Fahrenheit 451 - A guy whose a fire fighter tries to save the books PDF

Title Fahrenheit 451 - A guy whose a fire fighter tries to save the books
Course The Teaching Of English
Institution University of Northern Iowa
Pages 5
File Size 49.3 KB
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A guy whose a fire fighter tries to save the books...


The Hearth and the Salamander Reflection Guy Montag and his wife Mildred live in a time where books and knowledge are looked down upon. In this time, instead of firemen putting out fires, they start them by burning books. If anyone is in possession of any literature, the fire department is alerted and they destroy the books. Montag meets this girl who moves in across the street named Clarisse. She talks a lot about how the world used to be and how books and information used to be important. Then all of a sudden Clarisse passes away. This made Montag curious as to why this happened so suddenly. Montag goes out on a mission one night where he meets a woman who is insistent on protecting her books. The whole team of firefighters burn the house down but Montag decides to steal one. The next day he calls in sick to work and his boss Beatty visits Montag at home. Montag has many questions about his job and wonders if the things Clarisse told him were actually true. Beatty explains in more detail the original reason for firemen and why they are needed for different reasons then before. He hints that he knows Montag stole a book. He said he’s not mad and that Montag has 24 hours to keep the book and if he doesn’t burn the book within that time then firemen will be sent to his home to burn the book for him. Beatty leaves and Montag goes through an internal crisis over the real meaning of his job and he doesn’t know if what he’s doing is truly right. He tells his wife Mildred that he has been hiding books and he wants to find out if books are really as unnecessary as Beatty has told him. His wife is distraught but Montag is determined to involve her in his discovery of books. I found that Clarisse was the most interesting. She was very mysterious and different from the average character. Finding out that Montag had been stealing books for awhile and was hiding them was very impactful for me because it was so unexpected. When Montag begins to question if he is truly happy with his life and the meaning of his job I think this was the most meaningful in that it jump started Montag’s curiosity in his work and society.This section’s events connect to today’s society in that the whole reason the government banned literature is because they don’t want the people to pay attention to what’s actually going on in the world so that they can control them. I feel like today,the world is filled with many distractions and people often forget about important events, not necessarily going on in the United States, but other countries around the world. If I would to title this section i would title it “Initial Discovery” because i feel like the “discovery” is a on running theme for this first section.

The Sieve and the Sand Reflection Montag and Mildred continue reading for the rest of the afternoon. Montag feels that the books are very important but can not understand the figurative language. He remembers that he had once met and old English professor named Faber while sitting in the park. Faber is very knowledgeable of books and literature so he decides to call him. Montag thinks he has the very last copy of the Bible so he asks Faber about how many copies are left of it and other classic literature. Faber is very hesitant to answer his questions so he hangs up the phone. Mildred mentions to Montag that she has some friends coming over. They begin to argue about what will happen if Beatty finds out about the large collection of books Montag stole and about Mildred being oblivious to the world around her. Montag leaves the house upset. He makes his way to Faber’s home and tells Faber that he stole a book. Faber lectures Montag about how society has become uninterested in the world and only cares about the good things in life. Montag and Faber come up with a plan to try and get people to start reading again. Faber,being hesitant at first,decides to help Montag. Faber reveals that he has a friend who works at a printing press. He gives Montag this gadget he created that works as a radio so they can keep in contact secretly.Montag arrives home when Mildred and some of her friends are there. They have an argument on how superficial they are that they voted for the president based off of looks. The women,upset and angry at Montag’s behavior,leave their home. Montag returns to work and is terrified of making mistakes. Beatty tries to further convince Montag that books are useless but Faber is in his ear the whole time reassuring him. The fire team head off to their first location and Montag is shocked to see them arrive at his home. In this section I found Faber to be the most interesting because I wasn’t expecting him to be so willing to help Montag achieve something so dangerous.When Montag looks up and realizes that they’ve arrived at his home impacted me a lot because it was so shocking. I think when Faber gave more insight to Montag about the twisted way society views things moved the plot in a meaningful way because it was clear that Montag was gaining more understanding.Nowadays I think that it’s common especially amongst young people to not care what’s going on around the world and are naive like Mildred and her friends. If I were to title this section then I would title it “Hidden Secrets” because it almost seems as though many secrets are still being kept and others have been revealed.

Burning Bright Reflection Montag arrives in front of his home realizing that Beatty has found out about his secret. He sees Mildred run out of the house with a suitcase and into a taxi meaning she is the one who called in the alarm to alert the authorities. Beatty orders Montag to set his house on fire and then he will be under arrest. Montag burns down his home and Beatty sees that he has something in his ear. The small earpiece that was given to him by Faber fell out and in front of Beatty. Beatty picks it up and threatens Montag saying he will turn it in and have it traced back to Faber. Beatty continues to taunt Montag who is still holding the flamethrower used to burn down his house. Montag has heard enough and shoots flames onto Beatty, burning him alive. The other firemen are shocked and Montag knocks them over the head and they pass out. Montag, still shocked from the previous incidents, sees the mechanical hound appear and manages to defeat the hound by lighting it on fire with the flamethrower after the hound had already injected his leg with a poisonous, numbing agent. Montag struggled to convince himself to stand as the sound of sirens became closer. Montag musters up all of his strength to pick himself up and run as fast as he possibly could. He runs down an alleyway with the regular seashell radio in his ear. It puts out a warning to the public about Montag and everyone should look out for him. Montag decides to run to Faber’s house before the authorities get to him. Once he gets there he tells Faber he can’t stay long. He gives Faber some money and Faber tells him to run towards the river and follow the old railroad tracks. There he will find other old college professors who live along the tracks in hiding from the government. Faber gives him some extra clothes and the two see on the T.V that another mechanical hound is after him and helicopters are after Montag. Montag leaves and heads towards the river. With the authorities still on his tail, Montag makes it to the river and gets to safety. He floats away in the river and makes it to land where he finds this group of men who also were in a way “exiled” from the mainland because of their profession. Granger,who seems to be the leader of the group, welcomes Montag and assures his safety. The authorities lost Montag once he got to the river but couldn’t let the public know so an innocent bystander took the fall and was most likely harmed or killed by the police. Montag and Granger have a long discussion over Montag’s failed plan and how this group of men now consider themselves the books that they have read because they have a memorized sections of entire books. War is near so the men head south. Planes are flying overhead and Montag has a brief thought of Mildred hoping that she is safe wherever she is. All of a sudden bombs have been dropped and the city is in complete destruction. When the men awake from the harsh blows of the bomb, they head toward the city that is now in ruins to look for surviving life.In this section I found Granger the most interesting. He seemed very wise and all-knowing. I began to wonder

if Montag had met him earlier maybe Granger could have helped and the plan may not have failed so miserably. When Montag set Beatty on fire with the flamethrower impacted me the most because I never thought Montag would do something like that. It was very shocking. I also found that when he said Beatty didn’t even put up a fight against him he thought it seemed like Beatty wanted to die. I think when Montag met Faber for the final time I felt that it moved the plot meaningfully in that you knew that it would be there last meeting for awhile and it kickstarted Montag’s “final journey”. Montag was very determined in his quest to bring back literature. He felt so strongly about it and fought until the very end. I think in some ways I am similar. I would say I’m very determined as well and I wouldn’t give up even though things are difficult. If I were to title this section I would title it “The end is near” I think this would be good title because it can be taken in the literal sense that the end of the book is near or in the sense that Montag’s journey and world is coming to an end....

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