English I (2.10) - Assignment PDF

Title English I (2.10) - Assignment
Author Ali Salman
Course English Literature 1
Institution Miami Dade College
Pages 4
File Size 92.8 KB
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____________________________________________________ Authors’ Toolbox – Narrative Story ____________________________________________________ Ivette had been wondering when to spill the news to Lucia, about herself going to the Varadero, in order to help with the brigades. But before she made up her mind, Manuel decided to ask how Ivette was preparing for the trip, right in front of Lucia. Ivette, still in thought, suddenly realized the question and basically spit out the punch which she was having a sip at. “Ready for Monday, Ivette? Anythin’ special going on?” Lucia asked curiously. Ivette started to look around, but before she could reply, Raul decided to tell Lucia instead. “Didn’t my sister tell you? She joined our brigade troop. We’re all shipping out together. First we go to Varadero for some extra training, then we get our assignments.” Raul said whilst patting her sister’s back. Lucia in shock had decided to turn to Ivette for more information. “Ivette? What? You decided to join the brigade!?” Lucia asked, somewhat in shock with an uneasiness feeling. The fact that she was leaving in two days and didn’t tell her best friend about it is enough to question their friendship. “As a matter of fact, this Monday is literally two days from now! And you didn’t think to tell me any of this? TWO DAYS, Ivette.” Lucia exclaimed. Ivette finally replied with the following: “I…I myself didn’t know about leaving to the brigade until just a few days ago! I didn’t plan on this, or leaving so soon either, but my mother thought that it would be best for me to leave with my brother, Raul.” Ivette continued, “She also told me that it was part of my duty, as well. And besides, I was going to tell you about it yesterday, but I didn’t know how to confront you about it so suddenly.. My mother had told me about what you saw in the park and considering you were so upset, I decided it would be better to tell you this after the dance.” Ivette went to grab Lucia’s arm only for her to yank it right back. “I thought you were my best friend, you know.. You’re not supposed to hide these things from me.. I thought you were my best friend, Ivette.” Lucia whispered slowly. Ivette had a form of guilt surge up in her as she realized, and quickly replied back: “Lucia, I am your best frien-“ Ivette gets cut off by Lucia, “I need to get some air” she declared, only for Manuel to reply by taking her hand. “C’mon, we’ll go outside.” Manuel said. Whilst they were walking to the side door, he told Lucia: “Listen, you shouldn’t completely blame this on Ivette, it’s hard to say goodbye, even though it’s only for a few months.” He said as they continued out the door. Through all this mess, Ivette got a little hopeful for Manuel and Lucia, since they were alone outside. She decided to shrug it off and make up for it later after the dance to explain herself. “Guess I’ll just see how things pan out for myself. Let’s see how those two are when they come back, you know?” Raul nudged Ivette, to make her feel better. Ivette, still disappointed as to how things turned out, agreed and continued to drink down her punch and got up to get some more.

A few moments later, Ivette decided to check things out on what was happening, just before she saw a flash to see someone rushing in the bathroom. She caught glimpses of the dress, to being Lucia’s. “Lucy! Lucia, I’m sorry! What happened?” Ivette hurried to the bathroom door to see Lucia crying. “What’s wrong? You’re crying!” Lucia shook her head as she continued having tears flow down her face. Lucia decided to explain what happened to Ivette since she needed someone to understand the pain she was feeling. She felt like a little girl after what happened with Manuel. “Talk to me, Lucia.” Ivette started to listen to the story as to what conspired between both Manuel and Lucia outside after the outburst. Lucia filled her in as to what had happened, and Ivette had gotten extremely furious. Lucia, expecting Ivette to say to be more prepared, did not say that. Rather, Ivette said “What? Does he honestly think that he’s all that? I’m going to give him a piece of my mind!” whilst exclaiming, she marched towards to door, but then Lucia grabbed Ivette before she could go. “No, wait. It’s better if you don’t go and there’s a scene..” Lucia looked down. “You sure? I can really make his life miserable.. There are many ways. I’ll be stuck with him either way for a few months.” Ivette said whilst her anger was blazing. At this, Lucia realized as to how Ivette is really her best friend. “I would prefer just going home, after all this.. Today’s been a bad day, Ivette.” Lucia sighed and walked over to the bathroom door. Ivette nodded and signaled for her to follow. “Don’t worry. I’ll get my home and tell her we both ate a bad shrimp or something and aren’t feeling up to staying here any longer.” A few moments later, both Lucia and Ivette were driving with Ivette’s mom to Lucia’s home to drop her off. This night couldn’t get any worse, they both thought, or could it? “Huh? What’s happening outside your house, Lucia?” Ivette’s mother questioned after pointing at the two police cars outside of Lucia’s house. Ivette was equally as confused, but noticed Lucia jump out the door dashing towards her house. She ran past the police, and shouted for her parents. “Lucia! We’re here!” Lucia’s mother shouted, and that’s the all Ivette could hear. Ivette’s mom starting whispering under her breath, low enough so that Ivette couldn’t hear what she was saying, but probably nothing good. “Mother? Let’s go, there might be something serious going on..” Ivette told her mother as she started to get out of the car. The soldiers quickly searched Ivette and her mother before they went it just in case they were going to do anything fishy. As Ivette got inside, the sight she was welcomed to was worst than what she had expected. She looked towards Lucia and saw her glaring at her, and then heard her mom shout behind her. “Sonia! What did you do this time?” Ivette questioned. Lucia’s mom, wide-eyed with fear holding both Frankie and Lucia. “We did nothing!” She replied, and then glanced over to Lucia’s father, who was cuffed behind them in the dining room. Ivette started to notice her surroundings more, and realized how much of the house was in mess, as if the soldiers had thoroughly searched everything. “Mother, what happened? Why are all the soldiers here?” Lucia questioned, looking around carefully for any jewelry.

