GEM Discussion (Recovered) PDF

Title GEM Discussion (Recovered)
Author Brian Smith
Course International Business
Institution Liberty University
Pages 4
File Size 88.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Discussion board answer...


Running head: Discussion 1 – A GEM of a study

1. What are the independent and dependent variables in this study? After reading the case study and researching the definition of a dependent variable, which Schindler (2019) states is “a primary interest to the researcher; it is measurable, predicted or otherwise monitored”, the dependent variables are the economic standing, jobs and the GDP. Independent variables are defined the variable the “experimenter manipulates or changes and is assumed to have a direct effect on the dependent variable”[ CITATION Sau19 \l 1033 ]. This study contains numerous independent variables, which are on display in Exhibit C-GEM 1-1. The independent variables are the general national framework conditions, entrepreneurial opportunities, entrepreneurial framework conditions, entrepreneurial capacity, and business dynamics.

2. What are some of the intervening, extraneous, and moderating variables that the study attempted to control with its 10-nation design?

“Intervening variables represent the aspects that are external to assigned variables of the undertaken study but intervene in the relationship between independent and dependent variables”[CITATION Pok19 \p 2 \l 1033 ]. An intervening variable could be the relationship or lack thereof between the government and business start-up rates. In this study, the relationship (intervening variable) can be explained in the General National Framework Conditions (government) and the Entrepreneurial Framework Conditions (government programs). Next is moderating variables, which points to the variable that can significantly affect the independent and dependent variables by strengthening, diminishing, or negating them. Moderating variables are useful because they help explain the links between the independent and dependent

Running head: Discussion 1 – A GEM of a study

variables[ CITATION Mik18 \l 1033 ]. There are multiple moderating variables in this study to include the promoting of entrepreneurship, making resources available to women, committing to long-term post-secondary education, and developing individual capacity as these are variables that the researchers can manipulate and accurately measure. The last type of variable that must be considered is the extraneous variable. These variables are mostly harmless and will not much effect on the result on the research, however they are still accounted for due to their propensity to affect the research. They are any variables that are present but not intentionally studied. “It is important to note that researchers can and should attempt to control for extraneous variables, as much as possible”[ CITATION She20 \l 1033 ]. For the GEM study, I would list the time the interviews were conducted as the extraneous study. The fact the interviews were one hour long might have had an affect on the study, but not as much as the actually questions in the interview. 3. Can you do a causal study without controlling intervening, extraneous, and moderating variables?

There are ways to execute a causal study without controlling intervening, extraneous and moderating variables. The obvious answer is that, without controlling these variables, the results will not be as accurate or correct as a study that utilized these variables. Controlling variables gives the researcher the opportunity to see, firsthand, the effect each of these types of variables will and can have on dependent variable. Research is appropriate when the researcher has a specific hypothesis about a causal relationship between two variables and the researcher can manipulate the independent variable and randomly control the other variable. However, when these conditions cannot be met nonexperimental research will be the method used to conduct the study[ CITATION Pri15 \l 1033 ]. Proverbs 3: 5-6 (English Standard Version, 2016) states, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your

Running head: Discussion 1 – A GEM of a study

ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths”. While we have identified the fact that you can conduct a causal study without controlling variables, we have also identified that is will not be as accurate.

4. What is the impact on study results of using national experts (key informants) to identify and weigh entrepreneurial framework conditions?

Key informant(s) refers to the person or individuals who participant in an interview about a particular organization, social program, problem, or interest group is conducted[ CITATION Lav08 \l 1033 ]. The key informant act as a credible reference for a group and have substantial experience in the field they are by which the interview is being conducted. The national experts or key informants in this study have been identified as those who have significant experience in the nine entrepreneurial framework conditions of each country. The best and most accurate ways to gain results in a field in which you are studying, but do not have the field experience, is to refer to experts. Utilizing national experts gives you an opportunity to gain a clear understanding to the research or why a specific outcome was reached, and it only adds validity and credibility to the results of the study. By using key informants to identify and weigh the entrepreneurial framework conditions, the results can be trusted and used to make informed decisions.

5. Can you do a causal study when much of the primary data collected is descriptive opinion and ordinal or interval data?

The answer is yes. Descriptive data may identify areas in need of additional research and relationships between variables that require future study. Knowledge gained from descriptive

Running head: Discussion 1 – A GEM of a study

statistics helps investigators learn more about the study sample, make comparisons, and draw conclusions from the study data. It also allows investigators to make inferences and generalize beyond their study sample to other groups[ CITATION Sim15 \l 1033 ]. Regardless, if the data is interval, ordinal or descriptive, researchers can still sift through it and determine which variables have the most impact on the research and still be able to formulate a good hypothesis....

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