Engelsk dean kamen - jsjsjjs PDF

Title Engelsk dean kamen - jsjsjjs
Author Torbjørn Eliassen
Course Engelsk
Institution Videregående skole (VG)
Pages 1
File Size 46.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 22
Total Views 132




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Engel s khal v dags pr øv e

01. 04. 16

DeanKamen Dean Kamen was an well known inventor from Long Island, USA. He was the inventor of the segway. Dean was born at Long Island, New York the 5. april 1951. When Dean grew up he had big dreams about invent things that everybody would know him for. His family supported his dreams from the beginning.

Deans family was a big family with 6 family members. His parents Evelyn and Jack Kamen, and his siblings Barton, Terry and Mitch Kamen. Dean was an unormal kid because he was thinking different then the others children. He was much smarter and saw things in an another perspective.

The media accuse Dean for dying in a segway accident outside his house near a river but it was only rumor, and today Dean is 64 years old and live in one of worlds most complicated houses. He got a built-in helikopter so when he wants to fly he just have to push a button so the house open so the helikopter can fly out. His favorite thing in is house is an hide door in the bookshelf, and you can only open it with a finger scan.

Dean Kamen study at university Arizona before he began to invent. He work with some other peoples that design, invent and try out new things.

Dean won the National medal of technology and Innovation in 2009 with the self balanced vehicle, segway. People thought the segway was a bad idea because they don`t need it for they got bikes, and it was very pricy. After the media accuse Dean for dying in a segway accident, almost nobody would buy the segway....

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