ENG 122 week 2 - assignment PDF

Title ENG 122 week 2 - assignment
Author Tyler Porter
Course English Composition 1
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 3
File Size 78.8 KB
File Type PDF
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"Some Lessons From the Assembly Line" by Andrew Braaksma (2005)

Sect i on: MyTur n Sweat i ngawaymysummer sasaf act or ywor kermakesmemor et hanhappyt o hi tt hebooks. Las tJ une,asIst oodbehi ndt hebr i ghtor angeguar ddooroft hemac hi ne,l i s t eni ngt o t hec r ack l i nghi s soft heaut omat i cwel der s ,It houghtabouthowdi ffer entmyl i f ehad beenj us taf ewweek sear l i er .Then,Iwaswr i t i nganes s ayaboutFr enc hl i t er at ur et o c ompl et emyl as tex am oft hes pr i ngs emes t eratc ol l ege.NowIs t oodi nanaut omot i v e pl anti nsout hwes tMi c hi gan,mak i ngs ubas s embl i esf orac armanuf ac t ur er . Ihav ewor k edasat empi nt hef ac t or i ess ur r oundi ngmyhomet ownev er ys ummers i nce Igr aduat edf r om hi ghs c hool ,butmak i ngt het r ans i t i onbet weens chool andf ul l t i me bl uec ol l arwor kdur i ngt hebr eaknev erget sanyeas i er .Foras t udentl i k emewho c onsi der sanyc l assbef or enoont obeunc i v i l i z ed,get t i ngt oaf ac t or yby6o' c l ockeac h mor ni ng,wher er owsofhul ki ng,s par k s hower i ngmachi neshav er epl ac edt hel us h c ampusandc av er nousl ec t ur ehal l sofc ol l egel i f e,i st or t ur e.Ther emyt i mei ss pent s t ampi ng,c ut t i ng,wel di ng,mov i ngoras s embl i ngpar t s ,t her i gi dwor ksc hedul esand quot asoft hepl antmaki ngday ss pents t udy i ngandwat c hi ng" Spor t sCent er "s eem l i k e ami l l i ony ear sago. Ic hos et odot hi swor k ,r at hert hanbust abl esorf ol ds weat s hi r t satt heGap,f ort he ov er t i mepayandbec aus el i v i ngathomei si nfini t el yc heapert hanl i v i ngoncampusf or t hes ummer .Myf r i endswhot ak eeas i er ,par t t i mej obsnev ers eem t ounder s t andwhy I ' ms or el i ev edt obebac kats c hool i nt hef al l ort hatmys ummerv ac at i onhasbeen any t hi ngbutav acat i on. Ther ear ef ewt hi ngsascock s ur easac ol l egest udentwhohasnev erbeenouti nt he r ealwor l d,andpeopl emyageal way ss eem t oov er est i mat et hev al ueoft hei rt i meand k nowl edge.Af t erapar t i cul ar l ye x haus t i ngs t r i ngof12hourday satapl as t i c sf ac t or y ,I r ememberbei ngs hock edathows mal lmyc hecks eemed.Ic oul dn' tbel i ev ehowl i t t l eI wast aki nghomeaf t eral l t hehour sIs pentont heswel t er i ngpr oduct i onfloor .Andal l t he c l ass esi nt hewor l dc oul dnothav epr epar edmef ormybat t l eswi t ht hemac hi neIr ani n t hepl ant ,whi c hwoul dj am whenev erIabs ent mi ndedl yputi napar tbac k war dorups i de down. Asf r us t r at i ngast hewor kc anbe,t hemos tst r es s f ul t hi ngaboutbl uec ol l arl i f ei s k nowi ngy ourj obc oul ddi s appearov er ni ght .I s suesl i k edowns i z i ngandov er s eas r el ocat i onhadal way ss eemeddi s t antt omeunt i l mycowor k er satonef ac t or yt ol dme t hatt heuni tIwaswor ki ngi nwoul dbes hutdownwi t hi ns i xmont hsandmov edt o Mex i co,wher epeopl ewoul dwor kf or60c ent sanhour . Fact or yl i f ehasshownmewhatmyf ut ur emi ghthav ebeenl i k ehadInev ergonet o c ol l egei nt hefir stpl ac e.Forme,andpr obabl ymanyofmyf el l ows t udent s ,hi gher educ at i onal way ss eemedl i k eaf or egoneconc l us i on:Inev erquest i onedi fIwasgoi ng t oc ol l ege,j us twher e.Noot heropt i onsev eroc c ur r edt ome.

