Endocrinology - Dr Niamh Conlon and Dr Linda Feely PDF

Title Endocrinology - Dr Niamh Conlon and Dr Linda Feely
Author Molly O'Sullivan
Course Foundations of Medicine: Manifestations of Disease
Institution University College Cork
Pages 9
File Size 241.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 54
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Dr Niamh Conlon and Dr Linda Feely ...


HPA axis:  Represents interaction between the hypothalamus, pituitary and the adrenal glands HPT axis:  Represents interaction between the hypothalamus, pituitary and the thyroid glands *parvicellular neurones that secrete hormones from the hypothalamus

Pituitary Anterior pituitary hormones 1. FSH 2. LH 3. ACTH 4. TSH 5. Prolactin 6. Endorphins 7. GH


Posterior pituitary 1. ADH (vasopressin) – made in hypothalamus, stored in pituitary 2. Oxytocin o Uterine SM contraction o Expulsion of milk  Deficiency –> diabetes insipidus  Excess –> SIADH Pituitary Neoplasms  Mostly small incidental adenomas  Carcinomas rare  Metastases from breast, lung, GIT *pituitary adenoma is the most common cause of hyperpituitarism Pituitary Adenomas  Prolactinomas  GH adenomas  ACTH adenomas Hypopituitarism (ant pituitary)  Often due to pressure effects of neoplasm, pituitary apoplexy  Diagnosis: o Low serum corticosteroid levels  Usually gonadotrophins effected first, then TSH & ACTH

Thyroid Gland Goitre  Any visible/palpable enlargement of the thyroid gland  Due to impaired synthesis of thyroid hormones o Dietary iodine deficiency most common cause  2 types o Diffuse non-toxic (simple) o Multi nodular Hyperthyroidism/Thyrotoxicosis  Palpitations  Weight loss ENDOCRINOLOGY  ↑ appetite  Decreased heat tolerance *everything speeds up  Elevated T3, T4  Low TSH Causes:  Graves disease  Multinodular goitre with toxic nodule  Toxic adenoma Graves Disease  Hyperthyroidism with diffuse enlargement of the  Anti TSH receptor antibodies  Exophthalmos  Pretibial myxodema o Localised lesions of the skin from deposition hyaluronic acid

   

Diarrhoea Arrhythmias Osteoporosis Exophthalmos

Hypothyroidism  Depression  Slowing of physical and mental  Muscle aches and weakness activity  Dry and scaly skin  Tiredness, sensitive to cold  Weight gain, constipation *everything slows down  Cretinism – severe hypothyroidism in children  Low T3 and T4  Elevated TSH Causes:  Hasimoto’s  Surgery  Radioactive iodine  Severe iodine deficiency



Hashimotos thyroiditis  Painless enlargement of the gland (early) o Symmetric and diffuse  Fibrosis results in shrunken gland (late) Thyroid neoplasms  Adenoma o Follicular  Carcinoma o Follicular o Papillary o Medullary o Anaplastic  Lymphoma  Metastases


Follicular adenoma  Solitary nodule  Completely encapsulated Follicular carcinoma  Capsular invasion Papillary carcinoma Follicular carcinoma  Vascular invasion  Blood spread  Lymph node spread  Spread o Vascular: lung, bone, liver, brain  Treatment o Surgery, iodine 131, thyroxine Papillary carcinoma Treatment the same for follicular and  Nuclear features papillary o Enlargement o Irregularity of nuclear membrane o Psammoma bodies  Regional lymph node metastases  Blood spread uncommon  Treatment o Surgery, iodine 131, thyroxine Medullary Carcinoma  5-10% thyroid malignancies  Arises from neuroendocrine cells  Elevated calcitonin  Spread to lymph nodes, lung, liver and bone  50% fatality Anaplastic Carcinoma  Undifferentiated

Fatality 95%

Molecular diagnostics for thyroid neoplasms 1. BRAF – point mutation 2. RAS – point mutation 3. RET/PTC – rearrangement 4. PAX8-PPARγ – rearrangement *20% adenomas have RAS mutation, 40-50% of follicular carcinomas

Parathyroid glands Parathormone  ↑ blood Ca levels ENDOCRINOLOGY o Absorption from GIT & reabsorption from kidneys  ↑ resorption of bone  ↑ urinary excretion of PO4 Hyperparathyroidism Primary  Adenoma or hyperplasia  Elevated PTH and Ca  Asymptomatic or o Osteoporosis o Renal calculi o Nausea, constipation, peptic ulceration, chronic pancreatitis o Depression Secondary  Due to renal failure  Ca normal, elevated PTH  Response to hypocalcaemia Tertiary  Autonomous production of PTH  Elevated Ca and PTH Hypoparathyroidism  Causes: o Autoimmune o Post-surgery o Familial o Congenital absence of glands  Low Ca & PTH Tetany

Bones Stones Groans Moans

 

