Ferrous Sulfate PDF

Title Ferrous Sulfate
Course Philippine History
Institution University of the Cordilleras
Pages 1
File Size 47.8 KB
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Ferrous Sulfate Drug Study...


Drug Name Generic Name: Ferrous Sulfate Brand Name: Apo-Ferrous Sulfate (CAN), Feosol, Feretab, Fer-gen-sol, Fer-In-Sol Capsules, Fer-Iron Drops, Fero-Grad (CAN), Fero-Gradument, Ferospace, Ferralyn Lanacaps, Fera-TD, FEusal Original, Mol-Iron, Novoferrosulfa (CAN), PMSFerrous Sulfate (CAN, SlowFe Class: Trace element, mineral Therapeutic: Antianemic, nutritional supplement Pharmacologic: Dosage: Route:

Mechanism of Action

Indication/ Contraindication

Adverse effect

 Acts to normalize RBC production by binding with hemoglobin or by being oxidized and stored as hemosiderin or aggregated ferritin in reticuloendothelial cells of the bone marrow, liver, and spleen. Iron is an essential component of hemoglobin, myoglobin and several enzymes, including catalase, cytochromes and peroxidase. Iron is needed catecholamine metabolism and normal neutrophil function.

Indication:  To prevent iron deficiency on recommended daily allowance.  To replace iron deficiency states.  To treat iron deficiency in patient who have an intolerance to oral iron, have had unsatisfactory response to oral iron or who has have nondialysis-dependent chronic kidney disease.  To provide iron supplement during pregnancy.

CNS: Drowsiness, fever, headache, paresthesia, syncope,

Source: PPD’s Drug Handbook for professionals and Nursing Students, 2nd Edition, p.499

Contraindication:  Hemochromatosis, hemolytic anemias, hemosiderosis, hypersensitivity to iron salts or their components, other anemic conditions unless accompanied by iron deficiency.

HEME: Hemochromatosis, hemolysis, hemosiderosis

EENT: Metallic taste, tooth discoloration, CV: Chest pain, hypertension, hypotension, tachycardia GI: Abdominal cramps, constipation, epigastric pain, nausea, stool discoloration, vomiting

RESP: Dyspnea, Wheezing SKIN: Diaphoresis, flushing, pruritus, rash, urticaria OTHER: Anaphylaxis (with I.V administration), angioedema, injection-site discoloration

Nursing Responsibilities Dx: a. Check doctors order b. Assess pain score c. Assess history of allergies Tx: a. Give drug with food, milk or antacids b. Do not increase or double dose; follow exactly as prescribed and indicated c. Discontinue drug promptly if diarrhea. Dark stools. Hematemesis, ecchymosis, epistaxis or rash occur and do not use again. Contact physician Edx: a. Document accordingly b. Monitor for adverse effect c. Instruct discontinuation of medication if adverse effect occurs...

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