El filibusterismo - Characters and summary PDF

Title El filibusterismo - Characters and summary
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El filibusterismo Summary The protagonist of El Filibusterismo is a jeweler named Simoun. This is the new identity of Crisostomo Ibarra. In the prequel Noli, he escapes the ranks of the persecuting soldiers. It is revealed in the story that Crisostomo dug up his buried treasure, fled to Cuba, became...


El filibusterismo Summary The protagonist of El Filibusterismo is a jeweler named Simoun. This is the new identity of Crisostomo Ibarra. In the prequel Noli, he escapes the ranks of the persecuting soldiers. It is revealed in the story that Crisostomo dug up his buried treasure, fled to Cuba, became richer and richer, and became friends with Spanish officials. Many years later, the newly formed Simoun returned to the Philippines, where he could move freely. He is an influential figure not only because of his wealth, but also because he is a good friend and adviser to the Governor. On the surface, Simon is a friend of Spain; he is a friend of Spain. However, he secretly carried out terrible revenge against the Spanish authorities. His two obsessions were to rescue his lover Maria Clara from the Santa Clara Monastery and to launch a revolution in the Philippines against Spain. The story of El Filibusterismo began with a steamer sailing from the Pasig River down Manila to Laguna De Bay. Among the passengers was Simoun; Doña Victorina, a local pro-Hispanic woman, planned to go to Laguna to find her husband Tiburcio de Espadaña, fearful of his wife. Paulita Gomez, his beautiful niece; the Spanish journalist Ben-Zayb, who writes stupid articles about Filipinos; Father Sibyla, Vice President of the University of Santo Tomás; Camorra, the priest parish of Tiny Town; the pro-Hispanic Filipino Don Custodio, occupies a position in the government; Padre Salvi, scant square Franciscan friar, the predecessor of Santiago Kula; Father Irene, a friendly friar who was friends with a Filipino Student; Father Florentino, retired academic and patriotic Filipino priest; Isagani, poet nephew of Father Florentino, lover of Paulita. There is also Basilio, the son of Sisa, a promising medical student whose medical education is funded by his employer, Captain Tiago. Simoun is a rich and mysterious man, a close friend and confidant of the Spanish governor. Due to his great influence in Malacañang, he was called the “Brown Cardinal” or the “Black Eminence”. Using his wealth and political influence, he encouraged corruption in the government, promoted the oppression of the masses, and exacerbated the moral degeneration of the country, causing the people to become desperate and fight. He smuggled weapons into the country with the help of Quiroga, a wealthy Chinese businessman who aspired to become a Chinese consul in Manila. His first attempt to start an armed uprising did not materialize, because in the last hour he heard the sad news that Maria Clara had died in the convent. In the painful duel, he did not signal the start of hostilities. After being ill for a long time due to the painful death of Maria Clara, Simoun perfected his plan to overthrow the government. On the occasion of the wedding of Paulita Gómez and Juanito Peláez, he gave them a wedding gift, a beautiful lamp. Only he and his trusted person Basilio, Sisa's son who participated in the revolutionary cause, knew that when the wick burned, the nitroglycerin hidden in its secret compartment would explode, destroying the house where the wedding banquet was being held. All invited guests, including the governor, friars, and government officials, will be killed. At the same time, Simoun's supporters will blow up all government buildings in Manila. When the wedding banquet began, the poet Isagani was rejected for his liberal ideas, he was standing outside the house, sadly looking at the joy inside. His friend Basilio warned him to stay away because the lit lamp would explode very quickly. When Isagani heard the terrible secret of the lamp, he realized that his beloved Paulita was in grave danger. To save his life, he rushed into the house, grabbed the lighted lamp, threw it into the river, and it exploded. Thus discovered a revolutionary conspiracy. Simoun was shot down by soldiers, but escaped. Seriously injured, he carried a treasure chest and sought refuge in Father Florentino's residence by the sea. However, the Spanish authorities learned of his presence at Father Florentino's house. Lieutenant Pérez of the Civil Guard Police informed the pastor by letter that he would arrest Simoun at 8 pm. Simoun avoided arrest for using poison. At the end of his life, he confessed to Father Florentino, showing his true identity to the world, his stupid plan, using his wealth to take revenge, his sinister purpose was to destroy his friends and the enemy. The confession of the dying Simoun was long and painful. Father Florentino wiped the sweat from his wrinkled forehead, and when he got up to meditate, it was already dark. He consoles the dying man saying: “God will forgive you Señor Simoun. He knows that we are fallible. He has seen that you have suffered, and in ordaining that the chastisement for your faults should come as death from the very ones you have instigated to crime, we can see His infinite mercy. He has frustrated your plans one by one, the best conceived, first by the death of Maria Clara, then by a lack of preparation, then in some mysterious way. Let us bow to His will and render Him thanks!” Seeing Simon die in peace with his conscience and live

