Final Detailed Lesson Plan in Building and Enhancing New Literacies across the Curriculum PDF

Title Final Detailed Lesson Plan in Building and Enhancing New Literacies across the Curriculum
Course Secondary Education in English
Institution Isabela State University
Pages 16
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Republic of the Philippines ISABELA STATE UNIVERSITY College of Education Echague, IsabelaDETAILED LESSON PLAN IN BUILDING AND ENHANCINGNEW LITERACIES ACROSS THE CURRICULUMI. ObjectivesAt the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:a. define ecological literacy or ecoliteracy b. interpret ...



Objectives At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:


a. define ecological literacy or ecoliteracy b. interpret the core aspects of ecological literacy c. write a short essay with regards to the importance of ecoliteracy Subject Matter A. Topic: Ecological Literacy or Ecoliteracy B. References:  Puk, T. (2009, June). Ecologically Literate Person. Retrieved from date retrieved August 14, 2021  Calvet, E. (2016, March). Ecological Literacy. Retrieved from date retrieved August 14, 2021  Bioneers. (n.d.). Ecological Literacy: Teaching the Next Generation About Sustainable Development. Retrieved from ze0z1908/? fbclid=IwAR1Q4VaVtlgeNgAc8mxBAYC5hMMtD_Hjmpmq1YPmluwdNP Q5OU9JipVIjnA date retrieved August 14, 2021  Graham, W. (2018, November). What is Ecoliteracy. Retrieved from fbclid=IwAR3jurDlumzd860FtioVBKOIsRDWr19pOjChSru66FnKXzF0vHciqkOTR4 date retrieved August 14, 2021 C. Materials: Smartphone, Laptop, Powerpoint Presentation, Microsoft Word D. Valuing: develop sense of compassion to other forms of life, strengthen community relationships, act in more life-affirming ways, build resiliency and learn strategies that are applicable to designing human endeavors.



A. Preliminary Activities Teacher’s Activity 1. Greetings Good Morning class!

Student’s Activity

Good Morning Sir! 2. Prayer Before anything else, let us pray. Who wants to lead the prayer? Me Sir! Okay Trisha! Lord God, thank you for another beautiful and productive day. Guide and Bless us all in our discussion today. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Thank you for the prayer Trisha. Take your seats class! 3. Checking of Attendance As I call your name, say present! - Lacsamana, Marissa

Present sir!


Limbauan, Bello

Present sir!


Masibay, Jona Rose

Present sir!

Very Good class! No absent for today! Just a little reminder, considering that we are in an online class, please mute your microphone when it’s not your time to speak and only turn on your camera when you are being called. Thank you! 4. Recall Before we proceed to our next topic, let’s recall what we discussed yesterday. Who is the bright one that can tell what was our topic Me Sir! yesterday? Okay Jona Rose, please unmute your mic and tell it to your Our lesson yesterday classmates, was all classmates. about digital literacy!

Very Good Jona Rose! who can give me then the definition of Me Sir! digital literacy? Digital literacy refers to an individual's Yes, Bello! ability to find, evaluate, and compose clear information through writing and other media on various digital platforms!

Very Good Bello! Who can give me then the importance of digital literacy on students/youth like you?

Yes, Marissa!

Good job class! It was evident that you really learned from our discussion yesterday. Big applause for everyone!

Me Sir! It prepares us for the skills we need to engage in technology both safely and responsibly. Also sir, it empowers and educates us by providing us with the tools we need to thrive in an everchanging digital world!


B. Motivation Teacher’s Activity Before we formally start our discussion, do you love photography?

Student’s Activity

Yes, Sir! Yes, Sir! I really love taking pictures of anything that catches my attention! Okay that’s good! Because we will have a short activity entitled “Photo-Suri” wherein I will show you some pictures and later you will answer what I am going to ask in relation to it. Are you ready class? Yes, Sir! Okay, let’s get started! (teacher will show the first picture)

(students will take a closer look on the picture) Okay now class, what is all about the first picture for you? Sir, the picture clearly shows the reasons why we need nature! Can you enumerate the reasons on the picture Elsie? Nature captures carbon and lock it away. It is vital for clean air and water. It is crucial for healthy foods. It is essential for wildlife and plants to thrive. It prevents flooding and soil erosion. It is good for human health and wellbeing. It fills us with awe and wonder. It repairs the damages we’ve caused and it is our legacy for the children of today and tomorrow! Very Good Elsie! It only tells us that nature provides the necessities to support and sustain lives especially of human beings. Let’s proceed to the second picture! (teacher will show the second picture)

Now class, for the second picture what do you think it is all about?

