Essay \"Overpopulation\" - Grade 100% PDF

Title Essay \"Overpopulation\" - Grade 100%
Course History of Social Problems through the Media
Institution University of Florida
Pages 3
File Size 50.2 KB
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Researchers and the UN have predicted that the world population will increase to 11 billion by 2100. This video should be shown throughout the world and especially to world and local leaders. It poses many questions and threats to our consuming society. Although most global leaders don't treat this as a critical problem, it is crucial since our choices now will impact our future generations. I think a major concept to be taken away from this video is that in some areas of the world such as in Asia, Africa, and parts of the Middle East, a cap of two children should be implemented granted with some incentives. Another major lesson from this video is how we should start saving resources now, instead of waiting until disaster strikes. Resources such as food right now are being utilized in a gluttonous way. Natural resources, as well, have been overused, that is why COP21 summit occurred in France. Overall governments around the world need to realize this threat and realize its critical importance. The video showed how overpopulation and global warming will bring an end to our world within the next century and a half. It made me think of how we treat our resources as infinite. Especially how we view water as a infinite element, and especially how I use resources. We think our water source is infinite since we have vast oceans, but we forget to think its salt water and fresh water is 3% of the world and most are trapped in glacier reserves. This means only 1% of the worlds fresh water is available for our use. Another product we view as infinite is food, since we just see supermarkets and their abundance. However when the video realistically showed that food comes from animals, plants, and grains that aren’t infinite resources it really puts things into perspective. Another practical thing I’ve never thought of is our outdated sewage system which can be overworked easily at any time. This also means that cities should implement new technologies on how sewage should be dealt with. Another huge problem is pollution; whether small or large. Large corporate companies and individuals all contribute to

pollution. This must be taken into account to slow the global warming occurrence. In the video they show the smog creation in California due to China’s fuel emission and how threatening it is. Even though they show this one hundred years into the future, it could happen sooner. If global leaders do not want to use their available funds to plan for the future, then individuals and local bureaucratic leaders must. In many parts of the world, especially due to religion, ongoing procreation is encouraged and birth control is prohibited such as in Islam, religious Judaism, and religious Christianity. It is up to religious leaders to release a statement and realize the world needs a change. Africa’s population is expected to increase from 1.2 billion to 5.6 billion very rapidly. This is due to most of the continent being developing states. The more developed a country is, the more gradual population growth will occur due to technology and stable living. This was also discussed in the COP21, how more developed countries are responsible for helping developing countries become developed. Since developed countries have been utilizing fossil fuels and the worlds resources for the past two centuries, it is up to them to aid developing countries. Also developed countries use of resources have caused for natural disasters to occur in developing countries more frequent. Another huge problem with implementing new technologies or regulations to stop world overpopulation is money. With most of the world in recessions, this isn't their main concern. I can't say its my main concern when voting for a president is going to be their environmental policy, however it is a huge concern that we need to become more aware of. In the COP21 Obama promised to make changes and set regulations to certain environmental factors, however the head of congress stated that our tax dollars should be going to more important things and they didn’t back up Obama's promises.

While watching this video I first thought, capping families may be a starting solution, however thinking about it, it seems unrealistic to tell families how to live their lives. It is unfair in many countries since there isn't a problem of overpopulation pending. So how can you tell people of one country not to have a certain amount of children, and tell other people they can have as many children as they want. It is a very difficult situation to manage, it has been done in some societies, and it has caused many problems. Although overpopulation was the key cause for the apocalypse in this video, it is also said by 2100 that our global temperature will change by a degree Celsius, causing havoc around the world. They did include many of these factors in the video, such as the smog and natural resource overuse. In conclusion, as difficult and costly changes may be, they need to be implemented or our future on this Earth will be cut short....

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