Essay \"Sexism\" - Grade 100% PDF

Title Essay \"Sexism\" - Grade 100%
Course History of Social Problems through the Media
Institution University of Florida
Pages 3
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Sexism is defined as the prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex. I have been both a victim and perpetrator of sexism throughout my life. Most people usually see sexism as mostly female targeted, and underrate male sexism. Even though there is more discrimination against women, the issue shouldn’t be taken lightly against men either. There are so many daily things that society does that one wouldn’t even think are sexist. Sexism is a worldwide issue; however, I do believe the U.S. will eventually come to terms with equality amongst the sexes. I believe sexism against boys starts at a very young age, that sets their gender role for the rest of their lives. In preschool, I remember when a boy used to cry the teacher used to say you’re a boy, you’re not supposed to cry. While when a girl cried they coddled them more than boys. You would think that by the time I was a counselor for preschoolers things would be different, but they weren’t. A little girl would hit a boy and he would hit her back, the only one who got in any trouble was the boy. When I was in charge I would make sure both were punished. If a boy was crying or showing emotions, I would tell him its okay to cry and show emotions. Boys at a young age are taught emotions are bad and only for girls. People underestimate the bottled up emotions little boys have at a young age, because they’re supposed to be a tough boy. As males get older their image is supposed to be tough, someone who is looked upon as a provider and worker. Males have to take on dirtier jobs, there aren’t many women fire fighters or garbage collectors. Males are sought to provide for the family while women are traditionally known to provide emotional support. Men are expected to pay spousal support after divorce, but women do not have to reciprocate in any way. Men

are usually judged harsher in crimes, and if there is a man and woman who committed a crime together it is seen as the male’s fault. People prejudge the situation and think he made her do it and she has zero thought process. Many people don’t realize the pressure men are put under due to traditions, and do not see the societal prejudice against them. As we grow older I believe sexism becomes more targeted against women than men. I don’t know any woman who hasn’t been a victim of street calling. I am a perpetrator of sexism when I used derogatory terms towards girls lightly. Using terms like “whore” lightly, isn’t funny and is something I plan on changing. Even using the term lightly for a friend or not lightly for someone you’re judging is equally wrong. Being judgmental over a person’s sexual preference is sexist. When a boy has had many sexual partners you refer to them as a “player,” there is no negative connotation for “slutty” men. Men are praised for the number of women they can sleep with, while women are thought of as “sluts” the more men they sleep with. This is a huge double standard that our society can’t seem to get over. Another way I can be seen as a perpetrator is when I tell my friend to just flirt with a bouncer so we can skip the boys line. Its both unfair to the males in the line who don’t have this opportunity and its unfair to my friend who, since she’s a pretty girl I make her flirt with someone to get a leg up. When I see a girl who is dressed in more typically male clothes, I prejudge her and think why is she wearing boy clothes. Then again I think and say what makes it boy clothes, and know my initial thought was wrong. When I think of my actions I mostly see that I am more sexist towards women unconsciously due to our social norms. I obviously stand up for women and their equal rights in every aspect whether its social, political,

and economical. On the other hand, I do believe I should be less sexist in daily conversation and daily thought. I believe sometimes were more wired to think things since it was the way we see it in society or how we grew up. I grew up playing video games like most boys, however my brother was never allowed to wear a dress outside the house. So when I see boys wearing dresses my first thought is, that’s strange, but then I think that’s just my old mentality reacting and there is nothing wrong with that. I think as our society becomes more accepting the less sexist we will be, and the old boundaries will blur. We are human beings, whether we are male or female and we should both be treated with equal respect and dignity and have the same opportunities....

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