First Classroom Observation PDF

Title First Classroom Observation
Course Bachelor of Secondary Education
Institution Mindanao State University
Pages 5
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FIRST CLASSROOM OBSERVATIONSEMI-DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH 9SY 2020-I. Learning Competencies:  EN9LC-IVh-2: Judge the validity of the evidence listened to.II. Objectives At the end of the lesson, students are expected to have:  identified ways or processes on how to evaluate articles as valid...


FIRST CLASSROOM OBSERVATION SEMI-DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN ENGLISH 9 SY 2020-2021 I. Learning Competencies:  EN9LC-IVh-2.15: Judge the validity of the evidence listened to. II. Objectives At the end of the lesson, students are expected to have:  identified ways or processes on how to evaluate articles as valid evidence;  presented valid evidences through differentiated instruction; and  valued the importance of ensuring the validity of articles as evidence. III. Subject Matter Topic: Validity of Sources and Evidences Reference: Discipline Integration: MATH (Integers), MAPEH (Performing Arts), SOCIAL SCIENCE (Current News) Materials: Visual Aids, Activity Materials, PowerPoint Presentation IV. Procedure PRELIMINARIES  Ask someone to lead the prayer.  Let the students take their seats.  Ask the class secretary for the attendance checking. (Students who are absent will be given an intervention so they can cope up with the class.)  Ask students to ask their classmates how are they feeling at the moment (‘Kumustahan’)  Setting of house rules. (Let the female students read rules in even number and males students in odd number.) 1. Everyone must actively participate in group activities and class discussion. 2. Always take note of the time limit given in every activity. 3. Avoid unnecessary noise as you perform the activities. 4. Listen carefully and avoid talking when somebody is speaking and sharing his/her ideas. 5. Raise your hand if you want to share your ideas to the class. 6. Wear your face mask at all times and observe social distancing if necessary.  

Recap-Ask someone to share their insights on the last topic discussed. Ask for clarifications/ questions about the previous topic.

MOTIVATION  Each student is given a strip of paper where various sources are written. They are going to group it into two, Fact and Bluff.  After 1 minute, ask each student their reason/s of their word grouping/classification.  The teacher will then give synthesis of this activity and ask students what will be the topic for today’s discussion.  The teacher will then present the objectives.

ACTIVITY  The activity is called ‘Find my Match’. Each student is given with strips of paper. The strips of paper is categorized into two: the ways of evaluating a valid source and its definition/explanation. Within two minutes, the students should be able to find their match or pair. Once they have found their match, they are then going to paste it together in a manila paper posted on the board. Students who will be able to find their match will be given two points. Those who cannot will have no points. (Instruction will be flashed on screen. Sentences written in violet will be read by female students and sentences written in red will be read by male students.) 

After posting all the strips of paper on the board, checking of the output will follow.


Ask the following questions: a. How do you find this activity? b. How were you able to find your match?


Go back to the posted strips of paper. According to the pairing in the previous activity, let each pair access this site and look for the section ‘Evaluating Articles’. Through a Concept Map, they are going to share in the class how they are going to evaluate a source. Just choose the way/process which is given to them in the previous activity. The teacher will supplement the discussion of the topic. (A Powerpoint presentation will be flashed.) Below is the summary of the discussion. Ways on How to Evaluate a Valid Source

   

Look at the author’s credentials… Review the article’s contents… Examine the evidence… Determine bias…

After the discussion, the teacher will ask for questions and clarifications. Scoring Rubrics: Points 5


Number of Concepts Presented Presented at least 4 concepts/ideas.

Clarity of Explanation

Group Participation

Explanation is very clear.

Presented at least 3

Explanation is quiet

All members participated in the activity. ----


concepts/ideas. Presented at least 2 concepts/ideas.

vague. Explanation is not clear.

Only one is working in the group.

APPLICATION  Students will be grouped into three. They are given 10 minutes to prepare for their presentation. They are given the freedom to use their internet for research purpose. G1- Researchers Flooding is one of the problems experienced in Lingig National High School every rainy season. Research for a valid source/articles that will explain the causes flooding. Present it through a Powerpoint presentation. G2- News Reporters Write a news article about the incidents caused by typhoon Auring. News article written must observe the following ways in evaluating a valid source. G3- Actors Dramatize a scenario where you are going to present a proposal to the Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office on how to avoid the danger of flooding in our locality. Presented evidences must be valid according to the ways of evaluating a valid source. Scoring Rubrics: Researchers Group Points Validity of the Source 5

All ways in evaluating a valid source are present.


Only three of the ways in evaluating a valid source are present. Only one of the ways in evaluating a valid source is present.


News Reporters Group Points Validity of the Source 5 All ways in evaluating a valid source are present. 3


Only three of the ways in evaluating a valid source are present. Only one of the ways in evaluating a valid

Organization Presentation Presentation is well organized. Some points/ concepts presented doesn’t follow a logical order. Presentation is not organized.

Delivery of the Report Reporting is very clear and understandable. Reporting has few errors which affects the clarity of the report. Reporting is not clear at all.

Group Participation All members participated in the activity. Not all members participated in the group. Only one is working in the group.

Group Participation All members participated in the activity. Not all members participated in the group. Only one is working in the group.

source is present. Actors Group Points Validity of the Source


All ways in evaluating a valid source are present.


Only three of the ways in evaluating a valid source are present.


Only one of the ways in evaluating a valid source is present.

Presentation of the Drama/Role Play Actors are convincing of their roles and the totality of the role play is clear. Actors are not so convincing of their roles and the totality of the role play is quite vague. Actors are not convincing of their roles and the totality of the role play is not clear.

Group Participation All members participated in the activity. Not all members participated in the group. Only one is working in the group.

After the presentation, the teacher will ask students if they have questions and clarifications.

WRAP-UP  The teacher will ask the students this question: What do you think is the importance why do weed need to ensure the validity of the articles as evidence?

EVALUATION True or False: Write True if the statement is expressing a truthful claim and False if it doesn’t. 1. A source that is biased is always unreliable and should be avoided. 2. A book author must cite studies or other sources to be considered valid and reliable. 3. Reliable newspaper and magazine articles don’t have bibliographies; therefore, they don’t have to cite sources to prove their claims. 4. Academic journals are not particular about the credentials of the authors they publish. 5. Reading the abstract or introduction of a journal article is a good way to determine whether an article is relevant. 

Checking of answers will follow.

ASSIGNMENT Access the article in and evaluate its validity using the process in evaluating articles.

Prepared by:

EVANGELINE S. BAUTISTA Teacher-1 Observed and Checked by: MAILYN A. TIONGSON Master Teacher-I, Grade 9 Level Chair...

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