Genesis 5-11 Notes PDF

Title Genesis 5-11 Notes
Course Old Testament Survey
Institution Liberty University
Pages 6
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Genesis Part 2 Lecture Notes....


Creation; Adam & Eve; Fall; Cain, Abel, & Seth; Flood & Noah; Babel I. Introduction Genesis 4:17-11:9 reveals the downward spiral of humanity and how God intervened. At every turn, God demonstrates His justice and His mercy. II. The Downward Spiral

III. Lamech One day Lamech said to his wives, “Adah and Zillah, hear my voice; listen to me, you wives of Lamech. I have killed a man who attacked me, a young man who wounded me. If someone who kills Cain is punished seven times, then the one who kills me will be punished seventy-seven times!” Gen 4:23-24 Lamech was known for: 

Accumulation of wives


Arrogance – If God does this I will do even more


IV. Enoch “When Enoch was 65 years old, he became the father of Methuselah. After the birth of Methuselah, Enoch lived in close fellowship with God for another 300 years, and he had other sons and daughters. Enoch lived 365 years, walking in close fellowship with God. Then one day he disappeared, because God took him.” Gen. 5:21-24 Enoch’s life gives us the first glimpse of the reality that, for those who follow God, death does not have the last word. Enoch walked with God: 

He was going in the same direction as God.

He was going opposite direction of the culture. You can’t walk with God and walk with culture at the same time.

He was staying in step with God.

Enoch walked so long and so far with God that one day God said to him, “You are closer to my house than you are to yours. Why don’t you just stay here.”

V. Noah “Lamech was 182 years old when he fathered a son and he named him Noah, saying, “This one will bring us relief from the agonizing labor of our hands, caused by the ground the Lord has cursed.” Gen 5:28-29 The name Noah is closely related to the Hebrew word for “rest” or “relief.” Noah's father is looking for someone who will deliver them from the curse of the fall. VI. Noah and His World: A Contrast “But Noah found favor with the Lord. Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless person living on earth at the time, and he walked in close fellowship with God. Noah was the father of three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Now God saw that the earth had become corrupt and was filled with violence. God observed all this corruption in the world, for everyone on earth was corrupt.” Genesis 6:8-11 (Contrast shown between Noah and the culture) Noah’s Character: 

He found favor with God

He was just or righteous.

He was blameless.

He walked in close fellowship with God.

He raised a godly family.

Noah: Reading the Bible Morally or Theologically If we read the Bible morally than Genesis 6:8 follows Genesis 6:9. In other words, the reason Noah found favor with God is because of something he did. But, that is not how it is presented. Noah found favor with God simply because of God’s mercy and grace. Noah found favor with the Lord came before descriptions of Noah. It’s not a checklist Noah’s Culture: 

Man was corrupt.

Man had filled the earth with violence.

Man’s evil actions were seen by God. Nothing escaped his view.

Man had corrupted his way upon earth.

VII. What Did Noah Believe 

Belief in God’s word: God was going to destroy both man and the earth. (Gen. 6:13)

Belief in God's command: build an ark in the middle of nowhere. (Gen. 6:14-16)

Belief in God's means of destruction: a flood of water. (Gen. 6:17)

Belief in God's personal of personal salvation. (Gen.6:18)

Belief in God's commission, the awesome task of saving two of every living animal upon earth. (Gen. 6:19-21)

Belief in God's way of salvation, a salvation that demands obedience. (Gen. 6:22)

VIII. The Flood 

Noah spent 120 years building the ark. He also used this time to warn the world of God’s righteous judgement. (2 Peter 2:5) They had 120 yrs. to repent. I won’t get that long.

God waited 7 more days to close the door of the ark after Noah, his family, and all of the animals had boarded the ark.

Rain fell for 40 days and 40 nights. The subterranean fountains also burst adding to the deluge of water.

The water covered the highest mountain and every air breathing creature on earth was wiped out.

Noah, his family, and the animals are on the ark for a year before the land is dry enough for God to instruct them to leave.

Noah directed his heart to God by offering sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving to God.

IX. The Extent of the Flood: Arguments for the Global Flood 

Universal terms (30): “all” and “every” (i.e. all animals; every man)

Unique term: Hebrew mabbul (“deluge”)

Size of the ark

Nature of the flood (cf. Job 12:15)

Duration of the flood: One year

God’s covenant promise: Never again!

The view of Biblical writers (8 references)

The unique New Testament term (Greek: kataklusmos)

The view of Jesus (Matt. 24:38-39)

X. God Establishes a Covenant with Noah This covenant: 

Demonstrates God’s blessing on man

States the mission of mankind/Noah

Identifies the supremacy of man and the provision of food for man

Establishes government/protection of life for man

XI. The Sign of the Covenant The rainbow is a sign that God will never again destroy the earth with a universal flood, a sign given to Noah and all generations. XII. A Better Sign

“And you will recognize him by this sign: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth, lying in a manger.” Luke 2:12 While the rainbow is a sign that God will never destroy the earth by flood again. Luke points us to Jesus Christ as the sign that God wants to save the people of the earth. XIII. The Tower of Babel In Genesis 10:8-10 we are introduced to Nimrod His name means “rebel” and he is identified as the man responsible for the tower of Babel. Wont spread and subdue the earth. XIV. Why Build a Tower? 

Pride: Make a name for themselves.

Rebellion: Disobey the command of God to scatter over the face of the earth.

Religious significance: Contact with God on their own terms and efforts.

XV. God’s Response Knowing their unified language and the evil of their hearts, He put a stop to the project by confusing their language. This is the mercy of God to prohibit greater devastation, destruction, and eternal damnation for human beings. XVI. The Tower of Babel: Two Implications 

The danger of a unified language: We speak it today and look at the damage we are doing.

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