Exam 1 bio210 - Exam study guide PDF

Title Exam 1 bio210 - Exam study guide
Course Human Anatomy and Physiology
Institution California State University Fullerton
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BIO 210 SAMPLE EXAM 1 (CHAPTERS 1-3) (answer key on last page) 1.The study of the function of the human body is: A.Anatomy B.Physiology C.Chemistry D.Embryology E.Histology 2.The correct order of structural organization of the body from simple to complex: A.Chemical, cell, organ, tissue, organ system, organism B.Cell, organism, organ, tissue, chemical, organ system C.Organism, organ, organ system, tissue, cell, chemical D.Cell, tissue, organ, chemical, organ system, organism E.Chemical, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism 3.The ventral cavity contains which cavities? A.Thoracic and abdominopelvic B.Cranial and vertebral C.Cranial and thoracic D.Abdominal and vertebral E.Pleural and cranial 4.The standard anatomical position does not have: A.The upper extremities at the sides B.The feet flat C.The body in an upright position D.Palms facing backward E.The body facing forward 5.The plane which divides the body into anterior and posterior sections is: A.Horizontal B.Parasagittal C.Midsagittal D.Frontal E.Transverse 6.The stomach is inferior to the : A.Large intestine B.Heart C.Kidneys D.Arm E.Bladder 7.The process by which an organism maintains a relatively constant internal environment within certain physiological limits is called: A.Metabolism B.Catabolism C.Homeostasis D.Equilibrium E.Growth

8.A substance which minimizes fluctuations in the pH of body fluids is a: A.Salt B.Base C.Acid D.Buffer E.Ion 9. a substance that releases hydrogen ions in solution: A.Salt B.Base C.Acid D.Lipid E.pH 10.H-bonding is a force that helps determine the structure of proteins at all levels except: A.Primary B.Secondary C.Tertiary D.Quarternary

11. Which of the following is most likely a carbohydrate? A.C6H12O6 B.C22H44COOH C.CO2 D.C2H4NH2 12.Life is said to be carbon based because carbon atoms make up: A.Carbohydrates B.Lipids C.Proteins D.Nucleic acids E.All of the above 13.Pericardial fluid would be found : A.Inside the heart B.Outside the parietal serosa C.Between visceral and parietal pericardium D.Between visceral pericardium and heart E.Between pleural membranes 14.The sum of all the chemical reactions occurring in the body : A.Anabolism B.Catabolism C.Homeostasis D.Metabolism

E.Exchange reactions 15.The bond formed by sharing electron pairs is: A.Covalent B.Ionic C.Hydrogen D.Organic E.Inorganic 16.The most abundant inorganic substance in cells is: A.Sodium B.Protein C.Water D.Carbohydrates E.Lipid 17.The sum of the protons and neutrons in an atom is known as: A.Atomic number B.Atomic weight C.Chemical formula D.Isotope E.Oxidation number 18.Which of the following is a disaccharide? A.Sucrose B.Fructose C.Glucose D.Glycogen E. Deoxyribose 19.Nitrogen is always found in which molecule? A.Inorganic B.Carbohydrate C.Lipid D.Protein E.Cholesterol 20.A triglyceride has: A.1 glycerol and 3 fatty acids B.3 glycerols and 1 fatty acid C.3 glycerols and 3 fatty acids D.1 glycerol and 1 fatty acid 21.The sugar in RNA is: A.Ribose B.Deoxyribose C.Phosphate D.Uracil E.Glucose 22.Stored energy is in the form of: A.A peptide bond B.ATP C.DNA

D.Kinetic energy E.Activation energy 23.More hydrogen ions would be in a solution with a pH of: A.2.5 B.4.4 C.7.35 D.8.2 E.12 24.The term that would identify a serosa membrane as being the layer nearest the walls of a body cavity is: A.Visceral B.Parietal C.Pleural D.Pericardial 25.Which of the following is NOT correct concerning DNA and RNA? A.They are nucleic acids. B.They both have a pentose sugar. C.They contain phosphate groups. D.They are inorganic molecules. E.They both contain nitrogenous bases. 26.A feedback system reverses the direction of the initial condition (decreases the stimulus). A.Positive B.Negative C.Stimulatory D.Neutral E.Homeostasis 27.A polyunsaturated fat has: A.No double bonds between carbon atoms B.More than one double bond between carbon atoms C.Many hydrogens D.More than one double bond between hydrogen atoms E.Many carbons 28.A medial position is a position that is : A.Away from the midline B.Closer to the midline C.Toward the head D.Toward the front E.Near the back 29.DNA does not have: A.Adenine B.Uracil C.Thymine D.Guanine

