Exploratory Draft - 80 PDF

Title Exploratory Draft - 80
Course English Composition
Institution University of Alabama
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Exploratory essay on Black Lives Matter...


Exploratory Paper Over the past few years, there has a been a persistent occurrence of ongoing violence. Innocent black lives have been taken due to prejudiced police officers and it has resulted in the founding of the Black Lives Matter group. It has become formidable, but in a way of adoration that has brought our community together to fight back for their rights. Ever since Patrice Cullers tweeted, “Black Lives Matter,” the slogan instantly became a widespread discussion on social media. The organization rocketed and had multiple accomplishments made in several states; however, it has also led to many riots and disagreements. What is Black Lives Matter? It is an organization that was formed as a way of showing political, social, and physical well-being towards African-Americans. Julius Bailey states that “The material devaluing of black life, evidenced by police shootings and denials of justice, alongside the rhetoric dehumanization within popular culture, online, and in America’s daily cultural practices speaks to many ways in which black lives are seen as expendable and superfluous” (Bailey 69). The people in the Black Lives Matter group are trying to overpower the belief of African Americans being treated beneath the dignity of white human beings. Two black young men, Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, were minding their own business when a police officer convicted them both of committing a crime they were not participating in. Both boys were shot and the outcome led to a representation of white privilege, racial violence, and a loss in the meaning of a post-racial era. It angered millions of people in America and that is when the outburst of the Black Lives Matter group became a huge discussion and boom on social media.

Over the past few years, the Black Lives Matter movement has led to a spark in an altercation of politics due to the outburst of young people with righteous rage. It has become a popular topic on social media and people are even seen in t-shirts that say “Black Lives Matter.” Due to social media, almost everyone has heard about the organization. Although it has brought the community together, it has also created several riots and outbursts. Russel Rickford states “The most recognizable expression of widespread black outrage against police aggression and racist violence, the phrase has engendered a spirited, if decentralized, movement” (Rickford 35). People are seen standing in the streets holding up signs fighting for their rights. It has been known for aggression too. “Scattered instances of police officers being charged and disciplined for misconduct suggest that popular outcry can help force concessions from even the most repressive system” (Rickford 36). The group has been a huge success and has had several accomplishments. The outcome of this organization is huge. They strived to ban confederate flags from some states, launched a campaign to help several activists in the police range to reduce violence, and more people are coming together due to these new changes in society. “This movement for the basic respect, dignity, and protection of black lives is not going away. It has led to the arrest and charging of officers in Chicago, South Carolina, and Texas” (Bantum 26). There are many positive effects that Black Lives Matter has brought to America. However, it has had harsh effects on our society as well. Riots have become violent, intense, and forbidding. “Black Lives Matter has enabled sustained public resistance in diverse locales and at levels not seen in the United States for a very long time. Hundreds of activists shut down the Mall of America and the Minneapolis airport before Christmas to protest the police killing of Jamar Clark” (Harvey 28).

Due to different beliefs in opinions, places all over the country have been shut down because of protesters who get out of hand. Speaking of different beliefs, the Black Lives Matter Movement vs. All Lives Matter are two different organizations who clash. All Lives Matter brings out the violent side of BLM group. The two discourses are strong minded based on who is right vs. who is wrong. It has caused protests and hostile acts of violence in numerous states. It is mainly republicans versus democratic. In a recent article, Gordon Marino states “Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson complained, “The Black Lives Matter movement is focused on the wrong targets, to the detriment of blacks who would like to see real change” (Gordon 6). Republicans have strong views on the organization and that they are primarily focused on themselves and the idea that all lives should matter. For example, when a person of a different race, other than black, is harmed by an officer, the commotion remains muted rather than the awakening of multiple riots. There are two distinctive types of discourses. When they are entered in a contact zone, the opinions vary which causes different arguments and outburst of rage. In a recent article, Gee states that, “the birth right of every human comes through the process of primary socialization within the family as this is defined within a given culture” (Gee 5). A person is raised with beliefs that come from their families. Therefore, they do not know any better but to fight for what they believe in. Black Lives Matter Movement has brought an excessive amount of love and hate to our country for the best and the worst. The community has come together, people have begun to fight for their dignity over human rights, and there have been many several other accomplishments. However, it caused rage and violence. This movement is a new era for America. We live in one big contact zone. Multiple people are together fighting for their rights in this small world. There

are so many different beliefs and discourses. This movement has unmuted society and impacted the nation.

Works Cited

Bailey, Julius, and David J. Leonard. "Black Lives Matter: Post-Nihilistic Freedom Dreams." Journal Of Contemporary Rhetoric 5.1/2 (2015): 67. Publisher Provided Full Text Searching File. Web. 13 Oct. 2016. Rickford, Russell. "Black Lives Matter." New Labor Forum (Sage Publications Inc.) 25.1 (2016): 34-42. Business Source Complete. Web. 13 Oct. 2016. "Black Lives Matter: Seven Writers Assess The Movement." The Christian Century 6 (2016): 24. Academic OneFile. Web. 14 Oct. 2016. Marino, Gordon. "'All Lives Matter' Vs. Black Lives Matter." Commonweal 15 (2015): 6. Literature Resource Center. Web. 14 Oct. 2016....

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