ENT300 Individual Assignment PDF

Title ENT300 Individual Assignment
Course Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 13
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Hardworking and determination


Bold and strong







The original purpose of this case study was to give exposure to students about real busin ess through this case study. Through this case study, students are able to identify the individua l situation of a person who holds the title of entrepreneur, business, or organization in more d etail. In this case study, I have chosen a well-known entrepreneur in Malaysia, namely Khairu l Amin Kamarulzaman or better known as, Khairulaming who is a social media culinary celeb rity who started producing recipe videos since 2016. Clearly, he’s graduate of the Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering from Vanderbilt University, Tennessee, USA, he chose to breathe ne w life into his video in his own way that is to use his voice and appear in the recording. He sa id he started uploading his cooking video at the beginning of Ramadan through a video entitle d 30 Days 30 Recipes in conjunction with the arrival of the holy month for Muslims.He is als o the founder of Rasapop PLT company which started fiery hot sauce business. His Instagram social site, which is registered under the name @khairulaming, has so far reco rded more than 3.2 million followers. He is known through creative recipe videos that are sha red to receive a high number of likes and shares on Facebook and Instagram. The company's mission is to produce premium quality sambal by choosing the best quality ingredients for the satisfaction of customers. He and his colleagues often listen to the feedback of their customers to ensure that the sambal products produced are always in good condition to maintain product quality. Apart from that, the young man has informed that his first product, Sambal Nyet Berapi, is on ly sold online at Shopee. These official distribution channels are limited to maintaining the qu ality of their sambal products and preventing outsiders from taking advantage of their product s.


( He is a graduate of Vanderbilt University, USA. )

Khairulaming or his real name Khairul Amin Kamarulzaman gained popularity on social media due to the uniqueness of the cooking tutorial video that he shared so that it became con tagious and became the talk of the town. ‘HEY, what’s up guys’ is a mandatory introductory e xpression that netizens often hear when watching cooking tutorial videos on Khairulaming’s I nstagram social site. His cooking videos which are considered unique, simple, and different fr om the others are also liked because of his ingenuity in inserting elements of drama and come dy that keep the audience entertained. If you look at it, people will think that he is a student fr om the culinary field but he has no formal education in the field, nor was he originally though t to be involved in the food and beverage (F&B) industry. Approaching this Kota Bharu, Kelantan -born man, he admitted that he had never come acros s a video of his shared cooking that would be contagious and make him who he is now. According to him, the interest in watching various programs with the concept of cooking on t elevision since primary school has to some extent dragged him into the world now.

“Honestly, I was not good at cooking at first, let alone aspiring to be a famous chef. But I enj oy watching various cooking shows. "I can say that the starting point for making me who I am now is when I was in fifth grade," h e said with a laugh when opening a conversation with K2 recently. Add the 29 -year -old again, when he was in fifth grade, he often watched his mother cook in the kitchen and indirectly learned little by little from there. He explained that when he was in form two, he also recorded some cooking videos with his mother using a smartphone, but onl y for fun. Telling further, Khairul Amin stated that his interest in the culinary world stopped for a while, but it resumed in 2016. “2016 was the first year I shared and uploaded my voiceless and physical cooking videos. "At that time, I shared the video tutorial happily on my own personal Facebook account," he s aid. Highlighting his involvement, the third child of the four siblings said, two years later, his cooking tutorial video was given a new lease of life by incorporating a few drama elements u sing a new medium, Instagram. Views of cooking videos on Instagram reached up to millions per video, in addition to being s pread on Facebook and Twitter.

His '30 cooking videos for 30 days of fasting 'project is one of the most awaited by netizens e very year as Raya Aidilfitri approaches from 2018 until now. Among the dishes produced include main dishes, drinks, and desserts (desserts), such as cook ed black pepper meat, honey chicken, mango bingsu, tandoori chicken, caramel banana cupca kes, and more. There are also some recipes that do not work because he is not a chef and has no special education in the field of cuisine, only armed with deep interest to learn various reci pes to be presented to the public. Touching on his personal life, he went through a bitter episo de when his father breathed his last in March 2020.


