Author Epimark Shirima
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DECLARATION I, SHIRIMA EPIMARK, hereby declare that, the contents of this report are the results of my own study and findings and to the best of my knowledge, they have not been presented elsewhere for a Diploma, Degree or any other professional award in any institution of Higher Learning .............


DECLARATION I, SHIRIMA EPIMARK, hereby declare that, the contents of this report are the results of my own study and findings and to the best of my knowledge, they have not been presented elsewhere for a Diploma, Degree or any other professional award in any institution of Higher Learning

.................................................................. SHIRIMA, EPIMARK Department of Property and Facilities Management, School of Real Estate Studies, Ardhi University, Dar es salaam

SUPERVISOR’S DECLARATION This report has been presented as Dissertation in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of B.sc Degree in Property and Facilities Management of Ardhi University.


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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I return the honor and glory to GOD almighty who has been my sole guide throughout this long and inspiring journey. This dissertation is a living testimony of his greatness in my life First of all, I would like to give my sincerely appreciation to my supervisor Mr. Arbogast, Kanuti for his insightful guidance and enthusiastic support for my dissertation. His guidance, tolerance and commitment during the preparation of this work, right from its initial stage to the end, made this research possible I wish to acknowledge, Dr.Kayuza. Dr. Lucian, Dr. Komu , Madaam Moyo, Mr. Nkini , Mr. Justine, Mr. Ruchaki, Mr. Mwiga for their comments on early drafts of this dissertation. This book owes much from their contribution. I owe very special thanks to my parents and grandparents for their unconditional love, and for giving me moral, intellectual, emotional and financial support throughout my life. I am forever grateful for their unwavering faith in me. I remain very grateful to those respondents and friends who kindly spared their valuable time and resources to offer me, co-operation and assistance in the course of my research. It is not easy to mention all but the following personalities deserve express gratitude; Mr. Mmanda Mr. David, Madam Mhayo, Madam Domiana, Mr. Mrema, Miss Linda, Mr. Renatus, Mr. Sumari Mr. Mayunga,Mr Sanga, Mr. Geophrey and all my Class mates. However, the mentioned people are in no way responsible for any errors, misrepresentations, omissions and unfair opinions or arguments that may probably appear in this text.


ABSTRACT The facilities management in mixed use building can be like operate a small city; this is due to the fact that in mixed building there are different stakeholders with different motivation and concern, so all their interest need to balance through proper management of facilities towards achieve their expectation. The study focused mainly on how facilities are managed in mixed use buildings towards achieves customer satisfaction. Specifically the study aimed at exploring different services and facilities provided at Ubungo Plaza toward meet customer satisfaction, examined roles of facilities manager ,identified indicators govern customers satisfaction and finally explored on challenges in managing Ubungo Plaza towards achieve customer satisfaction. In this study, purposive and randomly sampling were employed; where sample size was 32 respondents where 30 respondents were tenants and the rest were property management staffs. 30 questionnaires were distributed to tenants to determine their satisfaction level over the facilities management services while interview was done to property management staffs to explore on how they manage facilities at Ubungo plaza to meet customers need. Findings revealed that, there are complains on parking services where by 50 percent of tenants were completely dissatisfied on parking services and 7.14 percent were very dissatisfied, the complains were on parking lots which were not labeled, so this caused misunderstanding on parking area. Another complain was on maintenance services, 28.57 percent of tenants were very dissatisfied and 57.14 percent were dissatisfied and non of tenant was very satisfied, this implies that maintenance operations are not done on time From the findings obtained, there is a need to improve parking management, establishment of maintenance department, increase number of staffs to property management department, improvement of elevators services, clear separation of responsibilities between land lord and property manager, provision of adequate fund and proper selection of services providers.



