Anglais - td assas -, marshall - 2021 - fiche td PDF

Title Anglais - td assas -, marshall - 2021 - fiche td
Author Carla P
Course Anglais
Institution Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas
Pages 11
File Size 220 KB
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Anglais - td assas -, marshall - 2021 - fiche td,...


TD Anglais : Contact : Email : [email protected] Moodle page mettre son nom avec google sheet https://agorassas.u-paris2/course/view.php?id=29559 : aller agor aller support des cours – enseignements- droit – licence- licence de droit paris- L1 droit-L1 droit 1er semestre- TD L1 droit 1er semestre- Julian Marshall Passeword : l1S1DR2122

Exam : 15 décembre : 50% grade is : - grammar exercises – 20 pts - short newspaper article 3 questions 30pts - essay 300 words – 50 pts Note sur 10 oral présentation : notes fin du semestre, participation

Other 50% : - oral presentation : powerpoint – l’envoyer le jour avant de passer – 5mn – prévenir en cas d’absence – utiliser la premiere personne du singulier ou « it » ou « I ». écriture lisible de loin ( grosse police), visualy attractive, « in the beginning » ne pas faire de plan rentrer directement dans le sujet, intro – transition- question interractive « blabla « but » » - « explain » - 1er partie – 2ème partie – chiffrer, imager avec des donnés récentes – conclusion : ouverture. -participation - homework: normal English without contractions – rendre sur papier – (15-100mots)

Book : Cambridge – English Grammar in Use – Raymond Murphy – fourth edition Link : Homework: texte 3 page 17.


1. Trust in the media, which was already higher on the left, has gone up, whereas on the right it has gone down. The difference is so extreme, in fact, that if the country were separated in two, the right-wing portions would have the least trust in the media on the planet whereas

the left-wing parts would have amongst the highest. Additionally conservatives are more likely to rely on TV for their news, liberals the Internet. 2 . It shows the further widening of a gap between right and left in the United States, reinforcing two different world views, two different realities. One side is gaining faith in the media whereas the other is losing it. Additionally, they are not only going to different news sources for their information, but different mediums as well. This implies that the polarization of American society has yet to reach its peak : apogée 3. This almost seems to present a contradiction, as those who are most sceptical about the news rely on a traditional mainstream media news source like television whereas those are more trusting regarding news media use the platform over which it has less influence and much more competition. Audience more liberal democrat/lean dem : NY times Audience more conservative: Fox news. Great Britain’s point of view : • The colonies were originally business ventures • The Seven Years War (1756-63) had been very expensive and partly to defend the North American colonies from France • The government decided to increase taxes to help pay the cost of maintaining an army in the colonies The colonists’ point of view: • Religious and political refugees • Strong sense of independence • Inspired by The Enlightenment – Age of Reason, social contract, etc • Refusal to accept « tyranny » • After the defeat of France, no army was necessary • No taxation without representation! The Constitution • Separate states decided to unite • The Articles of Confederation (1781) were unsuccessful – too much power given to the states • The American Constitution was a compromise between Federalists (strong national government) and Anti-Federalists (strong state powers) Why only 2 parties?

• Federalism vs Anti-Federalism • One part has always been federalist, the other anti-federalist. • 1st past the post system – winner takes all in the Electoral College So why waste a vote?

The two parties are essentially coalitions, so historically at least, separated horizontally rather than vertically, with supporters from all parts of society Republican Party GOP = Grand Old Party

The party of progression : • The GOP was founded in 1854 • From Lincoln in 1860 to Theodore Roosevelt (1901-09) and his successor, William Taft (1909-13) it was the party of progress and federalism. • The Republicans believed that they were the only legitimate party, considering the Democrats to be disloyal (Civil War) and un-American Henry Cabot [kæbət] Lodge said in 1920: • « Mr. Wilson stands for a theory of administration and government that is not American » Cabot Lodge was the Leader of the Senate and was instrumental in the rejection of the Treaty of Versailles

Democratic Party : • •

Founded in 1828, their original ideology was that of social conservatism, favouring a weak federal government (so anti-federalist) and in the South, populism. All this changed ironically because of Theodore Roosevelt, who ran as a Progressive at the 1912 election, against Taft, splitting the Republican vote and allowing Wilson to win.

