ECE 313 Week 4 DQ 1 - Coursework PDF

Title ECE 313 Week 4 DQ 1 - Coursework
Author kimi raik
Course Collaboration with Parents & Community
Institution The University of Arizona Global Campus
Pages 2
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ECE 313 Week 4 DQ 1 Choose two extrinsic reinforcers/rewards and two intrinsic reinforcers/punishments. Give a good example of each selection to show your knowledge of "HOW IT OPERATES" and explain why it really is an appropriate selection for the defiant child. Explain what you will tell a parent who might question your choice to use this technique. Extrinsic reinforcers /rewards Positive Feedback works as you are telling the kid positive items that they're doing. Positive feedback might have a huge effect on the way a kid responds to you. When you make a child feel good about things that they are doing they are more likely to respond to you in a positive way. Sometimes kids get so used to hearing what they are doing wrong that it helps to encourage them when they hear about the good things that they are doing. For example, if you have a defiant child that is constantly getting in trouble and hearing all the negative things he is doing. If you tell the child something positive about things about them, they may change their day around because of them hearing positive things about themselves. It can be very tiring even on children to hear nothing but negative all the time. I would tell a parent that I use this to give kids encouraging things to hear throughout a day. Activity reinforcers/Premack principle- we have a rule in the classroom that we do not go outside until the toys, materials are cleaned up. The children know and understand this rule and follow the cleanup rule to go outside and play on the playground. They really do not want to do the tidy up, but recognize that is the just way that they can have the ability to proceed outside and play. If a parent were to question me on this method of reward /punishment, I would simply explain that this makes the children accountable for their actions and helps teach them responsibility. The children know the rules and understand that we all must clean up to enjoy the reward of playing outside. The children know the benefit/reward of what clean up inside is and accepts that freely. Two intrinsic reinforcers/punishments Verbal reprimand is when you talk to the child about an unacceptable behavior that they are exhibiting. I think that this would work with a defiant child because they are not going to like be pulled away from the rest of the group to be talked to. This is an action that should take place as soon as the child exhibits unacceptable behavior and you as the teacher should get down on the child’s level and talk to them in a soft voice an let them know what they have done wrong. The child will soon not want to keep being talk to about the behaviors they are having and they will want to rejoin the class. I would explain to a parent that this is something that I do to help the child understand what they are doing that they should not be doing on a level that the child will understand. Logical consequences - I honestly could not think of a better example of a logical consequence than the Wardle used in our text. “If a child spills milk, a logical consequence is to have him or her clean up the mess; a logical consequence for a child drawing on a table is to have him or her scrub the table clean” (Wardle, 2013).The main focus should be on fixing the problem or correcting a wrong doing and not around the punishment. The child needs to be able to make a connection between the wrong doing and must be capable to see how what is being asked to do does help fix the problem. If a parent questioned me on this form of punishment or correction I would explain that this teaches children respect for the program and how their actions affect the other children. I am a small program with limited budget and funds to replace broken or damaged items. The children need to understand how their treatment of items and the program are negative and how they can respect the items/program by correcting wrongs and not repeating their actions in the future. The bottom line is this teaches a child respect, to be more careful and to make better choices in the future to avoid effects. Share with your classmates your favorite extrinsic reward for any 3-year-old. My favorite extrinsic reward for any 3-year-old is the social reinforcer. I like this reward because I am a competitor. When children are challenging themselves, it is a great feeling. I want happiness and not dullness. I

was one of those children that had a hard time in school from preschool to college, and I still have some challenges. I use my social reinforces from the moment the children walk through the entry doors to the time leave out the exit doors....

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