of an infant about colic?, Colic symptoms will probably fade at 3 months of age. A 5-month-old infant being assessed was born at 32 weeks. The nurse doing the well-child check-up should compare the baby to what norms, The development of a 3-month-old The nurse goes in to check on Lilly and how breast-feeding is going with her new son. The nurse observes the infant is on her lap with the blanket unwrapped, and Lilly is washing his face, and gently stroking the baby. Lily has had trouble breast-feeding the last few times. What is the appropriate response from her nurse?, "Lilly, you are doing a wonderful job attempting to waken the baby." The nurse is assessing the sleeping practices of the parents of a 4-month-old girl who wakes repeatedly during the night. Which parent comment might reveal a cause for the night waking?, They put her to bed when she falls asleep. The nurse is examining an 8-month-old girl for appropriate development during a regular checkup. Which observation points to a developmental risk?, Uses only the left hand to grasp Mark is a 2-month-old that has inconsolable crying, is gassy, and constantly draws his legs up. It has been determined that Mark has colic. What is the best intervention to treat colic, He needs to try a different formula to assess for sensitivity. A father asks you what symptoms he can expect with normal teething in his infant. Which of the following would you tell him?, The child's gum line will be tender.

The nurse is caring for the family with a 2-month-old boy with colic. The mother reports feeling very stressed by the baby's constant crying. Which intervention would provide the most help in the short term?, Urging the baby's mother to take time for herself away from the child The mother of 1-week-old boy voices concerns about her baby's weight loss since birth. At birth the baby weighed 7 lb (3.2 kg); the baby currently weighs 6 lb 1 oz (2.8 kg). Which response by the nurse is most appropriate?, "Your baby has lost a bit more than the normal amount." Which of the following milestones would you expect an infant to accomplish by 8 months of age?, Sitting without support The infant measures 21 ½ inches at birth. If the infant is following a normal pattern of growth, which of the following would be an expected height for this child at the age of six months?, 27 ½ inches Explanation Most infants double their birth weight by 4 months of age and triple their birth weight by the time they are 1 year old. By 12 months of age, the infant's length has increased by 50 percent. The mother of an infant asks you when to begin tooth brushing with her son. Your best response would be, as soon as the first tooth erupts. A frustrated mother comes to a 9-month well-baby checkup complaining to you that her son is refusing all of the solid food she gives him. When talking with this mother, the nurse discovers that she has struggled all her life with a weight problem. She attributes this problem to being forced to eat all of the food she was served as a child, even when she was full. Because she doesn't want to cause the same problem in her child, she tells the nurse that each time her son pushes food away with his tongue she believes that he doesn't want it. Which of the following statements would be most appropriate for the nurse to say to this mother?, "The baby needs to learn how to move the food to the back of the mouth for swallowing, so catch the food and offer it again until the baby learns this." Explanation The infant knows only one way to take food: namely to thrust the tongue forward as if to suck. This is called the extrusion (protrusion) reflex and has the effect of pushing solid food out of the infant's mouth. The process of transferring food from the front of the mouth to the throat for swallowing is a complicated skill that must be learned. If the food is pushed out, the caregiver must catch it and offer it again. The baby soon learns to manipulate the tongue and comes to enjoy this novel way of eating. An infant is breastfed. When assessing her stools, which of the following data would be typical?.,

Breastfed infants are less likely to be constipated than bottle-fed infants. Explanation The stools of breastfed infants tend to be yellow and looser than those of bottle-fed babies. A staff nurse is talking about Piaget's theory with a nursing student. Infants are in the sensorimotor stage of cognitive development during which object permanence is mastered. An example of an infant displaying this ability is:, looking for a toy in her crib at the last place she saw it. The nurse is educating the mother of a 6-month-old boy about the symptoms for teething. Which symptom would the nurse identify?, Increased biting and sucking Martha asks the nurse if her 2-month-old could have baby bananas yet. The nurse would respond and educate Martha on the nutrition stages of infants by which of these responses?, "In two months you can try bananas if you think she is ready." The mother of a 3-month-old is concerned because her daughter does not yet sit by herself. Which of the following statements best reflects average sitting ability?, Most babies do not sit steadily until 8 months; she is normal. Using knowledge of normal growth and development, which of the following would be expected when observing a 12-week-old infant?, The infant smiles at significant others A teen mom asks the discharge nurse if it is okay to sleep in bed with the baby. She says her mom always did it with her siblings and it seemed okay. The nurse should respond how? "Bed sharing has positive effects on babies, let me get you information." Explanation The nurse should enforce that bed sharing is sometimes a positive experience if the parents are safe and responsible. When done properly, the effect can be positive on infant nutrition and physiology Which measure would you suggest an infant's parents use to relieve teething discomfort?, Give her a cold teething ring to chew. Debbie asks her nurse what she thinks about giving her baby a pacifier. Debbie is struggling with this issue and is very teary-eyed about making a decision. How should the nurse respond to Debbie?, "It is a personal decision, let me give you a pamphlet from the AAP." The mother of a 1-month-old infant voices concern about her baby's respirations. She states they are rapid and irregular. Which information should the nurse provide?, The respirations of a 1-month-old infant are normally irregular and periodically pause

