Enrichment book review assignment for semester 4 exam in MBA. Content is all related to 5 book reviews, PDF

Title Enrichment book review assignment for semester 4 exam in MBA. Content is all related to 5 book reviews,
Author Rashmi Pandey
Course MBA
Institution Savitribai Phule Pune University
Pages 18
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This project consist of 5 book reviews which we prepare in semester 4 MBA exam.
you can use it to study book review even in your free time to know about book content and story, it will give you quick glimpses of book which help you to decide is this I for you or not....


Savitribai Phule Pune university, Pune

Section 1: Introduction to the Course

A book review is an analysis of a book that includes its subject, strengths and weaknesses and context. Reviews can consider books, articles, entire genres or fields of literature, architecture, art, fashion, restaurants, policies, exhibitions, performances, and much of other forms. This handout will specialize in book reviews. For a uniform assignment, see our handout on literature reviews. Above all, a review makes an argument. the foremost important element of a review is that it's a piece of writing, not merely a summary. It allows you to enter into dialogue and discussion with the work’s creator and with other audiences. you'll offer agreement or disagreement and identify where you discover the work exemplary or deficient in its knowledge, judgments, or organization. you need to clearly state your opinion of the add question, which statement will probably resemble other kinds of academic writing, with a thesis statement, supporting body paragraphs, and a conclusion. See our handout on argument. Typically, reviews are brief. In newspapers and academic journals, they rarely exceed 1000 words, although you'll encounter lengthier assignments and extended commentaries. In either case, reviews need to be concise. While they vary in tone, subject, and style, they share some common features: First, a review gives the reader a concise summary of the content. This includes a relevant description of the topic also as


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Savitribai Phule Pune university, Pune its overall perspective, argument, or purpose. Second, and more importantly, a review offers a critical assessment of the content. This involves your reactions to the work under review: what strikes you as noteworthy, whether or not it had been effective or persuasive, and therefore the way it enhanced your understanding of the issues at hand. Finally, additionally to analysing the work, a review often suggests whether or not the audience would appreciate it. The Structure of a Book Review: 1. Supply a brief summary of the book's hypotheses and contents. 2. Assess the nature and the quality of the suggestion presented. 3. Compare the work with similar titles. 4. Comment on the author's presentation: organization, writing style, illustrations, tables, bibliography, index. 5. Conclusion with final assessment and recommendation to readers. Other Important Issues that we need to keep in our mind: When reviewing a book, there are several other key words which will guide your efforts. Ask yourself, what's the author's purpose for scripting this book? That question encompasses both point of view and hypothesis. Ask yourself, what's the scope of the book? That question deals with what the book is about. what's its subject (person, period of time, place, etc.)? it's also important to understand something about the author. The keyword for this is often authority. what's the author's authority? Does the author have expertise or a reputation within the subject? Beginning students will know little or nothing about the authors they're reading. that's why it's an honest idea to seem them up and study them. Beginning students don't know where a book fits into to the historical literature. a method to quickly determine where it fits in is to locate book reviews written by other scholars. How do they evaluate the book and why? Where do they assert it fits? Their word isn't necessarily gospel. make certain you discover good scholarly reviews, not simple library selection reviews, which are too short and lack detail for this purpose. Remember, when writing your review, you audience is your classmates and your professors. Your review should be 3-4 pages long. Provide complete bibliographic information at the front, i.e., writer's name, title, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, pages. Put your name at the top of the review. check out various reviews published in scholarly journals and see how they are doing it.


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Section 2: Process of Course Completion This course had been completed with a series of steps that are as follows:

1.Identification of the Theme: The course was finalised by getting insights into my interest which was “Book Review”. Books have always been my fascination so this theme will help me to reinforce my knowledge and interest in reading. This theme included reading of books then summarising and reviewing them.

2. Desk Research: After finalising the theme, research was conducted so as to finalise the books that needed to be reviewed. Books from different fields were taken into consideration before finalising the books. The standardised format of review was studied so as to write down reviews of selected books.

3. Reading Books: during this step, books were finalised. then the most task of the course was reading books which was of longest duration. Three books from different authors were finalised which were:

1} Who Will Cry When You Will Die? by Robin Sharma.

2} The 108 Skills of Natural Born Leaders by Warren Blank

3} Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr Joseph Murphy

4. Drafting Reviews: After complete reading of all the above-mentioned books, reviews were drafted consistent with the quality formats. The reviews included gathering of inferences and recording them. Reviews contained various information like publication details, author’s details in short then the contents of the book in summarised form.

5. Presenting the Learnings: This was the ultimate step for completion of the course including presentation of reviews within the sort of spiral binding report then followed by PowerPoint presentation.


