EXAM II Study Guide; Leadership ORG PDF

Title EXAM II Study Guide; Leadership ORG
Course Leadership in Organizations
Institution Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Pages 6
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EXAM II Study Guide 1. The ethical pressures that challenge leaders include: Doing the right thing despite pressure to increase profits 2. Which of the following is a behavioral trait of unethical leaders? wi t hho l di nghe l pa nds uppo r t 3. The actions that make leaders go wrong include: breaching agreements 4. Peers and subordinates with lax ethical standards: feel free to act as they choose 5. People at the conventional level of personal moral development: 6. At the _____ of personal moral development, a leader can balance self-interest with a concern for others and for the common good. Post conventional level 7. A leader at the postconventional level of personal moral development focuses on: Serving others and a higher cause 7. Servant leadership is a form of leadership in which:

s e l f -i nt e r e s ti sr e pl a c e dbypr o vi di ngf ort hene e dso fot he r s 9. A servant leader: helps others grow and develop and provides opportunities for others 10. One of the four basic precepts in Greenleaf's servant leadership model is: listening first to affirm others 11. Which of the following is a way in which the importance of courage is obscured by leaders in large organizations? by doing whatever brings promotions and pay raises 12. Colleen is a medical researcher at Octogen Pharmaceuticals. She called attention to the illegal marketing of a drug produced by the company, despite threats from her superiors. Colleen's behavior can be best described as: Whistleblowing 13. You think that you are at the postconventional level of personal moral development. Which of the following behaviors distinguishes you from people at the other levels?

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Name: Class: Date: EXAM II Study Guide 14. Kasper Inc. wants its workers to act ethically, treat each other well, and treat its customers well. What is the most effective way to communicate this to the workers?

15. Conventional management approaches:

16. Bonuses and praise are examples of the _____ approach to motivate people. extrinsic positive 17. Which of the following actions is an example of positive reinforcement?

18. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, the highest need category is _____.

19. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, the need for fringe benefits is an example of _____ needs. Safety 20. According to Herzberg’s two-factor theory, hygiene factors include: interpersonal relationships 21. According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, the leader's role is to: use motivators to meet the higher level needs of employees 22. Fairmont Hotels & Resorts lets its best performing employees design their rewards. This is done to ensure that the rewards are valued by the employees and serve as further motivation. Fairmont Hotels & Resorts uses _____ theory to motivate its employees. Expectancy theory 23. Which of the following is true of the equity theory of motivation? proposes that people are motivated to seek social equality in the rewards they receive for performance. 24. Which of the following is a result of employee empowerment? Greater self-efficacy 25. Which of the following is an element that must be in place before employees can be truly empowered to perform their jobs effectively?

26. Organizations can motivate employees by creating an organizational environment that:

27. Which of the following actions can a leader take to empower an employee?

28. Adele's company competes with several larger companies for workers. To attract workers, Adele wants to apply the job characteristics model to enrich jobs. Which of the following actions should she take?

29. How can an employer create a thriving workplace?

30. Which of the following statements is true of teams?

31. A(n) _____ is a team member who attains benefits from team membership but does not actively participate in and contribute to the team’s work. FREE Rider 32. Small teams perform better than large ones because:

33. The storming stage of team development is marked by: conflict and disagreement 34. The leader's role during the _____ stage of team development is to encourage participation by each team member and help people find their common vision and values. Storming 35. During the _____ stage of team development, task performance is no longer a top priority and leaders frequently focus on team members' social and emotional needs. Adjourning 36. During the _____ stage of team development, the major emphasis is on accomplishing the team's goals. Performing

37. People slip into _____ when the desire for harmony outweighs concerns over decision quality.


38. People who play a task-specialist role often: stimulate the team into action when interest drops.

39. People who adopt a socioemotional role: encourage others to draw forth their contributions 40. Which of the following behaviors is displayed by people who play a task-specialist role? Initiate ideas 41. Which of the following characteristics is needed for high-performing teams?

42. To help their team succeed, team members should:

43. Tom and his group have been working on a project for several weeks. They are in the norming stage. As the leader, what should Tom be doing in this stage?

44. In the context of the survey of followers, which of the following statements is true of female leaders?

45. Paying a woman less than a man for the same work is known as _____. Gender discrimination 46. According to a report from the National Bureau of Economic Research, whitesounding names got 50 percent more call-backs than African American–sounding names, even when skills and experience were equal. This is an example of _____ in the workplace. Unconscious bias

47. Ethnocentrism is the belief that:

one's culture and subculture are inherently superior to other cultures

48. The inclusive model of diversity includes differences in: all of the choices 49. Which of the following is a dimension of the traditional model of diversity?

50. _____ refers to a person’s ability to use reasoning and observation skills to interpret unfamiliar gestures and situations and devise appropriate behavioral responses. Cultural intelligence 51. A factor contributing to increased acceptance of diversity is: globalization 52. All organizations need _____ to achieve high performance. Diversity of thought 53. In stage 1 of personal diversity awareness, _____. legal requirements are met, but diversity is viewed as a problem

54. Which of the following factors has led to an expanding attitude toward diversity?

55. Stereotyping is an aspect of _____.

56. How can a company reduce the difficulties faced by women and minorities in its workforce?

57. Leon has attended several seminars about managing a diverse workforce. After completing a survey, he determines that he is able to empathize with people from other cultures. Which stage of personal diversity awareness has Leon achieved?

58. Which one of the following is a factor causing process loss in a team?

59. Which of the following statement is not true about group faultline?

60. A team is said to experience process gain when:

61. What is one way for leaders to minimize the potential of group faultline in a team? 62. Which of the following is a type of surface-level diversity? Being Asian 63. Which of the followings is an example of deep-level diversity? aggressiveness 64. People become less concerned about surface-level differences if:...

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