Final Week 5 ECE 332 Child Development PDF

Title Final Week 5 ECE 332 Child Development
Author kimi raik
Course Collaboration with Parents & Community
Institution The University of Arizona Global Campus
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Running head: Week 5 Final Project ECE 332 Child Development

Week 5 Final Project Mulieshia Johnson ECE 332 Child Develoment Instructor: Brooke Layton October 1, 2018

Abstract Week 5 - Final Project A Classroom Plan For the Final Project, you will demonstrate your knowledge of the material in this program by creating a classroom arrange for either an infant/toddler childcare facility or for the preschool classroom, predicated on Piaget’s Stage Theory. Because of this project, include: a. Summarize Piaget’s Stage Theory within your own words. b. Identify and describe the developmental characteristics from the selected generation. c. Design and describe the physical layout of facility or classroom that aligns with Piaget’s Stage Theory. Use evidence from the written text or various other scholarly assets when describing your layout. (You might use a software program that delivers graphic layouts like Classroom Architect (Links for an external site.)Links for an external site., or create your layout in short document.) d. Create one activity for every developmental domain. Make sure to include a detailed description having a step-by-step process that includes required materials (i.e. clay, puzzles, etc.). Discuss how each of these actions maximizes development and align to Piaget’s Stage Theory. Writing the Final Project This Final Project must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, in addition to the title and reference pages. Your project should be written in APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, and include at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text. The Final Project: a. Must include a title page with the following: ·Title of paper ·Student’s name ·Course name and number ·Instructor’s name ·Date submitted b. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. c. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. d. Must end having a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. e. Must include a separate reference page with at least three scholarly sources in addition to the textbook, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Week 5 Final Project I am Mulieshia Johnson and I'm very familiar with the Piagets Theory. It really is a theory that is recognized way more throughout childhood education. Throughout this class I've learned a number of things like the Piagets Theory and not just how it operates but the need for it aswell. Probably one of the most interesting topics throughout this program has been reading upon this theory. I enjoyed reading concerning this theory since it differs from another theories that declare that learning is situated off intelligence as opposed to the environment encircling the kid. Piagets theory explains different. Piaget (1936) has been the initial psychologist to produce a systematic research of cognitive development. His contributions add a stage theory of child cognitive development, detailed observational studies of cognition in children, and some simple but ingenious tests to reveal different cognitive abilities. Piagets (1936) theory of cognitive development explains what sort of child constructs a mental model of the world. He disagreed the idea that intelligence was a fixed trait, and regarded cognitive development as a process which occurs due to biological maturation and interaction with the environment. The goal of the theory is to ex-