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Section 3: Course Discussion 1] Book Review of: “Who Will Cry When You Will Die?” by Robin Sharma

Before stepping into the book, we must have a glance at its author Robin Sharma. Resigning his career as a Lawyer, self-publishing his first selfdevelopment book, he has now grown up as a number one orator motivating everyone during to become a leader in any role. To be noted, he's a Canadian writer and you won’t feel that (If you're an Indian, you'll definitely read it as of a book by an Indian writer), the book is going to be so simple and straightforward to read.

I even have already read the self-development books of Carnegie and a few novels. So, I had an excellent expectation towards Who Will Cry once you Die. If you wonder at its title and need to offer a read, you'll be disappointed, because it's a self-Development book and zip are going to be relevant to what you're searching within the book regarding the title. a complete of around 225 pages with 101 short chapters (each within two-three pages), if you've got previously read only novels and literature, then only after crossing half the book, you'll realize that this book is one such gem. One of the very good things that keep us connecting to the present book is that the author is going to be giving certain samples of his own, examples that looks like generalised and having a wider perspective

A reader reads a book for the sole reason – a pleasure full book reading experience, then just for knowledge and other stuff. Only after crossing some 100 pages, you'll start getting that actual experience and that’s how I felt reading this book. If you appear to be quitting this book within the middle, just read the book for name sake, because it takes its own time for you to urge engaged with this book. Through 101 short chapters, Robin Sharma is swearing us to schedule things and to stay track of the schedule. He tells us to schedule time to like our beloved ones, friends, family, 4|Page

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Savitribai Phule Pune university, Pune to enjoy nature, to try to what we like to do, to spend time alone, and to read more and everything. Scheduling things, passion, yourself, discipline is all Robin Sharma focuses on during this book.

The important chapter is that the 99th chapter- “Love Your Work”. the rationale why this chapter has been kept last is that it takes the entire previous chapters to vary our minds to understand what's taught within the 99th chapter. It tells us to like whatever we do. albeit it's your work assigned to you on behalf of others, you've got to try to it with passion. This book not only gives you an honest reading experience, but also starts having its influence in your life, changing your lifestyle.

Another important goodness of this book is at the top of the book, you'll desire time is precious and that we must make use of it. Before reading this book, if you're dalliance in unwanted things, it allows you to specialise in what you would like , allows you to believe what actually desires you, causes you to believe your purpose during this life and eventually it forces you to believe yourself and spend time for yourself by focusing you on activities that really fascinates you. And if you think that nothing actually fascinates you and every one you've got been doing of these days simply sitting and chatting together with your friends, this book narrows your views and gets the simplest out of you. It teaches you to play with whatever you're doing, teach you the eagerness that you simply shall experience in your work, in your studies. By the end, you'll realize this book insists you to not bother about who will cry once you die. But it tells you to be happier more and more before your death, so you'll die any time with much happiness.

8 Real Life Applications form this book: •

Maintaining perspective and practicing self-discipline will assist you to steer a successful and happy life.

For a happier life, be honest with people and find out how to deal positively with failure.

A meaningful life entails that specialize in what’s essential, but don’t forget to reward yourself with regular breaks.


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Remember the way to enjoy life by imitating children and by taking excellent care of your body.

Remember that since life may be a process, focusing solely on goals could also be counterproductive.

Recognize the worth of your time and learn to regulate your emotional reactions.

Connecting with nature and making use of your commute will ensure happiness and success.

Rather than complaining, focus actively on what you'll bring back the planet.


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2] Book Review of: “The 108 Skill Natural Born leaders” by Warren Blank. Warren blank was Born on 24 July 1948 (age 71 years), at Richmond Hill, New York, United State. Completed his education from University of Cincinnati. Warren Blank is an American author, teacher, and businessman, consultant. He is best known for authoring books on leadership, such as the 108 Skills of Natural Born Leaders and the 9 Natural Laws of Leadership. In this book there are three parts which were further divided into subsection with context of explaining the 108 skills of natural born leader. In this book there are three parts: 1] FOUNDATION SKILLS: •

Expand self-awareness

Build rapport

Clarity expectations


Map the territory to identify the

need to lead

Chart a course of leadership action

Develop other as leaders


Build the base to gain commitment

Influence other to willingly follow

Create a motivating environment


Savitribai Phule Pune university, Pune

Savitribai Phule Pune university, Pune In this book the author explained about the natural born leader phenomenon like many from us were seen so many people who looks like “She’s just natural born leader” or “He is born to lead “or “Some people are always leaders” its look like they were just born that way” but here author explain about what they did to become for to became the way they are today. Have you noticed a child at the playground who “naturally” organizes the lunch break games, no formal leadership training, but they set up to lead other kids. When people demonstrate dramatic initiative, when they easily figure out what needs to be done, and when they effectively influence other, we assume they are “Born to Lead”

But here Author argue to say No, “No one is born leader” Leader is person who gains willing followers when they provide a direction and utilize influence method that attract others. And that is something which is Based on Set of Skills which can be easily learn by any person. In this book author Warren Blank say leader is one who effortlessly, spontaneously, consistently and Frequently demonstrate the skill set and any person can able to do this through many sets of practises and by having expertise in that field.