E.Cytosine 30.The amino acid sequence of a protein is known as the: A.Primary structure B.Secondary structure C.Tertiary structure D.Quarternary structure 31.The building blocks or units joined in a protein are: A.Monosaccharides B.Nucleotides C.Amino acids D.Phosphate groups E.Fatty acids 32.Anything that occupies space and has mass is considered: A.Cells B.Gas C..Matter D.Energy E.Solid 33.A chemical reaction that builds up or makes bonds is: a.Catabolic B.Anabolic C.Decomposition D.Exchange E.Oxidation 34.The bond that joins amino acids to form a protein: A.Denaturation B.Phosphate bonds C.Nucleotides D.Peptide bonds 35.If an individual is in homeostasis which of the following is not likely present? A.Rest B.Stress C.Disease D.Metabolism 36.Which of the following would be the smallest in size? A.Atom B.Ion C.Molecule D.Electron E..Proton 37.Neutral atoms contain the same number of electrons as: A.Protons

B.Neutrons C. Cations d.Anions 38.Negatively charged particles that move in orbits around the atomic nucleus are: A.Anions B.Cations C.Protons D.Neutrons E.Electrons 39.The secondary structure of a protein would not be: A.Beta pleated sheets B.Alpha helix C.Held by hydrogen bonds D.Several subunits joined together 40..When salts are dissolved in water they dissociate into particles called: A.Acids B.Electrolytes C.Bases D.Electrons E.Buffers 41.The study of the structure of the human body is: A.Physiology B.Anatomy C.Pathology D.Chemistry E.Cytology 42.A chemical bond formed by transferring electrons is: A.Covalent B.Ionic C.Peptide D.Hydrogen E.Phosphate 43.A feedback mechanism to regulate blood glucose levels should: a.Make glucose higher in the blood when the signal is low B.Make glucose low in the blood when the signal is low C.Put glucose into cells D.Make new glucose 44.A 1 M solution of NaCl would contain grams of NaCl in 1 liter of water. A.58 B.28 C.116 D.98

E.48 45.Positively charged atoms are: A.Cations B.Anions C.Electrons D.Protons 46.Water is a(an) A.Polar molecule B.Nonpolar molecule C.Organic compound D.Element E.Solute 47.The element iodine has the symbol I (Group VII (7)). Which of the following is correct for I? A.74 electrons, 74 protons, and 53 neutrons B.127 electrons, 53 protons, and 74 neutrons C.53 electrons, 53 protons, and 53 neutrons D.53 electrons, 53 protons, and 74 neutrons E.53 electrons, 74 protons, and 74 neutrons 48.If a patient complains of pain in the right hypochondriac region you would request that they remove their: A.Hat B.Shirt C.Pants D.Shoes E.Nothing, they are always complaining 49.Which region of the abdomen is inferior to the umbilicus? A.Hypergastric B.Hypogastric C.Right lumbar D.Left lumbar E.All are inferior 50.All of the following will increase the rate of a chemical reaction except: A.An enzyme B.Decreasing temperature C.Smaller size molecules D.All increase the rate of a reaction 51.A position that is nearer to the point of attachment to the body is said to be: A.Distal B.Proximal C.Superficial D.Lateral E.Medial

52.Which of the following would be in a good blood buffer? A.A strong acid B.A strong base C.Carbonic acid and sodium bicarbonate D.Sodium chloride and hydrochloric acid 53.An enzyme/substrate complex yields a product and: a..Hydrogen B.An unchanged enzyme C.A denatured enzyme D.A substrate 54.The storage form of glucose in the body is as: A.Glycogen B.Enzymes C.Fat D..ATP E.Sucrose 55.If an element in group I of the periodic table combines with an element in group VII the bond is: A.Covalent B.Ionic C.Hydrogen D.Peptide E.These elements would not form a bond 56.Organs in the ventral body cavity: A.Brain, spinal cord, heart B.Heart, liver, stomach, spinal cord C.Heart, lungs, stomach, pancreas D.Brain, spinal cord 57.A heart surgeon would enter this portion of the ventral body cavity: A.Pleural B.Mediastinum C.Pelvic D.Cranial E.Abdominal 58.The arms would be located in which region of the body? A.Axial B.Mediastinum C.Vertebral D.Abdominal E.Appendicular 59.Which of the following best describes the relationship between structure and function? A.Structure of an organ determines its function. B.Very few structures are related to function. C.They are related only under stressful conditions. D.They are not related.

