Exam 2016, questions and answers PDF

Title Exam 2016, questions and answers
Course Personality
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Personality, Chapter 11...


Chapter 11: Psychoanalysis After Freud: Neo-Freudians, Object Relations, and Current Research MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. All of the following Freudian ideas were reinterpreted by David Funder in the textbook EXCEPT ________. a. identification with parents during the phallic stage b. the stages of psychosexual development c. the definition of libido d. the concept of defense mechanisms ANS: D OBJ: 11.3

DIF: Easy REF: Interpreting Freud MSC: Understanding

2. Most neo-Freudians rely on information from ________ to test or verify their ideas. a. controlled experiments b. archival and field studies c. Freud’s original case descriptions d. patient histories and introspection ANS: D OBJ: 11.1

DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists MSC: Remembering

3. In general, neo-Freudians ________. a. are strict followers of Freudian ideas b. represent the majority of psychologists working in universities today c. use the same research methods Freud advocated d. rarely practice psychoanalysis ANS: C OBJ: 11.4

DIF: Easy REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists MSC: Understanding

4. Modern psychoanalytic theory deviates from Freudian theory because it focuses less on ________ and more on ________. a. sex; ego c. attachment; development b. adults; children d. mothers; fathers ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Common Themes of Neo-Freudian Thought OBJ: 11.2 MSC: Remembering 5. Compared to Freud, ego psychologists pay a good deal of attention to ________. a. conscious thought c. relationships with fathers b. unconscious thought d. the Big Five traits ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Common Themes of Neo-Freudian Thought OBJ: 11.4 MSC: Remembering 6. One difference between the neo-Freudians and Freud is that nearly all neo-Freudians ________. a. place more emphasis on early childhood development b. put more emphasis on interpersonal relationships c. adhere to evolutionary theory and emphasize the importance of sex as a motivator

d. emphasize the importance of unconscious processes in the determination of behavior ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Common Themes of Neo-Freudian Thought OBJ: 11.4 MSC: Remembering 7. Most neo-Freudians differ from Freud in three major respects. Which of the following is NOT one of these differences? a. They emphasize a more scientific approach than Freud did. b. Sexuality is less emphasized by neo-Freudians. c. Conscious processes are emphasized more by neo-Freudians. d. They describe interpersonal relationships as the source of psychological health. ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Common Themes of Neo-Freudian Thought OBJ: 11.4 MSC: Analyzing 8. Javier commonly asserts his dominance to his peers by picking fights or showing off how much weight he can lift at the gym. What kind of overcompensating behavior is Javier displaying? a. organ inferiority c. inferiority complex b. masculine protest d. basic mistrust ANS: B OBJ: 11.5

DIF: Easy MSC: Applying

REF: Inferiority and Compensation: Adler

9. Adler felt that ________ was an important motivator of human thought and behavior. a. the collective unconscious c. social interest b. animus d. anxiety ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Inferiority and Compensation: Adler OBJ: 11.1 MSC: Remembering 10. According to Adler, social interest is ________. a. the tendency to observe other people in their natural environments b. his personal measure of sociability c. an interest in dominance d. the desire to relate productively to others ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Inferiority and Compensation: Adler OBJ: 11.1 MSC: Remembering 11. Which of the following concepts is NOT associated with Adler? a. feminine protest c. masculine protest b. inferiority complex d. organ inferiority ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Inferiority and Compensation: Adler OBJ: 11.1 MSC: Understanding 12. Tom was a sickly child and always felt helpless. According to Adler, as an adult Tom will probably ________. a. be a complete invalid b. lose all interest in his social environment c. attempt to overcompensate