Af t erwor k i ng12hours hi f t si naf ac t or y ,t heot heropt i onshav ebec omebr ut al l yc l ear . WhenI ' m backatt heuni v er s i t y ,ski ppi ngc l ass esandt ur ni ngi nl az yr ewr i t esseems l i k eacopoutaf t ers eei ngwhatIwoul dbedoi ngwi t houts c hool .Al lt headv i c eand publ i c s er v i c eannounc ement saboutt hev al ueofaneducat i ont hatus edt os oundt r i t e nowr i ngt r ue. Thes el es s onsIam l ear ni ng,howev erv al uabl e,ar eal way st i ngedwi t has ens eofgui l t . Manypeopl epasst hei rl i v esi nt hepl acesIbr i eflywor k ,s pendi ng30y ear swher eI s pendonl yt womont hsatat i me.Whenf al lc omesar ound,Igett ogobac kt oas unny andbeaut i f ulc ampus ,whi l ewor ki nt hef ac t or i escont i nues .Att i mesIf eelal mos t v oy eur i s t i c ,l i k eat our i s tdr oppi ngi nwher eot herpeopl emak et hei rl i v el i hoods .My l es sonsabouteduc at i onar el ear nedatt heex pens eoft hos ewhower en' tf or t unat e enought or ec ei v eone." Thi sj obpayswel l ,buti t ' shel l ont hebody , "s ai donecowor k er . " St udyhar dandk eepr eadi ng, "s headded,noddi ngatt hec opyofJ ackKer ouac ' s" On t heRoad"Ihadwedgedi nt ot hes pac enex tt omymac hi nes oIc oul dr eaddi s c r eet l y whent hel i newentdown. Myex per i enceswi l l s t aywi t hmel ongaf t erIheadbac kt os c hoolands pendmywages onbook sandbeer .Thet hi ngst hatf act or ywor khast aughtmehowl uc k yIam t oget aneduc at i on,howt owor khar d,howeas yi ti st ol os et hatwor konc ey ouhav ei t ar eby nomeansear t hshat t er i ng.Ev er y onehast oc omet ogr i pswi t ht hem ats omepoi nt .How andwhenIl ear nedt hes el es s ons ,howev er ,hasi nspi r edmet omak et hemos tofmy c ol l egey ear sbef or eIent ert her eal wor l df orgood.Unt i lt hen,t hes ummermont hsI s pendi nt hef ac t or i eswi l lbel ong,t i r i ngandev er ybi taseduc at i onal asaFr enc hl i t c l ass . PHOTO ( COLOR) :I st hatal l ?Af t erane x haus t i ngs t r i ngof12hourday s ,Ir emember bei ngs hoc k edathowsmal lmyc hecks eemed ~~~~~~~~ ByAndr ewBr aak s ma

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Discuss the context of your selected article, the author's purpose, and the style and tone. What have you learned from this early analysis? How will a closer analysis of the author's claim and the structure of the writing help you to learn more about your selected reading? Now that you have discussed the author's purpose for writing the selected reading, do you think the author's writing is effective in achieving their purpose? What led you to this conclusion?

In this article the writer is trying to inform the reader of the struggles of working in a plastic factory. Andrew Braaksma also compares being a full-time student to working in a factory. During his time at school Braaksma stated he would skip classes and turn in rewritten papers. When he was in the factory Braaksma would miss sitting around in college watching sports center. While working in the factory Braaksma realized he has a unique opportunity of bettering himself through his education unlike so many of his coworkers in the plastic factory. I think the purpose of this article is to make people realize not everyone has the opportunity to get a better education. Some people spend their whole lives working in a factory making barely any money

and do not have the opportunity Braaksma was given. In the last paragraph Braaksma states that he will now use his time in school to better himself for the real world after college. I think the style of this article is informative and meant to enlighten readers. Its is informative for people who do not have experience in the factory setting, talking about long hours and brutal work for a check that does not match the work you put into your job. It also can enlighten readers by pointing out a positive of getting a better education and moving into a better position rather than staying a factory worker for thirty or more years. The tone is somewhat serious, though it does not have a sense of urgency. The tone is matter of fact and reflective of his current situation and opportunity. Looking closer at the article, I believe the structure was written starting off pointing out negatives of working in a factory with long hours and hard-working conditions. The author also points out that he was lazy in school but when Braaksma realized he wanted a better life than working in the plastic factory he was determined to do better in school to better himself for a life after college. I think Braaksma was effective in explaining his purpose. He discussed the hardships of working in a factory as well as the lazy side of being a full-time student on your own in college. After realizing he did not want the life of his fellow coworkers, he brought his best self towards bettering his education and for life after college....

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