Final Exam Study Guide SAH PDF

Title Final Exam Study Guide SAH
Author Brooklan Light
Course Survey of American History
Institution Oklahoma State University
Pages 9
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Final Exam Study Guide Review

Teapot Dome: the biggest scandal under the Harding administration- over oil Corrupt official that had been under indictment in co before moving to wa WY underground oil deposit Known oil reserves under the ground – reserved for use of us navy Albert Fall takes office – goes to congress and has administration authority shifted from navy to interior department Switches oil reserve to interior department Doheny Oil Co – made known they could tap into navy’s oil for a fee Congress investigated in 1923 and completed investigation in 1924 Albert first guy convicted of felony and went to jail Biggest scandal in American political history (until Watergate later on)

The Great Society was LBJs plan after he go elected – Continue work of new deal In 1964

Waged a war on poverty, addressed civil rights (1964 civil rights at) (1965 voting rights act) Increased funding for Medicaid and states public health system – younger working individuals Both programs successful in improving healthcare Unforeseen increase in costs War on poverty – food stamps, providing food for malnutrition - Now obesity is problem Model cities – rebuilding cities that had become rundown in “slum” areas Problem to rebuild 6 cities but just provided money to get bulldozers to knock Down buildings but ended up just displacing people Trained people for jobs but very medial jobs Job corps got people jobs but failed to create middle class employment Corporation for public broadcasting Pbs and tv Inflation and Vietnam war ended great society

Neutrality acts -fascism and militarism -American public – isolationist -Franklin Roosevelt in 1935 agreed - illegal to us govt to give assistance to any country in war -after japan invaded china legislation was changed to add morality concept - provides aid to victim of aggression

African American cumulative essay - Beginning of class – African American history o Virginia bacon’s rebellion  Indentured servants and slaves -slavery developing in Virginia - slavery after revolution and manumission movement - south never passed manumission laws -north did but onl 50% were free, others sold south - slave culture in antebellum south -arson - gulla language - tales - gospel music -reconstruction after civil war -13,14,15th amendments -because of declining consensus

- language was weakened Reconstruction in south -Jim crow system -separate but equal -never equal because of racism and segregation -Civil rights movement- world war II -NAACT -protests in KS -Brown v Board of Education -bus protests -SCLC -SNCC protests -65

The 3 Rs Essay -depression -New Deal - 3 Rs Relief, Recovery, Reform -Roosevelt – his admin would approach the great depression -reform the govt so nothing would ever happen like that again - and relief for what was happening - different programs under the new deal -wpa etc - how was this relief - wpa employed enough people -evaluate success of new deal based upon the three Rs

Long telegram - first containment policy plan - Asks soviet union expert for advice George Kennen - Sends him a 26 page long telegram - Shouldn’t try to invade and conque Soviet UN but contain them o Better than warfare or conquest - Policies that put it into place were


o Truman Doctrine o Berlin Blockade  SU wants allies to get out of west berlin  Berlin airlift until soviets give up NATO – treaty alliance that enforce containment policy Explain change w NSC68

NSC 68 -

Second cold war policy Global containment o Containment 2 - Security council o Give advice to president on security issues - Nitze o Writes 68th doc produced by the National Security Council o Wrote to give pres advice o “communism is a global phenomenon” o “containment policy has to be global to nature” o “have to build hydrogen bombs” o “have 2 million in military at all times” o “keep troops all around the world” o “huge military complex” o “ICBM missiles that can reach anywhere in the world” o “Hydrogen bombs always flying on planes” o Submarines w missiles that can be launched from underwater - Runs throughout cold war At first too expensive – congress appropriates the funds to run from 50s through 60s and runs through cold war

KD KA – radio Psych ads – played on radio Won’t have to explain both Betty and Gloria one will be on test but not both Manhattan Project - Started in December 1939 with a letter to President Roosevelt from Albert Einstein o Fled Nazi Germany o In letter Einstein said that had started on research and development project

Recommended us start on research and dev of weapons before someone else did o Roosevelt started Manhattan project  Code name for top secret weapon development Congressed – 2 billion $ appropriated 1 billion to uranium team 1 billion to plutonium team 


-Trinity flats in NM in summer of 1945 -first atomic bomb tested -august 1945 -little boy – Hiroshima -fat man – Nagasaki - U Bomb killed more people even though plutonium was more deadly Palmer Raids -attorney gen in Wilson admin after wwi -mailbox bomb -thought that people were coming after him - arrested bc they looked suspicious//looked like immigrants//racial profiling - held in questioning by police over 48 hours - only about 300 were found to be violating laws - some deported -some arrested for bank robbery -largest violation of civil liberties in America - part of paranoia during the red scare -was there a radical conspiracy? NO - people stopped listening to A Mitchell Palmer - Mass society paranoia SCLC- Southern Christian Leadership Conference -part of civil rights movement - public bus system in Montgomery - African Americans rode bus to work -when bus boycott church organized carpooling effort for African American workers - Ministers took over bus boycott and called it the SCLC - started in MO, AL and went on to Selma and other places -

Result – bus systems desegregated & served as education White mother/employers picked up workers o Whites saw where the black workers lived...

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