How could you say so Zharemba?

That was a very good insight Zharemba! You know what class, the second picture simply telling us that man can do several ways to take good care of nature. It is a form of giving back for what nature provides to sustain life!

(students will take a closer look on the picture)

Sir, even though it’s a single picture, I guess it’s full of messages that has something to do with taking care of nature! Because sir a group of people planting trees in a forest which only shows reforestation!

C. Presentation of the Lesson Teacher’s Activity What did you noticed then about the two pictures being presented?

Student’s Activity

Sir the pictures only shows what man can do to take care of nature and likewise what nature can provide to Very Good observation Valerie! You sustain lives! know what class it only shows the give and take relationship between man and nature or the processes and patterns of relationships that enable ecosystems to sustain life! With that said, can anyone guess what is exactly our topic for today? Okay trisha!

Me Sir!

Very Good guess Trisha, it’s correct! Sir it is Ecological Literacy I guess! The ability to fully understand the relationship being mentioned earlier is our topic for today. The Ecological Literacy or Ecoliteracy! D. Discussion Teacher’s Activity Who wants to read our objectives first?

Student’s Activity Me Sir!

Okay Elsie! (student read the objectives) Thank you Elsie! When you hear the word Ecoliteracy, what comes first in your mind? Understanding natural systems that make life on earth possible Sir! Good insight Joecelle! Thank you! Please listen carefully because later on we will have our quiz. How about the others? Me Sir! Okay Mariane!

Sir it can be the broad familiarity with the development of ecological consciousness! Thank you Mariane! That is another good insight! So Ecoliteracy is actually defined as the ability to understand the organization of natural systems and the processes that maintain the healthy functioning of living systems and sustain life on Earth. It is considered as the power that comes from the knowledge and consciousness of how nature’s living system operate. By this class, why do you think human should possess Ecological literacy? To better understand the human-nature relationship and in order to have a comprehension of the idea of controlling nature and what time that the ways of people and societies have become so destructive Sir! Very Good class! It is really important to acquire and develop Ecoliteracy in order to understand the basic principles of a connected Nature and how to live accordingly to promote sustainability. Now, to understand further the said Literacy, we will narrow it down by discussing its core aspects. Anyone who has the idea of the core aspects of Ecoliteracy? (teacher considered that no one will recite because it was a new topic being introduced) If none, who wants to read what is on the slide? Me Sir! Okay Steven! There are five core aspects of Ecoliteracy including the Principles of living systems, Design Inspired by Nature, Systems thinking, Ecological

Paradigm and the Transition to Sustainability and Collaboration, Community Building and Citizenship! Thank you Steven! So class, these are the core aspects. We need to understand them one by one in order to have a full comprehension on the real importance of Ecological literacy or Ecoliteracy. Let’s begin on the first aspect, the principles of living systems. Do you have any idea if what are to be called living systems? Me Sir! Okay Joecelle! Sir living systems are open, selforganizing systems that have the special characteristic of life and that interact with their environment through information and material-energy exchanges. It’s correct!Very Good Joecelle! It seems like you have a great memory in recalling definitions! Who can give me then the examples of living systems based from that definition? Me Sir! Okay Ace! Sir by the definition it may include the human body, or a forest, or a river, as well as human- created organizations, such as communities, or schools! Very Good Ace! You are all clever in this class! Now to deepen our understanding on the first aspect, who wants to read what is in the slide? Me Sir! Okay please read aloud Joecelle! According to Fritjof Capra, the ecological problems facing society are rooted in a lack of understanding of our place in the web of life. Principles

