Exam 2016, Questions and Answers - Test Bank, T.1-5 PDF

Title Exam 2016, Questions and Answers - Test Bank, T.1-5
Course Management Information Systems
Institution York University
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File: Technology Guide 1: Computer Hardware


1. Computer technologies become obsolete faster than other technologies in the organization. Ans: True Response: TG1.1 Introduction Difficulty: Easy

2. Buses are the electrical pathways on which the data and instructions travel. Ans: True Response: TG1.2 The Central Processing Unit Difficulty: Easy

3. The length of the bus determines how much information can flow at any time. Ans: False Response: TG1.2 The Central Processing Unit Difficulty: Easy

4. The word length is the number of bits (0’s and 1’s) that can be processed at any one time. Ans: True Response: TG1.2 The Central Processing Unit Difficulty: Easy

5. Microcontrollers are computer chips that are embedded in products and technologies of various types and sizes. Ans: True Response: TG1.2 The Central Processing Unit Difficulty: Easy

6. Computers can run any type of program regardless of the amount and type of memory that the computer has. Ans: False Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

7. A byte represents a particular alphanumeric character or simple mathematical operation. Ans: True Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

8. There are only three types of primary storage: register, cache, and ROM. Ans: False Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

9. Random access memory is that part of primary storage that holds a software program (or portion of it) and small amounts of data when they are brought from secondary storage. Ans: True Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

10. If your computer loses its power supply, you will lose the contents of your random access memory, because it is volatile. Ans: True Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

11. Sequential access is a type of data access most associated with magnetic disks. Ans: False Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

12. Magnetic tape provides faster access to data than magnetic disks. Ans: False Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

13. An optical storage device is a form of secondary storage device on which data are recorded by laser and read by laser in a computer’s disk drive. Ans: True

Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

14. Digital video disks (DVDs) have higher storage capacities than CD-ROMs. Ans: True Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

15. The cost per megabyte of storage is greater for traditional hard disk storage than for PC memory cards. Ans: False Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

16. An enterprise storage system is an independent, external, intelligent system that includes two or more storage devices. Ans: True Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

17. Each generation of computer hardware has exhibited increased processing power and decreased costs. Ans: True Response: TG1.4 Computer Hierarchy Difficulty: Easy

18. Minicomputers are relatively small, inexpensive computers that perform the same functions as mainframe computers, but to a limited extent. Ans: True Response: TG1.4 Computer Hierarchy Difficulty: Easy

19. Embedded computers are computers placed inside another product to add features and capabilities. Ans: True Response: TG1.4 Computer Hierarchy Difficulty: Easy

20. Active badges are clip -on devices that contain a microprocessor that transmits its location to a computer via sensors on the premises. Ans: True Response: TG1.4 Computer Hierarchy Difficulty: Easy

21. The mouse is the most common input device. Ans: False Response: TG1.5 Input and Output Technologies Difficulty: Easy

22. Source-data automation uses various technologies to input data with minimal human intervention. Ans: True Response: TG1.5 Input and Output Technologies Difficulty: Easy

23. Grid computing involves applying the resources of many computers in a network to a single problem at the same time. Ans: True Response: TG1.6 Innovations in Hardware Utilization Difficulty: Easy

24. Nanotechnology involves applying the resources of many computers in a network to a single problem at the same time. Ans: False Response: TG1.6 Innovations in Hardware Utilization Difficulty: Easy

Multiple Choice

1. Which of the following does not affect decisions about hardware? A. Power B. Appropriateness for the task C. Size D. Cost E. Speed Ans: C Response: TG1.1 Introduction

Difficulty: Easy

2. Which of the following is not a component of hardware? A. Primary and secondary storage B. The operating system C. Input and output technologies D. Central processing unit E. Communication technologies Ans: B Response: TG1.2 The Central Processing Unit Difficulty: Medium

3. Which of the following is not a component of the central processing unit? A. Registers B. Control unit C. Secondary storage D. Arithmetic-logic unit E. Keyboard Ans: C Response: TG1.2 The Central Processing Unit Difficulty: Medium

