English 2 - LINGUA E TRADUZIONE - LINGUA INGLESE 2 - Marina Morbiducci PDF

Title English 2 - LINGUA E TRADUZIONE - LINGUA INGLESE 2 - Marina Morbiducci
Author Dylan Rea
Course Lingua inglese
Institution Sapienza - Università di Roma
Pages 11
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MUNDAY ❶ MAIN ISSUES OF TRANSLATION STUDIES CONCEPT OF TRANSLATION INTRALINGUAL : “rewording” or rewriting of a text in the same language :

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Summary. Synthesis. Rephrasement.

INTERLINGUAL : interpretation of verbal signs by means in some other language. INTERSEMIOTIC : trasmutation , interpretation of verbal signs by means of signs of non-verbal sign system.

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Music. Film. Painting.

TRANSLATION STUDIES Thanks to James Holmes : “the complex of problems clustered round the phenomenon of translating and translation”. Brief history of the discipline – Cicero , Horace , St. Jerome The very development is from the 2th half of 20th century with the rise of communicative approach and so with the fall of grammar translation approach. USA 1960’s : promotion of translation workshop concept , parallely with it the comparative literature is born , a “trasnational and transcultural study of literature”. CONTRASTIVE ANALYSIS : study of 2 languages in contrast to identify general and specific differences between the 2. HOLMES/TOURY “MAP” Founding statements of the field. Translation is an interdisciplinar study. “Pure” areas of translation research :

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Descriptive translation theory Translation theory (general principles)


❷ TRANSLATION THEORY BEFORE 20th CENTURY W4W OR S4S? Steiner : western translation theory was over the sterile triad of “free”, “literal” and “faithful”. Cicero : distinguish the figure of translator (W4W) and orator ; aesthetic rendering in target language. St. Jerome : introduction of S4S translation , as W4W generates absurd translations. Martin Luther : translated sacred texts of Christianism following St. Jerome’s theory in rejecting W4W translation.

KELLY Faithfulness , Spirit and Truth Analizing the history of western translation studies Kelly found out 3 terms : Faithfulness : fidelity to the meanings of the author. Spirit : seen as creativity energy or inspiration. Truth : sprit and truth are interwined with ‘’content’’. EARLY ATTEMPTS at SYSTEMATIC TRANSLATION THEORY – 17th CENTURY DRYDEN , DOLET , TYTLER and COWLEY COWLEY : proposal of the term ‘’imitation’’ in translation poetry creating a new form of beauty using our ‘’with or invention’’. DRYDEN : reduced translation in 3 categories :   

Metaphrase : W4W translation > literal translation. Paraphrase : ‘’translation with latitude’’ > faithful or S4S translation. Imitation : abandon of both word and sense.

DOLET : set up 5 principles to translate , comprehending :  

Perfect knowledge of SL and TL. Perfect comprehension of sense and material of the author ( avoid W4W translation).

TYTLER : 3 general ‘’laws‘’ Complete trancript of the ideas of ST , importance of style and manner of writing . SCHELEICHERMACHER and VALORIZATION of the FOREIGN He discussed about the nature of translation , it’s considered the founder of modern hermeneutics , a romantic approach to interpretation. Only 2 paths for the ‘’true’’ translator : 1. Translator towards the reader. 2. Translator towards the writer (he prefers this one).


❸ EQUIVALENCE and EQUIVALENT EFFECT ROMAN JAKOBSON : Nature of linguistic meaning and equivalence. 3 types of translation : lingual , intralingual and intersemiotic. He examines key issues , linguistic meaning and equivalence. NIDA and the ‘’SCIENCE of TRANSLATING’’ He moves translation into a more scientific field , incorporating linguistics concepts and terminology from CHOMSKY. Functional definition of meaning : a word acquires meaning by its context and culture. Meaning broken in 3 parts : linguistic , referential and emotive. Series of techniques to determinate the meaning of different linguistic items :

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Hierarchical structuring. Component analysis. Semantic structure.

He postulates the existance of most basic structure called ‘’kernel sentences’’. He also renewed the terms ‘’literal’’ and ‘’free’’using : FORMAL EQUIVALENCE > focus on the message , both form and content ( oriented to ST). DYNAMIC EQUIVALENCE > based on ‘’principle of equivalent effect’’ it aims to a totally natural rendering of the ‘’text’’ ( closest equivalent to the SL ).