Earlier this year, Khairulaming's name managed to be mentioned by netizens. All because of his sambal, Sambal Nyet, 10,000 units were sold in less than an hour after the launch. Famous for his interesting and funny cooking videos, who would have thought that Khairul A ming also went through a difficult time in his life when he started promoting his sambal in 20 17. His business started operating in 2017 through social media, then started promoting his samb al through the Facebook platform by producing videos on how to produce penyet chicken rice using Sambal King. Through a partnership made by Khairulaming on Twitter, he is the founder of the Sambal Kin g product and now the name of the product is SambalNyet. It is understood that he started pro ducing this Sambal King after almost two months of trying to produce the best sambal for cus tomers. Although the video was contagious and managed to make people interested in trying Sambal King, Khairulaming did not think at that moment it was a turning point for him when all the s ambal he sent broke due to using plastic containers. Not wanting to disappoint the customer, he chose to return the customer’s money. He then bo unced back by learning ways to make the sambal last longer as well as for opting to use glass bottles. Following the video still being popular on Facebook, Khairulaming remains optimistic by de veloping a place to produce and package Sambal King with his team. Who would have thought he was once again tested when Facebook’s algorithm was said to ha ve changed making his videos no longer watched by many so that no customer wanted to get Sambal King. He then chose to resell all the cooking utensils as well as the determination to d evelop personal branding on his own Instagram. Armed with a strong determination, he has taken four years to raise his name to the point of a massing over 2.8 million followers on Instagram.

After sharing how to cook various dishes on Instagram, Khairulaming in 2021 returned to fig ht for his old idea by introducing Sambal Nyet. Rezeki this time sided with him after his sambal sold out in a short period of time, reminding many that it is not easy to be happy. His hard work brought success to Khairulaming with the help and encouragement of those ar ound him. His career as an ‘online chef’ is said to be the starting point of a deep interest in the culinary world, combined with the video graphics skills he possesses. Video recordings are made using basic equipment such as tripods, digital lens reflex cameras (DSLRs), and lights for lighting. Although he did not come from a business-oriented education, Khairulaming has eventually b ecome an entrepreneur due to his deep interest. Surfing the business with a small group of trusted and like-minded individuals, Khairulamin g and his sister decided to revolutionize something easy to eat at any time which is sambal th at can be eaten with just about anything. He always reminds his customers not to buy in other markets like resellers so as not to be fool ed by other fake sauces. This is because recently, Khairul Aming expressed his disappointmen t on Twitter when an irresponsible party produced and sold fake sambal using his product na me. He shared about the case where an individual who sold his Sambal Nyet claimed to be a r eseller. However, it turns out that the sambal sold is fake and 700 bottles have been sold so fa r. More worryingly, Khairul Aming also informed that the sambal sold often received criticis m from buyers because it was foamy and the delivery was also very bad. The young man has announced that he wants to release his first product, Sambal Nyet Berapi, which will be sold online at Shopee. Khairul Aming cleverly used a strategy with a strength of 3.2 million followers when informi ng all the journey of starting a Sambal Nyet business on Instagram with attractive visuals.


He has the important characteristics and unique style to produce videos by doing all the t asks including recording, video editing, and being a chef and at the same time, he also gets he lp from his friends. He has also previously been active in producing short films, wedding vide os, adventures as well as music videos for indie groups. The cooking video tutorial looks like professional and quality work as a television show and of international standard. While the recipes shared are on par with celebrities. He has a great performance in the business and reveals his success story. He showed the worl d how not to stop working in a digital endeavor dominated by the power of demand regardles s of age. Continuing the partnership, Khairulaming, who also works in the field of logistics in the capit al, also faces some challenges. Clearly, this Libra zodiac man, one of the main challenges he often faces is in terms of time b ecause he has to divide his time to work and the process of producing videos. “Usually, after work, I will continue to go to the supermarket or any grocery store to buy ingr edients according to the recipe I want to cook. “When I get home, I have to prepare the ingredients and be ready for the recording process an d the ideas I want to present. "After cooking, the video needs to be edited first according to the appropriate duration and co ntent before being uploaded on social media," he said, admitting that he was a little tired, but it was fun to share the food with his followers. the young man built a name over the years by sharing interesting recipes to the public for free and is certainly very beneficial. Get recipe ideas from the internet, before changing the original recipe to suit the ingredients a vailable in the kitchen. Most of the recipes shared were recipes he had tried while studying in college before. The recipes displayed are simple so that it is easy to learn in general in a short period of time.

( The three words that describe the recipe he shared were - "easy, tasty and appetizing!" Famous for its two taglines namely ‘Lonely Kitchen’ and ‘Hey what’s up guys’. )


1. https://pdfcoffee.com/case-study-assignment-ent300-pdf-free.html 2.



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