Genesis 1-4 Notes PDF

Title Genesis 1-4 Notes
Course Old Testament Survey
Institution Liberty University
Pages 7
File Size 168.2 KB
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Genesis part 1 Lecture Notes....


I. Introduction A. Genesis – Two Divisions; Two Stories God and whole world (Human Race) (Gen. 1-11) God and Abraham and his family (Hebrew Race) (Gen. 12-50) B. Genesis – Four Great 1. Events a. Creation b. Fall c. Flood d. Nations 2. People – Patriarchs a. Abraham b. Isaac c. Jacob d. Joseph II. Genesis 1:1 – A Declaration Gen. 1:1 - “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Q. 1 – Who: God Q. 2 – When: “In the beginning…” Q. 3 – What: “…the heavens and the earth.”

Q. 4 – How: Created “At first, the one true eternal God, created from nothing, everything.” Theologically this affirms: Literal Creation: Completed in six days And Challenges  Evolution: Slowly evolved over millions of years 

Theistic Evolution: God began the evolutionary process

Day-Age Theory: Days of Genesis are long ages of time.

Revelatory Day Theory: God revealed to Moses in six days what actually took millions of years.

Progressive Creation: God intervened at every stage of creation separately.

Christologically: Jesus affirmed creation in six days  Mark 10:6 “But from the beginning of the creation, God ‘made them male and female.’”  John 5: 45-47 Jesus affirms the writings of Moses who states in Exodus 20:11, “For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.” Practically this means: God wants us to know is that He is here. God wants us to know what He has done. As the Creator, God has the rights of ownership. Then the focus immediately shifts to earth. It directs our attention of the place that will be the subject of the rest of the Bible and where humans dwell. (Gen. 1:2-31) III. Genesis 1:2-31: Creation A. Forming/Shaping

Day 1: Light, Heaven and Earth Day 2: Water & Atmosphere Day 3: Dry land and Vegetation B. Filling/Populating Day 4: Sun, Moon, and Stars Day 5: Birds & Sea Creatures Day 6: Land animals and Man Day 7: Rest C. Realms and Rulers Light: Sun, Mon, & Stars Atmosphere & Oceans: Foul and Fish Dry Land: Animals and Man IV. Genesis: Things on Earth – A Summary Instantaneous: Spoken into existence. Appearance of Age: Looks older than it was, Species Development: “after his kind” V. Adam (Gen. 2:7) Spirit - “breathed the breath of life” Body - “formed man from the dust of the ground” Soul - “became a living person” Imago Dei – Made in the image of God – there’s something of Him in us. VI. Eve A. Preparation Adam is responsible to name the animals and comes to the realization that he is alone.

B. Description “Suitable Helper” “Ezer”: term describes one who comes to the aid of another person; used frequently to describe God’s interaction with man. Not a description of subservient status or relationship. “Built” by God from the side of Adam; she is every bit the image of God that he is. Eve is Adam’s partner or counterpart – she is to work with him not below him C. Response “At last” “This one is like me” not “This one is mine.” From the side of Adam, his bride Eve, was born From the pierced side of Jesus Christ, the second Adam, His bride the church, was born. VII. Genesis 1-2: The Original Creations is… A. Good B. ideal C. Beautiful D. Innocent VIII. Alone: Adam: It is not good for man to be alone. Jesus: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me. Because Jesus was alone we have the permanent presence of God. We are never alone. Because Jesus was alone, I never have to be. IX. Genesis 3 A. One of the most important chapters in the Bible. B. Without it, we can’t begin to understand sin and the darkness of our world.

C. With it, we can catch a glimpse of salvation and the light, which shines in the darkness. X. Satan’s Strategy A. Question the word of God: “Did God really say, ‘You can’t eat from any tree in the garden’?” (Gen. 3:1) B. Question the character of God: “No! You will not die,” the serpent said to the woman. In fact, God knows that when you eat it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Gen. 3:4-5) C. Consequences Immediate: Guilt (v. 7 - eyes were opened) Shame (v.7 - naked/sewed fig leaves) Fear (v.8 - hid themselves from God) Broken communication (vs. 12-13) Knowledge of evil by experience (vs. 1-7) Ultimate: Death (v. 19 & 22; Rom. 5:12) Pain (vs. 16-19) Expulsion (v. 23) – mercy XI. The Promise of Triumph The proto-evangelium or “First Gospel” This is the first time God promises that a descendent of the woman would deliver the final blow to Satan. While Satan would bruise the heel of the woman, the Messiah would crush his head. This is the hope of the Gospel. XII. Old Testament Question 1 Who is the one who will come and break the curse? XIII. Cain and Abel – The Characters Cain Eve’s reaction: “I have gotten a man…the Lord.” Cain is a farmer Abel Name means: “breath, temporary, vapor”

Abel is a shepherd XIV. Cain and Abel – The Story 

Action: Cain & Abel offer sacrifices to God. Cain offers “some of the land’s produce.” Abel offers “the firstborn of his flock.” God accepts Abel’s offering but rejects Cain’s offering.

Reaction: Cain was “furious.” God responds to Cain and reminds him to “do what is right” and beware of sin “crouching at the door. o What am I giving back to God? What is my motivation to give back? Where is my heart at?

Action: Cain lures Abel into the field where he kills his brother.

Conclusion: As punishment for his crime, God says the ground will no longer produce crops for Cain and he will live out his days as a wanderer. Cain does not apologize. He says someone will do to him what he did for Abel. – probably a relative who wants to revenge Abel.

God provides another son for Adam and Eve. A boy they name Seth. XV. Application When Satan tempts, he is encouraging us to doubt God’s Word to us and to doubt God’s love for us. Covering human spiritual nakedness completely and successfully is exclusively the work of God. Even at our worst God is still at His merciful best. He provided clothes for Adam & Eve, removed them from doing further damage in the garden, and provided a mark of protection for Cain. Sometimes the things that we think are saviors are actually killers in disguise. Wrong attitudes towards others originate from a wrong attitude towards God.

Sin is not simply an action or deed; something external. It is an internal condition. Something we carry around in us....

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