in peace with God, Father Florentino knelt on the ground and prayed for the dead jeweler. The priest threw the treasure chest into the sea. Characters Simoun


Kabesang Tales

Father Irene




Paulita Gomez

Father Florentino




Crisostomo Ibarra, who was the main character in the prequel Noli Me Tangere, comes back as Simoun in El filibusterismo. He was described as a rich bearded jeweler who likes to wear blue tinted glasses.

Simoun represents the revolutionaries during that time who supported the idea of holding bloody revolt against the Spanish government. His death in El Filibusterismo tells readers that Rizal does not support the armed revolution Makaraig represented the well-to-do Filipino youth during the Spanish era who had good dreams for the country. His character also provided readers a glimpse of how different the rich and the poor were treated during that time in society. He personified a typical Filipino who is content with living a simple life. He also symbolizes the natives and farmers whose lands were seized by the friars, an explanation as to why Filipinos became rebels. He embodies the few Spaniards who are sympathetic to the Filipinos.

Makaraig shared the same nationalistic ideals with that of Isagani. The both of them led their fellow students in the movement for the establishment of the Spanish academy for Filipinos. The only difference between the two is their social status. He was a sugarcane planter who cleared lands he thought belonged to no one, losing his wife and eldest daughter in the endeavor.

He is a kind friar who is a friend of the Filipino students. He supports the students who appeal to the government for an academy of Spanish language. Has risen from poverty to become Captain Tiago’s charge. Close to acquiring his medical degree, he is pledged to Juli, the beautiful daughter of Cabesang Tales Basilio's friend. He is described as a poet, taller and more robust than Basilio although younger. He is the nephew of Padre Florentino, but is also rumored to be Florentino's son with his old sweetheart before he was ordained as a priest. Kabesang Tales's daughter and Basilio's sweetheart, when her family falls into debt she decides to become a servant

The girlfriend of Isagani and the niece of Doña Victorina. She and Isagani part ways, believing she will have no future if she marries him. She eventually marries Juanito Peláez. Isagani's uncle and a retired priest. Florentino was the son of a wealthy and influential Manila family. He entered the priesthood at the insistence of his mother. the Spanish journalist who writes stupid articles about Filipinos

He represents the youth with a simple dream that his education will improve his social and economic status in the future and is indifferent and selfish to the needs of society Isagani is the symbol of the youth whose love for the country is great to the point of being branded as idealistic.

Juli, like Maria Clara, symbolizes the purity and innocence of the lower class women during Rizal's time. She would rather sacrifice rather than give up her ideals. Paulita Gomez is a caricature of a woman who chooses the best option for a more stable future. She knows what is best for her and would take advantage of her admirers to get what she wants. Father Florentino represented the secular Filipino priests in Rizal’s time. It was also through his character that the author stressed his disapproval of a bloody revolt. Personifies a corrupted media

References: El Filibusterismo. TAGALOG LANG. (2021, April 2). https://www.tagaloglang.com/el-filibusterismo. Blackwidow. (2019, February 3). El Filibusterismo Characters. JoseRizal.com. https://www.joserizal.com/elfilibusterismo-characters/. El Filibusterismo. Filibus. (1970, January 1). https://filibus.blogspot.com/2012/06. The Characters (The Summary of "El Filibusterismo"). KapitBisig.com. (2021, May 9). https://www.kapitbisig.com/philippines/el-filibusterismo-the-reign-of-greed-by-dr-jose-rizal-booknotes-summary-in-english-the-characters-the-summary-of-el-filibusterismo_202.html....

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