The 20th century metamorphosis : • • •

Wilson, then especially Franklin D.Roosevelt in the 1930s, made the Democratic Party the party of progression (New Deal) But….not all Democrats were progressive, especially in the South, which continued to vote Democrat en masse until the mid-1990s, forming a powerful conservative wing Emblematic Democratic measures such as Civil Rights were not adopted because of the Democrats but almost in spite of them.

The Civil Rights Bill 1964 • •

The bill was not introduced by Democrats but by Republicans! It would never have been voted without the GOP In Congress, 80% GOP voted for (60% Dem), and in the Senate, 82% GOP / 68% Dem

The Voltings rights bill 1995 •

In Congress, 82% GOP voted for (72% Dem), and in the Senate, 82% GOP / 68% Dem

So why the change and why are Civil Rights remembered as Democratic measures? Barry Goldwater – GOP candidate against Lyndon Johnson in 1964 : At the GOP National Convention in 1964 he declared « I would remind you that extremism in the defence of liberty is no vice » « And let me remind you that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue » He was willing to fight a war with nuclear weapons He wanted a return to the « true » America pre-New Deal: anti-Communism, anti-civil rights, virtue, Christianity He lost! At the 1964 election, Johnson won by 15 million votes and had huge majorities in both Houses But : The damage had been done – the GOP was never to be progressive again Civil rights became associated with the Democratic Party which under Johnson continued to be the party of progression • • • •

Today Republican Party – social conservatism, free- market capitalism, deregulation, AntiFederalism Democratic Party – progressive liberalism, regulation, Federalism The parties are much more polarized now – but they are still coalitions of supporters from all parts of society.

Texte 3 page 33 : 1 - He is using executives orders to get involved in the Us economy, by avoiding the divided Congress as much as possible. His economic program is based on the idea of limiting the power of huge business and stimulating competition between them. It is obvious that Biden does not only use his executive power towards the economy. In fact, he wants to use it in a more general way by providing answers to the problem of racism, child care, education, health, global warming. 2- Biden’s use executive powers have some advantages and some disadvantages. On one side, his use is very unsual, specially for directing agencies such as FTC or FCC, which are run by bipartisan panels. In order of this, the president of the US is slowly trying to align their sweeping rule making with White House’s ones. On the other side, Biden’s use of executive powers can be overturned by future presidents. In this case agencies will suffer from these spontaneous changes that will potentially be reversed during the term of the next US president. According to that, some people consider Biden’s use of executive power to be irresponsible. 3 – President Joe Biden uses executive orders in multiple domains, especially by providing answers to the pb of economy, racism, child care, education, health or global warming.

Democrats do not agree with his economy politic that they judge dangerous for the US economy because it will make it less productive. Moreover, Biden’s use of executive powers can be overturned by future presidents. In this case, agencies will suffer from these spontaneous changes that will potentially be reversed during the term of the next US president. According to that, some people consider Biden’s use of executive power to be irresponsible, and there is an important opposition to it. But his use can also have a really good impact. For example, Biden is trying to align directing agencies sweeping rule making with White House’s ones to be more connected to them even if they are run by bipartisan panels. Biden’s us of executive orders can be compared to Obama’s one, even if Biden signed more orders in his first 100 days than Obama did. There is not executive orders in the constitution of 1787 bc the fathers did not want a king, any person to have to much power, the last thing they wanted is to give some powers to much power so they use balance to tchek any branch power. The prst is chef of policy but not power to declares war. It is the legislative’s power. In 1878 Congress does not have control against the Prst They are two where congress control prsrt - congress controls the cash bc the president can decide spend money only if congress gave it to him by voting (ex: TRUMP build the wall but he couldn’t) - impeachment: not any president has been removed: impeachment: Jackson, Clinton, Trump. Donald Trump has been impeaching twice. It would must be 5 senators voting against trump. There is a fundamental problem, term of why it doesn’t work. It is morally wrong impeachment : people elect president, people should decide of the president, impeaching judge is not elected, by how could it be normal that people remove Trump. Judiciary can declare a law unconstitutional, can declare any action of the president unconstitutional, the supreme court can judge a law unconstitutional. There is a problem with the supreme court, the supreme court takes decisions which sometimes modify the Constitution for example, sup court decided in 2014 to authorize same sex marriage these created a new law for the hall country: the problem begin in constitutional term.