DECLARATION .................................................................................................................. i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .................................................................................................. ii ABSTRACT........................................................................................................................ iii TABLE OF CONTENT ..................................................................................................... iv LIST OF PLATES ............................................................................................................. vi LIST OF TABLE .............................................................................................................. vii LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... viii LIST OF APPENDICES .................................................................................................... ix LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................. x CHAPTER ONE ................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Statement of the problem ................................................................................................. 3 1.3 Main objective................................................................................................................. 3 1.4 Research methodology ................................................................................................... 4 1.5 Significance of the study ................................................................................................. 7 1.5 Scope of the study ........................................................................................................... 7 1.7 Literature review ............................................................................................................. 8 1.8 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 9 CHAPTER TWO .............................................................................................................. 10 CONCEPTUAL FRAME WORK .................................................................................... 10 2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 10 2.2 Facilities management concepts..................................................................................... 10 2.3 Facilities management approaches ................................................................................. 14 2.4 Roles of Facilities Manager ........................................................................................... 17 2.5 Importance of facilities management ............................................................................. 18 2.6 Facilities Management Customers ................................................................................. 19 iv

2.7 Concepts of mixed use buildings ................................................................................... 20 2.8 Concept of Customer satisfaction .................................................................................. 25 2.9 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 30 CHAPTER THREE .......................................................................................................... 31 FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS ........................................................................................... 31 3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 31 3.2 Facilities available at Ubungo Plaza building ................................................................. 32 3.3 Roles of Facilities Manager in mixed use building in meeting customer’s satisfaction ... 38 3.4 Indicators govern customer satisfaction in facilities management in mixed use building 41 3.5 Challenges in managing facilities at Ubungo plaza toward meeting customers satisfaction ........................................................................................................................................... 44 3.6 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 47 CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................. 48 GENERAL FINDINGS, RECOMMENDATION AND CONCLUSION ....................... 48 4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 48 4.2 General findings ............................................................................................................ 48 4.3 Recommendation........................................................................................................... 50 4.4 Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 52 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 54


LIST OF PLATES Plate 3.1 parking distribution .......................................................................................... 33 Plate 3.2 waste storages .................................................................................................. 35 Plate 3.3 Generator (power supply facility) ..................................................................... 36



Table 2.1.Different facilities services (Barrett 1995) ........................................................... 14 Table 3.1; Tenants opinion on quality of services provided at Ubungo Plaza ....................... 42



Figure 2. 1 Tradiditional Organization Chart................................................................... 27 Figure 2. 2 Modern Customer Organization Chart........................................................... 27


LIST OF APPENDICES Questionaires for ubungo plaza tenants ........................................................................... 58 Interview questions for property manager ....................................................................... 62