60.The head is to the neck. A.Lateral B.Inferior C.Medial D.Superior E.Distal 61.DNA is in an orderly sequence of: A.Nucleotides B.Fatty acids C.Nucleic acids D.Amino acids E.Monosaccharides 62.Which of the nitrogenous bases will bond with guanine? a.Adenine B.Cytosine C.Uracil D.Thymine E.Guanine 63.Which solution is acid? A.H20 B.H2O + Na+ + ClC.H20 + H+ + ClD.Na+ +OH- + H2O 64.The basic structural and functional unit of life: A.Molecule B.Cell C.Tissue d.Organ e.Brain 65.The molecular formula H2O means: a.An atom of water contains 2 hydrogen molecules and 1 oxygen molecule. B.A molecule of water contains 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom. C.An atom of water contains 1 hydrogen molecule and 2 oxygen molecules. d.A molecule of water contains 1 hydrogen atom and 2 oxygen atoms. 66.Which of the following is not used to characterize a living system? A.Movement B.Reproduction C.Metabolism D.Responsiveness E.Structure 67.How are H atoms bonded to the O atom between two water molecules? A.Covalent bonds

B.Ionic bonds C.H-bonds D.Phosphate bonds E.Peptide bonds 68.The surface of the organs in the abdominopelvic cavity are lined by the: A.Visceral pericardium B.Parietal pericardium C.Visceral peritoneum D.Parietal peritoneum E.Visceral pleura 69.The lungs are situated in this division of the thoracic cavity: a.Mediastinum B.Pleural C.Cranial D.Ventral e.Dorsal 70.The thin muscle that separates the thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities is the: A.Esophagus B.Trachea C.Diaphragm D.Peritoneum E.Pancreas 71.The plasma membrane is: A.A double membrane. B.A phospholipid bilayer. C.A bilayer of glycoproteins. D.Separated into a bilayer by cholesterol molecules. E.All of the above 72.Molecules move up a concentration gradient by: A a.Active transport B.Facilitative diffusion C.Osmosis D.Dialysis 73.A hypertonic solution is one that is: A.Higher in salt concentration than body fluids B.Similar to intracellular fluid C.Lower in solute concentration D.Normal saline 74.The apical surface of certain plasma membranes may contain extensions to move substances over the cell surface called: A.Microtubules B.Flagella C.Glycocalyx D.Microvilli E.Cilia

75.Smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum differ in that rough ER has: A.Ribosomes B.Cisternae C.Vesicles D.Lipid synthesis E.Phospholipid membrane 76.The process of transcription does not directly use: A.DNA B.tRNA C.mRNA D.Enzymes 77.When a cell's membrane is polarized it has a +60mV charge inside the cell. A.True B.False 78.The chromatid pairs line up on the cell's center during which phase? A.Metaphase B.Anaphase C.Prophase D.Telophase E.Interphase 79.An increase in pressure will move substances through a membrane by: A.Osmosis B.Filtration C.Simple diffusion D.Active transport E.Facilitated diffusion 80.The plasma membrane is considered to be: A.Semipermeable B.Impermeable C.Permeable D.Selectively permeable 81.Body cavities which open to the outside are covered by: A.Serous membranes B.Mucous membranes C.Synovial membranes D.Cutaneous membranes E.Connective tissue 82.Most of a cell’s energy is generated in the: A.Nucleus B.Mitochondria C.Cytoplasm D.Plasma membrane E.Golgi 83.Water movement across a cell's membrane occurs by: A.Filtration B.Facilitated diffusion

