Final Exam - Study guide for exam PDF

Title Final Exam - Study guide for exam
Course Zoology
Institution Weber State University
Pages 6
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1. Agricultural revolution Q  8-12,000 years ago, started 12,000 y.a. in the fertile crescent in N. America  The domestication of plants and animals. Villages, towns, and cities developed 2. Cancer Q. 3. Cancer Q.  The deadliest kind of cancer is: Lung Cancer  The second deadliest kind of cancer is: Pancreatic Cancer 4. Video “on thin ice” Q.  Albedo: Reflection of UV rays on the light surfaces of earth  Moulin is the hole in which melting glacier water goes into 5. Human growth curve and dissevolution, agricultural revolution 6. Human Height as hunter and gatherers had been 5’9” and it dropped to 5’7”. It did not get back up to 5’9” until the 1970’s 7. Biomes Q.  Biome: a plant distribution unit. o Desert: low precipitation, low in species, cold desert,  We live on the Edge of the Desert/Coniferous Biome o Northern Coniferous Forest: (a cone bearing tree) in most of Canada, produces most metabolism/terrestrial O2. (Algae produces O2) o Deciduous Forest: (A tree that sheds it’s leaves)moderate temps, moderate precipitation  The eastern United States is mostly Deciduous Forest. o Rain Forest: Amazon basin, Africa, S. Asia, high precipitation, high temps, lots of plant and animal species o Tundra: alpine tundra, artic tundra, little precipitation, low temps, not many species o Grassland: most productive biome (most biomass) great planes, grass land of Africa, steps of Asia 8. Cancer Q. (skin cancer)  Melanoma: Metastasize (spreading to other parts of the body), malignant (virulent) (most serious type of skin cancer) 9. General question on Dysevolution (is something that is harmful. Consumption of carbs and not enough exercise) 10. % Q. on cancer  later studies: 50% of everyone will get cancer, 1/3 are going to die from it 11. “on thin ice” Q. 12. Human Ontogeny: (development of the individual)  Neonate (first month)  Infancy (2-15 months)  Childhood (15 months – Adolescents)  Adolescents (end of childhood – 20-40 years adulthood) has puberty  Senescence (adult- after age 40) Deterioration  End of life is inevitable, it is the result of aging 13. Extinction Event Q. (Permian extinction, cretaceous extinction)  Permian Extinction: Occurred 225 million years ago, wiped out 95% of marine invertebrates  Cretaceous Extinction: Occurred 65 million years ago, the dinosaurs went extinct 14. General part of the body Q.

15. Human growth curve  Biotic potential: Logarithmic growth of a population o happens because we reduce limiting factors, and birth rates exceed death rates 16. Stomach Q. 17. Average Breath is called: Tidal Volume (measuring up to a pint)  What is a breath after extreme exercise called: Vidal Capacity 18. How many beats is our heart good for? 2.5 billion 19. Weather makers: about the Maya  Depleted all their resources 20. % Q. on American obesity  35% of calorie intake of fat  33% obesity disorders 21. Plasmodium Q. 22. Plasmodium Q.  Plasmodium is: the genus of malaria, belongs to the Protista kingdom  Is a free Eukaryotic cell (“protozoan”) 23. % Q. about cancer (tricky question) “given the new statistics… what are the chances that one of us in a marriage will get cancer? In a marriage 66%” 24. Neanderthal man Q.  They evolved from Homo Erectus, appeared 250 kya, carnivores, 1200cc  When did modern humans appear? 200,000 years ago (homo sapiens) 25. What is significant about carbon?  Carbon is important because it bonds easily which formed polymers 26. Digestive Tract Q. (GI Tract) is a part of the body that comes in Contact with food and waste  Includes accessory organs that do not come in contact with food or waste: Gallbladder, liver, pancreas 27. Helminth Parasites are: A human worm parasite  Most common: Ascaris Lumbricoides 28. Alcohol Use Q…what characteristic of alcohol causes pathology inflammation?  Chronic alcohol consumption can cause cancer because of inflammation 29. Virus Q. 30. Pancreas Q. (works in digestive system, endocrine system)  The pancreas produces enzymes that aid in digestion  Amylase is produced by the pancreas  The pancreas is located in the Abdomen-Digestive system  The pancreas is an accessory-type GI tract Organ 31. Genus of important human pathogen Q. Ex. Plasmodium=malaria  The genus of malaria is Plasmodium 32. Fungi life kingdom (fungi) Q. 33. Acronym of disease (know all)  TSE = Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (mad cow disease)  MRSA: Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Arius  TB: Tuberculosis  MDR: Multidrug Resistant  AIDS: Acquired immune deficiency Syndrome