Explanation The normal respiratory rate for a 1-month-old infant is 30 to 60 breaths per minute. By 1 year of age the rate will be 20 to 30 breaths per minute. The respiratory patterns of the 1-month-old infant are irregular. There may normally be periodic pauses in the rhythm. The nurse is educating the mother of a newborn about feeding practices. The nurse correctly advises the mother the newborn's stomach can hold between one-half to 1 ounce. The nurse is teaching the mother of a 5-month-old boy who is concerned about thumb sucking. What should be included in the teaching plan? • Advising the mother this behavior is a form of self-comfort • Assuring the mother this behavior won't cause malocclusion • Informing the mother that thumb sucking occurs more often during periods of stress • Telling the mother this behavior usually decreases by 6 to 9 months of age The nurse conducting a 6-month well-baby check-up assesses for the presence/absence of the asymmetric tonic neck reflex. At this age the reflex:, should have disappeared. The nurse is teaching healthy eating habits to the parents of a 7-month-old girl. Which recommendation is the most valuable advice? Serve new foods several times When teaching an infant's mother about bathing her, it would be important to instruct her that, bath time provides an opportunity for play. A 12-month-old seen at a walk-in clinic weighed 8 pounds 4 ounces (3.75 kg) at birth. Weight now is 20 pounds 8 ounces (9.3 kg). The nurse determines:, The child weighs less than expected for age. Explanation Birth weight should triple by 12 months. The child should weigh near 24 pounds 12 ounces (11.25 kg). The child is underweight for age. Patty calls the hospital nursing hotline and asks, "My 8-week-old daughter cries 8 hours a day, and she is hard to console, is that normal?" What should the nurse's response be to this mother?, "Let me ask you some more questions to see if there are symptoms of colic." Bob and Nancy have financial issues and ask the nurse if a borrowed crib would be okay to use for their new twin boys. Which response should the nurse use in educating the parents?, "You can use the crib, but there are guidelines to follow." The nurse is examining a 6-month-old girl who was born 8 weeks early. Which finding is cause for concern?, Head size has increased 5 in (12 cm) since birth.

The nurse is conducting a physical examination of a 5-month-old boy. Which observation may be cause for concern about the infant's neurologic development?, The infant displays an asymmetric tonic neck reflex (fencing reflex). (Birth-4mos) The nurse comes into infant Lucy's room on the pediatric floor. She is going to try and feed her for the first time since her surgery. How does the nurse know what infant state Lucy is in by what Mom says and that it is okay to try and feed Lucy?, "Lucy has been a chatterbox and smiles just like her brother." The nurse is promoting a healthy diet to the mother of a 6-month-old girl. What action would have the most effect on the infant's neurologic development?, Promoting continuation of breastfeeding A new mother complains that she is exhausted and that the little sleep she gets is determined by her baby's daytime naps and the few hours the baby sleeps during the night. The nurse discusses with this mother the importance of helping the infant establish healthy sleeping patterns. Which of the following would be most helpful for this mother to do to encourage healthy sleeping patterns? The mother should, Use the crib for sleeping only, not for play activities A parent who is feeding his child formula prepared at home using evaporated milk is concerned about whether the child is receiving all necessary nutrients. Which of the following would be important for this parent to add to his child's diet to supplement the formula? Iron The nurse at a family health clinic is teaching a group of parents about normal infant development. What patterns of communication should the nurse tell parents to expect from an infant at age 1? Understands "no" and other simple commands Put the following developmental milestones related to an infant's hearing in correct chronological order Stop activity in response to spoken word Turn head to locate sound Locate sounds downward and to side Locate sounds made above Recognize name when spoken Locate & turn toward sound in any direction A 3-month-old still has a Moro reflex. Which statement is most true of this refle Most 3-month-olds still have a Moro reflex. Explanation Typically, Moro (startle) reflexes last until 5 to 6 months and then fade.