United State of America



United Kingdom



Property Management



Asset Management



Customer Satisfaction



Customer Relationship Management



Facilities Management



Japan Facilities Management Association



Association of Facilities Management



National Insurance Corporation



National Security Social Fund



Public Services Pension Fund



Gross External Area



National Microfinance Bank



Close Circuit Television



Tanzania Electric Supply Company



Occupational Safety and Health Authority



Government Employee Provident Fund



British Institute of Facilities Management Association



International Facilities Management Association



Dar es Salaam Water and Sewerage Corporation



Hong Kong Institute of Facilities Management



Facilities Management Association Australia



South Africa Facilities Management Association


CHAPTER ONE BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY 1.1 Introduction Facilities management is discipline which focuses resources on meeting user needs to support the key role of people in their working place as well as providing services for continuously improve of quality, reduce risk and ensure value for money (Alexander, 1996). Facilities management play an important role to provide comfortable working environment to building occupiers through providing quality services which meet customers need, these services include; cleaning, maintenance, safety and security, parking, catering and waste management services. The origin of facilities Management can be traced back to the late 1800s, when the American railroad companies first conceived of an idea of providing facilities as opposed to provide buildings (Atkin, 2003).Facilities Management entered Europe in mid 1980s from the USA. From its first landing in UK and Western Europe, it has slowly entered Scandinavia through Netherland (leväinen, 2001). On its way, many of the American concepts have gone through a big change while merging to existing local property management cultures. The original purpose to support core business with creating the best possible working environment has always been the original goal, but ways to create it has been a matter of local conditions and tradition. Since the late 1980s, Facilities Management has gradually gained a foothold as discipline and profession within the property and construction industry or real estate sector. The growth of FM lead to establishment of various professional FM institutions around the world, such institutions include; IFMA in the USA, JFMA in Japan, and BIFM in UK. Despite the establishment of this institutions, the perception on defining facilities management differ from one another. The International Facility Management Association (IFMA), the World’s leading FM professional body, defines FM as, ‘A profession that encompasses multiple disciplines to ensure functionality of the built environment by integrating people, place, process and technology.’ That sounds a bit long winded but it accurately identifies the management of multi disciplines through people, process and technology. In contrast to that BIFM define 1

facilities management as integration of processes within an organisation to maintain and develop the agreed services which support and improve the effectiveness of its primary activities. Finally, the AFM (Association of Facilities Management, 2001) Great-Britain states; “Facilities management in its widest and truest sense concerns itself not merely with the management of premises, but with the services, people and facilities those buildings contain. It is a concern that runs from the initial design of the buildings to day-to-day maintenance, and has as its constant aim the use of manpower, energy and related resources as intelligently and cost effectively as possible.” this definition cover the overall description of facilities management. Mixed use building involves several activities in a single building which require different facilities so as to create conducive working environment for FM customers, some of services expected include cleaning, security, maintenance, parking and proper working of elevators. Keeping customer satisfied with services provided by an organisation is important and this require an organisation to establish customer satisfaction level for the different services it provides to them, this will enable an organisation to identify those areas that need improvement to suit customers need (stapleton, 2008). Amaratunga (2004) added that, Customers are the most wanted people of today business, without them, there will be no market for services, no reason for enterprise, no income, no profit and no survival. Successful businesses today ask their customers what they really want and listen to the answers. This help to capture the ability of the FM organization to provide quality services, the effectiveness of their delivery, and overall customer service and satisfaction. Many FM organizations today have a mission focused on the customer requirements and how the organization is performing from its customers’ perspective and in satisfying its customers has become a priority for facilities managers. The focus of facilities management is to achieve best value as well as customer satisfaction, based on the aim of this study, the focus has been on managing facilities in mixed use building towards achieve customer satisfaction, the facilities management includes both soft and hard issues. The hard issues include building maintenance, plumbing and drainage work, minor project management and space management while soft issues include cleaning, security, ground maintenance and pest management. 2

1.2 Statement of the problem In managing mixed use property can be like operate a small city (Schwanke, 2003).This is because, in a mixed use property there are different stakeholders that are involved and each one has different motivation and concern, so facility manger has a task of making sure that each interest of stakeholders are well considered and balanced. The facilities provided in mixed use property such as parking, security, cleaning, maintenance, and power supply need to reflect the need of each stakeholder. The facilities managers in mixed use property are at enormous attention to ensure facilities are in good condition and properly managed to meet need of every stakeholder who uses the building. Despite the provision of various facilities in mixed use property but customer satisfaction is always a challenge due to the fact that customer’s needs are always change with time as well as technology development. Although facilities management in many organization or business focus on customers need but customers’ opinion and satisfaction are not considered in meeting their desires, this always rise questions to facilities manager on how to achieve customer satisfaction base on provision and managing available facilities with regard of both internal and external customers The aim of this study is to examine how facilities are managed in mixed use building towards achieving customer satisfaction with regarding of both internal and external customers. 1.3 Main objective To examine on how facilities are managed in mixed use buildings towards achieving customer satisfactions. 1.3.1 Specific objectives i.

To explore on different services and facilities provided in mixed use buildings in meeting customers need.


To examine roles of facilities manager in mixed use buildings in meeting customers’ expectation.


To identify indicators govern customer satisfaction in facilities ma...

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