4. Which of the following does not affect the speed of the machine instruction cycle? A. Clock speed B. Word length C. Bus width D. Line width E. Number of transistors on the chip Ans: D Response: TG1.2 The Central Processing Unit Difficulty: Medium

5. Processing speed increases with which of the following? A. Increased clock speed B. Increased bus width C. Decreased line width D. Increased word length E. All of the above Ans: E Response: TG1.2 The Central Processing Unit Difficulty: Medium

6. Processing speed increases with all the following except A. increased bus width B. increased line width C. increased clock speed D. increased word length E. none of the above Ans: B Response: TG1.2 The Central Processing Unit Difficulty: Medium

7. The _____ is measured in megahertz or gigahertz. A. clock speed B. word length C. bus width D. line width E. bandwidth Ans: A Response: TG1.2 The Central Processing Unit Difficulty: Easy

8. The _____ is the size of the physical paths down which the data and instructions travel in the CPU. A. clock speed B. word length C. bus width D. line width E. bandwidth Ans: C Response: TG1.2 The Central Processing Unit Difficulty: Easy

9. The _____ is the distance between transistors on a chip. A. clock speed B. word length C. bus width D. line width E. bandwidth Ans: D Response: TG1.2 The Central Processing Unit Difficulty: Easy

10. Gordon Moore (with Moore’s Law) predicted that microprocessor complexity would do which of the following? A. Double every year B. Double every two years

C. Increase slowly D. Decrease slowly E. Decrease rapidly Ans: B Response: TG1.2 The Central Processing Unit Difficulty: Medium

11. Increased microprocessor complexity comes from which of the following? A. Decreasing line width B. Increasing transistor miniaturization C. Using new materials for the chip that increase conductivity D. Putting more transistors on the chip E. All of the above Ans: E Response: TG1.2 The Central Processing Unit Difficulty: Easy

12. Microcontrollers are all of the following except A. less powerful than regular computer chips B. embedded in a variety of devices C. smaller than microprocessors D. more expensive than microprocessors E. none of the above Ans: D Response: TG1.2 The Central Processing Unit Difficulty: Medium

13. The amount and type of memory that a computer possesses affects which of the following? A. The type of program the computer can run B. The speed of the computer C. The cost of the computer D. The cost of processing data E. All of the above Ans: E Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

14. The amount and type of memory that a computer possesses affects all the following except A. the type of program the computer can run B. the speed of the computer C. the cost of the computer D. the cost of processing data E. the speed of data entry

Ans: E Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Medium

15. Arrange in the correct sequence, from smallest to largest: A. megabyte – kilobyte – gigabyte – terabyte – exabyte – petabyte B. exabyte – petabyte – terabyte – gigabyte – megabyte – kilobyte C. kilobyte – megabyte – gigabyte – terabyte – petabyte – exabyte D. petabyte – exabyte – kilobyte – gigabyte – kilobyte – terabyte E. kilobyte – gigabyte – megabyte – exabyte – petabyte – terabyte Ans: C Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

16. Primary storage stores which of the following for very brief periods of time? A. Data to be processed by the CPU B. Instructions for the CPU as to how to process the data C. Operating system programs that manage various aspects of the computer’s operations D. All of the above Ans: D Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

17. Which of the following is not stored in primary storage? A. Data to be processed by the CPU B. Instructions for the CPU as to how to process the data C. Archival data D. Operating system programs E. None of the above Ans: C Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

18. The main types of primary storage are A. Register B. Random access memory C. Cache memory D. Read-only memory E. All of the above Ans: E Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

19. Which of the following is not a type of primary storage? A. Register B. Random access memory C. Flash memory D. Read-only memory E. Cache memory Ans: C Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

20. The part of primary storage that holds a software program (or portion of it) and small amounts of data when they are brought from secondary storage is called A. read-only memory B. random access memory C. cache memory D. registers E. flash memory Ans: B Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