Lea is 3 months old. At what age would it be okay for Lea's mother to introduce carrots to her for dinner?, Solid food can be introduced at 4 to 6 months of age. A new mother, when asked by a nurse, explains that her 4-month-old infant has been nursing regularly every 3 to 4 hours but seems satisfied. However, the mother recently introduced solid food in the form of unbuttered popcorn to the baby as a supplement, to "get her used to eating solid food." She felt that the popcorn would be safe because it is soft on the baby's gums. Which of the following should be the primary nursing diagnosis in this situation Risk for aspiration related to feeding the infant an inappropriate food The nurse enters her patient's room and finds the infant on a pillow with a bottle propped up while mom is dressing. What reaction should the nurse make? "You should always hold your baby for feedings instead of propping the bottles." Which of the following shows an example of Erik Erikson's developmental task for the infant? The infant cries and the caregiver picks the child up. At birth the newborn's head and chest circumference were measured. The nurse knows that the head should be about 1 inch larger than the chest A nurse is talking to and making facial expressions at a 9-month-old baby girl during a routine office visit. Which of the following represents the most advanced milestone of language development that the nurse should expect to see in this child? The infant says "da-da" when looking at her father The nurse is examining an 8-month-old girl for appropriate development during a regular checkup. Which observation points to a developmental risk? Uses only the left hand to grasp The nurse is caring for a 5-week-old infant who is spitting up "all the time." This is the mother's first child. What should be the priority nursing intervention? Observe the mother while she feeds and burps her infant. Infant development is best described by which of the following statements? Development proceeds cephalocaudally. The nurse enters her patient's room to find the new mom crying softly. The nurse asks what is wrong. The mom says, "I had my heart set on breast-feeding and now my baby has a cleft lip. My dreams of breast-feeding him are destroyed." What should the nurse tell her patient about breast-feeding an infant with this diagnosis? “You can still attempt breast-feeding; let me call a lactation consultant for you." The nurse pulls the 5-month-old to sitting position from supine and notes head lag. The nurse's response is to refer the infant for developmental and/or neurologic evaluation.

A 6-month-old arrives for a well-baby visit with a case of diaper rash. The baby's mother tells the nurse she is not concerned and believes this to be normal. She reports that she changes the baby's diaper when he wakes up and before she puts him in his crib for naps or bedtime. It would be important to teach this mother that she should start checking his diaper to see if it needs changing every 2-4 hours The nurse is reviewing topics to be discussed with caregivers related to caring for infants. Which of the following statements would be the most appropriate statement for the nurse to make to this group of caregivers? The infant sleeps 10-12 hours at night and take 2-3 naps during the day The nurse is helping the mother of a 5-month-old boy understand the importance of developmentally appropriate play. Which one of the toys best meets the needs of this child? A yellow rubber duck for the bath The nurse is providing anticipatory guidance regarding the respiratory development of a 4-weekold girl for her mother. Which action is accurate Explaining to the mother the risk for infection is high due to the lack of antibodies A mother is discussing her 10-month-old boy with the nurse. Which comment indicates a need for teaching? "He loves being in his walker and 'zips' around the house." What is a true statement regarding developmental milestones of the 30-month-old? Full set of primary teeth The nurse is providing helpful feeding tips to the mother of a 2-week-old boy. Which recommendations will best help the child feed effectively? Maintain a feed-on-demand approach The nurse is teaching a mother of a 1-year old girl about weaning her from the bottle and breast. Which recommendation should be part of the nurse's plan? Give the child an iron-fortified cereal. Which statements regarding infant safety are accurate? • Crib and playpen bars should be no more than 2 3/8 inches apart • Car seats should be placed in back seats • A safe temperature for hot water heaters in households with infants is 120 degrees The mother of an infant questions the nurse about her baby's teething. The nurse provides client education. Which statement by the mother indicates understanding of the information provided? "The first teeth that will likely appear are the lower incisors." The infant in the exam room has these signs and symptoms. Which will the nurse attribute to teething?

• Refusing to eat • Irritability and awakening from sleep • Drooling and biting • Increased sucking on hands The nurse is reinforcing teaching related to the nutritional needs of the infant with a group of caregivers. One caregiver asks why her 6-month-old infant needs to have solid foods when breast milk is such a good source of nutrition. What would be the best response by the nurse? "Milk does not provide adequate amounts of iron, which are found in solid foods." While evaluating the development of 10-month-old boy, a nurse hides the boy's stuffed animal behind her back. The boy crawls around the examination table to look behind the nurse's back for the stuffed animal. Which developmental phenomena has this infant demonstrated? Object permanence The nurse is preparing a list of abilities of 10-month-olds to use in teaching a parenting group. Which ability should appear at this age? Cruises around furniture The nurse is teaching the mother of a 2-month-old girl about the social and emotional developments that will occur in the next 8 weeks. Which behavior is most likely to occur? Mimicking mother's facial expressions The nurse is assessing development of a 4-month-old boy during a well-child visit. Which obser...

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