“They took everything.. I don’t know who told the government, but they somehow found out, and.. I don’t know, Lucia.” Lucia’s mother exclaimed at the situation. “You don’t know, eh? Illegally withdrawing items from the bank, hoarding cash and jewelry. Probably working with the underground.” He looked over at Ivette’s mother. “That sound like nothing to you, Marcela?” “I tried to warn them.” She pulled Ivette toward her. “You see. This is what I’ve been telling you. You can’t trust people like this.” Ivette didn’t understand, could it have been the jewelry which they hid underground, that Lucia told me about..? Maybe.. “Let’s go, Ivette. We’re leaving.” Ivette’s mother said, as Lucia’s mother was replying to her. Ivette starting walking away, but before she could go, Lucia quickly asked permission from her mom and caught up to Ivette to talk about what happened. “I can’t believe this.. You told them!?” Lucia shouted at Ivette, who was in confusion. “I know what you think, Lucia, but it wasn’t me! I didn’t tell anyone about what happened.” Ivette replied. Lucia got closer, and told her: “But… You’re the only one who knew about it. No one else knew about it, besides you! Stop lying, Ivette!” Lucia was practically red after saying this. “I’m not lying, Lucy! I didn’t tell a single soul!” Ivette shouted, and Lucia, taken aback, with only fire blazing within’ fired back. “Must feel real good, eh? With your new buddies, you lied about everything, about the brigade! You are Manuel will probably have a nice laugh about this!” Lucia screeched at how all this could have possibly been planned. “Lucia, no…We’re best friends, I wouldn’t do that to you.” Ivette whispered. Suddenly Ivette’s mom honked and Ivette decided there was no point. “So, this is the thanks I get after defending you for weeks! Fine. I certainly don’t need to stand here and be accused of something I didn’t do! Go back to your traitor family. See if I care!” She turned away and ran back, whilst Lucia shouted “I don’t want to see your face again!” Lucia felt nothing else but hatred after what Ivette “supposedly” did. Lucia turned around to see her dad being dragged around by the soldiers, and saw them taking her away. Ivette glanced to see Lucia arguing with a soldier before the soldier took away her dad. Just as the car took a turn south, so did their friendship. A few moments later, Ivette as well as her mother returned home. On the way, they had discussed what had happened, with Ivette not particularly siding with anyone, just disagreeing with her mother on most of what she had sad about how Lucia’s family is bad, even though it was against the government. The time was near for Ivette to leave, as well. “Raul, tell mother I need to borrow a quick envelope to mail Lucia.. I need to tell her something before I leave for the brigade.. Or else I might not get the chance.” Raul nodded and got her an envelope a moment later.

“Alright, Lucia, I’m leaving. Hopefully we can talk before I do.” Ivette mumbled as she slowly wrote the letter. It had been a full day since then, and Ivette would be leaving with her brother to join the brigade in a few hours. She started the letter, which the typical, “Dear Lucy,” and continued.. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Dear Lucy, I’m sorry for everything that happened to your family. I know you think I had something to do with it, but I promise that I didn’t. I’m leaving for Varadero with the brigades in a few hours and I was hoping to talk to you. If you get this message in time, please call me.

Your friend, Ivette _____________________________________________________________________________________ After she proofread the letter, she quickly sent it to Lucia’s house, hoping for the best. A few hours had passed, and there was no phone call, no reply, anything to indicate that Lucia even cared for the letter if she did in fact receive it. She then sighed, “I guess it can’t be helped..” she whispered, sobbed a little, and then packed up, ready to leave with Raul to join the brigade....

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