Group 2 SGS Anh Thu TH true milk PDF

Title Group 2 SGS Anh Thu TH true milk
Author Phuong Vuong
Course Consumer Psychology and Behavior
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University Vietnam
Pages 54
File Size 4.6 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 60
Total Views 153


####### MKTG 1421 - CONSUMER PSYCHOLOGY AND BEHAVIOR ####### SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION PROJECT **Lecturer: Nguyen Anh Thu  Group 1 - SEM B 2018 ** Vu Pham Nha Thu - S3712379   Ngo Tran Thuc Anh - S3695429  Tran Kha Doanh - S3730082  Diep The Huy - S3678710 ...


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Lecturer: Nguyen Anh Thu Group 1 - SEM B 2018 Vu Pham Nha Thu - S3712379 Ngo Tran Thuc Anh - S3695429 Tran Kha Doanh - S3730082 Diep The Huy - S3678710 Nguyen Hoang Viet - S3557731 Nguyen Cao Hoang Linh - S3634558  

Sustainable Consumption Project MKTG1421

Table of contents Executive summary


Introduction 1.1. Nature of the company

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1.2. Product 1.3. Competitors 1.4. Target market 1.5. Positioning map Stimulus for the company/the store/the product/the brand 2.1. Online advertising 2.2. Stimulus of brand/product 2.3. Events/contest

7 8 8 11 13 13 18 20

Internal Influences


3.1. Learning


3.1.1. Condition Learning 3.1.2. Cognitive Learning 3.2. Motivation 3.3. The Components of Customers’ Attitude 3.3.1 Cognitive Components 3.3.3 Behavioral Components 3.4 The attitude-change strategies: 3.4.1 The strategies of changing cognitive component: 3.4.2 The strategies of changing behavioral component: External Influences 4.1. Culture Influence 4.2. Demographic 4.3. Group Influence

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Reference list


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Executive summary TH true milk is a favorite milk brand, which is well known as the fresh milk with organic ingredients grown by themselves. Recently, TH true milk also launches the new product is TH true ice-cream so as to compete with others rivals such as Vinamilk, Dutch Lady, Nestle. Therefore, TH true milk is trying to shift itself to be the most quality fresh milk that provides the natural flavor and 100% organic, which is illustrated in the positioning map. TH true milk has implemented 3 chief stimulus which is online advertising, the stimulus of brand/product and event/contest. In the online advertising, TH true milk mainly focuses on the Facebook fan page, organize with prizes for the customer to get the promotion. Moreover, it also has the eco-friendly event to purchase empty boxes and bottles of milk for a canvas bag. In the stimulus of brand and product, TH true milk uses only 2 main color which is green and light blue to make the customer feel fresh and natural when they see TH true milk products and advertising. TH true milk has 2 main charity event, which is annually for students and kids over the country, they collaborate with schools to provide unprivileged students the most quality and comfortable study environment and lifestyle. Besides, the internal influences are starting with the learning stage. This stage will analyse the condition learning, both classical (TH true milk charity event and game show), operant conditioning (promotions “buy 8 get 1” and purchase empty boxes, bottles for a canvas bag), and cognitive learning including Iconic rote (the company slogan and theme color want the customer to remember the brand as the most natural of Vietnamese dairy). Furthermore, the motivation part is applying the McGuire theory to show how TH true milk gets into their customers’ awareness of the natural milk with organic ingredients. Cognitive, affective and behavioral components in the attitude part are used to how the brand image effect to customers’ consensus. In the last part of internal influence, the attitude-change strategies will be included as the supporting idea for TH true milk to reconsider their cognitive and behavioral component. Last but not least, the external influences is successfully applied by TH true milk. Specifically, they exploit Vietnamese culture influences (humor vs seriousness, adult vs child, problem-solving vs fatalism, status vs performance). At the same time, TH true milk main target customer is middle age people who are most parents and the consumer will be teenagers (12-18) and kids (5-12), the income will be the focus in the middle to high as the parents are willing to pay for the quality milk for their children. At the same time, the group influences are including primary groups


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(co-workers, friends, family members), secondary groups (colleagues, members of social groups), strategy - informational (social media group, Facebook fanpage), and strategy - word of mouth. Overall, utilizing the external influences, TH true milk has done well in targeting the right segmentation of customers and consumers, exploiting Vietnamese culture to set prices, perfect timing to release the new product collection, attractive advertising and also apply the effective strategy of group influences to increase their reputation. Finally, for the recommendation, TH true milk should apply the level 4 in Maslow’s theory to motivate more customers to purchase their milk items. On the other hand, they also need more special and unique strategy for their branding so as to impress their potential customers and outstanding in the dairy market of Vietnam.

