GEOG-100 Final Exam Study Guide PDF

Title GEOG-100 Final Exam Study Guide
Author Lester Salguero
Course Global Geography
Institution California State University Fullerton
Pages 8
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GEOGRAPHY 100-02 FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE 1) Four Subregions of Central America a) Mexico i) Largest part of territory ii) Northern border is Rio Bravo (Rio Grande) b) Central America i) Seven Republics: 1. Guatemala 2. Belize 3. Honduras 4. El Salvador 5. Nicaragua 6. Costa Rica 7. Panama c) Greater Antilles i) Four large islands, Northern Caribbean Sea 1. Cuba 2. Jamaica 3. Hispaniola (Haiti and the Dominican Republic) 4. Puerto Rico d) Lesser Antilles i) Arc of smaller islands from Virgin Islands to Netherlands Antilles includes the Bahamas Island chain ii) “Leeward” and “windward Islands” (i) Windward (wind-facing) coats (ii) Leeward (wind protected) 2) Population in Central America a) Middle America i) Second-smallest of the world’s geographic realms ii) Baja California to Barbados (6000 Kilometers) iii) Tijuana to Panama City (half that distance) b) Mexico (DOMINANT STATE OF REALM) i) Central America Population: 200 million, over half in Mexico ii) Densely populated iii) Rate of natural increase: 1.6% iv) Populous interior core c) Guatemala and Nicaragua i) Population clusters towards the Pacific side d) Hispaniola i) Densely populated 3) Population Centers in Central America: a) Mexico City is amongst the largest cities in the world (1/5 Mexicans)

b) Caribbean c) Pacific Coast of Central American countries south of Mexico 4) Islands of Caribbean (x3) a) Plantation System i) Private home with land that engaged in agriculture, trade. Used slave labor imported from Africa. b) Black Culture i) Leftover from colonial plantation days ii) Different depending on where iii) Dutch, English colonies: less mixing with European whites iv) Spanish colonies: Mulatos: Mixed African-Spanish c) Jamaican Culture i) Formerly a British colony ii) Jamaicans did not mix as much with Anglo population iii) Spiritual use of cannabis iv) Combination of worship to Ethiopian King and Jesus d) Dutch Caribbean i) Aruba ii) Curacao iii) Many white people still live there 5) Altitudinal Zonation a) Tierra Nevada b) Tierra Helada i) Above tree line ii) 4th altitudinal zone, 3600 to 4500 m (12,000 to 15,000 ft.) c) Tierra Fria i) Cold country of higher Andes ii) Higher from 1800 to 3600 meters (6.000 to nearly 12,000 ft.) iii) Potatoes and barley d) Tierra Templada i) Temperature, up to 1,800 m (6,000 ft.) ii) Tropical highlands, Middle and South America’s largest population clusters iii) Temperatures cooler iv) Coffee, corn, and wheat e) Tierra Caliente i) Lowest zone, sea level to 750 meters (2,500 ft.) ii) Coastal plains and low-lying interior basins iii) Tropical agriculture iv) bananas, sugarcane, rice 6) Mountain Ranges in South America a) Largest mountain range in the world and second highest

i) Andes run from Colombia to Chile (4,300 miles long) and have an average elevation of 13,000 feet. (i) Andes create a physical and colour barrier between lush, wet, and green wet and dry west. b) Altiplano i) High Elevation plateau, basin, or valley between even higher mountain ranges. c) Plateaus (a land area with a relatively level surface), Plains i) About 1/3 of South America, including Patagonia and Pampas (i) Patagonia: Southern region of Argentina/Chile in rain shadow 7) Textbook SA: Rain shadows a) When the tropical rainforest confronts the Eastern slope of the Andes, the air rises, condenses, and sheds its moisture. Because they are so tall, very little moisture makes it to the leeward side, inducing a rain shadow. b) The leeward side in Argentina’s Patagonia falls within the rain shadow. c) Rain shadow effect is induced on the west coast of southern peru and northern chile 8) Atacama a) Driest hot desert in the world b) Narrow land in rain shadow c) Decades without rain, 1 inch per year 9) Iberians a) Iberian Invaders i) Spanish/Portuguese forcefully colonize SA ii) Exploited resources iii) Converted b) Named after the Iberian peninsula of Europe c) Were quick to discover the great civilizations while easily overcoming more traditional native groups. 10)Ancient Civilization in Central/South America a) Three regional civilizations that emerged were: i) The Maya and Aztecs (of Mexico and Mid-Central America) ii) And the Inca of the Andes sub region (mainly in Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador) (i) Largest of the three main civilizations b) Inca Empire Destroyed c) Commonalities: adjacent, language, religion 11)Mexico and Manufacturing a) Second largest manufacturer in the world next to China i) Because NAFTA and other economic partnerships have allowed many large companies to operate in Mexico 12)Trade With Mexico

