Fccc1 Task revised 3 - Grade: a PDF

Title Fccc1 Task revised 3 - Grade: a
Author Joyce may Wallace
Course Introduction to Special Education, Law and Legal Issues
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 5
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Introduction to Special Education, Laws and Legal Issues FFC1 Joyce Wallace Task 1 May 30, 2020

A 1. General Purpose of IEP Meeting Annual IEP review Discuss and determine services that will be provided to Tiffany by the school district. Set annual goals for Tiffany in math and reading. Possible Outcomes Setting education goals that are well suited for Tiffany that will be in the least restrictive environment (LRE). Discuss and set goals for Tiffany’s self-esteem issues. Possible placement of Tiffany in her favorite classes in a general educational setting. Possible placement of Tiffany in adaptive PE Federal Mandates for parents Right of parents to receive a copy of procedural safeguards that are available under IDEA. Right of parent to inspect and review the education record of their child and the right to confidentiality of that record. Right of the parent to participate in meetings related to the identification, evaluation, and placement of their child and provisions of FAPE. Right of parent to obtain an independent IEE (Independent Education Evaluation) of their child. Right of parent to receive “prior written notice” on matters relating to the identification, evaluation and/or placement of their child. Right of parent to give or deny their consent, before the school can take certain action with respect of the child. Right of parent to disagree with decisions made by the school system on those issues. Right of parent and school to use the IDEA’s mechanisms for resolving disputes, including the right to appeal.

A2. Meeting Participants Parent/guardian Campus administrator General Education Teacher Special Education Teacher Diagnostician What must occur for a team member not to have to attend the meeting? Team member must have prior written notice from the school and parents. The school and parents must agree that it is not necessary for that team member to be present. The member can also be excused him/herself if the area that particular team member provides the student will not be discussed in the meeting. Team member must put in writing any input the team can use in meeting on his/her behalf.

A3. 2 suggestions for incorporating the parents/guardians in the IEP process Ask the parent/guardian expectations or concerns they have for their child’s future. Set a time for the meeting that is agreeable between the parent/guardian and the school so the family can attend. Why is it important for the family to be an interactive part of the collaborate IEP team? It allows the family not only to be aware of their child’s successes, but also aware of what is working and what is not working with the current IEP and their child.

A4. When is it appropriate for an IEP meeting to be held without the child? It is appropriate for a child not to attend the IEP meeting when a team member may be discussing something that may embarrass the child or be upsetting to the child. Also, it is not mandatory for a child to attend an IEP meeting if they are under the age of 15.

A5. Outline an agenda for the IEP meeting. Introductions of all team members. Reading of the parents’ rights. Purpose of meeting. Celebrate positive points about the student and address concerns. Address parents’ concerns if any. Individually have each member of the team discuss the goals they have for the student and the achievements of the student. Review any accommodations or modifications that need to be made. Review standardized testing accommodations if needed. Review behavior plan. State the percentage of time the student will be in the general education classroom and the time spent in the special education classroom. Review the services that will be provided to the student by the school. Request signatures of all team participants. Conclude the meeting.

B1. Strategy 1: Station Teaching Justification: Station teaching the is setting up of the room into stations to teach a lesson. Having stations will help with Tiffany’s, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Station teaching allows Tiffany to move around and let off some of her energy and help to focus on the lesson. Station teaching generally involves two teachers in the classroom. This allows the general education and the special education teachers to collaborate with each other and determine what is working and what is not working for Tiffany. Strategy 2: Lesson Planning for the entire general education class that engages Tiffany in the lesson also. Justification: In this strategy, the special education teacher or the general education teacher could create a reading assignment not just focused on Tiffany, but also engaging all the students in the general education classroom. This may include different levels of a book being read or different worksheets for the different levels of students. This allows the special education and general education teacher to share the load some and collaborate some of their lessons as a team.


B2. Strategy: Counselor Justification: Tiffany struggles with her emotions and fears. She has been depressed and not wanting to come to school. Tiffany has also expressed that she does not like missing out on her favorite classes. A counselor can provide a safe and private place for Tiffany to talk through some of her feelings and fears. Both the general education teacher and the special education teacher can collaborate with the counselor to discuss and find things to talk to Tiffany about and determine how often and length of time the sessions will be with Tiffany.

B3. Strategy: Communication folder Justification: A communication folder is a great way for the special education teacher, general education teacher and parents to collaborate on Tiffany’s achievements, issues and what she has done through out the day. Both the general education and general education teachers on what Tiffany had ate that day, how well she played with others, activities she has done, concerns they may have and also any upcoming events, activities or meetings Tiffany’s parents may need to be aware of. The parents in return can use the communication folder to collaborate with the teachers by sending notes on issues at home with Tiffany that teachers need to be aware of and also to communicate any upcoming appointments that Tiffany may have so the teachers are aware that tiffany may not be there a specific day or may leave early or come to school late.


All About the IEP (2017, September). Retrieved from: https://www.parentcenterhub.org/fiepfi

Parental Rights Under IDEA. Retrieved from: https://www.parentcenterhub.org/parental-rights/

Preparing Special Education Teachers for Collaborating with Families. Retrieved from: School Community t ps : / / fil es . er i c . ed. gov/ f ul l t ex t / EJ1066210. pdf Journal (2015). ht

Engaging Families in Early Childhood Education. Retrieved from: RTI Action Network (2007, 2008) ht t p: / / www. r t i net wor k . or g/ ess ent i al / f ami l y / engagi ngf ami l i es...

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