Engelsk manuskript surveillance! 2021 overvågning PDF

Title Engelsk manuskript surveillance! 2021 overvågning
Author Haroldas Seskevicius
Course Global Businnes
Institution Aarhus Business College
Pages 2
File Size 57.7 KB
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Hvordan nsa overvåger hele verden uden at have fået tilladelse og wearables der også bliver overvåget. men primært overvågning...


Engelsk A Haroldas Seskevicius 3.f Aarhus business college

Hey everybody, my name is Haroldas Seskevicius. I'm 18 years old from New York and as of today I'm currently studying law at Harvard university. We are here today to talk about surveillance. I will go through some of the key points of surveillance today. Firstly I will be talking about what surveillance is as a whole, if there is any need for it and Then the pros and cons for surveillance. Lastly, I will assess surveillance as a whole and give my own opinion on the subject and answer some of your questions. So Surveillance is the monitoring of behavior, many activities, or information for the purpose of information gathering, influencing, managing or directing. surveillance is used today by a lot of governments, especially in the USA and China. Surveillance is conducted in a number of different ways. But the most common way is actually very scary, because it is with us everywhere. I'm talking about our phones, tablets and computers that we use almost twenty four seven in our daily lives. We use them to communicate with each other long distance and to store memories by using the camera and so on. 1Without anybody knowing, your phones and all of your devices are actually being monitored by the government. The use of surveillance in the USA is a different kind of surveillance if you compare them to Denmark. USA uses surveillance in a protective and aggressive way and is monitoring all communication around the world via the NSA which is an organisation with primary focus on surveillance. People these days like to be up to date with technology therefore they start using so called wearables. But what are wearables? There are many forms of wearable technology such as smart watches and so on.2 Now I would like to ask you all a question. How many of you here tonight, have used or do use wearables. * * * But is surveillance good, yes and no in some ways it's okay and in other instances it's a bad thing. In terms of fighting crime it's the perfect and important tool to find out who the thief was that robbed cigarettes from your store. With face recognition in the USA it's easier than ever to find the person or the criminal responsible for their crime. Surveillance is also a scary thing when you think about everything you wear is collecting information about you and everybody you know and not just that but the government are indeed also in your wearables. They analyse the citizens' activity on their wearables and other forms of technology. The good thing about surveillance is that it minimizes crime rate but people lose the right to privacy. Your smartphone can easily broadcast your exact location thousands of times per day, through hundreds of apps, instantaneously to dozens of different companies. Each of those companies 1 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FVIsFB95v3-5l3MuyuPWz5bJCkMbaaRt/edit 2 https://docs.google.com/document/d/1SBe2Du8VX_zG3R3jlhq6Han65jJ2eQax/edit

Engelsk A Haroldas Seskevicius 3.f Aarhus business college

has the power to follow individual mobile phones wherever they go, in near-real time. That’s not a glitch in the system. It is the system.3 and it will only evolve into more advanced technology and you will be watched and monitored. Now if you let me ask you another question I would like to ask if anyone in here either knows that they are being spied on if yes then tell me about how it feels being spied on 24/7? How much surveillance are we willing to accept, in return for safety, savings and simplicity? My own opinion on surveillance is that it’s come to a point where you can't live free. It's criminal. Straight up act of crime. Just because a certain country which in this instance is the USA and probably also other countries but mainly The USA because the NSA plays a big part in global surveillance and acts like a vacuum that is just sucking all the data from around the world. 4The volume of data collected worldwide is so huge that even the NSA has been unable to store it all completely and permanently. But the funny thing is that it is illegal to locate data for mobile phones by the government. The Supreme Court has ruled that the location data served up by mobile phones is also covered by constitutional protections. The government can’t request it without a warrant. But the private sector doesn’t need a warrant to get hold of your data. There’s little to prevent companies from tracking the precise movements of hundreds of millions of people around the world and selling copies of that dataset to anyone who can pay the price. It’s almost possible today to be doing anything without being watched. It’s absurd that governments are allowed to go to such extreme lengths just because they apparently think that it’s necessary for global security and for the preservation of terrorrism around the world. I dont think it’s necessary. I think that monitoring some 3rd world countries could be a good idea to help them evolve or other countries that have a history of doing bad things such as Afghanistan, Russia and Germany. It might sound wrong because I'm against total surveillance but still think it could be used to do greater things other than storing unnecessary amounts of data. To sum up, surveillance is good to some extent and you are all being monitored by the government right now on your computers, phones and other wearable devices. It can be used for good things but removes privacy from the population of the world. That was all i had to tell you about if there are any questions or if you want to discuss something with me i will be open to answer or talk with you after. I will be standing here for the next hour if you dont want to ask me right now. THANK YOU EVERYBODY FOR YOUR TIME. BYE.

3 https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/12/21/opinion/location-data-privacy-rights.html 4 https://www.dw.com/en/opinion-a-society-of-total-surveillance/a-17039825...

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