C.Osmosis D.Active transport E.Diffusion through the phospholipid bilayer 84.The hydrophobic region of the plasma membrane is: A.Phosphate head groups B.Lipid tail groups C.Faces the intracellular compartment D.Polar 85.Digestive enzymes are found in the: A.Cytoplasm B.Lysosome C.Nucleus D.Mitochondria E.Golgi apparatus 86.A red blood cell will rupture if placed in this solution: A.Isotonic B.Hypertonic C.Hypotonic D.Cryotonic E.A, B, and C will cause the cell to burst 87.The function of tRNA is to: A.Transfer the appropriate amino acid to the ribosome B.Code for the appropriate amino acid in the nucleus C.Transport the message from the nucleus D.Transfer the protein out of the cytoplasm 88.The resting membrane potential is maintained by: A.Letting sodium enter the cell B.Letting potassium enter the cell C.The action of the NaK atpase pump D.Keeping a positive intracellular charge 89.Sodium rushing into a cell will cause the cell to become: A.Polarized B.Depolarized C.Repolarized D.Negative 90.The chromatids suddenly separate during: A.Metaphase B.Prophase C.Telophase D.Anaphase E.Telophase 91.DNA replicates during: A.Metaphase B.Telophase C.Prophase D.Anaphase E.Interphase 92.Modification, packaging and sorting proteins occurs in the: A.Golgi apparatus B.Smooth ER C.Rough ER D.Lysosome E.Nucleus

93.A protein which is embedded in the phospholipid bilayer and may form a channel across the plasma membrane is a(an): A.Peripheral protein B.Glycoprotein C.Glycocalyx D.Integral protein 94.In this process a protein carrier is used to transport a molecule down its concentration gradient: A.Filtration B.Facilitated diffusion C.Simple diffusion D.Active transport 95.The active process where large particles are engulfed by the cell is a.Pinocytosis B.Exocytosis C.Active transport D.Phagocytosis E.Osmosis 96.Without using ATP, a molecule will diffuse from an area of its: A.High concentration to an area of low concentration B.Low concentration to an area of high concentration C.Positive charges to an area of negative charges D.Negative charges to an area of positive charges 97.All of the following have functions directly in mitosis except: A.Centromeres B.Centrioles C.Spindle D.Chromosomes E.DNA polymerase 98.Which of the following contains a double membrane? A.Mitochondria B.Nucleus C.Plasma membrane D.A and B E.A, B, and C 99.This process does not occur in the nucleus: A.Translation B.DNA "unzipping" to form the DNA template C.Transcription D.DNA replication 100.The nuclear membrane degrades during: A.Telophase B.Anaphase C.Metaphase D.Prophase E.Interphase

101.Cytoplasmic division is called : A.Mitosis B.Meiosis C.Cytokinesis D.Telophase E.Interphase 102.Nuclear division to form daughter cells which are genetically identical to the parent cell: A.Meiosis B.Cytokinesis C.Interphase D.Mitosis E.Fission 103.Which of the following is not true for the nucleus of a cell? A.Nuclear pores are channels through the nuclear envelope. B.DNA is wrapped around histones and make up the chromatin. C.Nucleoli are present in the nucleus. D.It is the site of protein synthesis. E.All of these are true for the nucleus. 104.DNA replication: A.Is necessary for transcription to occur. B.Occurs only in translationally active area. C.Is spontaneous, not requiring enzyme action. D.Can also be called mitosis or cell division. E.Is necessary for production of identical daughter cells. 105.The functioning sodium/potassium pump requires: a.ATP B.Mitosis C.Translation D.Depolarization 106.Which structures are fingerlike projections from a cells membrane that greatly increase the surface area for absorption of cells? A.Cilia B.Flagella C.Microvilli D.Glycocalyx E.Desmosomes 107.A red blood cell in pure water will: A.Shrink B.Burst C.Not change in volume D.Swell initially and then shrink at equilibrium 108.Which of the following is least likely to be considered a component of a plasma membrane?

A.Glycoprotein B.Integral protein C.Phospholipid D.Cholesterol E.Collagen 109.Place the following in the correct order as they participate in the manufacturing of proteins. 1. tRNA 2. DNA 3. mRNA 4. Ribosome 5. Nuclear pore A.2,3,4,5,1 B.2,3,5,4,1 C.2,3,1,5,4 D.5,2,3,4,1 E.3,2,5,1,4 110.If the nucleotide or base sequence of the DNA strand used as a template is a ACGTT then the sequence of mRNA would be: A.TGCAA B.ACGTT C.UGCAA D.GUACC E.ACGUU 111.Organized groups of cells plus their extracellular substances that have a common purpose form a (an): A.Organ B.Tissue C.Organ system D.Organism E.Lattice...

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