According to “The 108 Skills of Natural Born Leaders” nobody is born a leader. But everyone has the natural born capacity to be a leader. We label people "natural born leaders “because they consistently and regularly model qualities that inspire others to plan to their direction. This book identifies the skill set that causes others to ascertain people as natural born leaders, helps readers assess their current level of those skills, and coaches’ readers to master their weak areas.

For those who like lists, having a list of skills to work on is nice. The book is 10 years old now, so some of the examples are dated. But the only drawback I found is that it frustrating that some of the true-life stories would describe how a leader used a skill, but did not share the outcome or effect. Otherwise, it is always helpful to have necessary leadership skills described so that I can work on my own self-improvement.

This is like reading management book just with extra examples and real life explanation which is must read for a manager or who what to start new business and want to enter into the world of entrepreneurship.


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Savitribai Phule Pune university, Pune Readers will learn:

Foundation skills, including self-awareness and therefore the ability to determine rapport

Direction skills, including the power to line a course and develop others as leaders

Willing follower skills, including the power to influence others and make an interesting environment." (less)

“You were born as someone. Becoming a leader is a choice” this what author teaches is this book and the one who want to be leader in any field must have to go through this book.


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2] Book Review of: “Power of subconscious mind” by Dr Joseph Murphy.

About the Author: Joseph Murphy, PhD, (18981981), an Irish-born American minister, was director of the Church of Divine Science in Los Angeles for 28 years. He turned it into one of the largest New Thought congregations in the United States. He published 46 books between 1945 and 1987. Your subconscious is that the cache of your memoir, beliefs, life experiences and life traumas. The information heaped in our subconscious influences our behavior to an excellent deal. Being a student of psychology, I’m in unison with the author that our subconscious directs out body. Subconscious works chiefly through recognized patterns and makes a perceptible difference in our lives. The subconscious is usually working whether you influence it or not. as an example, once we associate our subconscious with good events, our beings automatically become happier and more cheerful.

The book tries to annotate that, how only a mere belief of your subconscious possess the facility to drastically change you and your life. It explains, how repeating an equivalent prayer a day and night can cure a disease and the way the tireless action of the subconscious can assist you keep all the vital functions of body under good control. Example: breathing. once we sleep, the subconscious is responsible of our breathing and lung function. immediately as you're reading this review your breathing is controlled by the subconscious and not only breathing but also all the opposite wondrously complex operations of the body. But once we are during a state of anger or once we are anxious our subconscious also our bodily functions are interfered, thus making us difficult to breathe.

The author elucidated that in past also people figured out many effective ways to tap the incredible power of the subconscious and used it for the healing purposes. In every religion faith holds a really powerful position and each religion believes that if we put our faith in God everything will fall within the right place. But have you ever wondered what actually 10 | P a g e

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Savitribai Phule Pune university, Pune faith is? What power it's to form everything fall within the right place? Why our religions mention it all the time? Why is that when doctors fail to treat a particular condition all they assert Is have faith? I’m not a really religionist myself but I think that faith may be a medium to conversation together with your subconscious and to instruct it repeatedly what you and your body wants. People don’t believe miracles but I say that miracles are just the way of your subconscious to prove that it possesses world power over your life.

Abstract: The book contains 20 chapters, each with a special chapter title and various sub headings within each chapter. The 20 chapters are spread on 297 pages. The book starts with thought-provoking questions that make interest within the reader before embarking on chapter one. Thereafter, each chapter addresses itself to the powerful role, wisdom and intelligence of the sub-conscious mind in human life.

Summary of Chapters Chapter 1: “The storehouse within you.” It metaphorically refers to the subconscious a part of us as a house with tons of treasure. The treasures are clearly brought out because the principles and beliefs within us. The subconscious is intelligent and has infinite potential which will magnetize people to realize more. The chapter states that we don't got to acquire the subconscious because we have already got it. We only got to reach out for it (communicate with it) to release the hidden power. we'd like to tap into the mighty power of the subconscious to seek out solutions to our every problem. The chapter again; metaphorically refers to the subconscious as a garden with rich soil and therefore the only thing we should always do, is to plant good thoughts. The chapter ends by saying that our subconscious accepts whatever we order it to try to which is predicated upon what the conscious mind believes.

Chapter 2: “How your mind works” It gives the differences between roles played by the subconscious and conscious mind and the way they interact. The author clearly states that if you think that that good; good follows you and if you think evil; evil will follow you. The subconscious accepts whatever we feed it therefore it's incumbent upon us to consciously consider what t...

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