Text 3 P.33 Question 1. In what ways is Biden using executive orders and to what end? Biden has signed more executive orders in his first 100 days in office than any 21st-century president. Congress is bitterly divided between the two main political parties, making it difficult for Presidents to enact key parts of their policy agenda via legislation. According to Dan Bosch, recent Presidents using executive orders at the start of their administrations is a confirmation that if they want to get things done, the legislative route no longer appears to be a viable option.

According to Biden’s press secretary, he wants to act quickly and have an effect as quickly as possible. Question 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Biden’s use of executive orders? On the plus side, the President can quickly put into place a policy by sidestepping Congress. However, such orders can be undone just as easily by a later President’s executive order. Furthermore, federal courts can challenge and put an end to such orders (either in part or in whole). Regarding economics, this creates a certain level of inconsistency that can make it difficult for businesses to plan. Also, it is undemocratic and violates the separation of powers. Question 3. Summarize the text in 50-70 words. Example: President Biden has aggressively used executive orders to enact his political agenda. This is a recent trend in US politics due to the divided nature of Congress. However, such executive orders, while quick, can easily be undone at a later date. Biden’s efforts are not limited to executive orders, though, as he is also seeking congressional approval for parts of his agenda.

RELIGION IN THE US Text 3 page 40: Exercise : 1 . How is the reported decline in Christianity explained away? To Ronald Reagan, Christianity isn’t declining, and he proved it with three questions: - Where is church membership down? Greg Smith shows us that between all church members there has been a decline between the liberal mainline but there hasn’t been any decline between evangelical and non-denominational churches. - Are the number of unbelievers growing? Rodney Stark answered that a huge part of Americans say they are Christians a small part say they are either atheist or agnostic but between those people, some of us never really believed in anything at the first place. - Is conservative faith holding strong? The Harvard/Indiana shows us that Christianity is a strong religion in America, and that faithful is doing well compared to echoes. The article amplifies what he wants to amplify, he isn’t a professor but a journalist. Where, who, when? Fox News: Republicans -> evangelical 2. What is the point of this article? What does it reveal about its target audience? In this article we understand that Christianity isn’t dead in America, it’s the opposite, Christianity is a strong religion and especially when we speak about conservative and biblically faithful evangelical and non-denominational churches. It’s also revealed that this religion is turning into extreme, that he only declined we saw has been for “moderate religion” and “liberal mainliner churches”.

His target are the people who watch Fox News. People who read this article are comforting themselves. The article takes a political way. 3. Comment on the underlined sentence: This sentence is an expression of the actual situation of Christianity in America with an intensity and a radicalism in religion practices compared to what they called “moderate religion” that does not ask for big efforts looking into practices to the article.  Smbdy who is liberal isn’t going to read this article. This article is for people against abortion..

Catholics in America, to some extent, some people look at Catholics as not entirely American and the reason why is because if you are catholic you are an unpatriotic, unreliable.  First time Catholics came in Us was during 19th century: 1 million Irish people came to America and they were all Catholics and also Italians: the common is all these people were poor and American weren’t happy about it bc they were protestants: it always ‘s been hard being a Catholics in America.  It is not as socially acceptable as to be a protestant.