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Making sense. Conveying the spirit and manner of the original. Natural and easy form. Producing a similar response.

NEWMARK > SEMANTIC and COMMUNICATIVE TRANSLATION Narrowed the gap between ST and TT replacing the old terms with ‘’communicative’’ and ‘’semantic’’ translation.

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5 forms of equivalence : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Denotative > equivalence of extralinguistic content. Connotative > lexical choices. Text-normative > text types , different types behave in different ways. Pragmatic > oriented to receiver of the message. Formal > form and aesthetics of the text.


❹ STUDYING TRANSLATION PRODUCTS and PROCESSES VINAY and DALBERNET’S MODEL Analysing English and French they identified 2 general translation strategies : DIRECT TRANSLATION – 3 PROCEDURES : BORROWING > SL words in TL. CALQUE > SL expressions in literal translation. LITERAL TRANSLATION > W4W translation. OBLIQUE TRANSLATION – 4 PROCEDURES : TRANSPOSITION > changing part of speech without changing meaning . MODULATION > change of semantics and point of view of SL , obligatory or optional. EQUIVALENCE > language describes the same situation by different stylistics ( idioms or proverbs ). 4. ADAPTATION > change cultural reference when it doesn’t exist in the SL.  1. 2. 3.  1. 2. 3.

CATFORD – TRANSLATION ‘’SHIFT’’ He analyses language as communication operating on a range of different levels distinguishing between :  

FORMAL CORRESPONDENCE > when the structure of TL is the same in the SL. TEXTUAL CORRESPONDENCE > any TL text which is equivalent of a given SL text.

2 kinds of shift :  

LEVEL SHIFT > expressed in grammar in one language and lexis in another. CATEGORY SHIFT ( 4 kinds ) : 1. STRUCTURAL > grammatical structure. 2. CLASS > from one part of speech to another. 3. UNIT > translation equivalent in TL is not the same rank in SL. 4. INTRA-SYSTEM > similar systems do not always correspond.

LEVY - Czech writing on translation shifts He sees that literary translation is both a reproductive and creative labour with the aim of aesthetic level. MIKO Based on ‘’shift of expression’’, he believes that the aim of the translator is to retain the expressive style of ST. COGNITIVE PROCESS of TRANSLATION Phenomenon of translation by analysing the changes comparing ST-TT pairs. SELESKOVITCH and LEDERER’S model of translation is divided in :   

Understanding. Deverbalization. Re-expression.


❺ FUNCTIONAL THEORIES of TRANSLATION TEXT TYPES – REISS Reiss’s work builds on the concept of equivalence , the level at which communication is achieved and which equivalence must be sought . He aims at systemating the translation assessment. Main characteristics are :  ‘’plain communication of facts’’.  ‘’creative comprehension’’.  ‘’induction of behavioral responces’’.  ‘’audiomedial’’. These are some hybrid forms. TT must have the same type of ST and specific methods are to be used. They are :   

INFORMATIVE TEXT > transmits informational content of ST. EXPRESSIVE > transmits the aesthetic form of ST. OPERATIVE > produces the desired responce in TT receivers.

TRANSLATORIAL ACTIONS - HOLZ-MANTTARI This study aims to provide a model and guidelines applicable to a wide range of translation as message transmitter compounds involving intercultural transfer. Interlingual translation involves roles and players : 


It focuses on producing a TT functionally communicative for the receiver. SKOPOS THEORY – VERMEER Vermeer’s theory focuses on the purpose ( SKOPOS ) of translation , methods and strategies are to be considered in order to produce the right result. Knowing the reason a ST is to be translated and the function of TT is crucial.    

TT is determined by skopos. TT is an offer of informations in T culture. TT must be internally coherent. TT must be coherent with ST.

To respect this points there are 2 rules to follow :  

COHERENCE RULE > TT must be interpretable. FIDELITY RULE > coherence between ST/TT.


NORD – TRANSLATION ORIENTED TEXT ANALYSIS Distinction between 2 basic types of translation product :  

Documentary translation. Instrumental translation.