34. How did the united states official participate in disease work?  Gave small pox infested blankets to the native Americans in the 19 th century  Small pox occurred 6,000 y.a. in China 35. Kinds of Cholesterol  LDL-Bad cholesterol (Low-density lipoproteins)  HDL- Good cholesterol (High-density lipoproteins) 36. Female reproductive system  Gonads: Reproductive Organs  Ovaries 37. End stage of HIV  The final stage of HIV is: AIDS 38. Relationship to diseases of disevolution 39. Ghonorea T/F Q. 40. Acronym (of human disease) 41. Energy Q.  Energy: The capacity to do work 42. Antioxidants Q.  Antioxidants: Fight off free radicals (good). Free radicals steal electrons from other parts of tissue and causes tissue damage. 43. Saturated fats and pathology  Clogs arteries  Causes inflammation 44. Applying Darwins theories (will be given examples)  The speed at which plasmodium and mycobacterium adapted to the drugs that were used to fight them best illustrates Darwin’s Theory of: Natural Selection  Antibiotic resistant pathogens can be compared to which of Darwin’s theories? Natural selection 45. Weather makers (about Wallace)  Wallace wrote a book called “A man’s place in the universe” 46. General question about flu viruses  Influenza is caused by what kind of microbe? Virus 47. Cancer Q. (general)  Oncogenes: Cancer causing cells  Metastasis: when cancer spread in the body 48. Neural Transmission Disorder  A neural transmission disorder characterized by abnormal electric activity: Epilepsy 49. Tape worms and how they spread their eggs  We get them from digestion of meats 50. Family of man Q. in relation to dentition and jaw development  Our diets changed to soft foods like meat. Australopithecus ate roots and tough foods that needed strong jaws. 51. “explain how modern humans developed a chin” began eating softer foods, and didn’t need big teeth, skill migrated…  Our cranium migrated over our jaw and our jaw moved back and decreased in size because of our diets. Our chins are a vestige of our old prehistoric large jaws. 52. Parts of a tapeworm:



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 Head: Scolex  Body: Stobile  Reproductive segment: Proglottids Dysevolution: (give result and we explain it)  When we crave sugars, salts and saturated fats, substances that are toxic to modern humans in large quantities. The amount of calories we ate as hunter and gatherers was reasonable, but now we don’t do nearly as much as they did. Know the difference between atoms and molecules  Atoms: Simplest unit of matter  Molecules: 2 or more atoms bound together 600 and 500 million years ago…  Cambrian explosion, first multi cellular life appeared. Most major phyla appeared Polymers Q. Polymers Q.  Polymers: Complex Molecule  “building blocks of life”  Miller in 1953 electrified atoms and molecules in a breaker  Polymers come from 1) lightning 2) extraterrestrial matter Organisms that use metabolizable oxygen:  Eukaryotes were the first to metabolize O2 Receptors  Pain Receptors: Respond to excessive damage  Mechanoreceptors: Respond to pressure (in ear and skin)  Photoreceptors: Respond to light (vision, cones)  Chemoreceptors: Respond to chemicals in the environment (smell and taste)  Thermoreceptors: Respond to temperature Parts of the ear:  Auditory Tube: moves from middle ear to throat  Pinna: fleshy outerpart of ear, channels sound waves  Middle ear: amplifies -malleus, incus Stapes Mechanoreceptors found in ear Q.  Tympanic Membrane: The ear drums Peristalsis Q.  Peristalsis: muscle contractions above the food pushing it down (act of swallowing)  Bolus: Ball of food that has been chewed  Chyme: “Gut licker”, fluid in the stomach that is acidic Blood and immune cells Q.  All blood and immune cells are produced in the: Bone Marrow How body cells get O2 Q.  Where do the blood cells in the respiratory system pick up the oxygen? The Alveoli Mucosa is the innermost layer of the GI tract When did the O2 appear in the atmosphere 2 bya

1. Explain in detail why the human size and health declined/dropped and did not get back to what is was with hunter and gatherers until the 1970’s

