Exam in Human Behavior Organization PDF

Title Exam in Human Behavior Organization
Course Business Administration
Institution Pangasinan State University
Pages 12
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He believed that to increase productivity, and employer must not scold his/her employees but rather reward them. (1/1 Point) Frederick W. Taylor 2It is defined as the study of human behavior in organization, of the interaction between individuals and the organization and the organization itself. (1/1 Point) Organizational Behavior 3This exists when a person is in the position of having to decide whether to advance the interests of an organization or to operate in his or her own personal interests. (1/1 Point) Conflict of Interest 4These are moral principles that define right or wrong behavior in organizations. (0/1 Point) Ethics Correct answers: organizational ethics,organization ethics 5These refer to the variation in how people respond to the same situation based on personal characteristics. (1/1 Point) Individual Differences 6This refers to the sum of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others. (1/1 Point) Personality 7It means giving someone the power to do something. (1/1 Point) Empowerment 8These factors refer to the established norms, attitudes, and values that are passed along from one generation to the other. (1/1 Point) Cultural Factors

9This refers to the ability of the person to accurately perceive, evaluate, express, and regulate emotions and feelings. (1/1 Point) Emotional Intelligence 10It is defined as the process of observing the behavior of others, recognizing its consequences, and altering behavior as a result. (1/1 Point) Social Learning It is relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge due to experience. (1/1 Point) Learning 12It is the process by which people ascribe causes to the behavior they perceive. (1/1 Point) Attribution 13It is defined as the process by which people select, organize, interpret, retrieve, and respond to information from their environment. (1/1 Point) Perception 14This refers to judging someone based on one’s perception of the group to which that person belongs. (1/1 Point) Stereotyping 15These refer to the importance a person attaches to things or ideas that serves as a guide to action. (1/1 Point) Values 16It refers to the degree to which a person identifies with the job, actively participates in it, and considers performance important to self-worth. (1/1 Point) Job Involvement 17The attitudes people have about their jobs is called __________. (1/1 Point)

Job Satisfaction 18These refer to the goals that a person would like to achieve his or her lifetime. (1/1 Point) Terminal Values 19The __________ of an attitude refers to the emotional or feeling segment. (1/1 Point) Affective Component 20BONUS Question: HBO means H____ B_______ in O___________ (1/1 Point) Human Behavior in Organization he study of human behavior is important in the achievement of organizational goals. (1/1 Point) T 22Several management gurus contributed to the development of OB such as Taylor, Mayo, Freud, Maslow. (1/1 Point) T 23Ability refers to the capacity of a person to learn or acquire skills. (1/1 Point) F 24Componential intelligence incorporates the ideas of common sense, wisdom, and street smarts. (1/1 Point) F 25Intelligence is determined by heredity and environment. (1/1 Point) F 26Operant conditioning is a type of conditioning where people learn to repeat behaviors that bring them pleasurable outcomes and to avoid outcomes that lead to uncomfortable outcomes. (1/1 Point)

T 27Consensus refers to the likelihood that all those facing the same situation will have similar responses. (1/1 Point) T 28Fundamental attribution error happens when people tend to attribute their achievements to their inner qualities, whereas they attribute their failures to adverse factors within the environment. (1/1 Point) F 29Value incongruence happens when individual’s value is not in agreement with the organization’s value. (1/1 Point) T 30Enacted values are being conveyed on behalf of organization or attributed to organization. (1/1 Point) Feople must not harm customers, clients, and competitors through any forms of unlawful acts such as misinformation, compulsion, and misrepresentation. What is the ethical issue being described? (1/1 Point)

Injustices and Dishonesty

ll others are benefits of studying OB except: (1/1 Point)

Sharpens and refines the five senses

Which of the following statements is false? (1/1 Point)

People react differently to any style of leadership.

Conscientiousness refers to a person’s reliability.

An agreeable person is imaginative, cultured, curious, original, broad-minded, intelligent, and artistically sensitive.