a) NAFTA increases U.S/Mexican trade from 7% to 12% b) GDP Growth 4% c) Per Capita GDP $15,600 13)Cities in Central and South America 14)Mountains in Indian Subcontinent a) Highest mountains in the world is in Nepal 15)India dry/monsoon seasons a) Monsoons: transform Indian countryside from dry, parched soils to green, lush croplands i) Relief from five month of dry, oppressive heat from January to May. During these months, the Easterly winds come from Asian Continent, making it dry and hot. b) Wet Monsoon i) Annual torrential rains begin in June ii) South Asian landmass heats up during spring, huge low-pressure system forms above it (i) Low-pressure system draws air from over the ocean onto the land iii) May rain for 60 days iv) Countryside turns green, the paddles fill, dry season’s dust and dirt washed away c) Over the past decades, climatologist have noticed a downward trend in the intensity of monsoon rains 16)Rivers in Indian Subcontinent a) The Ganges River i) Originates with the melt water of the Satopanth and Gangotri glaciers ii) River runs about 1,600 miles from 12,000 ft. to its sea level delta into the Bay of Bengal iii) River supports more than 600 million people to their water needs iv) Great spiritual significance for Hindus b) The Indus River i) Resides in the Western part of the region

17)Bangladesh a) Highest indices of gender inequality b) Poor and predominantly Muslim c) Ranks first in the regionally-centered crime of acid throwing i) “Crime of passion” and women are typically the target 18)Religions in Indian Subcontinent a) Buddhism (500 BC) i) Appeal of Buddhism especially strong lower-caste Hindus ii) Buddhism emerged inside India, 1% of the population is Buddhist

iii) State religion of Bhutan; 74% of Sri Lankans b) Islam c) Hinduism (LARGEST RELIGION IN THE REGION, THIRD LARGEST IN THE WORLD i) it has shaped culture in India more than any other religion/way of being d) Sikhism (WORLD’S FIFTH LARGEST RELIGION) i) Indigenous religion, blend of Islamic and Hindu Beliefs ii) Practiced by 2% of the population iii) Emerged from 1500 AD iv) Monotheistic (non-Abrahamic) 19)Britain and India a) British power was imposed through the East India Company i) Purpose was economic control b) British took advantage of weakened power of the Mughals c) “East India” became a part of the British colonial empire in 1857 for the next 90 years d) Queen Victoria officially became its empress 20 years later 20)Gandhi a) Gandhi became really influential b) Born into a family with deep connections to diverse range of people c) Studied law in England and became a lawyer in South Africa, for rich, Muslim Indians d) Faced discrimination in South Africa, which was common. i) This changed him into a social activist e) Wanted to minimize caste and religion differences f) Gandhi is elected to Indian Congress and gains popularity by supporting the “Khilafat Movement” in 1919. g) Gandhi adopts a nonviolent stance against British colonial rule. 21)SE Asian Nations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10

Myanmar Thailand Cambodia Laos Vietnam Malaysia Philippines Indonesia Borneo . East Timor, Brunel