12,000 years ago in the fertile crescent, the Agricultural revolution began of the domestication of plants and animals. Since we started to farm we had more nutrition and lived in small settlements such as villages, towns, and cities. Since we started farming there was hard work that had to be done that hunter and gatherers never had to do. Before all of this, hunter and gatherer’s height was 5’9”, and when the agricultural revolution began our height dropped down to 5’7” making us smaller. When the industrial revolution began it decreased our hard labor, and our height increased again back to 5’9” in the 1970’s

2. Diagram the Human growth curve and use it as evidence for what you think will happen to man over time. The support is what you will be graded on. Today we have hit 7.5 billion people on earth, far beyond what the 500 million carrying capacity that was thought to be at the time. I believe that we may continue to grow because of the increase of antibiotics and technology. Just like how the influenza virus is constantly changing, we are constantly changing the shots to be provided from learning from the last influenza strand. It is possible with our knowledge growing at a constant rate, we can keep testing to figure out the best solutions for fighting against viruses like the flu, and other Diseases. But as the population increases, I also believe there will be a significant amount of people who will have health related problems pertaining to their lifestyle choices like heart failure, diabetes, and joint problems that will take over and bring a decrease in the human population and possibly the age average that people are living. You can make antibiotics and insulins to sustain someone, but if there is no change in our everyday lives the human population will decrease significantly.

3. Why are hurricane intensity increasing? (3 reasons) Kerry at M.I.T said that hurricane intensity has increased 60% over the last two decades , this is due to climate change. Because of the increase in green house gasses the atmosphere is warming, and the evaporation of the oceans is increasing which also in turn warms the ocean water. And because the water is warmer it increases the chance of the water being sucked up and thrown around a lot easier. The worst hurricane the U.S has had was hurricane Katrina, and a hurricane has the potential to kill more people than the largest terrorist attack.

4. Explain how the industrial revolution allowed human population to express it’s biotic potential The industrial revolution began 300 years ago, this was the start of manufacturing processes. Before the manufacturing of resources, we had to do hard labor on farms and in turn wore out bodies fast. During this time also more medicines advanced like the antibiotics in 1940. Better facilities such as hospitals helped the birth rates exceed the death rates, and the production of food and resources supported more larger populations of people, so it increase the logarithmic growth of the human population which is called biotic potential. This is an example of cultural evolution.

5. Why do females select a mate? Female select a mate because she is the one more at risk. A female is given a limited supply of eggs over her whole life, while males produce more sperm ever second. A female has a limited chance to conceive a child so they want to pick a mate with good genes, to ensure that their offspring will survive and prosper. For example, female peacocks notice the male birds who have the capability to run away from predators and have long feathers that the males show off. This presentation shows the females that they are strong and well-nourished and have the energy needed to create those feathers and get away from the predator. This applies similarly to humans. Women look for men who have a good work ethic, strong intelligence, because it means that they can provide for her and her children

6. On climate change (list and explain the seven things you need to know about climate change)  World is getting warmer: earth temperature has been increasing over the last half of the century  Because of us: humans increased the amount of carbon dioxide in air that warms the planet. And no other natural causes that explain the increase in warmth  We are sure: Scientists are sure that the increase in carbon is the cause of the global warming  Ice is melting fast: artic ice has been warmed more than the rest of the planet which is causing the ice to melt, and the ocean to absorb more sunlight instead of reflecting the UV rays  Weather is wreaking havoc: Climate related disasters have increased because the global warming has caused the weather to be to intense or less frequent.  Species are being disrupted: The rise in temperatures are shifting migration patterns and behavior, having animals go toward the poles  We can do something about it: We can help climate change by using renewable energy sources, like switching from fossil fuels to other renewable sources thus limiting the carbon dioxide. Bonus Question:  Discuss disevolution in human pathology or disease  Dysevolution is traits that evolved in the past, that are harmful now. It can be passing on environmental factors that may cause disease, keeping disease prevalent and sometimes making it worse. For example, Strain on the joints can be because of being obese, an increase in eye problems is because of looking at the TV and computer screens, while hunter and gatherers never did that, increase in diabetes because of the calorie intake that we once had and still have today and we are not nearly as active as hunter and gatherers back then. Ways to prevent some of these is by watching your calorie intake, exercising, and looking less at the screens. Eventually our bodies can adapt to what we are doing to our bodies, but not right now. They are problems...

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