Robert Sternberg developed the triarchic theory of intelligence. 34This refers to a person’s ability to relate effectively with others. (1/1 Point)

Cognitive intelligence

Multiple intelligence

Social intelligence

Practical intelligence

A person with this kind of intelligence has highly accurate understanding of himself or herself. (1/1 Point)

Spatial intelligence

Componential intelligence

Intrapersonal intelligence

Emotional intelligence

36Which of the following statements is true? (1/1 Point)

Optimism is the tendency to experience negative emotional states and to typically believe that negative outcomes will be forthcoming from most activities.

Social culture is a collection of values, beliefs, norms and practices that is shared and guide among employees of an organization.

Cognitive intelligence which refers to persons’ ability to apply knowledge such as, learning, remembering, reasoning, solving problems and making sound judgements.

Analytical intelligence deals with how well the task is perform whether how familiar the task is. This also involves divergent thinking, ability to generate new ideas. 37Anne watches her colleague John give a speech on nuclear disarmament and is very impressed with his expertise and calm speaking style. Based on that experience, she asks John to speak to her local pet rescue group when they need an inspirational speaker. John gives a half-hearted speech and doesn't appear to know what he is doing. Anne's judgement in this situation was clouded by _____. (1/1 Point)

Contrast effects

Halo effect

Selective perception

Stereotyping 38What are the three classes of factors that influence perception? (1/1 Point)

factors in the setting, factors in the environment, and factors in the motives

factors in the character, factors in knowledge, and factors in experience

factors in the personality, factors in the character, and factors in the value

factors in the perceiver, factors in the target, and factors in the situation

factors in the senses, factors in the surroundings, and factors in the lighting

hen individuals observe another person’s behavior, they attempt to determine whether it is internally or externally caused. This phenomenon is most directly relevant to which of the following? (1/1 Point)

selective perception theory

attribution theory

projection theory

perception theory 40Anne has just presented her paper and has done a really good job. Why should you not want to present your own paper directly after she does? (1/1 Point)

to avoid the stereotyping effect

to avoid the contrast effect

to avoid the attribution error

to avoid the halo effect

to avoid the projection effect 41Which of the following are goals of OB? (1/1 Point)

To explain behavior

To predict behavior

To control behavior

To understand behavior

All of the above 42It refers to the workplace or forces outside the organization that potentially affect the organization’s performance and productivity. (1/1 Point)




Environment 43Human behavior in organizations is the same as organizational behavior. (1/1 Point)



his is the ability to continue maximum effort requiring prolonged effort over time. (1/1 Point)



Body Coordination

Explosive strength 45This refers to the ability to respond to the unspoken feeling of others. (1/1 Point)


Sympathy 46He introduced classical conditioning in the 1900s. (1/1 Point)


Taylor 47The image attached is an example of what concept: (1/1 Point)


It is attributing one's own thoughts, feelings, or motives to another. (1/1 Point)




Values 49This refers to the approach where individuals indicate their feelings regarding each key factors of the job. (1/1 Point)

Summation score method

Single global rating 50It refers to that ring of light just above the head of a saint as we see it in pictures or paintings. (1/1 Point)

Halo Key answer 1. Frederick W. Taylor 2. Organizational Behavior 3. Conflict of Interest

4. Organizational Ethics 5. Individual Differences 6. Personality 7. Empowerment 8. Cultural Factors 9. Emotional Intelligence 10. Social Learning 11. Learning 12. Attribution 13. Perception 14. Stereotyping 15. Values 16. Job Involvement 17. Job Satisfaction 18. Terminal Values 19. Affective Component 20. Human Behavior in Organization 21. T 22. T 23. F 24. F 25. F 26. T 27. T 28. F 29. T 30. F 31. Injustices and Dishonesty 32. Sharpens and refines the five senses

33. An agreeable person is imaginative, cultured, curious, original, broad minded, intelligent and artistically sensitive. 34. Social Intelligence 35. Intrapersonal Intelligence 36. Cognitive Intelligence which refers to persons ability to apply knowledge 37. Halo Effect 38. perceiver, target, situation 39. Attribution Theory 40. to avoid contrast effect 41. All of the above 42. Environment 43. True 44. Stamina 45. Empathy 46. Pavlov 47. Perception 48. Projection 49. Summation Score Method 50. Halo...

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