IMMIGRATION => reprendre correction Texte 2 page 47 : Le push : est le phénomène provoquant le départ d'une personne ou d'une population hors de son pays d'origine : conflit armé, disette, oppression politique, etc. Les pull factors et push factors sont respectivement les facteurs d'attractivité ou de répulsivité d'une destination. 1. What is the current situation in the border, is it new, and how have previous governments fared ( s’en sort) ? Today, the immigration on the southwest border never had been so intense. The current situation in the border isn’t quite pretty because today many countries such as Guatemala, Honduras and El-Salavador are facing a push and pull factors which encourage them sending migrants to the US. , and isn’t new at all because it all started decades ago with the independence of Spain in the 19th century bringing poverty problems and political instability with smalls oligarchies and inequality. Governments are failing managing and solving the problem of immigration, they aren’t questioning themselves on the real reasons of immigration exposed as the push and pull

factors and conservatives political elites responded to the problems by deploying the US marines.

2. What does the author suggest are the most important reasons for the crisis ? The author explains the crisis by the pull and push factor. On one hand the push factor includes poverty and inequality, political instability and violence such as gang violence inside the country which brings many migrants to immigrate to the US with a wish of a better life. They are pushing them. On the other hand there is the pull factor that encourage immigration: in fact America created the conditions of unauthorized immigration: many sectors of the US economy had becoming more and more dependent on immigrants such as agriculture, the service industry and construction so America must do as migrants come in the country however access to legal papers aren’t quite easy and in a certain way impossible. This is a paradox. 3. Comment the underlined sentence from the text. The author proposed a solution which focus on helping countries of central America facing poverty, and inequality more than cutting foreign aid. The author recognized the perverts effect of the push and pull factors and the responsibility of Americans policies especially Trump policy. Here the solution would be the support of the US helping every central America countries for them to auto determinate in the future and help them facing those poverty, violence, and inequality problems more than encouraging them with perverts policies. In 20th century: Americans believed that Irish and Chinese will take over the country. While today Biden is Irish, more Irish people living in America whereas on the island. English convict, Germain socialist, Italian, Irish: all immigrants where seen as bad people 20th century wall around pacific to stop afflux of immigrants. Idea of a wall nothing new, history repeating himself. America needs immigrants: economics reasons : - jobs : agriculture When you close you border it takes a long time for the economy to recover. CORRECTION : Document 3: Is Christianity really shrinking? It is vital that you noticed where this was published – Fox News. This tells you immediately for whom it was written. Many of you missed the point. 1. Atheists and agnostics are said to have always been as such, having only recently become more open about their beliefs. Furthermore, when asked their religious

preference, many say “none”, which Rodney Stark interprets as meaning that they are not members of a church, rather than a lack of religiosity. Finally, the author minimizes the mere 12% of the formerly devout and says of the remaining 88% that have given up Christianity that they never really had faith to begin with. He amplifies the figures that suit him and ignores those that do not. 2. The intent of the author is to assuage fears amongst conservative, fundamentalist Christians that they are dying out or being replaced by atheists. He hammers home the message that the “Bible-fearing” churches are doing well, even growing, while the more mainstream churches are losing their worshippers The dichotomy between “faithful” conservative churches and “faithless” liberal churches, whose validity is repeatedly questioned, shows the intertwining of religion and politics as well as the polarized nature of the country. Furthermore, the article opens with an insult to liberals and goes on to distance America from “liberal” Europe. 3. Religion is not disappearing in the US, or rather fundamentalist religion is not. More moderate versions of Christianity are slowly dying out, which, if the trend continues, will leave the US with a large gap between its two extreme poles, one fervently religious and literal in its interpretation of the Bible, the other nonbelieving or so “liberal” as to reject what many on the right take as fact. This points once again to the great rift in American society, but also to the generation gap as the young increasingly lose interest in religion.

Manifest Destiny American progress: John Goss: Colombia embodies an angel Light from the Est to the west The central concept America in 19th century, this was America justification; the Americans felt that they have a right but a duty to civilize the all country: it is still the same today for some American for example with popular culture.

1. Criminalization issue: any nat...

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