plain the mechanisms and process by which the infant , and then the child, develops into an individual who can reason and think using hypotheses (McLeod, S. A. (2018, June 06). Piagets theory basically explains the mental model of children from birth to eleven plus years old. Piagets theory is broken down into four components. The first stage is the Sensorimotor stage which ranges from birth to two years of age. The Preoperational Stage is next it ranges from the ages 2 to 7. Then your concrete Operational stage falls directly behind the preoperational stage which ranges from ages 7 to 11. Finally we've the ultimate Operational stage which ranges from ages 12 or more. Throughout these following paragraphs I am sharing together with you what goes on within each one of these ages with the kids because they grow mentally and physically. The Sensorimotor stage may be the ages between birth and 2 yrs old. As of this age the babies remain getting make use of to in the environment rather than really understanding the proceedings around them. Within this stage you can find major characteristics and developmental changes for the kids. Throughout this time around the newborns are learning the planet through their movements and sensations. Meaning, they are moving and getting the sense of things around them including people. Babies get the sense of their mommies and are usually happy. When a child is placed with another adult they are not quite trustworthy with them so they cry. This is one of many examples of how babies develop trust through who they are around and get the sense of. As Piaget explains, infants have not yet developed the object concept. The world of the infant is a world of here and now. (Lefrançois, G. R. (2012). Babies at this age are learning through basic actions such as sucking (mostly their bottle finger and toes), grasping and considering objects throughout them. Babies have become aware that their actions involve some meaning on the planet. Throughout this age babies are learning a whole lot. The Preoperational stage is one I'm very alert to. It is at the ages two through seven years. Throughout these ages children’s brains commence to believe symbolically learn words and identify objects, people and pictures. I'm well alert to this region because I'm a lead teacher in a head start and I see this each day. It is this type of pleasure to observe how much the kids learn and identify through the entire school year. As of this age the kids don't realize concrete language. This will not cease them from learning words as of this age. They're introduced to words and so are beginning language development. Most the children as of this age is learning through have fun with. This enables them to cultivate and develop freely without it having upon them. I love to think about kids in this age as sponges. They often ingest everything they discover. For instance inside my classroom I've a house living area for the kids play area. I observe them and listen to them often telling each other not to touch the “play play” stove because it is hot. Thought the stove is fake the fact they hear their mom or parent say that and know not to shows development. After watching their surrounding and learning them in the sensorimotor stage they begin to act out what they see or have experienced through have fun with. The concrete operational stage may be the ages seven to eleven years. As of this age children are understanding how to already have conversations they understand. If a grown-up ask something of these as of this age they're starting to know why without even wondering why. They are more organized individuals and think more logically. The kids at this time also become better thinkers of situations. Within the sensorimotor stage they truly became alert to their surroundings through the preoperational stage linked with emotions . act from actions they will have seen. Now through the concrete operational stage they're experienced. This is why they are better thinkers now. They are learning to observe others point of view. In this stage kids also learn that their thoughts are theirs and that everyone will not think exactly the same. The Formal stage and final stage of Piagets theory add the ages eleven or more. At this time children behavior begins to mature. They are more social with others and figure out how to value others feelings. As of this age by them having more experience they're needs to solve problems and perhaps stay away from problems that leads to consequences. As of this age the kids are more curious of science and what's really happening within the world because now they are aware of the environment so they would like to know more about things. This allows them to expand their mental development even more. I agree with Piagets theory due to the fact that I observe this every day. I agree that a child cognitive development is fixed on the environment and it isn’t hereditary. There are many children out here that do

not biologically belong to the parent that raised them and have the adopted parent’s habits. The reason the child has the adopted parent habit and not the biological parent habit is basically because the child is within the environment from the adopted parent. Frequently inside my classroom I see this. Kids act out what their parents do in the home. Additionally it is vice versa the youngsters go back home and become me and what I really do in the classroom. It really is about the environment. What sort of stages come in order is strictly the way the kids are. Linked with emotions . spot the environment, act it out, become experienced and mature from it. That is what I got out of Piagets theory. The layout of my classroom is made for the Preoperational stage of Piagets theory. It isn’t a huge open space for the kids to perform wild. Remember at this time they are getting alert to their environment. They're nearly mature enough to learn exactly what’s taking place. Within this stage they're learning rules. They don’t realize why the guidelines are what they're. Each region inside my classroom is made for the kid to explore, experience and expand. In each region the child reaches interact with additional children and build their social skills and find out additional skills also through play. This next area will explain the actions: Activity 1 ·Domain: Physical ·Activity: Simon Says ·Materials: Teacher and Students ·Step 1: Gather everyone towards the carpet and explain instructions. Simon Says run, jump, gallop and walk. Activity 2 ·Domain: Cognitive ·Activity: Matching numerals to quantities ·Materials: A bit of construction paper with lots onto it, cut right out small circles, and glue. ·Step 1: Have student identify number. ·Step 2: After identifying the quantity encourage student to choose the right amount that appears on the paper. ·Step 3: Once they have chosen the right amount encourage student to glue the tiny circles towards the construction paper. Activity 3 ·Domain: Social and Emotional ·Activity: Story Time ·Materials: Feelings Book ·Step 1: Read a “Feelings” book towards the students. ·Step 2: Halt and have questions such as for example “How can you experience if this happened for you?” or “What appear may be the person in the book giving? Could it be sad? Happy? Mad?” happy, mad or sad. ·Step3: Consult with students what make them feel Activity 4 ·Domain: Language Acquasition ·Activity: Match sound to picture ·Materials: Souns letters and images of objects starting with specific sounds being discussed. ·Step 1: Teacher will hold up sound and encourage student to identify it. ·Step 2: Next student will identify the picture that start with that specific sound.

References McLeod, S. A. (2018, June 06). Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development. Retrieved from Lefrancois, G.R. (2012). Children's journeys: Exploring early childhood. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

Figure Captions Figure 1. Classroom Plan...

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