guiding the functions of living systems include Interdependence, System Integrity, Biodiversity, Cooperation and Partnership, Rightness of Size, Living Cycles, Waste = Food, Feedback, Nonlinearity, Emergent Properties, Flux, and the commons. These principles come from the study of ecosystems and from a growing understanding of the way they have evolved over time. Thank you Joecelle! So class, the principles of living systems only tells us the importance of understanding of the web of life, Earth systems cycles, and material-energy exchanges. We will be able to understand it through Ecoliteracy that has a goal of providing us with a deep sense of place and an understanding of our local environment! Is it clear to all of you class? Yes, Sir! Okay that’s good! Let us proceed now to Very clear Sir! the second aspect which is the Design Inspired by Nature. Who wants to read the information in the slide? Okay Van! Please read.

Thank you Van! So class, once man already understand that guiding principles demands human actions and design conform to how the world works as a biophysical system, and that societies be designed with future generations in mind, then it must be put into application. Ecological literacy then

Me Sir! The idea of “design inspired by nature” has become popular through concepts such as biophilia, biomimicry or biomimetics, which involve examining and emulating natural models, systems, processes, and elements in order to solve human problems!

is about applying this understanding to the redesign of organizations, communities, businesses, and societies to align with ecological principles.

Now pertaining to that, who among you can give a concrete example of this application? Okay Ace!

Me Sir!

For example, Sir in transforming how humans act in the world to provide food, shelter, energy, materials, and seek their Correct Ace! Because it asks what livelihood. people know and how should they learn it, given the limits of the Earth and its systems. Is it clear to you class?

Very Good! Then let’s proceed now to Systems thinking which is the third aspect of Ecoliteracy.

Yes, Sir! Yes, Sir!

Can anyone read the information in the slide about systems thinking? Okay Jeffrey! Me Sir!

Thank you Jeffrey! So class, this aspect has the habits of seeing the whole of a system rather than snapshots of its parts, looking for patterns and connections, and uncovering and testing assumptions! By this, how do you think Ecoliteracy

Systems thinking also known as holistic or relational thinking is necessary to understand the complex interdependence and often unpredictable dynamics of ecological systems, social systems, economic systems and other systems on all levels!

will be guided? Sir, given the fact that this aspect involves a shift in perception, from a focus on parts to a focus on the whole, or from discrete objects to relationships within a system, Ecoliteracy will be guided as it involves applying a way of thinking that emphasizes relationships, Very Good class! You really understood connectedness and context! what we are discussing! Let us move now to the fourth aspect which is the Ecological Paradigm and the Transition to Sustainability. Who wants to read the information in the slide? Okay Heidi!

Me Sir!

Ecological paradigm is a worldview that places humans as embedded in ecological systems rather than perceived as separate, and that recognizes that there are global constraints to the amount of resources we can use and waste we can produce on a finite Earth. Genuine sustainability, in other words, will come not from superficial changes but from a deeper process akin to Thank you Heidi! Given this class, why humankind growing up to a fuller do you think there is a need for an stature. ecological paradigm?

Very good class! It only tells us that the dialogue about sustainability is about a change in the human trajectory that will require us to rethink old assumptions and engage the large questions of the human condition that some presume to

Sir based on the information, I think the shift to an ecological paradigm is part of a transition to a true sustainability or meeting human wellbeing while substantially reducing poverty and conserving the planet's life support systems!

have been solved once and for all! Now, anyone who has an idea on how do Ecoliteracy takes place guided by this aspect? Okay Jona Rose! Me Sir! Sir based from what I understood, Ecoliteracy is partly aimed at triggering large-scale social change in how humans live on the planet. It provides us the understanding that sustainability is not just about basic needs and human Very Good Jona Rose! In this aspect survival but also the process to create a class, Ecoliteracy provides us the vibrant society! understanding how humanity is part of the larger ecological picture and "needs to take responsibility for the social and environmental consequences of our activities because as Fritjof Capra notes, “in the coming decades, the survival of humanity will depend on our ecological literacy – our ability to understand the basic principles of ecology and to live accordingly.”! Is it clear to you class? Okay good to know! Let us now move to the last aspect of Ecoliteracy which is Yes, Sir! the Collaboration, Community Building and Citizenship! Anyone who will volunteer to read what is on the slide? Okay Gwyneth! Please read aloud! Me Sir! Ultimately, sustainability is a community practice. Ecologically literate students are also community builders and active citizens. An ecological education occurs both within

