Google Notes PDF

Title Google Notes
Author DAVV Vishwavidyalaya
Course Organization Behavior
Institution Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya
Pages 4
File Size 91.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Keeping Google Google...


Case Study -

Leadership- Triumvarte (2 CEO’s and 1 President) CEO: Mission Statement (organize information and make it accessible for everyone- there is a chart) , Encourages risk taking and accepts failure Presidents, Managers:  tools that provide transparency (project database),  Training for new employees (job palooza) google culture, pay for additional training as needed, employee development, cultural norms  Performance review  Trust managers with decision making experience


Org Structure  Functional – organized by functional areas  Flat (Common Mission/Shared Goals)- when they started, engineering department  Mintzberg framework  Simple  Adhocracy-workign on innovation/creativity , corordination through mutual adjustment Org culture:  Informal: exercise balls, bring pets, health care on campus, videogame on campus,  Innovation: Database, Avoiding Bureaucracy “Dilbertville”, Avoid Complexity, people asked to figure out solution (repetitive tasks), new product development (innovation) , innovation is rewarded,  Take Risk: Make mistakes, move fast- Take risk early on encourage (VP example) ,  Failure is tolerated- VP example  “Make things work” during conflicts  what is important to google?  360 feedback  Open communication- frequent and often (daily updates),  Rewarded for improvement  20% of the time they can do what they want  Aversion to top-down management  Cultural Diversity- help interpret the google culture (manager flying from cali) for that location, retain unique perspectives specific to the region  Decision Making  Through collaboration- managers of each function update and work together to drive metrics , pros and cons are evaluated.  Consensus : move ahead if 80% agreed  Policies designed so it doesn’t affect revenue  Experience – managers make decision faster if they have experience “expertise”




People strategy  Health care on campus, videogame on campus  Motivation- benefits/perks (bonus/stock options) Managers can give out recognition rewards,  Training for employees  Recruiting – cognitive ability, googley characteristics,  Insistence on interpersonal relationship- Cafeteria example, Hawaii, cross pollination (video games, lunch)  Outlet to voice concern  Cultural homogeneity:

Book - Leadership:  Influence  Reward Power- 360 feedback, perks, stock options  Personal PowerExpert Power- Managers with experience making quick decisions  Rational persuasion- Data  Collaboration- how the three teams work together to make Adsense work  Style:  Facilitative:  Consultative :  Inspirational Appeal; When you hit them with core values, mission statement  Day to day behaviors: Initiation, consideration  Life cycle theory leadership: Selling: Kim working for her employees (consideration)  Transformational Leadership- inspiring others to commit to a shared vision and

becoming a role model (THIS IS THE MOST EFFECTIVE), when time comes think of googlely 


Intellectual simulation: get others to think differently and solve problems differently

Org Structure Org culture Decision Making People strategy  Internalization: they resonate with what is being said  PoliticsCollaboration: high assertiveness high cooperation- working together to

maximize outcomes Accommodating- low assertiveness, high cooperation- one party gives in

Negotiation  Integrative bargaining- using problem solving to allow both people to

get what they want

 Learning :       

 

Tacit Knowledge Positive reinforcement- perks/rewards Timing of reinforcement-Promotions Social Learning Theory- Look for ideas in database and if you find something you like, you can reach out the person Ratinoal Decision Making model- evaluate the pros and cons, best idea of the database, voting for consensus, Escalation of commitment- VP’s failure with million dollars- You can extrinsic or intrinsic motivation Engagement-95% of the people were happy, high levels of intensity and persistence in work effort  Expectancy theory: “President Award” : Motivational Force = Expectancy * ∑ (Instrumentality * Valence). Motivational force will be 0 if any of these is 0 Self- Efficacy: Verbual persuasion (for your ideas), past accomplishments (better at google) , Emotional Cue- Pride of working on something that will affect millions of people

Teams: Project Team- working on an idea Action Teams Virtual team- outside of cali Parallel team- engineering/Kim’s team working together Task interdepence- engineering is dependent on sales Reciprocal interdependence Goal Interdependence- shared vision Team diversity/value in diversity problem solving approach. Similarity attraction approach- Hire people only with A attitude- they won’t work well with others, Team process- coordination loss, Motivational loss- Promotion for people who do not have it. Social Loafing: opposite of Social Facilitation—group work will be better than the individual contribution

Brainstorming- Database Nominal Group Technique- 20% of the tiem you can come up with your own ideas Heirarchical sensitivity- the degree which the leader takes into account the

recommendations of others before making a decision

Competing values framework: CLAN-ADHOCRACY, HIERARCHY, Clan- Where google team -can’t get anything done alone -

Database example- where they can contribute ideas

Adhocracy: -

Where VP lost...

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