21. Random access memory is _____ and _____. A. volatile, temporary B. nonvolatile, permanent C. nonvolatile, temporary D. volatile, permanent E. None of the above Ans: A Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Medium

22. Registers have all of the following characteristics except A. a type of primary storage B. least capacity storage C. store limited amounts of data D. slower than RAM E. none of the above Ans: D Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Medium

23. Which of the following is not a type of primary storage? A. Random access memory

B. Registers C. Cache D. Read-only memory E. Optical Ans: E Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Medium

24. The type of primary storage, closest to the CPU where the computer can temporarily store blocks of data used most often is called A. read-only memory B. registers C. random access memory D. cache memory E. flash memory Ans: D Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

25. The type of primary storage where certain critical instructions are safeguarded because the storage is nonvolatile and the instructions can be read only by the computer and not changed by the user is called A. read-only memory B. random access memory C. cache memory D. registers E. flash memory Ans: A Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

26. Secondary storage has which of the following characteristics? A. Nonvolatile B. More cost effective than primary storage C. Slower than primary storage D. Can utilize a variety of media E. All of the above Ans: E Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

27. Which of the following is not a characteristic of secondary storage? A. Nonvolatile B. More cost effective than primary storage C. Slower than primary storage

D. Can utilize only chips as its medium E. None of the above Ans: D Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Medium

28. The characteristics of magnetic tape include all of the following except A. fastest magnetic storage medium B. cheapest magnetic storage medium C. sequential access D. greater capacity than thumb drives E. often used for archival storage Ans: A Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Medium

29. If you wished to store a large amount of archival data for a long period of time, you would choose which of the following? A. Magnetic disk B. Magnetic tape C. Read-only chips D. Cache chips E. Thumb drives Ans: B Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Medium

30. To access a specific piece of information, _____ are usually faster than _____. A. sequential access storage devices, direct access storage devices B. direct access storage devices, sequential access storage devices C. streaming tape devices, DVDs D. optical storage devices, random access memory E. sequential access storage devices, thumb drives Ans: B Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Medium

31. The device with the greatest storage capacity is A. CD-ROM B. DVD C. Blu-Ray D. HDVD E. Thumb drive

Comment ed [ NB1] : Could not find in text.

Ans: C Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

32. _____, a type of enterprise storage system, links groups of hard drives to a specialized microcontroller, which coordinates the drives so they appear to be a single, logical drive. A. Redundant array of independent disks B. Storage area network C. Network-attached storage D. Secondary storage E. Primary storage Ans: A Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

33. _____, a type of enterprise storage system, is an architecture for building dedicated networks that allow rapid and reliable access to storage devices by multiple servers. A. Redundant array of independent disks B. Storage area network C. Network-attache d storage D. Secondary storage E. Primary storage Ans: B Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

34. _____ are electronic storage devices that contain no moving parts. A. Hard drives B. Flash memory devices C. Magnetic tape D. DVDs E. CDs Ans: B Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory Difficulty: Easy

35. The _____ of computers used vacuum tubes to store and process information. A. first generation B. second generation C. third generation D. fourth generation E. fifth generation Ans: A Response: TG1.4 Computer Hierarchy

Difficulty: Easy

36. The _____ of computers used transistors to store and process information. A. first generation B. second generation C. third generation D. fourth generation E. fifth generation Ans: B Response: TG1.4 Computer Hierarchy Difficulty: Easy

37. The _____ of computers used integrated circuits for storing and processing information. A. first generation B. second generation C. third generation D. fourth generation E. fifth generation Ans: C Response: TG1.4 Computer Hierarchy Difficulty: Easy

38. The _____ of computers used massively parallel processing to process information. A. first generation B. second generation C. third generation D. fourth generation E. fifth generation Ans: E Response: TG1.4 Computer Hierarchy Difficulty: Easy

39. To model the weather or simulate nuclear weapons testing, you would most likely use a A. mainframe computer B. workstation C. supercomputer D. personal computer E. active badge Ans: C Response: TG1.4 Computer Hierarchy Difficulty: Easy