d. become obsessed with his persona ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Inferiority and Compensation: Adler OBJ: 11.1 MSC: Applying 13. Jane feels inferior to the people around her, but she tries to act like she is powerful and in control. Adler would say that Jane is ________. a. experiencing the masculine protest c. developing a persona b. expressing her animus d. reacting to her social interest ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Inferiority and Compensation: Adler OBJ: 11.1 MSC: Applying 14. In order for a person to develop an inferiority complex, he or she must ________. a. actually have some disability that makes him or her inferior to others b. developed narcissistic tendencies as a child. c. have feelings of inferiority as a child. d. have a particularly strong superego ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Inferiority and Compensation: Adler OBJ: 11.5 MSC: Understanding 15. What is the animus? a. a man’s idealized conception of women b. a woman’s idealized conception of men c. the idealized conception of a nonhuman animal d. the idealized conception of humankind ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: The Collective Unconscious, Persona, and Personality OBJ: 11.5 MSC: Remembering 16. Jung’s distinction between people who are outwardly oriented toward the world and those who are turned in on themselves corresponds to ________. a. Erikson’s stage of intimacy vs. isolation b. Freud’s ideas of the oral and anal character types c. Jung’s own concept of animus and anima d. the extraversion-introversion dimension of the Big Five ANS: D DIF: Easy REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: The Collective Unconscious, Persona, and Personality OBJ: 11.7 MSC: Analyzing 17. Jung believed that we all share inborn, species-specific ideas and memories. This is Jung’s idea of ________. a. social interests c. anima b. collective unconscious d. animus ANS: B DIF: Easy REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: The Collective Unconscious, Persona, and Personality: Jung OBJ: 11.1 MSC: Remembering

18. From a Jungian perspective, a reoccurring image of a snake as the villain in myths and literature is an example of a(n) ________. a. anima c. persona b. social interest d. archetype ANS: D DIF: Easy REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: The Collective Unconscious, Persona, and Personality: Jung OBJ: 11.1 MSC: Understanding 19. The idea that men and women each have a masculine and a feminine side is linked to Jung’s ideas about ________. a. intimacy and isolation c. the collective unconscious b. inferiority and compensation d. animus and anima ANS: D DIF: Easy REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: The Collective Unconscious, Persona, and Personality: Jung OBJ: 11.5 MSC: Remembering 20. What is the anima? a. a man’s idealized conception of women b. a woman’s idealized conception of men c. the idealized conception of a nonhuman animal d. the idealized conception of humankind ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: The Collective Unconscious, Persona, and Personality: Jung OBJ: 11.5 MSC: Remembering 21. Mike’s ideal mate is sensitive and intelligent. Mike’s idealized image of a woman is his ________. a. unconscious compensation c. anima b. animus d. feminine persona ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: The Collective Unconscious, Persona, and Personality: Jung OBJ: 11.5 MSC: Applying 22. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator measures ________. a. the Jungian classification of the four basic ways of thinking b. prototypical images of women and men c. the Big Five traits d. aspects of Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: The Collective Unconscious, Persona, and Personality: Jung OBJ: 11.7 MSC: Understanding 23. Paul is always concerned about how he appears to others and thus wears a carefully chosen public “face” in every situation. According to Jung, Paul has ________. a. effectively mediated the tension between the animus and anima b. become obsessed with his persona c. created a false archetype d. overcompensated for his sense of inferiority ANS: B DIF: Easy REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: The Collective Unconscious, Persona, and Personality: Jung OBJ: 11.7 MSC: Applying

24. Horney felt that when women experience penis envy, it symbolizes their ________. a. desire to actually possess a penis b. lack of power and control in society c. rejection of motherhood d. dissatisfaction with their own bodies ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Feminine Psychology and Basic Anxiety: Horney OBJ: 11.1 MSC: Remembering 25. Adult behavior, according to Horney, is based on efforts to ________. a. overcome the fear of being alone in a hostile world b. deal with recurring Oedipal crises c. resolve interpersonal conflicts with significant others d. repress the collective unconscious ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Feminine Psychology and Basic Anxiety: Horney OBJ: 11.1 MSC: Remembering 26. Horney’s major deviation from traditional Freudian ideas was her ________. a. emphasis on anxiety b. view of penis envy c. ideas about the development of neurotic needs d. link between adult functioning and childhood struggles ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Feminine Psychology and Basic Anxiety: Horney OBJ: 11.4 MSC: Understanding 27. Throughout his childhood, in line with Horney’s theory, George developed the basic anxiety of being alone and helpless. As an adult, George has most likely developed a neurotic need for all of the following EXCEPT ________. a. finding a partner who will solve all of his problems b. being loved by everybody c. feeling accepted and secure d. being independent of everybody ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Feminine Psychology and Basic Anxiety: Horney OBJ: 11.5 MSC: Applying 28. Katie begins online dating hoping she will meet her future husband and avoid becoming an old maid. Her attempt to avoid being alone is an example of ________. a. a neurotic need c. a depressive position b. a defense mechanism d. an attachment style ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Feminine Psychology and Basic Anxiety: Horney OBJ: 11.5 MSC: Applying 29. Freud’s oral stage corresponds to Erikson’s stage of ________. a. generativity vs. stagnation c. initiative vs. guilt b. basic trust vs. mistrust d. autonomy vs. shame and doubt

ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Psychosocial Development: Erikson OBJ: 11.2 MSC: Understanding 30. Freud’s anal stage corresponds to Erikson’s stage of ________. a. generativity vs. stagnation c. initiative vs. guilt b. basic trust vs. mistrust d. autonomy vs. shame and doubt ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Psychosocial Development: Erikson OBJ: 11.2 MSC: Understanding 31. Freud’s phallic stage corresponds to Erikson’s stage of ________. a. industry vs. inferiority c. initiative vs. guilt b. basic trust vs. mistrust d. autonomy vs. shame and doubt ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Psychosocial Development: Erikson OBJ: 11.2 MSC: Understanding 32. Freud’s latency period corresponds to Erikson’s stage of ________. a. generativity vs. stagnation c. initiative vs. guilt b. identity vs. identity confusion d. industry vs. inferiority ANS: D DIF: Difficult REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Psychosocial Development: Erikson OBJ: 11.2 MSC: Understanding 33. Erikson’s view is distinct from Freudian theory in that he believed psychological development ________. a. occurs primarily in early childhood b. continues to change throughout the life span c. depends on the resolution of the Oedipal complex d. involves the investment of the libido at each stage ANS: B DIF: Easy REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Psychosocial Development: Erikson OBJ: 11.4 MSC: Analyzing 34. Major differences between Erikson’s theory of personality development and Freud’s theory are Erikson’s ideas regarding ________. a. the functioning of the id and the physical location of libido b. development as occurring in a series of stages and the existence of the id c. the role and pervasiveness of conscious conflict d. the importance of parents to a child’s development ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Psychosocial Development: Erikson OBJ: 11.4 MSC: Analyzing 35. In Erikson’s scheme, we progress from one crisis to another according to ________. a. processes of physical maturation b. developmental tasks at different times of life c. the successful repression of inappropriate id impulses d. the physical location of libido at each stage

ANS: B DIF: Easy REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Psychosocial Development: Erikson OBJ: 11.5 MSC: Understanding 36. What neo-Freudian concept or theory did Erik Erikson develop? a. attachment theory c. the animus and anima b. psychosocial stages of development d. object relations theory ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Psychosocial Development: Erikson OBJ: 11.6 MSC: Remembering 37. Which sequence represents the correct order for Erikson’s first three psychosocial stages? a. basic trust vs. mistrust; initiative vs. guilt; autonomy vs. shame and doubt b. basic trust vs. mistrust; autonomy vs. shame and doubt; initiative vs. guilt c. basic trust vs. mistrust; initiative vs. guilt; identity vs. identity confusion d. identity vs. identity confusion; intimacy vs. isolation; basic trust vs. mistrust ANS: B DIF: Difficult REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Psychosocial Development: Erikson OBJ: 11.6 MSC: Understanding 38. Jamal is entering his freshman year of high school. According to Erikson’s psychosocial stages, Jamal is likely to face a(n) ________. a. inferiority complex c. identity crisis b. struggle for intimacy d. sense of shame and doubt ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Psychosocial Development: Erikson OBJ: 11.6 MSC: Applying 39. Martha just turned 55 years old and is about to see her last born off to college. According to Erikson, what psychosocial crisis is Martha likely to experience? a. generativity vs. stagnation c. integrity vs. despair b. intimacy vs. isolation d. industry vs. inferiority ANS: A DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Psychosocial Development: Erikson OBJ: 11.6 MSC: Applying 40. Ellen is a 50-year-old woman who is raising her two grandchildren, is active in her community, and is learning how to paint. According to Erikson’s theory, Ellen has chosen ________. a. industry c. integrity b. initiative d. generativity ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Psychosocial Development: Erikson OBJ: 11.6 MSC: Applying 41. Modern developmental psychology has been most influenced by Erikson’s idea that psychological development ________. a. occurs in stages c. happens across the life span b. is influenced by parents d. is dependent on physical maturation ANS: C DIF: Easy REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Psychosocial Development: Erikson