22)Economic giant of SE Asia 23)Colonial SE Asia 24)Prostitution (x2)

a) Child prostitution is a problem in Cambodia b) Thailand has been a destination for Sex Tourism c) Buddhist culture is tolerant 25)Religion by geography in SE Asia a) Muslim i) Indonesia ii) South Thailand b) Buddhist i) North Thailand c) Catholic i) Philippines 26)Vietnam Economy a) Fastest growing economies on Earth b) Their GDP grew by nearly 6% in 2014 i) Two-thirds of the growth comes from manufacturing and service industries, as well as a globalized agriculture sector c) Vietnam has increased their exports and has been an active member of the World Trade Organization 27)British in East Asia a) The British did not treat this as an invasion b) Negotiated with the Chinese to have full economic control and exercise the security for the territory as conditions c) The Japanese defeats the British and occupied Hong Kong for about four years d) British feared Mao would not honor the lease, so they reinforced the borders around Hong Kong and strengthened their garrison in case of confusion i) This did not happen and Mao honored the lease e) As the date approached, the PRC and British signed the Sino-British Joint Declaration that the Chinese would peacefully require Hong Kong under the conditions that it remain “capitalist” for fifty years before beyond the expiration of the lease. 28)SEZ (x2) (SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES) ● CREATED IN CITIES LIKE SHENZHEN, SHANGHAI, AND GUANGZHOU a) So-called Open Cities and Open Coastal Areas i) To attract technologies and investments from abroad b) Shenzhen i) Adjacent to British Hong Kong on Pearl River Estuary in Guangdong c) Zhuhai i) Across from then still Portuguese Macau. Guangdong province d) Shantou i) Opposite southern Taiwan, a colonial treaty port also in Guangdong e) Xiamen

i) On the Taiwan Strait f) SEZ Workers have seen a 15-25% increase in ages, over the past five years

29)Early Eastern Philosophy a) Early Eastern Chinese Social Philosophy i) Status (i) Man was born into a particular social level and was generally expected to stay there ii) Duties (i) Greater stress on duties in station than rights iii) Unit of Society (i) The primary obligation of man was of family iv) Moral Foundation (i) Man is fundamentally good v) Nature of Government (i) The state was considered a large family (ii) Government was expected to be a parent to the people vi) Five Relationships of Focus 1. Prime/minister 2. Parent/child 3. Husband/wife 4. Elder/younger brother 5. Friend/friend 30)Taiwan 31)Chinese Population a) One child policy in China i) Up to the 1980s ii) In 1979 the government launched this policy iii) Chinese recently loosened policy so that parents were a single child can have more iv) Costs in cities too high and parents are electing not to 32)Koppen Australia a) Koppen Climate Map Reveals: i) Limited, but defined climate variability, between A and C climate types. (i) A is tropical (ii) B is desert (iii) C is temperate ii) Southern Hemisphere reverses latitudinal temperatures (i) Tropical, warm north, cool south iii) Mostly Desert 33)Australia Terminology a) Australian Outback

i) Refers to the sparsely populated interior, western and northern regions. ii) May include desert regions, grasslands, and the “bush”. b) Bush i) The tropical monsoonal subtropical woodlands 34)Great Barrier Reef a) Largest reef system in the world b) Stretches between 1,400 and 1,800 miles, off the coast of Queensland c) 2/3s of the reef is dying 35)Aboriginals v. Maori a) Aboriginals i) The native Australians are believed to have been around for 70,000 years. (i) Migrated across from Asia through the Torres Strait, now islands. ii) European colonization led to the reeducation and minimization of this native group. iii) The Aborigines are more accepted today into Australia's culture has been given some legal concessions b) Maori Culture i) New Zealand’s indigenous people of Polynesian descent ii) Came to New Zealand approx. 1200 CE by outrigger iii) There are about 700,000 in New Zealand iv) Nation’s largest minority (15%) 36)New Zealand Economy a) Core nation with large middle classes, dominant service economies, and high per capita GDPs 37)Films in New Zealand a) Lord of the Rings i) Directed by native New Zealander, Peter Jackson 38)New Zealand Environment a) Located in the South Pacific b) An island nation with two major islands c) Marine influence almost everywhere...

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