40. A _____ refers to computers with the most processing power available. A. Supercomputer B. Mainframe C. Midrange computer D. Microcomputer E. Laptop computer Ans: A Response: TG1.4 Computer Hierarchy Difficulty: Easy

41. An example of a computer system designed to accommodate multiple users simultaneously is a _____. A. microcomputer B. mainframe C. laptop D. palmtop E. wearable computer Ans: B Response: TG1.4 Computer Hierarchy Difficulty: Easy

42. A _____ is used in large enterprises for extensive computing applications that are accessed by thousands of concurrent users. A. supercomputer B. mainframe C. midrange computer D. microcomputer E. laptop computer Ans: B Response: TG1.4 Computer Hierarchy Difficulty: Easy

43. Many firms are recentralizing their applications to mainframes for which of the following reasons? A. To support the large number of transactions caused by electronic commerce B. To reduce the total cost of ownership of distributed systems C. To simplify administration of IT resources D. To improve system performance E. all of the above Ans: E Response: TG1.4 Computer Hierarchy Difficulty: Medium

44. Firms are recentralizing their applications to mainframes for all the following reasons except A. to support the large number of transactions caused by electronic commerce B. to reduce the total cost of ownership of distributed systems

C. to more adequately support end-user computing D. to improve system performance E. none of the above Ans: C Response: TG1.4 Computer Hierarchy Difficulty: Medium

45. _______ can be subdivided into five classifications based on their size: desktops, thin clients, notebooks and laptops, and ultra-mobile PCs. A. Supercomputer B. Mainframe C. Minicomputer D. Microcomputer E. Laptop computer

Comment ed [ NB2] : The original question was not clear in the text. I would change it.

Ans: D Response: TG1.4 Computer Hierarchy Difficulty: Easy

46. A _____ is the least expensive general-purpose computer. A. supercomputer B. mainframe C. midrange computer D. microcomputer E. None of the above Ans: D Response: TG1.4 Computer Hierarchy Difficulty: Easy

47. _____ applies the unused processing resources of many geographically dispersed computers in a network to form a virtual supercomputer. A. Server farm B. Virtualization C. Grid computing D. Utility computing E. The Internet Ans: C Response: TG1.6 Innovations in Hardware Utilization Difficulty: Easy

48. In _____, a service provider makes computing resources and infrastructure management available to a customer as needed. A. server farm B. virtualization C. grid computing

Comment ed [ NB3] : These are the same in the text…laptop is a type of microcomputer.

D. utility computing E. the Internet Ans: D Response: TG1.6 Innovations in Hardware Utilization Difficulty: Easy

49. _____ is the process in which parts of Web site content and processing are located close to the user to decrease response time and lower processing costs. A. Edge computing B. Virtualization C. Grid computing D. Utility computing E. The Internet Ans: A Response: TG1.6 Innovations in Hardware Utilization Difficulty: Easy

50. _____ refers to the creation of materials, devices, and systems on a scale of billionths of a meter. A. Nanotechnology B. Ultra-large scale integration C. Very-large scale integration D. Utility computing E. Edge computing Ans: A Response: TG1.6 Innovations in Hardware Utilization Difficulty: Easy

Short Answer

1. Discuss why it is difficult to make hardware decisions today. Response: TG1.1 Introduction

2. Describe the components that make up hardware. Response: TG1.1 Introduction

3. Define the machine instruction cycle and discuss the factors of chip design that affect the speed of the cycle. Response: TG1.2 The Central Processing Unit

4. What are the types of primary storage? Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory

5. What are the types of secondary storage? Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory

Essay Questions

1. What are the types of enterprise storage systems? Response: TG1.3 Computer Memory

2. Compare and contrast supercomputers, mainframes, midrange computers, and microcomputers. Response: TG1.4 Computer Hierarchy

3. Describe server farms. What would be the differences in how small organizations and large organizations would use server farms? (Hint: Consider Google, Yahoo, and Amazon, and the services they provide with their server farms.) Response: TG1.6 Innovations in Hardware Utilization

4. Compare and contrast grid c...

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