OBJ: 11.7

MSC: Evaluating

42. Some psychologists maintain that your relationships with other people are based on the images of them that you hold in your mind. Psychologists who emphasize this idea are known as ________ theorists. a. object relations c. Adlerian b. Eriksonian d. ego ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Object Relations Theory: Klein and Winnicott OBJ: 11.2 MSC: Applying 43. Dr. Ders is a psychotherapist who emphasizes the importance of relating to others as real people who have mixtures of virtues and vices. Dr. Ders is most likely a therapist in the tradition of ________. a. Freudian theory c. Eriksonian theory b. neo-Freudian theory d. object relations theory ANS: D DIF: Easy REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Object Relations Theory: Klein and Winnicott OBJ: 11.2 MSC: Applying 44. According to Winnicott, a niffle is transitional because ________. a. it helps the child shift from a time when adults constantly took care of him or her b. it is useful when moving from place to place c. it is an object that is personified by children d. it enables a child to put on a false self ANS: A DIF: Difficult REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Object Relations Theory: Klein and Winnicott OBJ: 11.7 MSC: Remembering 45. According to D. W. Winnicott, a niffle is a(n) ________. a. affectionate name for a friend who helps children cope with separation from parents b. transitional object that helps children bridge the gap between fantasy and reality c. imaginary friend that helps children cope with separation from parents d. technique to measure objects in children ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Object Relations Theory: Klein and Winnicott OBJ: 11.8 MSC: Remembering 46. According to Melanie Klein, the ________ position refers to a child’s desire to destroy the bad parts of an object because he or she fears being destroyed by them. a. depressive c. psychotic b. destructive d. paranoid ANS: D DIF: Difficult REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Object Relations Theory: Klein and Winnicott OBJ: 11.8 MSC: Remembering 47. According to Melanie Klein, the ________ position refers to a child’s desire to worship and protect the good parts of an object because he or she fears losing them. a. depressive c. enhancing b. constructive d. paranoid ANS: A DIF: Difficult REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Object Relations Theory: Klein and Winnicott

OBJ: 11.8

MSC: Remembering

48. According to Melanie Klein, a child who idealizes a parent also ________. a. feels hatred toward that parent b. feels unconditional love toward that parent c. desires to have all of that parent’s traits d. feels very ambivalent toward that parent ANS: A DIF: Easy REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Object Relations Theory: Klein and Winnicott OBJ: 11.8 MSC: Understanding 49. What is the overarching principle of object relations theory? a. Dream objects have a special significance to the person’s waking life. b. Every object we encounter reflects our unconscious experience. c. We relate to others through our mental images of them. d. We project psychological characteristics on physical objects. ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Object Relations Theory: Klein and Winnicott OBJ: 11.8 MSC: Understanding 50. In psychoanalytic terms, objects are ________. a. pieces of unconscious material against which the ego defends itself b. patients undergoing psychoanalytic therapy c. emotionally important people and relationships in one’s life d. created by emotionally unimportant people in one’s life ANS: C DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Object Relations Theory: Klein and Winnicott OBJ: 11.8 MSC: Understanding 51. The object relations theorist Melanie Klein suggests that important love relationships are mixed with emotions such as envy, fear, and guilt. People react to these emotions by ________. a. avoiding close relationships b. resorting to idealizations of relationships c. regressing to early stages of psychosexual development d. adopting a new object ANS: B DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Object Relations Theory: Klein and Winnicott OBJ: 11.8 MSC: Understanding 52. According to the object relations theorist D. W. Winnicott, the purpose of a transitional object is to ________. a. compensate for an inferiority complex b. defend the superego from unconscious urges c. protect the true self by keeping it invisible d. compensate for the fact that we cannot have our loved ones with us all of the time ANS: D DIF: Moderate REF: Latter-Day Issues and Theorists: Object Relations Theory: Klein and Winnicott OBJ: 11.8 MSC: Understanding 53. According to the object relations theorist D. W. Winnicott, the purpose of a false self is to ________.

a. b. c. d.

compensate for an inferiority complex defend the superego from unconscious urges p...

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