Nord proposes 3 aspects of functional approaches in translator training : 1. Importance of the translation commission. 2. The role of ST analysis ( functional priorities of the translation ). 3. Functional hierarchy of translation problems. ❻ DISCOURSE AND REGISTER ANALYSIS APPROACHES HOLLIDAYAN MODEL of LANGUAGE and DISCOURSE Study of language as communication , seeing meaning in writer’s linguistic choices relating to a wide sociocultural framework. Genre is conditioned by sociocultural environment , which is influenced itself by other elements like the REGISTER , that comprises :   

FIELD > what is written about. TENOR > who is communicating to whom. MODE > form of communication.

Variables associated to 3 METAFUNCTIONS :   


Analysis of metafunction ha sprime place in this model. HOUSE – Model of translation quality assessment House bases her model on comparative ST-T T analysis leading to the quality of translation. A register analysis of both ST and TT according to their realization trough lexical , syntactic and textual means. FIELD , TENOR and MODE Covert translation enjoys the status of an original source text in the target culture. BAKER – TEXT and PRAGMATIC LEVEL ANALYSIS Baker looks at equivalence at a series of levels :      

Word Above word Grammar Thematic structure Pragmatic Cohesion

The next important point is that the translator should be aware of the relative markedness of thematic and information structure. Baker postulates 3 major pragmatic concepts :


1. COHERENCE 2. PRESUPPOSITION 3. IMPLICATURE – Concept developed by GRICE Grice set up 4 maxims that operates in a normal conversation :    

Quantity Quality Relevance Manner

HATIM and MASON – SEMIOTIC LEVEL of CONTEXT and DISCOURSE They focused on the realization in translation of ideational and interpersonal functions and incorporated both House’s register analysis and Baker’s pragmatic analysis. Language and text are considered realizations of sociocultural messages and power relations.

❼ SYSTEM THEORIES EVEN ZOHAR – POLYSYSTEM THEORY It analyses the literature as part of social , cultural , literary and historical framework. Emphatizes that translated literature operates as a system. It happens in 2 ways : 1. TL selects works for translation. 2. Translation norms are influenced by other cosystems. He focuses on the relations between all these systems , giving them the name ‘’POLYSYSTEM’’. A polysystem is a conglomerate of systems which interact to bring about an ongoing dynamic process of evolution. Indicating that the relations between innovatory and conservative systems are in constant competition. 3 case when translated literature occupies a primary position : 1. A young literature is being established and looks initially to older literatures for ready models. 2. A literature is lacking some literary types and imports them. 3. There’s a critical turning point literary history at which established models are no longer valid. Gentzler thinks that polysystem theory represents an important advancce for translation studies , because brings out translation from the isolated study of individual text towards the study of translation within cultural and literary system. TOURY and the DESCRIPTIVE TRANSLATION STUDIES Toury focused on developing a general theory of translation , trying to create a systematic branch from clear assumption , methodology and research techniques. He proposes 3-phases methodology for systemic descriptive translations studies : 1. Text within target culture system , looking at his signifiance or acceptability. 2. Compare ST/TT , identifying relations between ‘’coupled pairs’’. 3. Attempt generalizations reconstruct process of translation of ST-TT pairs.

He also tries to postulate norms to distinguish translation behaviour and decision-making process.


3 norms : 1. INITIAL NORM > general choises of translators , if they go towards ST then TT is adequate , if they go towards T culture , TT will be acceptable. 2. PRELIMINARY NORM > translation policy/directing of translation. 3. OPERATIONAL NORM > matricial norms/textual linguistic norms. Toury himself says that the ‘’translator behaviour is not fully systematic. Toury propose also 2 ‘’laws’’ : 1. GROWING STANDARDIZATION > textual relations of the original often modified in favor of habitual option of the target repertoir. 2. INTERFERENCE > a kind of default. Tolerance of interference depends on sociocultural factors and prestige of literary system.

CHESTERMAN’S TRANSLATION NORMS Chesterman states that all norms ‘’exert a prescriptive pressure’’. He proposes another set of norms and they are : 1. PRODUCT of EXPECTANCY NORMS > established by readers expectations. 2. PROFESSIONAL NORMS > regulate translation process itself.


