EDC 478 final- j term PDF

Title EDC 478 final- j term
Author Gianna Bozzi-Rich
Course Problems in Education
Institution University of Rhode Island
Pages 4
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Final paper of the course about mental health first aid ...


Final EDC 478 URI My friend Tamisha has been in my life for years, as we grew up together in our hometown. She has always been extremely intelligent and a great student. She graduated from high school at the top of our class and received a scholarship to attend a state university, which is where she is now. I knew Tamisha was having some homesickness and trouble transitioning, but I was unaware of how college has been affecting her until her parents gave me a call. They have been having trouble reaching her and are worried about her current state of mind at school. She is going to a large school with an extensive campus which can be hard for any student to transition into. She has always been the star student who others come to; I am hoping she can find herself at her new school too. As her friend, I am hoping that I can reach out to communicate effectively with Tamisha so that I can assess her wellbeing and do what I can to help her situation, without making her feel uncomfortable or embarrassed. In scenario B, Tamisha is described as being a great student who has always thrived in her academic environment. Now, she is struggling transitioning at her new school and has been withdrawing socially and academically. She is having trouble sleeping and is experiencing an overwhelming sense of shame. She is now falling behind in her school work, which is very out of character. Her ability to concentrate due to anxiousness has made doing school work impossible and she has been isolating herself from her new friends and campus activities. These are all issues of concern since Tamisha is acting so unlike herself. The best way to approach my friend in this situation is to follow the guidelines of ALGEE. First, I must assess for risk of suicie or harm in Tamisha. In order to do this effectvily, I will come to her school to see her and speak to her in person. She always liked taking her dog for long walks in nature, so I would like to have our talk sitting outside somewhere away from other people, but

outside of her dorm room since she isolates herself there often. For “A”, asses for risk of suicide and harm, I will then ask her how she is adjusting to her new school and how is she doing with grades and friends. It would be good if I assessed her well being first before telling her that her parents have been worried about her. I will ask her how long she has felt this way and if she has talked to anyone else about it. If she is uncomfortable I will assure her that she can open up to me as a friend. For “L”, listen non-judgmentally, I will respect her and not judge her for whatever she expresses to me. I will keep my attention on her and not break eye contact, unless I am sensing that she does not want to make consistent eye contact. I will also make sure my phone is on silent and away For “G”, give reassurance and information”, I will reassure her that I am here for her no matter what and that I am here for support. I will remind her of what an intelligent and successful student she is. It may be encouraging for her to be reminded of the scholarship she received and that her university would not have given her that if they did not see her great academic ability. I will also remind her that her parents are proud of her and that they are more concerned with her happiness as she transitions than they are with her academic standing. Providing her with information about places she can go on campus to find services to help her with academics, and mental wellbeing will encourage her. For “E”, encourage appropriate professional help, will include me offering to go with her to any appointment she has. Due to her trouble eating and feelings of anxiety I will encourage her to see her primary care doctor who can assess her professionally for possible eating disorders and mood disorders like anxiety or depression and to help her with trouble sleeping. For the last “E”, encourage self help add support strategies, I will help her find support groups of students on campus who are feeling like she is. I will also help her organize her schoolwork with a new planner so that she can keep up with her classes from now on.

At URI there are many resources available for students like Tamisha to do better in their personal lives and in their academics. It is important for students to be aware of all the help they can receive from the university. Many students go through college unaware of the services at their disposal, which is why it is imperative that we focus on raising campus-wide awareness of services for mental health, academics, career, and social integration. Promoting a social media account that updates students on these services would likely raise awareness and increase the amount of students who utilize campus resources. Promoting on the quad, a popular place for students, would spread the word to students who may not follow up on social media as much. It is important that all demographics of our student body felt seen and represented so they are less afraid to advocate for themselves or find assistance when they are struggling. As Tamishas friend and a mental health first aider, I know how important my role is in encouraging my friend to address her struggle and to then take action. I am hopeful that I will be a safe place for Tamisha to open up honestly about her feelings. Since her current state is not severe, I am trying to help now before it progresses. As of right now Tamisha seems to be in a moderate state of mental crisis, therefore I am not expecting her be suicidal or self harming. However ,I cannot assure her that if she expresses suicidal feelings that those words will stay between her and I. Although I am there to help my friend, it is important that I take her words seriously and reach out for help if I sense that she is worse off than she appears to be. I have learned to be calm, non judgmental, attentive and sensitive to my friends' feelings. I know that Tamisha is struggling like many freshmen do, however I am using my mental health first aid knowledge to determine the severity of her mental wellbeing so she can find the assistance she needs to succeed in her college career....

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