1. Introduction 1.1. Nature of the company TH group was established in 2010 and is located in district Tan Binh, HCMC. TH true milk is an organization specializing in milk product in Vietnam such as fresh milk, yogurt, and ice-cream. With the slogan “ True Happiness” or “ Fresh Milk”, TH true milk create a phenomenon in Vietnamese customer and make the consumer trust them in the short time because TH group is the first company milk in Vietnam applies the most modern technology in milk industry that imported in foreign countries. On the other hand, TH group is the first brand milk in Vietnam breed a cow by themselves. Moreover, TH group has the fields of corn, sunflower seed, walnut to make the organic food for their cow (New.zing 2015). Control Union certificate TH true milk is the first organic milk brand company from Vietnam compliance all procedure of Europe Standard (Dantri 2017).


Sustainable Consumption Project MKTG1421

Overview of TH True milk farm in Nghia Dan (Nghe An)

 Inside the farm of TH True milk  


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            The overview inside of TH True milk's factory 

Applying the new modern method for cropping 


Sustainable Consumption Project MKTG1421

1.2. Product Although launched in 2010, TH true milk gets the trust of many Vietnamese customers. According to Brands Vietnam (2013), 85% customer after buying the products of TH true milk, they want to come back and become the loyal customer of TH in the future. Moreover, the product has been checked in the National Institute of Nutrition, announced good weight loss effect and suitable for Vietnamese ( Ven 2015). In July 2014, TH true Yogurt was launched for the children over 1 year old, with the two special from Denmark are TH.acidophilus and TH.paracasei (TH milk 2015). In the beginning of 2018, TH group continues to launch the new product is TH true ice-cream with the slogan” No food addictive”.


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1.3. Competitors Since the launch of TH true yogurt and TH true ice-cream, the company has confirmed its brand in the Vietnam market but TH true milk has many competitors in Vietnam’s market such as Vinamilk, Dutch Lady, Nutifood, Nestle or Milo. Hai maintains that Vinamilk continues to lead the fresh milk industry in Vietnam and Vinamilk occupied nearly about 50% market in Vietnam (2018). Dutch Lady and Nestle also followed with the increase in the market share and the consumer’s preference in Vietnam. Therefore, TH group has to expand the market value and improve their product in the future to catch up with Vinamilk, Dutch Lady or Nestle.

1.4. Target market   


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Sustainable Consumption Project MKTG1421

1.5. Positioning map Since price and quality are the main concern when the customer comes to buy a milk product, these attributes are used to determine the position of TH true milk in the milk category.


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             Regarding to the positioning map, TH true milk is positioning itself to be the top milk brand in the section of high quality with high price. Moreover, in 2018, the average price of TH true milk products (36.000 VND) is about 10.000 VND higher than Vinamilk - the main competitor ( 2018). TH true milk is certificated by Control Union as the first organic and fresh milk in Vietnam and its product also exported to Asian countries. Therefore, TH true milk is gradually changing itself into a premium milk brand for middle-class customers.

2. Stimulus for t he company/the store/the product/the brand 2.1. Online advertising Stimulus








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   Stimulus 2: Th True Milk Home page website (Accessed 5th September 2018)


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  Stimulus 3: Facebook fan page with minigames to get the promotion (Accessed 5th September 2018)              


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  Stimulus 4: PR articles reviewing TH true milk is the first milk brand using their own organic ingredients, raising the eco-friendly campaign and increasing their reputation with the certificate by World Food Moscow (Accessed 5th September 2018). 


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 Another PR articles reviewing TH true milk is a 100% Organic milk on


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  Stimulus 5: The promotion event of trending the TH milk box for the eco-friendly canvas bag is being held on the official Facebook fan page. Change Empty bottle, a box for a Canvas bag.                      


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2.2. Stimulus of brand/product Stimulus 6: Outlets of TH true mart (Accessed 5th September 2018)

 TH True Mart store design.

 TH True Mart store design.


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  Stimulus 7: Product Packaging of TH true milk is easy recognized by using the bright tone of blue and white as the main color which is represented by the sky (Accessed 5th September 2018)


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2.3. Events/contest Stimulus 8 : The charity program “Sua hoc duong - Vi tam voc Viet” “Sua hoc duong - Vi tam vo Viet" is organized annually since 2016 for unprivileged children at schools nationally. The charity program is first to run in 17/19 urban districts of Nghe An province and successfully in helping thousands of unprivileged children.      