❽ CULTURAL and IDEOLOGICAL TURNS From translation as text to translation as CULTURE and POLITICS > ‘’CULTURAL TURN’’ by Shell-Hornby TRANSLATION as REWRITING – LEFEVERE He focuse on ‘’very concrete factors ‘’ that govern the reception , acceptance or rejection of literary texts. Lefevere describes the literary system in which translation function as being controlled by 2 main factors : 1. Professionals within the literary system. 2. Patronage outside the literary system ( powers that influence the activity of reading , writing and rewriting.  Influential and powerful individuals.  Groups of people.  Institutions that regulate literature and literary ideas distribution. Lefevere identifies 3 elements to the latter type of patronage : -

Ideological component ( choice of subject and form of its presentation). Economic component ( payment of writers and rewriters). Status component ( in return for economic payment from benefactor is often expected to conform the patron’s expectation). 3. Differentiated and undifferentiated Patronage If all 3 components are provided by the same person or source is undifferentiated otherwise is differentiated. Ideological component is the most important for Lefevere because the ideology is often imposed upon the translator by patronage. SIMON – Translation and Gender View of translation study from a gender-studies angle. Parallelism between women translation and men translation both in a social and literary contest. This enters in the concept of the committed translation project , she states that the fidelity is to be directed by the writing. POSTCOLONIAL TRANSLATION THEORY Postcolonialism influenced the way of translation in the countries of English/european empires. The central intersection of translation studies and postcolonial theory is that of power relations. The way into English has been used by colonial powers to build a ‘’rewritten’’ image of East , that brings Simon to think that translation is too much western-oriented.


❾ ROLE OF TRANSLATOR – Visibility , Ethics and Sociology VENUTI – Cultural and political agenda of translation He believes that norms of domestic values , beliefs and social representation should be considered in Toury’s method , in order to carry ideological force of specific groups method. Those groups are publishers and editors , literary agents exc. TRANSLATOR’S INVISIBILITY Situation and activity of the translator according to Venuti. Translators translate fluently in English creating the illusion of transparency. DOMESTICATION and FOREIGNIZATION Invisibility analysed from 2 types of translation. DOMESTICATION > dominant , a ‘’ethnocentric’’ reduction of foreign text, involving a ‘’transparent’’ translation in order to minimize TT foreigness. FOREIGNIZATION > developing a translation method along lines which are excluded by dominant culture values in the TL. ANTOINE BERMAN – ‘’NEGATIVE ANALYTIC’’ of TRANSLATION A trial for SL in 2 senses :  

A trial for T culture in experiencing the strangeness of foreign text. A trial for foreign text in being uprooted from its original language context.

There is a ‘’system of deformation’’ in TT , he analyses forms of deformation calling his work ‘’Negative analytic’’. He individuates 12 tendencies : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.


To counterbalance these tendencies , Berman states the ‘’Positive analytic’’ consisting in :

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Literal translation Meaning Attachment to the letters of works


❿ PHILOSOFICAL THEORIES OF TRANSLATION STEINER’S HERMENEUTICS MOTION Steiner defines the hermeneutics approach as the ‘’investigation of what is meant to ‘’understand’’ , and try to diagnose this process in terms of general model of meaning’’. He concepts translation as an ‘’exact art with intense but unsystematic precision’’. Hermeneutics motion consists in 4 parts. : 1. 2. 3.  

INITIATIVE TRUST > translator trusts that there’s something in ST that can be understood. AGGRESSION > translation invades , extracts and bring home. INCORPORATING > 2 types : COMPLETE DOMESTICATION > TT takes a full place in TL canon. PERMANENT STRANGENESS/MARGINALITY > TT can be ingest and enrich by T culture or be rejected. 4. COMPENSATION > TT as being enhaced by translation, occurs immediately a ST worthy of translation.

EZRA POUND - ENERGY LANGUAGE American modernist poet, seeks to energize language by clarity, rhythm, sound and form rather than sense. WALTER BENJAMIN – The task of the translator An experimet view of translation. A good translation is that one which ‘’express the central reciprocal relationship between languages’’, harmonizing and bringing together the 2 different languages. Translation pursues the goal of ‘’pure’’language that is released by the co-existence and complementation of the translation with the original. NORRIS – DECONSTRUCTION A process that suspends all those elements given for granted. Refuses the fixed meaning in words, destroying crucial elements of linguistics.


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