Chvostek’s sign o Tapping of facial nerve Chvostek’s sign – Cheek causes contraction of facial Trousseau’s sign – Tight in cuff muscle Trousseau’s sign o Occlusion of brachial artery with BP cuff triggers carpal spasm Both as result of hypocalcaemia

Diabetes mellitus Type 1  Caused by autoimmune destruction of islet β-cells o Cytotoxic effect and release of toxic ENDOCRINOLOGY cytokines  HLA-DR3 & HLADR4  Young patients with normal BMI Presents with o Polydipsia o Polyuria o Blurred vision o DKA  Insulin therapy Diabetic Ketoacidosis  Excessive serum ketones  Arises with stress – infection o Epinephrine releases glucagon secretion  This increases lipolysis o Increased lipolysis increases FFAs which are converted to ketone bodies  Results in: o Hyperglycaemia o Anion gap metabolic acidosis o Hyperkalaemia  Presents with o Dehydration o Nausea, vomiting o Mental state changes o Fruity smelling breath  Treatment o Fluids, insulin and replacement of electrolytes Type 2  Insulin resistance o Associated with obesity  β-cell dysfunction o Overcompensate at first

 Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of β-cells o Subsequent deficiency due to hypotrophy and hypoplasia, amyloid deposition  Middle aged patient with sedentary lifestyle, overweight, comorbidities Complications of DM Non-enzymatic glycosylation of vascular BM  NEG of large and medium arteries leads to atherosclerosis o CVD o PVD  Amputation  NEG of small vessels leads to hyaline arteriosclerosis o Leads to glomerulosclerosis  Small scarred kidneys ENDOCRINOLOGY with granular surface o Preferential involvement of efferent arterioles leads to hyperfiltration injury with microalbuminuria  Progresses to nephrotic syndrome, characterised by KimmelsteinWilson nodules Osmotic damage  Glucose freely enters schwann cells, pericytes of retinal vessels and the lens  Glucose converted to sorbitol which causes osmotic damage o Leads to peripheral neuropathy o Impotence o Blindness o Cataracts  Hyperosmotic Non ketotic Coma o Older T2 DM patients o Precipitated by infection, dehydration o Due to reduction in ECF o Reduction in consciousness o Requires fluid resuscitation with K+ and insulin

Adrenal gland Cortex  Glucocorticoids  Mineralocorticoids  Androgens Medulla  Catecholamines

S-S-S Sugar – glucocorticoids Salt – mineralocorticoids Sex - androgens

Adrenal cortex – hypofunction Primary Acute  Waterhouse-Friderichsen Syndrome

o Haemorrhagic necrosis due to DIC in young children with N meningitidis o Lack of cortisol, exacerbates hypotension leading to death Chronic  Addison’s disease o Progressive destruction of adrenal glands o Hyperpigmentation - excess ACTH by products stimulates melanocytes o Hypotension o Hyponatremia, hyperkalaemia,

Addison’s Disease – Adrenal Atrophy and Absence of hormone production

ENDOCRINOLOGY hypovolaemia Secondary  Pituitary/hypothalamic disease  Long term steroid use Distinguishing features from Primary  Lack of hyperpigmentation  Normal aldosterone synthesis o Hyponatremia and hyperkalaemia not features  Low levels serum ACTH and cortisol  Rise in serum cortisol after exogenous ACTH admin Adrenocortical Hyperfunction Cushings Syndrome  Excess cortisol  Muscle weakness  Moon facies, buffalo hump and truncal obesity  Abdominal striae  Hypertension  Causes: o Exogenous corticosteroids o Primary renal adenoma, hyperplasia or carcinoma o ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma o Ectopic ACTH secretion by neoplasm eg of lung  Treatment o High dose dexamethasone supresses ACTH production by pituitary adenoma Hyperaldosteronism Primary  Usually caused by cortical adenoma  Hypokalaemia, hypernatremia, increased urinary loss of K+  Oedema

 Hypertension Secondary  Activation of RAAS  Arterial hypovolaemia o Cardiac failure o Nephrotic syndrome Adrenal Neoplasms Cortex  Adrenocortical Adenoma o Small, well circumscribed o No ENDOCRINOLOGY

invasion of fat, vasculature

o Minimal mitotic activity, no necrosis  Adrenocortical carcinoma o Large o Necrosis & haemorrhage o Infiltrates adjacent tissue o Invades capsule and lymphovascular space Medulla  Neuroblastoma o Majority < 5 years of age o Highly malignant o Prognosis related to age  Gets worse as get older  Phaeochromocytoma o Catecholamine producing tumour o Presentation  Hypertension, palpitations o Associated with von Hippel-Lindau disease Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia’s  Autosomal Dominant MEN1  Loss of function  Pituitary, parathyroid, pancreas  Will often have kidney stones and ulcers MEN2  Protoonco-gene o RET  Tyrosine kinase  MEN2A o Medullary thyroid carcinoma, phaeochromocytoma, parathyroid tumours

MEN2B o MTC, Phaeo, oral/intestinal neurofibromas o Often present with marfanoid habitus  Long limbs, hyperlaxity of joints


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