Fiche Vocabulaire - Résumé Anglais PDF

Title Fiche Vocabulaire - Résumé Anglais
Course Anglais
Institution Université Côte d'Azur
Pages 7
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Fiche résumé vocabulaire de toute la séquence...


Madame Lesaint

Fiche Vocabulaire I – Autism spectrum disorder Innately

Were born with it / inborn

Counterpart Mimicking

A peer Imitate / impersonating

Imbedded = intégré

Wedded to / implied / engrained

Contempt / despise = mépris

Despise someone / to have contempt for someone Renfrogné, frowning / to scowl at somebody Omnipresent Clue = a signal / un indice Leading to / Favorable to sécher les cours

Scowl Ubiquitous Cues : Conductive to : Skipping : Bouncing / Jumping / Skipping school Misunderstanding

Misconception, something you don’t understand Hallmarks Features / Streaks / characteristics Stunted : Stop prematurely rabougri (capacité non développée) Caregiver : Someone who looks after someone else / Who takes care of him, her Lessen Decrease / reduce Uneven Irregular / Inégal Tailored Suit / for it / adapt / made up / specifically for Positive reinforcement Stretegies to develop (+) effects on a behavior / hoping it will repeat Comprehensive (false cognate) = All - polyvalentes et complètes inclusive / Ease Make things easier notion de s’investir Endeavour = A try, an attempt // to endeavor to do something Embrace Fully adopt a strategy Jump at the opportunity Sauter sur l’occasion Information est invariable au pluriel +

Madame Lesaint


II – Living with dementia To track

follow up / chase or track down

To cope with

Faire face à

To track





An attempt / A try

To fail

Be unsuccessful / To be in vain

A Scale

Une échelle

Sliding to

Glisser vers






En cours / En route


Peine / Chagrin


À petite échelle

A stroke



Crainte / Terreur / Effroi


Défenseur / Partisan


Au hasard


Souligner / Mettre l’accent sur

III – The psychology of IATC

Madame Lesaint

Machiavellianism : In modern psychology : people who are unemotional, lack of empathy and thus morality. Are self-centered, who can easily deceive or manipulate people to achieve their goals. Machiavellian people (more male than female) value money, power and competition. They give a low priority on self-love, family commitment and community building. Generally of a superior intelligence, able to understand people in social situations but Machiavellianism is associated with low emotional intelligence and empathy. Narcissism : Pursuit of glorification from vanity or egotistic admiration of one’s idealized self-image or streaks. Different from egocentrism. 4 dimensions : - Leadership / authority - Superiority / arrogance - Self-absorption / self-admiration - Exploitativeness / entitlement (you think you deserve a special treatment because you’re superior, thus if you don’t have it you take it as an attack against yourself A breakthrough, something that you discover To avoid smthg from happening : To force To hurt Insult, hit ; ill-treat someone who is a part of your family The goal A revenge (to take a revenge / to avenge yourself) A maltreatment (ill-treatment / to ill-treat) A wound (an injury / to twist the knife into the wound / to rub salt in the wound) Arousal Conceitedness Deceitfulness A rapist :

a finding to prevent coerce harm domestic abuse the aim une vengeance / se venger Maltraitance Une blessure / Remuer le couteau dans la plaie Éveil Arrogance Malhonnêteté Un violeur

Madame Lesaint

IV – Modern Milgram experiment sheds light on power of authority To clarify or explain something : Volonté, bonne volonté : Mettre à jour : Sincèrement, vraiment : Perspicacité, idée approfondie Contraindre, forcer : Entretenir, alimenter : Equilibre : Equilibrer, Trouver le bon équilibre entre : Procès : Affirmer, soutenir que : Souligner, insister sur : Trahir, dénoncer : To become skilled in some work by teaching or practice : To increase in intensity, degree Purpose, intention, goal : To raise by degrees : To estimate, evaluate : Trick, ruse, lie : Conscious of : Able to be tolerated : Sense of agency =

shed lights on / cast a light willingness update genuinely Insight / Perceptiveness to coerce to stoke, maintain, nurture balance To find balance trial to argue to emphasize to betray to be trained to escalate / amplify / rise aim to step up / level up to assess deception aware of bearable / acceptable Sens du contrôle

V – RESILIENCE : COPING WITH CRISIS In the aftermath, In the wake of, Consequently, as a consequence = Innate : To deal with : Result, consequence : Completely : Direct, frontal : Hindrance, reversal, delay :

Dans le sillage, Dans la lignée inborn To cope with, to manage Outcome utterly / fully Head on / stand up to / face Setback, obstacles

Madame Lesaint

In fact, in reality : Unflappable To break down, to crumble : To blot out, to efface : To linger on, Dwell on to tackle Despair :

Actually Imperturbable to fall apart erase S’attarder / s’étendre sur To embark, to work on, to turn on : Désespoir

VI – Positive Psychology for Kids To aim to : To prevent from vb + ing : Thwart : impend / prevent = Ultimately : Tenets : Self-talk: Self-fulfilling :

To fuel : to make it become worse and worse = To ensue: To challenge : To tackle : Unlikely :

to attempt / intend to avoid that something happens Contrecarrer after all, at last, finally precepts, principles speech from within, inner speech you have in your mind What you have in mind becomes true because you believed in it, you expected it to come true Jeter de l’huile sur le feu Coming just after, following up, resulting from to jeopardize, to question something deal with, manage, handle, work on efficiently doubtful, you think that it will not happen

VII – NAZI LEGACY : THE TROUBLED DESCENDANTS Troubles = To move on = To feature = Siblings = Even though = To bear the guilt of something =

Disturbed / worried / anxious Work on / Tackle / Go forward Show / portray Brother / Sister Despite the fact that / Although To blame myself for something / To feel responsible for

Madame Lesaint

A burden = At stake = To come to terms with something = To cope with = To cut oneself of from something = To face = A rose-tinted version = To bring home = To take drastic action = Likeness = Relatives = Assuage = ease, alleviate = At the expense of = To blame someone = Either… or / Neither… nor

A heavy weight en jeu To agree on / to accept To manage / to handle / to deal with Live isolated from To confront / to face up to reality Excessively optimistic / embellished Bring in Extreme actions / Harsh and radical / Uncompromising Similarity / Resemblance Family soulager To the detriment of Accuse someone Whether… or Ni… ni

VIII – Positively Media To garner To gather / draw / focus attention A by-product / A secondary product A produit dérivé product coming from, emerging from this technology To enable empowerer / give the possibility to do something Once = One time / Once upon a time = Une fois / il était une fois In spite of (link word) / despite en dépit A surge Intensification / Flow / Very numerous Albeit (link word) Although / though To go mainstream To follow the social convention / follow the trend To jump on the bandwagon join a movement / to support it / to seize the opportunity To highlight to put the stress on Whether… or = soit … soit A leap jump / a bounce As far back as = dating back / long aussi loin que

Madame Lesaint

time ago A breakthrough = a finding / a discovery A display To take for granted = to accept or assume without question Gusto Time lag Floodgates To seek To be driven by sth To enhance, improve Insight Decay Cue Hens, Thus A gap / discrepancy Choose / pick Look + adj Flawless Pressure Stick to the norm Stereotypes Being successful

avancée scientifique an exhibition / presentation prendre pour acquis with brio and enthousiasm avec brio / réussite / enthousiasme period of time between one event and another one used to control the flow of water to search for / to look for to be led by Exacerber idée, notion, perspicacité détérioration Signal De ce fait, Ainsi Ecart / Contradiction Choisir avoir l’air d’être Perfect

Pression S’en tenir à la norme Stéréotype Être couronné de succès...

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