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 Website of the charity program “Sua hoc duong - Vi tam voc Viet" 

 Hoa Son Elementary School teacher (Do Luong, Nghe An) gives milk to students under






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 Unprivileged children drink milk at school Stimulus 9: Gameshow “Chinh phuc - Vietnam Brainiest Kid” is an annually game show for the teenager from 11-14 years old, sponsored by TH True Milk. ()


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 “Vietnam Brainiest Kid” homepage website


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3. Internal Influences 3.1. Learning 3.1.1. Condition Learning Classical conditioning Classical conditioning theory involves learning a new behavior via the process of association between two existing stimuli (Pavlov 2010). Firstly, a charity program called “Sua hoc duong - Vi tam voc Viet” was created by the Vietnamese government in 2016 (Stimulus 8). The main purpose of this program is to improve the nutritious status and the stature of Vietnamese people, especially the next generations. As a dairy company, the TH group is one of the core sponsors of that charity program in order to make sure the customers would concern more on the importance of milk and dairy products. Moreover, the TH company is also sponsoring the television game show “Chinh phuc - Vietnam Brainiest Kid” (Stimulus 9). By involving in these events, the TH company wants to announce that this brand could solve the issue of increasing the stature of the Vietnamese young generations. Operant conditioning Regarding the operant conditioning, TH is doing various kinds of advertising on both offline and online platforms. For traditional advertisements, there is a promotion campaign of “Buy 8 Get 1” for TH true yogurt (Stimulus 3). The TH true yogurt would be very supportive in increasing the anti-bacteria system of the consumers and very tasty with the 100% natural flavors of blueberry and vanilla. Moreover, the customers could try the yogurt out in the supermarkets every weekend. For digital marketing, True Happiness is operating a promoting event on the official Facebook fan page. The event is about recycling the used TH milk box and getting a pretty canvas bag in return (Stimulus 5). The company is calling the customers in


Sustainable Consumption Project MKTG1421

protecting the environment together. By applying the operant conditioning learning, TH true milk is trying to help the customers to be more eco-friendly and more sustainable in the way of consuming products.

3.1.2. Cognitive Learning Iconic rote learning The iconic rote learning is the memorization process about the association between two or more concepts in the absence of conditioning (Carmen 2008). Normally, this learning method occurs in the low-involvement products through repeated advertising. As the dairy company, the TH Company is mainly using the iconic rote learning for the advertisements. To elaborate, the company name of TH stands for True Happiness because the founders want the Vietnamese people to feel happy by providing the best source of natural milk. Moreover, the company slogan is “Truly Natural”, which means every dairy product like milk, yogurt or ice cream is 100% organic and directly selected from nature. The company would like to make the customers to remember the brand as the most natural brand in the Vietnamese dairy industry. Overall Evaluation: It is very important for the eco-friendly organization like True Happiness company to implement the part of Learning. This venture has chosen the accurate types of Learning so as to come up with the best strategy for delivery the key messages to the customers in the form of advertisements. 

3.2. Motivation McGuire theory As a highly reputable brand in term of milk item, TH True Milk applied the consistency motive w  hich helps the brand get into consumers’ awareness of the natural milk. The design team chooses the blue, green and white as a decisive color so as the eco-friendly characteristic is remarkable in the eyes of consumers.


Sustainable Consumption Project MKTG1421

         In order to help buyers be clear with those TH True Milk products, the brand categorizes its products into many different groups such as fresh milk, healthy beverage, ice cream and butter based on the categorization motive. A  s a customer, TH True Milk is grouped in a high-quality milk brand due to the original and healthy ingredient including in milk. In each group of items, the brand decides one specific color to attach it in the customers’ subconscious.       


Sustainable Consumption Project MKTG1421

        


Sustainable Consumption Project MKTG1421

                    As well as the main purpose of making a sign for customers within a big store, TH True Milk using cues motive in form of designing a basic but still catching brand logo. It is also colored in blue to make buyers feel fresh and natural, which gives a cue of the desired image for the eco-friendly milk brand. The brand logo has to be consistent with the company image so as to represent the back-look on the product when they are purchasing.    


Sustainable Consumption Project MKTG1421

 Regarding consumers, they always need a innovation in the product that they will be loyal to the brand for long-term effect. Understanding clearly that insight of customers, TH True Milk takes advantage of novelty motive to make a brand extension which expands the product line, provides more types of milk in different benefits. Due to the customers’ insight of being afraid of making an incorrect purchase, they base on self-expression motive to choose and rely on the reputable brand to maintain the need of ego-defense. TH True Milk wants to position itself in a high marketplace, the company puts more effort to build a brand image that wins the highest place in Vietnam market in term of milk product. It also exemplifies as a well-known ...

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