Thank you Gwyneth! This last aspect only tells us that Ecological literacy is about emphasizing collaboration and partnership as a hallmark of living systems and life. The ability to associate, create links, draw on collective distributed intelligence of many individuals is part of ecoliteracy. In addition, Ecoliteracy knowledge can empower students to help create a better society and make a difference!

the natural environment and in the local community where students can build relationships and apply their understanding in a real world setting.

Now class, after discussing the five aspects, what can we observed or noticed about the importance of Ecoliteracy especially to you as students?

Definitely! Very Good class! I am happy to see your active participation and intelligence in understanding our lesson!

Sir it helps us to understand that Ecoliteracy is cross-disciplinary in nature and should help students to think critically about not only scientific topics, but social, artistic, and mathematical topics as well!

E. Generalization Teacher’s Activity To see if you really understand our lesson, let’s summarize!

Student’s Activity

Based from what you have learned class, what is Ecological Literacy or Ecoliteracy? Sir it is the ability to understand the organization of natural systems and the processes that maintain the healthy functioning of living systems and sustain life on Earth and also a broad familiarity with the development of ecological consciousness! Very good! Now, after discussing all of its core aspects, how important then that we should possess this literacy?

Sir the core aspects taught us that Ecoliteracy is cross-disciplinary in nature meaning it can be related or can represent more than one branch of knowledge providing us a wider understanding of human-nature relationship and how it conforms to world’s rule. It is important in order for us to have the power that comes from the knowledge and consciousness of how nature’s living system operate! Wow! That was a very good sum-up class! You really understood the whole picture of our lesson! We should really possess this ability to understand the basic principles of a connected Nature and how to live accordingly! IV.

Evaluation In a separate word document, answer the two sets of test and upload it later in our Edmodo platform. A. Multiple Choice. Analyze each statement and choose the correct answer from the choices given! (2pts. each) 1. This is the ability to understand the principles of organization that ecosystems have developed to sustain the web of life. a. Information Literacy b. Media Literacy c. Ecological Literacy or Ecoliteracy 2. One aspect that guides Ecoliteracy about emphasizing collaboration and partnership as a hallmark of living systems and life. a. Collaboration, Community Building and Citizenship b. Ecological Paradigm and the Transition to Sustainability c. Principles of living systems 3. This is the worldview that places humans as embedded in ecological systems rather than perceived as separate, and that recognizes that there are global constraints to the amount of resources we can use and waste we can produce on a finite Earth. a. Ecoliteracy b. Ecological Paradigm c. Systems Thinking 4. This aspect of Ecoliteracy involves a shift in perception, from a focus on parts to a focus on the whole, or from discrete objects to relationships within a system or requiring the habits of seeing the whole of a system rather than snapshots of its

parts, looking for patterns and connections, and uncovering and testing assumptions. a. Ecological Paradigm and the Transition to Sustainability b. Systems Thinking c. Design Inspired by Nature 5. The aspect of Ecoliteracy pointing out that there is an urgent need for marketplace transparency and for greater human understanding of the ecological impacts of how we live. Daniel Coleman even notes that “we can, together, become more intelligent about the ecological impacts of how we live – and how ecological intelligence, combined with marketplace transparency, can create a mechanism for positive change.” a. Ecological Paradigm and the Transition to Sustainability b. Systems Thinking c. Principles of living systems B. Essay. Answer the following questions briefly but substantial. Rubrics are given below. (10pts. Each) 1. As Fritjof Capra notes, “in the coming decades, the survival of humanity will depend on our ecological literacy – our ability to understand the basic principles of ecology and to live accordingly.” Having said this, why do you think it is necessary for students such as you to possess Ecoliteracy? 2. Considering that Ecological Literacy or Ecoliteracy provides us with a deeper understanding of the human and nature r...

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